What is Kinesiology?
In this article, Gillian describes the process Kinesology, a therapeutic approach that solves a number of mental health and physical issues.
Kinesiology is a holistic touch therapy that incorporates the Chinese acupuncture meridians, and energy balancing with Western muscle testing, anatomy and physiology.
Muscle Testing is used to detect imbalances in the body which may relate to stress, nutrition deficiencies or excesses, learning difficulties, pain, illness etc. Kinesiology restores balance in the body by releasing energy blockages, eliminating chemicals, reducing stress and enhancing the body’s natural healing ability.
What happens during the treatment?
During the treatment the Kinesiologist will discuss your medical and lifestyle history.
You remain fully clothed while lying on the massage table. The Kinesiologist will ask you to place your limb in a specific position and you will be asked to hold it while pressure is exerted for 3 seconds and the pressures is then released. When the muscle is healthy, the limb remains stable under pressure and is considered balanced. When a limb gives way, it is an indication of an energy disturbance which needs correcting. An imbalance can be due to an emotional disturbance, a nutritional deficiency or food intolerance, or a structural problem. After completing the muscle test the Kinesiologist will devise a treatment plan tailored for your needs.
A treatment plan might consist of nutritional supplements, various emotional stress release techniques, Bach flower remedies, acupressure, gentle structural realignment, chakra balancing, massage therapy or suggested lifestyle changes. The exact treatment you receive depends on the feedback your body gives through the muscle test. The treatment plan is different for everyone, as everyone is unique.
The History of Kinesiology
Kinesiology was discovered in 1964 by American chiropractor, Dr George Goodheart. He discovered that by testing muscles and correcting the muscles of his clients, he was able to heal their ailments. He incorporated Chinese medicine and chiropractic techniques and he called this treatment Applied Kinesiology.
Physical imbalances
Muscles need a healthy flow of lymphatic fluid in order for them to work efficiently. The Kinesiologist massages the lymphatic reflexes that relate to a particular muscle to strengthen it. Muscles also require a healthy blood flow to help them to operate smoothly.
Chemical imbalances
Some of the food we eat, water we drink, and the air we breathe can be contaminated with chemicals and pollutants. A healthy diet is essential for our overall health and optimal energy levels. Kinesiology corrects chemical imbalances within the body.
Emotional/Mental imbalances
Stress can cause a multitude of health problems. Everyone experiences emotional stress in life. Kinesiology restores emotional balance by helping to identify where the emotions have come from. After identifying where the emotional distress has come from, the person is able to release the emotion.
Energy imbalances
Illness occurs when energy becomes imbalanced. Kinesiology tunes into where the body is out of balance and corrects it.
Benefits of Kinesiology
Fears and phobias
Improved concentration
Learning difficulties
Nutritional deficiencies and excesses
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Weight control
Improved posture
Injury and trauma
Skin problems