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Weekly Dublin 8 Planning Updates – Week Starting 05/05/14



No huge developments this week, except a residential complex was denied permission beside Mount Argus Church.  In other planning related news, however, is the moving of the Thomas Street Welfare Office to Cork Street.  We will keep you posted as we find out more from the DCC and also a thanks to Thomas Street Community organisation for the heads up!





Area            Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 4775/08/x1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Applicant Paul McKenna
Location 61-62, Thomas Street, Dublin 8
Proposal EXT OF DURATION:The development consists of the demolition of the existing buildings on the site (semi-derelict) and the construction of a mixed use, six storey over basement building with set backs to the North, South and West elevations at the fifth and sixth storeys.  The front facade to Thomas Street will be four storeys high (14.2m high), with storey 5 & 6 (set back) 19.8m high over all. The building will comprise of a basement car park, (489sqm), accommodating 15no. x car parking spaces together with storage facilities & bicycle parking; a retail unit on the ground floor (402sqm) and five floors of office space over the ground floor, all of varying floor areas ranging from 394sqm (first floor) to 239sqm, (fifth floor).  The entrance to the basement car park is to be accessed from the south / rear of the site, using a car lift.  The floor area of the total development is 2,533sqm on a site measuring 494sqm.
Registration Date 01-May-2014





Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2601/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Pól Ó Súilleabháin and Yolanda de Castro
Location 102, Stannaway Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal 2 storey rear extension to the 2 storey mid terrace family dwelling, including internal alterations, rooflights, related site works and provision of a vehicular access gate and driveway from the front of the dwelling onto Stannaway Road. 
Registration Date 29-Apr-2014
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2610/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Edward Kilty
Location 58, Parkmore Drive, Terenure, Dublin 6w
Proposal Construction of a dormer extension to the roof at the side of existing semi-detached house containing a stair to the loft.
Registration Date 01-May-2014
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2616/09/x1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Applicant Rachael Chidlow & Paul Keogh
Location 47, St Albans Road, Dublin 8
Proposal EXT OF DURATION: The proposed alterations and extensions comprise; demolition of existing extensions to the rear; construction of new single storey extension (42sq.m) with flat roof and 4no. rooflights to the rear; construction of new garden/boundary walls to the rear; and sundry internal alterations and renovations.
Registration Date 29-Apr-2014
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1109/14
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Carol McDonald & Joseph Darcy
Location 136, Landen Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Proposal Retention planning permission for creation of front boundary vehicular access gate with adjustments to front/side boundary walls, plus single storey front extension with canopy, single storey rear kit/dining extension and rear dormer for converted attic
Registration Date 30-Apr-2014



LAWS:                                   ***NONE***


SAWS:                                    ***NONE***





Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 0100/14
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 02-May-2014
Applicant Claire Gillanders
Location 189, Sundrive Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal Demolition of existing single storey garage, new 1 bed 2 storey detached dwelling, new vehicular access to existing and proposed dwelling.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2006/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 01-May-2014
Applicant Stoneyford Property Developments Ltd
Location 58, Clanbrassil Street Lower, Dublin 8
Proposal For erection of 1no. 2-bed duplex apartment, 1 no. 1 bed apartment, retail unit at ground floor and storage at basement in four storey over basement terraced building with balconies to front and rear, and access to roof terrace together with solar panels to roof.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2312/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 28-Apr-2014
Applicant John O’Shea
Location 114, Kimmage Road West, Dublin 12
Proposal For a) Conversion of garage to utility room at ground floor, and b) provision of 2 no. bedrooms and bathroom at first floor level. 




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2313/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 29-Apr-2014
Applicant Gerard Salimger
Location 47, Lourdes Road, Maryland, Dublin 8
Proposal For demolition and replacement of existing sub standard single storey extension to rear and for erection of new first floor bedroom and bathroom extension to side over existing playroom together with internal alterations to house and all associated site and drainage works. 




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2321/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 29-Apr-2014
Applicant Mrs Evelyn Ashworth & Mrs Mary Rodgerson
Location 32, Priory Road, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6W
Proposal Permission for the provision of a new bay window to the front elevation and a new opaque window to the side elevation, the demolition of 2 existing single storey extensions to the rear of and the construction of a hip roofed two storey extension to the rear. 




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2326/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 02-May-2014
Applicant Kristina McElroy
Location 496, Galtymore Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12
Proposal A glass panel to be inserted to the side of existing front door to allow extra light into the hall; a slate and wood porch open canopy to be erected over the hall door. 




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2336/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 02-May-2014
Applicant Lidl Ireland GmbH
Location Lidl, 119-120 Thomas Street, Dublin 8
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE:RETENTION: Permission for retention of development of changes, and permission for development of additional changes, to existing shopfront facade including revised corporate signage at the existing Lidl Discount Foodstore at 119-120 Thomas Street, Dublin 8, a protected structure. 




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2341/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 02-May-2014
Applicant Mr Brendan Heneghan
Location 88, Parkmore Drive, Terenure, Dublin 6W
Proposal Modifications to existing 2 storey semi detached house which include the following: A). The construction of a new extension at first floor level over the existing flat roofed garage and B). The extension of the main existing hipped roof structure to incorporate the extension and C). The insertion of 1 no. rooflight window (velux or similar) to the existing rear pitch of the roof and D). The widening of the existing site entrance gateway by approx. 500mm and rebuilding of gate-pier. 




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3672/13
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 02-May-2014
Applicant Crocusglen Ltd.
Location 726 & rear of 730-734, South Circular Road, Dublin 8
Proposal The proposed development consists of the construction of 8 no. 3 & 4 bed houses, comprised of 1 no. 2 storey detached house, 2 no. 2 storey semi-detached houses & 5 no. 2-3 storey terraced houses. The proposed development also seeks permission for the demolition of the existing outbuildings on site and part of rear extension to No. 726 South Circular Road (floor area to be demolished is 34 sqm). The proposed development also includes for a new vehicular access entrance off South Circular Road, all associated site development works, bin storage, surface car parking and open space all on a site area of 0.201ha.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 5236/08/x1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Decision Date 29-Apr-2014
Applicant Douglas McCann & Siobhain O Driscoll
Location 8, Abercorn Square, CIE Works, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Proposal EXT OF DURATION:The development will consist of a two storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling house. Ground floor extension to consist of utility room, wc/shower room and family room. First floor extension to consist of bedroom and bathroom.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1045/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 02-May-2014
Applicant Maria & John Kennedy
Location Hildon, 51, Rathdown Park, Terenure, Dublin 6w
Proposal Modifications to previously approved application, ref no. WEB1189/13 as follows: First floor level extension with hipped roof over existing garage to eastern elevation, obscure window to bathroom to western elevation and dormer window in replacement of previously granted roof lights to the rear.






Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3792/13
Appeal Decision Date 29-Apr-2014
Applicant Vieira Limited
Location Former Mount Argus Monastery, Kimmage Road Lower, & Mount Argus Avenue, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6W
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The site is bounded generally by Mount Argus Church to the east, existing new monastery building (Reg. Ref. 3427/06) to the south, and existing residential development at Mount Argus Avenue to the west, Mount Argus Crescent to the north and north west, and Church Park Avenue to the North East. The proposed development generally comprises the change of use, alterations and extension of an existing former monastery and detached outbuilding (c.4,085sq.m gfa) to develop 42 residential units in total mix of 33 apartments within the existing monastery building and 9 houses located along the Northern and Eastern boundary of the site. The proposed development generally comprise: 6 no. semi-detached, 4 bedroom houses, along the Northern site boundary accessed from within the site and 2 no. semi-detached and 1 no. detached 4 bedroom houses located along the Eastern boundary accessed from Church Park Avenue, total 9 houses, all with associated front and rear gardens and off street car parking. All houses are two storey with bedroom and associated dormer window at attic level. The provision of 33 apartments within the existing Monastery building (a protected structure ref no 4342) comprises of: (a) Internal alterations and conversion of the Southern wing to include 3 no 2 bedroom with mezzanine study apartments and 1 no 1 bedroom with mezzanine study apartment, all located at ground floor level and 3 no bedroom duplex apartments and 1 no. 2 bedroom duplex apartment all located at first and second floor levels. (b) Internal alterations and conversion of the 1930’s Northern wing to include 1 no 2 bedroom apartment and 4 no 1 bedroom apartments all located at ground floor level and 1 no 3 bedroom duplex apartments and 5 no 2 bedroom duplex apartments all located at 1st and 2nd floor levels. New zinc clad dormer windows on the Northern and Southern roof pitches and some new openings in the facades at ground level. (c) Internal alterations and conversion of the Western Wing to include 3 no 2 bedroom apartments located at ground floor level and 3 no 2 bedroom apartments located at 1st floor level and 3 no 2 bedroom apartments 1 no 2 bedroom plus mezzanine living space apartment located at 2nd floor level. Conservation grade roof lights to roof and a new opening in the courtyard facade. (d) Internal alterations and conversion of the Eastern  wing to include 3 no 1 bedroom duplex apartments and 1 no 2 bedroom duplex apartment together with some new openings in the courtyard facade. (e) The preservation, restoration and minor alterations and refurbishment of all facades, the roof, windows, chimneys and existing bell tower; (f) modifications and alterations to the internal building layout including new raised floors levels with associated alterations to existing door openings, (g) partial demolition (c.98sq.m) and the preservation and restoration of the remaining detached outbuilding (c 76sqm) located to the northwest of the former monastery building, for use as Storage Bin storage, and covered bicycle parking for 30 bicycles. (h) demolition of existing boiler house (c 30sq.m) and the replacement of the lift and shaft (c 12sq.m) in the southwest corner of the existing courtyard with a new lift. All works to conservation architect’s details. Total gross floor area of new and existing buildings is c 6,658sq.m. All ancillary and associated site development works to include a new vehicular and pedestrian entrance from Mount Argus Avenue, 33 no surface car parking spaces; landscaping and associated site works and boundary treatments.





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