A Silver Lining
Be careful dear readers, of being turned off by people who mislead you; benefits can be lost.
Your correspondent discovered this after reading about an Indian bride who walked out of her wedding ceremony because her groom had misled her about his level of education. The story goes that just before their arranged wedding ceremony was about to begin, the bride, Lovely Singh learnt that her groom, Ram Baran was illiterate. This prompted her to seek Ram out and give him a simple maths test. She asked him what 15+6 equalled to? When he gave the reply of 17, she abandoned the ceremony in the village of Rasoolabad, Uttar Pradesh, northern India citing a false impression given about his level of education as her reason for desertion.
It is this correspondent belief that Ms Singh’s reaction was hasty and has cost her potential benefits.
Your Correspondent shall explain her loss through another story about somebody who also gave a false impression of his skills.
This story dates back to a few years ago in an old local of this Correspondent’s in Bermondsey, London. Your Correspondent had arranged to meet up with two fellow work colleagues there (worked with them in a boozer off Leicester Square) for a drink. Upon arrival at our local we observed a new barman. While chatting with him, he gave off a false impression of his experience as a barman by informing us this job was temporary, and he’d soon be taking over the management of a South London night-club (somewhere in Streatham, South London, I recalling him saying), and at the same time as telling us this, was repeatedly flipping a pint glass in the air to catch, and occasionally dropping it.
Observing this behaviour one of my work colleagues was prompted to test his bar experience. He asked the new barman how much a shot from that top shelf (pointing at a bottle of Hennessey XO) would cost. Not wanting to get it wrong, he said he wasn’t sure and would check it on the till. When he returned saying it was £2 a shot, my colleague smiled at him and ordered three doubles. (N.B a shot of that brandy costs £10 per shot as it was a £160 bottle; our barman had pressed the regular brandy button on the till).
Now returning to Ms Singh’s hasty desertion of her groom Ram Baran. On learning his true level of education, after verifying it with the simple maths test, she could alternatively have smiled at him, gave him a kiss on the cheek and requested a small loan off him, say for example, 15,000 rupees (approx €220) for miscellaneous purposes, and then said she would need to hit him again the following day for 6,000 rupees (approx €90). But in case, he started to think he was marrying a money-grabbing-missus, she could allay his fears by informing him that at the end of the month, when she got paid, she would repay back the 17,000 rupees (approx €250) owed.