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Weekly Planning Lists


Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2007

(a)  Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.

(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Article 32, Planning & Development Regulations 2001 –2007

(a)  In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”


(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Planning Information Sessions

Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.


The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.


All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.


Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.


Area Contact Number
Meeting Location
Central Area

South Central Area

South East Area

North West Area

North Central Area






222 8870

Sean McDermott Street

Crumlin Area Office

Contact Area Office for location

Finglas Area Office

Bunratty Area Office





Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3531/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Botany Weaving Mill Ltd.
Location Vauxhall Avenue, Cork Street, Dublin 8
Proposal Renovation and modification to South East elevation fronting onto Cork Street and all associated site development works. To include for re-pointing and repair of brickwork to front facade and two external signages with letters c. 1.89 sq.m (0.35 x 5.40 m) & 0.38 sq.m (0.35 x 1.10 m).
Registration Date 15-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3553/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Diageo Ireland Limited
Location Diageo lands (St.James’s Gate), fronting Grand Canal Place, Dublin 8
Proposal 2 no. (non-illuminated) wayfinding signs (540 mm W x 540 mm H) for Guinness Storehouse to be attached to existing Diageo boundary walls and structures.
Registration Date 17-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3569/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant CIE
Location Southern Side of Con Colbert Road, Islandbridge, (Adjacent to St. Johns Road West), Dublin 8
Proposal Permission sought for the replacement of 2 no. existing 6.33m x 3.578m illuminated trivision advertising displays with 2 No 6.52m x 3.47m x 3.47m internally illuminated static advertising displays erected in a V formation.
Registration Date 19-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3570/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Junaid & Juwayriyah Nayyar
Location Units B & C , Pier 19, Usher’s Island, Dublin 8
Proposal The development will consist of: integration of unit B (53.31m.sq.) & unit C (36.37m.sq.) into one unit (combined floor area of 92.60m.sq.) and use of unit as a hot food take-away outlet incorporating the provision of a public seating & eating area (previously approved under reg. ref. 4724/07 & reg. ref. 4140/09).
Registration Date 19-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1325/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Mr. Eoin Foyle
Location 22, Cameron Square, Kilmainham, Dublin 8
Proposal The development will consist of the construction of one, three storey [two and a half storeys above street / entry level], end of terrace dwelling, at 22 Cameron Square, Kilmainham, Dublin 8. The development consists of the subdivision of the existing site, the closing in of 2 no. existing windows to the gable of no. 22, the removal of an existing external staircase from no. 22 to the site of the proposed dwelling, together with the demolition of existing sheds and garages, front garden area acccessed by sliding door, external terraces to the side and rear of the new dwelling, situated half a level above street level, associated ancillary works, including improvements to the boundary wall to the adjacent lane.
Registration Date 17-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1391/15
Application Type Permission
Applicant The Chocolate Factory Prop. Mngmt Co Ltd
Location Kilmainham Square/One Kilmainham Square, 34/38, Inchicore Road, Dublin 8
Proposal The development will consist of the erection of 3 No. pedestrian access gates and fences on the southern edge of the site facing Inchicore Road comprising. Gate 1, 3.0m high x 3.03m wide approximately, located between Building 1 Kilmainham Square and One Kilmainham Square, Gate 2, 3.0m high x 9.926m wide approximately, located between One Kilmainham Square and Building 3 Kilmainham Square, Gate 3, 3.0m high x 1.495m wide approximately, between the existing hotel building and wall to ramp located between the existing hotel building and Building 3 Kilmainham Square, and Gate 4, vehicular access gate and fence, 3.0m high x 12.926m wide approximately, located  between the existing bins stores at rear of hotel building  and the existing fence alongside the wall abutting the access laneway serving rear of  Nos 685 – 697 South Circular Road, facing the South Circular Road boundary.
Registration Date 15-Aug-2016
  Additional Information Received





Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3147/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Lorcan Kelly & Aisling O’Reilly
Location 1, Durrow Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal Planning permission sought for a new two storey extension to the side of the existing end of terrace dwelling, remove the existing extension to rear and construct a new single storey extension, new driveway and vehicular access with a section of footpath dished to the side and associate site works.
Registration Date 19-Aug-2016
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3540/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Elaine Dutton
Location 172, Curlew Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12
Proposal The development will consist of a proposed new 1st floor extension on top of the existing ground floor disabled extension at the rear of the existing house extending  4m from the rear of the existing house line and also a new gable wall to the side of the existing house keeping a small hipped roof the same angle as existing. The attic will be used for storage / office space only.
Registration Date 16-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3545/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Elizabeth Moore
Location 179, Downpatrick Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal The development will consist of the demolition and removal of the existing single storey kitchen extension to the rear of the existing property, and the construction of a new 2 storey extension to rear of existing property.
Registration Date 16-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3549/16
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Meimei Xie (Kelly)
Location 18, Meath Street, Dublin 8
Proposal RETENTION: Retention is sought  for 14 No. white PVC windows at First and Second Floor Level, 4 No. of which face East on to Meath Street, 8 No. which face South on to Earl Street South and 2 No. of which face West on to the existing yard of the above property.
Registration Date 16-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1329/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant JIM ROCHE
Location 19, Rutledge Terrace, Dublin 8
Proposal The construction of a new rear dormer at attic level and associated internal works
Registration Date 19-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1330/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Niamh Rodgers
Location 22, Donore Road, Dublin 8
Proposal The development will consist of demolition of existing single storey extension and shed to the rear. Construction of two storey extension to rear with single storey element to rear, dormer on roof to rear to facilitate attic conversion. Repair rear garden wall and all associated site works.
Registration Date 19-Aug-2016
















Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 0307/16
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 15-Aug-2016
Applicant Peter & Loretta Schmidt
Location 2-8, St. Laurence Road, Chapelizod, Dublin 20
Proposal SHEC: Formation of 2no. 1 bedroom apartments within existing roof space including balconies & dormer windows, associated site works & installation of bicycle rack.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3168/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 16-Aug-2016
Applicant Kenneth and Karen Jordan
Location 129, Downpatrick Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal The development will consist of demolition of existing garden side wall and construction of a 2 storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling with all associated siteworks and internal alterations.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3180/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 17-Aug-2016
Applicant Crestland Ltd
Location The KCR Industrial Estate, Kimmage, Dublin 12
Proposal Permission is sought for relocation of existing site vehicular access. Works to include removal and blocking up of existing vehicular access. Demolition of a single storey prefabricated office building and provision of new vehicular and pedestrian access to the western side of the existing Ravensdale Park Road boundary adjacent to the existing adjoining service laneway exit to provide for the rationalisation of the existing on site traffic flow.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3185/16
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 17-Aug-2016
Applicant Poundland Ltd
Location 126-128, Thomas Street, Dublin 8
Proposal RETENTION: Retention of: change of use of 540sq.m floor area from office to retail sales area (ground floor only), internal alterations (removal of internal walls) and alterations to front elevation including shop front , signage and associated works.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3196/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 18-Aug-2016
Applicant Johnny O’Loughlin
Location 14-16, St. Teresas’s Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12.
Proposal Planning permission is sought for the change of use from commercial to a residential, the demolition of the existing warehouse / garage plus ancillary offices, the subdivision of the site into two properties and the construction of two no. two-storey with attic space four-bedroom semi-detached houses with 4 no. roof lights each and 2 no. parking spaces each to the front driveway of the proposed dwellings, and all associated works including the provision of a dished kerb.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1325/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 19-Aug-2016
Applicant Mr. Eoin Foyle
Location 22, Cameron Square, Kilmainham, Dublin 8
Proposal The development will consist of the construction of one, three storey [two and a half storeys above street / entry level], end of terrace dwelling, at 22 Cameron Square, Kilmainham, Dublin 8. The development consists of the subdivision of the existing site, the closing in of 2 no. existing windows to the gable of no. 22, the removal of an existing external staircase from no. 22 to the site of the proposed dwelling, together with the demolition of existing sheds and garages, front garden area acccessed by sliding door, external terraces to the side and rear of the new dwelling, situated half a level above street level, associated ancillary works, including improvements to the boundary wall to the adjacent lane.











Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2223/16
Appeal Decision Date 18-Aug-2016
Applicant Lean Pharmacy Limited
Location Former Health Centre site, Ballyfermot Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Proposal The proposal comprises:

(i) Change of use of an existing building (former child psychology unit) to medical centre (154 sq.m with 3 no. consulting rooms) and pharmacy (69 sq.m);

(ii) Internal and external alterations to the building including refurbishment of the front/ southern facade to provide two separate shop fronts with new windows, doors and stall risers;

(iii) fascia level signage boards to front/ south elevation;

(iv) provision of 7 no. on-site car parking spaces with vehicular access to be provided from existing access points on Ballyfermot Road (entry only) and Drumfinn Road (alterations to vehicular entrances, internal circulation and car parking to be delivered in conjunction with development proposed under a concurrent planning application Reg.Ref. 3676/15;

(v) hard and soft landscaping SuDS drainage and all associated site works.







Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3676/15
Appeal Decision Date 18-Aug-2016
Applicant Lemford Ltd
Location Former Health Centre, Ballyfermot Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Proposal The development will consist of: (i) change of use to a mixed-use facility comprising retail (coffee shop and florist) and community / cultural / funeral services (Class 2) (ii) part demolition (71sq.m); (iii) construction of a single-storey flat roofed rear infill extension (296sq.m) with 6no. roof lights; (iv) internal and external alterations, including refurbishment of front facade, comprising a featured main entrance centred on the front elevation, own-door entrance to coffee shop, cut stone and timber shop front to coffee shop and florist; (v) fascia level signage boards to front and rear elevations; (vi) widening of 2no. existing vehicular entrances; (vii) provision of 22no. on-site car parking spaces (including 4no. disabled accessible spaces); (viii) hard and soft landscaping; (ix) SUDS drainage and all associated site works.







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