An Unusual Christmas
As we all know that Christmas is the biggest event of the year throughout the world. Christmas festivity brings family, friends and loved ones together. At Christmas time we see different events in all around the Dublin as like other parts of the country (Ireland).In Dublin we can see Xmas events, Xmas markets, Christmas fairs, decorated streets, buildings and shopping centres with different colourful lights. People decorate their houses with Christmas tree and colourful lights. They arrange different Christmas parties at their houses and at work places. They exchange the gifts and enjoying Christmas sale.
At Christmas time everyone feels excitement and looks happy. People make different attractive plan for charismas before the time. In Dublin town all brand are offering different plan to make people Christmas more lovely and memorable. If I start from work place so every work place you will get Christmas bonus or gift voucher for buying Christmas present.
Every store has variety of gifts packing for all age groups and gender. That thing is very helpful to choose a gift for anyone according to your price range. Restaurant, Hotel, cinema and saloon gift voucher also be very favourite and useful Christmas gift for anyone.
Generally people wait for the Christmas time for shopping, celebration and Christmas events. Every year families wait for wild lights at Dublin zoo and these lights really eye catching for visitors. People look forward for Christmas street markets for stall booking and for shopping. In schools, colleges and universities students do different plays related to Christmas and organize book fair for charity purpose. All super stores and other organizations collect donations for less privileged.
Long story short, everyone participate in Christmas celebrations.
Sadly, this year Christmas is completely different from all other Christmas of our life time. Due to covid 19 everything is changed. Christmas parties, events, fairs and shopping all are affected by pandemic. People are struggling financially and mentally. Most of the events could not be arranged. Some have been arranged with covid restrictions. But, I am very hopeful for 2021 Christmas. That would be a normal Christmas.