When sickness takes the one’s you love and you are in despair
And grief becomes a part of you and tears are all you share
Bring memories back into your mind of happier days gone by
And share these memories with those who lend their shoulder when you cry
For loved ones who have passed over are never far away
You’ll find they’ll watch over you on any given day
In time you’ll find they give you signs to tell you that they’re near
Their slightest touch when you are sad will dry away a tear
A softened blow upon your face like a breath before a kiss
Or a white feather blowing in the wind will show that they’re in bliss
For death is sometimes a release away from all our pain
And heaven is a bonus for the pressure’s we sustain
And as your loved ones are now free from all the pain they had
The last thing that they want to see is they left you feeling sad
So remember them for the happy days when you close your eyes at night
And in your dreams they’ll come to you and ensure you they’re alright
So celebrate those years gone by and embrace those happy days
And the rawness of the void they left will ease in many ways
And in time you’ll speak their name openly without choking up inside
And you’ll try to help to ease the pain of others who’s loved ones died
And strength of mind will be your forte when you see somebody sad
And you’ll relate to how you coped when you were feeling bad
And your love one in the spirit world will be so proud of you
For bringing kindness and compassion in all the things you do
By Tony Gorman
Lovely. Thank you. My Dad died this year. Your poem is lovely.
My deepest sympathy Jennifer
I understand the void left in your life at the loss of your dad.
I’m sure you have beautiful memories of him.
May I wish you a Happy Christmas filled with all those good memories.
xx Tony