Newswire » Your Say! » Weekly Planning List 11/23 (13/03/2023-17/03/2023)

Weekly Planning List 11/23 (13/03/2023-17/03/2023)

Weekly Planning List 11/23 (13/03/2023-17/03/2023)

All applications received will be considered by the Planning Authority to determine their validity in accordance with Planning and Development Regulations 2001. Any application pending validation listed hereunder, and subsequently declared to be invalid, will be detailed in the DECISIONS SECTION of the Weekly List in a subsequent publication.

Area 2
Large Scale Residential Development
Stage 3
Associated documents available to view on website
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number LRD6031/23-S3
Application Type Large Residential Development – 3
Applicant TSAF 3 Mill Street Limited Partnership
Location Brewers Close, Mill Street, Dublin 8
Registration Date 14/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION PERMISSION is sought to retain plan infrastructure and associated maintenance access ladders constructed on the roof level (primarily at Block C) of the completed and occupied student accommodation and Build-To-Rent Residential Development (Strategic Housing Development) permitted under An Bord Pleanala Ref. ABP-303436-19, as amended under ABP-305483-19. Existing plant and structures proposed to be retained at the roof level of Block C include the following:
A 24.5 sqm packaged plantroom enclosed by steel panelling with a height of 2.7m above roof parapet level, together with adjoining external heat pump enclosed by acoustic louvers with a height of 2.8m above parapet level. Associated elements immediately surrounding these structures include 2 no. steel step overs and a 1.1m high steel railing along the roof parapet to the south of the heat pump enclosure.
A 13.25 sqm cold water storage tank and an associated booster pump set (set within a stainless steel enclosure). The storage tank sits on a 1.2m high raised steel platform, with the top of the tank being approximately 3.4m above the roof parapet height.
A roof ladder is provided on the eastern elevation of the tank for access and maintenance purposes,
2 no. hooped ladders providing maintenance access from the roof level of Block C to Blocks B and D respectively. In addition, it is proposed to retain 1 no. additional fixed ladder that provides maintenance access between Blocks A and B.

Area 2
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3362/23
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Carechoice (Parnell Road) Ltd
Location Mennis House, Parnell Road, Dublin 12
Registration Date 13/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION PERMISSION for amendments to previously granted planning permission Ref. No. 3705/19 which consists of : a setback of the front boundary wall by approx. 9m from the position as per granted permission. Set back results in a loss of 4 no. parking spaces,omission of further 4no. parking spaces adjacent to service area to allow for external escape route to comply with fire safety certificate,relocation of 1 no disable parking space from surface parking to basement parking for compliance with conditions of disability access certificate (BCMS Reference: DAC2105168DC) and as a result relocation of 2no. parking spaces from the basement to the surface parking in proximity of the main entrance,reduction in overall parking provision from 62no as per granted planning permission 3705/19 to 54 no. as proposed, external totem sign located in the public realm area created by front boundary set back,building signage located in the top right corner of the front facade of the nursing home.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3370/23
Application Type Permission
Applicant Health Service Executive, Vincent Brennan, Chief Assistant Technical Services Of
Location Blackthorn Unit, Cherry Orchard Hospital Campus,
Ballyfermot Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Registration Date 14/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: PERMISSION: To amend part of previously approved reg ref (5145/22) previously described as single-storey detached temporary accommodation unit to southeast of site of 200.39m2 to relocate Training & Education Services at Blackthorn Unit. Permission is now sought to provide for a permanent structure of similar layout and associated works in perpetuity.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3400/23
Application Type Permission
Applicant Lullymore Ventures Ltd.
Location 69D, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8
Registration Date 16/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: The site is situated to the south and west of White Swan Business Centre, to the south east of properties on Elford Terrace and to the north and east of existing residential properties and back land sites on /accessed from Donore Avenue. The proposed development consists of the construction of a part two to part six storey residential and commercial development comprising 2 commercial units, with a gross floor area (GFA) of 256.4 sq.m and 247 sq.m (for Class 1- Shop or Class 2-Office / Professional Services or Class 8- Medical Centre or Class 11 – Gym or Restaurant/Café, including ancillary takeaway use), at ground floor level and 68 no. apartments from ground to fifth floor level. The 68 no. apartments comprise of 2 no. studio units, 32 no. 1 bed units, 31no. 2 bed units and 3 no. 3 bed units. Balconies and private terraces are provided for all apartments (to the north-eastern, north-western, south- eastern and south-western elevations of the proposed building). The proposal includes external communal open space areas and terraces at ground and fourth floor level. The proposal includes 23 no. car parking spaces, 106 no. residential bicycle spaces, 12 no. commercial bicycle spaces, 36 no. visitor bicycle spaces and 1 no. motorcycle parking space at surface level. Plant rooms, a water storage area, a bin store, and an ESB substation are proposed at ground floor level. The proposal includes vehicular and pedestrian / cyclist access from Donore Avenue, associated improvements to Donore Avenue (which includes alterations to the existing footpaths,which are external to the planning application site boundary and subject to agreement with the Planning Authority), connections to foul and surface water drainage, signage zones, hard and soft landscaping, and all associated and ancillary works.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 5311/22
Application Type Permission
Applicant CNP (Chartered Surveyors Ireland) Limited
Location Block 7, Parkwest Business Campus, Parkwest, Dublin 12
Registration Date 14/03/2023
Additional Information Additional Information Received
Proposal: The development will consist of the change of use of the ground, first and second floors from class 3 office use to class 8 for use as a health centre / clinic along with all associated works.
Area 2
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3375/23
Application Type Permission
Applicant Alan and Niamh Clear
Location 63, Tyrconnell Park, Inchicore, Dublin 8, D08NHR4
Registration Date 14/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: PERMISSION: For works consisting of alterations to the existing vehicular entrance. Vehicular entrance to be adjusted to ensure it is entirely within the curtilage of No. 63 Tyrconnell Park, the width to be increased to 3.5M wide, new entrance piers and all associated alterations, siteworks and ancillary works.

Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1217/23
Application Type Permission
Applicant Jennifer Hynes
Location 238, Mourne Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 D12 P26P
Registration Date 14/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey extension to the rear of dwelling and the construction of a two storey and single storey extension to the rear of dwelling, the construction of a front porch and alterations to existing ground floor and first floor layout, all associated site works.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1224/23
Application Type Permission
Applicant Avril Murray and Paul White
Location 32, Greenville Terrace, Dublin 8 D08 Y7W8
Registration Date 15/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: Proposed alterations to previously approved planning permission ref. WEB1339/21. The proposed alterations are as follows: 1. Depth of ground floor extension proposed to be reduced by 800mm, 2. Depth of first floor extension proposed to be increased by 500mm, 3. Proposed new window to new bathroom to side wall of first floor extension (window to be top hung and to have obscured glass) 4.Height of window ground floor rear increased by 250mm, 5. Height of window first floor rear increased by 250mm.

Area 2
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3052/23
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13/03/2023
Applicant Thomas Igoe
Location 54 John Street South, The Liberties, Dublin 8, D08
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for removal of existing gable end and rear extensions and the construction of a two storey extension to gable end of house & single storey extension to rear of house also all associated site works.

Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3054/23
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13/03/2023
Applicant Thomas Corcoran
Location The Former Builders Suppliers Yard Site at the Ranch,
Liffey Street South, Inchicore, Dublin 10
Additional Information
Proposal: The development is to consist of the demolition of all existing single storey structures on site and the construction of a six-storey apartment block comprising a total of 13 apartments [12 no. two-bedroom and 1 no. three-bedroom] with associated areas of balcony and roof terrace, and 3 no. three-storey townhouses [2 no. three-bedroom and 1 no. two-bedroom] together with associated off-street car parking, landscaping and new boundary treatments.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3060/23
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 14/03/2023
Applicant O’Flynn Construction Co. Unlimited Company
Location Nissan Site (2.82 ha), to the east of Walkinstown
Avenue at the junction of Walkinstown Avenue and Naas
Road, Dublin 12
Additional Information
Proposal: The development will consist of amendment to a previously permitted (Reg. Ref. 3228/20) mixed-use development comprising part Build to Rent development. The proposed amendments consist of the following:
I. Removal of ‘North Basement’ (under blocks F, G, H1, and K) and reduction in gross floor area (GFA) of ‘South Basement’ (under blocks H2, I, J, and L) from 12,426.37 sq.m to 5,032.465 sq.m with the effect of :
(a) a reduction in car parking from 251 spaces to 135 spaces;
(b) an increase in motorcycle parking from 19 spaces to 20 spaces;
(c) relocation of plant rooms, water tanks and bin stores
II. Block F : ground floor reconfiguration to provide plant/services room in place of 1 no. 3-bedroom unit
III. Block G: ground floor reconfiguration to provide plant/services room in place of 2 no. 3-bedroom units
IV. Block H1: ground floor reconfiguration to provide plant/services from in place of 1 no. 2-bedroom unit
V. Block H2: ground floor reconfiguration to provide plant/services room in place of 1 no. 1-bedroom unit
VI. Block I: ground floor reconfiguration to provide plant/services room in place of 1 no. 2-bedroom unit
VII. Block J:
(a) ground floor reconfiguration to provide plant/services room and 4 no. 2-bedroom units in place of 2 no. 3 bedroom units;
(b) at levels 01 to 06, reconfiguration to provide for 2 no. 1-bedroom units in place of 1 no. 3 bedroom unit
VIII. Block K: ground floor reconfiguration to provide plant/services room, 1 no. 1-bedroom unit in place of 1 no. 3-bedroom unit and omission of 1 no. 1-bedroom unit and 1 no. 2-bedroom unit

IX. Block L (Build to Rent): ground floor reconfiguration to provide plant/services room in place of bin store
X. Provision of 3 no. external water tanks including:
(a) water tank and brick enclosure situated to the east of Block H1 (50 sq.m) with dimensions of 16m (L) x 3.13m (W) x 3.5m (H)
(b) water tank and brick enclosure situated to the south of Block H2 and east of block I (75 sq.m) with dimensions of 13m (L) x 5.77m (W) x 3.5m (H)
(c) water tank and brick enclosure situation to the east of Block L (70 sq.m) with dimensions of 14.5m (L) x 4.83 (W) x 3.5m (H)
XI. Provision of bin store (45.5 sq.m) to serve Block L situation to the north of Block L and south of block K
XII. Communal open space for blocks F, G, H1, H2, I, J, K and L (which remains greater than the required quantum) has been reduced to a cumulative total of 8,611 sq.m (from 8,806 sq.m originally) to facilitate to provision of 3 no. external water tanks.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3063/23
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 15/03/2023
Applicant Eoin Doolan & Shauna Flanagan
Location 71 Ring Street, Dublin 8, D08 E5WR
Additional Information
Proposal: The development will consist of :
(a) the demolition of the existing extensions to the rear of the property containing the kitchen, utility and bathroom;
(b) construction of a two-storey extension to the rear consisting of a single storey element containing kitchen/dining, utility and bathroom with the two storey element containing an en-suite connected to the main bedroom on the first floor and all other associated site works.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3084/23
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 16/03/2023
Applicant DFCD Retail Ltd.
Location Ground Floor of Canon House,Clancy Quay, located
within the curtilage of the Protected Structures,
referred to within the former Clancy Barracks off the
South Circular Road, Islandbridge, Dublin 8
Additional Information
Proposal: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: PERMISSION: The development will consist of the part change of use of the existing ground floor retail unit for the preparation and consumption of hot and cold foods and drinks on (part restaurant use) and off the premises, the use of parts of immediate external areas to the west and south of the existing unit for customer seating and tables to facilitate such consumption and, the installation of non- illuminated signage including vinyl images to the existing glazing.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3321/23
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 15/03/2023
Applicant Cristian Trofin
Location 53 Kylemore Avenue, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for first floor utility room (6.1 sq. m.) over existing ground floor extension to rear.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 5324/22
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 16/03/2023
Applicant Orbitiz Ltd.
Location 54, Nash Street, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Additional Information Additional Information Received
Proposal: The development will consist of the following: i) demolition of non-original rear (single-storey) and side (two-storey) extensions and 2 no. single-storey ancillary shed buildings; (ii) construction of new two-storey extension to the rear of No. 54 Nash Street; (iii) construction of 3 no. two-storey, three-bedroom terraced dwellings each served by private amenity space to the rear and served by a shared bicycle parking and bin store area to the front, the proposed dwellings will be situated to the immediate west of No. 54 and will be accessed via Nash Street; and (iv) all associated works, including boundary treatments, landscaping, infrastructure, SuDS and drainage necessary to facilitate the development.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 5345/22
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 14/03/2023
Applicant JCDecaux Ireland Limited
Location On the grass verge to front of 8A St. Mary’s Road on
the Southern side of Drimnagh Road, adjacent to the
junction of Crumlin Road, Kildare Road & St. Mary’s
Road, Dublin 12
Additional Information Additional Information Received
Proposal: The development will consist of the replacement of the existing scrolling internally illuminated double sided ‘Metropole’ advertising display case with a double sided digital advertising display case and associated works.

Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1024/23
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13/03/2023
Applicant Ian Miller & Annette Clancy
Location 5, Murray’s Cottages, Sarsfield Road, Dublin 10 D10
Additional Information
Proposal: The construction of a single storey living room extension to the rear, internal alterations to the layout of the existing dwelling, alterations to the existing rear wall including the relocation of the existing pedestrian entrance and increasing the height of the rear wall, and associated site works
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1032/23
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 15/03/2023
Applicant Margaret Kennedy
Location 13, Dromard Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION: The development to be retained consists of the construction of raising two rendered block walls to a height of 1847mm and length of 1847, both to the front of the property; one of which is a boundary wall and one of which is within the curtilage of the property. Retention permission is also sought for the amalgamation of the pedestrian and vehicular openings into a vehicular entrance of 3395mm wide.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1034/23
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 16/03/2023
Applicant Peter Monahan
Location Frankfort Lodge, 70 Inchicore Road, Dublin 8 A85
Additional Information
Proposal: The partial demolition of the rear existing two storey 58sqm structure, the construction of a new two storey 106sqm extension to the rear, two new windows to the western elevation of the existing dwelling, internal alterations to the existing house, temporary widening of the existing vehicular entrance to aide in facilitating construction during the works, and all associated site works at Frankfort Lodge, 70 Inchicore Road, Dublin 8.

Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1196/23
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 14/03/2023
Applicant Avril Murray and Paul White
Location 32, Greenville Terrace, Dublin 8 D08 Y7W8
Additional Information
Proposal: Proposed alterations to previously approved planning permission ref. WEB1339/21.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1217/23
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 15/03/2023
Applicant Jennifer Hynes
Location 238, Mourne Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 D12 P26P
Additional Information
Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey extension to the rear of dwelling and the construction of a two storey and single storey extension to the rear of dwelling, the construction of a front porch and alterations to existing ground floor and first floor layout, all associated site works.

Area 2
Appeals Notified

Area 2
Appeals Decided
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2046/21
Appeal Decision Date 16/03/2023
Applicant Creedon Group Ltd
Location 10-12 Newmarket and No. 32 Mill Street, Dublin 8
Additional Information Additional Information Received
Proposal: The proposed development comprises the demolition of all existing buildings on site and the construction of a new building that ranges in height between 5 and 7 storeys above basement level onto Newmarket (to the north), and between 2 to 9 storeys onto Mill Street (to the south), with a total gross floor area (GFA) of 4,413 sqm (excluding the basement of 222 sqm GFA). Two retail units are proposed at ground floor level fronting Newmarket and Mill Street, with approximate floor areas of 173 sqm and 153 sqm respectively. The building is arranged around a central courtyard with the retail units backing onto the central courtyard that is proposed to be used for occasional market events in conjunction with retail units that open onto space. A total of 33 no. residential apartments (comprising 6 no. 1 bedroom units; 25 no. 2 bedroom units; and 2 no. 3 bedroom units) are provided on the upper floors of the building. Ancillary communal residential amenity spaces are situated at ground floor level adjoining the courtyard and at mezzanine level above the Mill Street retail unit, which also includes a management office. The setbacks to the building at upper levels provide roof terraces and balconies to serve the residential units. A total of 7 no. roof terraces/balconies are proposed at levels 2, 3 and 4, comprising 4 no. south facing, 2 no. west facing, and 1 no. north facing terraces/balconies. A total of 6 no. balconies are proposed at level 5, comprising 2 no. south facing, 1 no. south-east facing, 2 no. west facing, and 1 no. north facing balconies. At level 6, a total of 5 no. balconies (comprising 2 no. south facing, 2 no. west facing, and 1 no. north facing balconies) and 3 no. roof terraces (comprising 2 no. north facing and 1 no. south facing terraces) are provided. Two communal roof terraces of approximately 175 sqm are provided at level 7 facing north and west. In addition, 2 no. balconies (1 no. north facing and 1 no. south facing), and 2 no. roof terraces (1 no. west facing and 1 no. north facing), are also provided at level 7. A west facing terrace and north facing balcony are provided at level 8. An ESB sub-station and switch room (36 sqm) is provided at ground floor level at the southern end of the building, fronting Mill Street. A basement level is provided at the northern end of the building, below the Newmarket retail unit, to provide bicycle storage (81 no. bicycle parking spaces), along with waste/bin store and plant room.

Dublin City Council




Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 0093/23
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Applicant Sharon Chatterton and Ross Melbourne
Location Site to rear of 14, Inchicore Terrace North,
Inchicore, Dublin 8
Registration Date 15/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: SHEC: 1 no. 3 bed family dwelling and associated site and landscaping works.

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