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Poets Corner: Son, Oh Son

Never Loose Hope

I have always loved you even when things weren’t good between us, I always made sure you were ok before I went to bed each night

I always made sure you had fresh and clean clothes on your back, and that you had a least four pairs of runners or shoes

I always gave you two big bouts of love, to make up for your absent father; I taught you what was right, and what was wrong

I was forever worrying when you went out at night, and I was worst when you never came home at all

I always bit my lip when you were in a bad mood and you were picking on me for an argument, I didn’t take your bait

I used to cherish the times when you were in a good mood, you made me laugh out loud and your broaden smile

But son what have you done, the police have been here and they are looking for you and one of them, was carrying a gun

They said you were seeing robbing a post office with some of the strays you call your mates, Oh son, I can’t make it alright

It would be best to hand yourself up they said they won’t give up, not after a post master has lost his life, oh son what have you done

I protected you the best I could even held down two jobs, so I could at least treat you, this is not my son

Oh Son, Oh sweet Son what have you gone and done!!!!!!!

Fountain News DigitalThis article was originally published in:
Fountain News Digital – July 2012 (Issue 9)

We are re-publishing all articles from our past newsletter, Fountain News Digital, and you can view all completed newsletters here. There were nine issues published in total between 2010 and 2012.

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  1. […] by Alan Finn: Alan Finn – The Hit Alan Finn – Son, Oh Son Alan Finn – Past Lives and […]

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