
March For Your Lives

On Saturday the 21st January 2017, a little past 2pm, I arrived outside Heuston Train station. It was one year ago on that day the Irish Citizens took to the streets of Dublin calling for the abolition of the water charges. There was a fairly decent turn out and a heavy Garda presence. I took my place... 

Saturday’s National Day of Protest

Saturday’s National Day of Protest Saturday 23rd January 2016 be a special date for me, indeed many others, who have fought the good fight against water charges over the past years. In Dublin City and other main urban centres, ordinary people took to the streets again voted on this highly controversial... 

Irish Water Protesters appear before Court

A total of 32 protesters made an appearance at the Dublin District Court on Monday afternoon. The defendants, who were been charged over three separate incidents relating to water charge and anti austerity protests, were met at the steps of the court house by a group of several hundred demonstrators. Speaking... 

Pay Rise for Senior Management at Irish Water

Pay Rise for Senior Management at Irish Water The Labour Relations CommiBack dated Pay rise for Senior Management at Irish Waterssion has announced that Senior Management in Irish Water will receive an annual pay rise of 1.5 percent to 3 percent.  Unions had brought the matter to the LRC last November... 

Is it Stalingrad for Irish Water?

Is it Stalingrad for Irish Water? – Dave Carr opines about how the Irish Government as unsuccessfully lobbied the majority for support There comes a time in any conflict, a Stalingrad or a Gettysburg when historians look back and say “that was the point it all ended”. Yes of course there were... 

Spy Saturday – The Water Protest and the State

Spy Saturday – The Water Protest and the State On Friday 28th of August, the people of Ireland woke up to a national paper headlines revealing “Garda Team Spying on Water Activities”. It’s been alleged that ordinary people and activists are been closely followed and their daily activities... 

The Results Are In, 43% Have Paid Irish Water

The Results Are In, 43% Have Paid Irish Water Despite criticism from the media, Irish Water have claimed that their payment rate of 43% as a “decent start”.  They are expected to collect about €271 million from domestic customers and €229 million from non-domestic customers this year.  The... 

Time Will Tell…

Time Will Tell… The country gathered at the nation’s capitol at either Huston or Connolly stations to march in protest against the now infamous water charges. The protest was arranged by the “Right to Water” campaign. The “Right to Water” campaigners argue that water charges is already... 

Going up in Smoke, Locals Burn Water Bills

Going up in Smoke, Locals Burn Water Bills You don’t have to saunter too far off the beaten course in the Dublin 8 to find out how strongly the local residents feel about Irish Water. “No water meters” signs adorn every second window down quite Rialto lanes, while installing water meters has been... 

Irish Water Spends €650,000 on Advertising

Irish Water Spends €650,000 on Advertising Irish Water is going to spend €650,000 on producing an advertising campaign persuading customers that clean water doesn’t simply fall from the sky. Rothco created the campaign and it will be advertised on television, the radio, the press, in the cinema... 

They Didn’t Read The Script…

They Didn’t Read The Script…. Dave Carr opines about last week’s early morning arrests and the media’s approach to Irish Water narrative   At one point during the week of November 9th, a sixteen year old was awoken early by the Gardai entering his bedroom.  He was then... 

Solidarity at Yesterday’s Water Charges Protest

Image credited Breakingnews.ie    In this article, our Reporter Gary Kelly Opines about the sense of purpose of yesterday’s march.  The Fountain Resource Group is in no way a political organisation, all opinions in the “Your Say” section are those of the authors themselves.     Solidarity... 

The Jobstown Fallout – Making a Splash

The Jobstown Fallout – Making a Splash David Carr opines about the recent media and government response to the water charge protests. Do you think their OTT or that Government is?   There’s been a lot of water under the fridge since the protest two week ago in Jobstown. There is no point in reprising... 

Water Water everywhere and not a drop for free

Water Water everywhere and not a drop for free (except for the stuff you have to boil)   Well here we go again, a new Tax for a New Ireland, does anyone remember the old Robin Hood movie with Earl Flynn as Robin and Basil Rathbone as the Sheriff of Nottingham? The Sheriff was constantly on the prowl... 
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