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Weekly Planning Lists


Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2007

(a)  Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.

(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Article 32, Planning & Development Regulations 2001 –2007

(a)  In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”


(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Planning Information Sessions

Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.


The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.


All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.


Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.


Area Contact Number
Meeting Location
Central Area

South Central Area

South East Area

North West Area

North Central Area






222 8870

Sean McDermott Street

Crumlin Area Office

Contact Area Office for location

Finglas Area Office

Bunratty Area Office





Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2882/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Joe Cully
Location 64A, St. Agnes Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal RETENTION: Permission is sought for the retention of the existing single storey pitched roofed statue barred Artist Studio to the rear with change of use to pilates / yoga. Permission is sought to demolish the existing toilet block and single storey rear extension and to extend to the rear on the ground floor the existing retail unit with a new shop front and entrance with disabled access ramp and to sub-divide the existing unit into two retail units, to change the use at first floor from office to residential, to provide a first floor flat roofed kitchen extension above the extended ground floor and to reconfigure the first floor to provide a two bed roomed apartment, to provide open space at first floor level above the extended ground floor with screen walls to provide privacy and edge protection and ancillary site works.
Registration Date 03-Aug-2016
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3040/11/X1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Applicant Gerard Smith
Location 138-140, Thomas Street, Dublin 8
Proposal EXT OF DURATION: Planning permission for the renovation of the existing building including:

(a) replacement of the front facade including the incorporation of approx. 4sqm of accommodation at street level into the building

(b) internal modifications throughout

(c) screening of plant equipment at roof level

(d) elevational modifications to rear and side facades

(e) associated site works and services.

Registration Date 05-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3040/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant The Board of St. James’s Hospital
Location St James’s Hospital, James’s Street, Dublin 8
Proposal The development will consist of the erection of a liquid oxygen compound for a temporary period of 5 years, comprised of a VIE (vacuum insulated evaporator) liquid oxygen primary tank (40,000 litres) of a 8.15m in height and back-up VIE liquid oxygen tank (3,000 litres) of 4.38m in height, vapourisers 5.7m in height), concrete plinth, hardstanding area, concrete ramp, and aluminium palisade fencing. Development also includes reconfiguration of existing security fencing, with all other site development works above and below ground required to facilitate the development.
Registration Date 05-Aug-2016
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3457/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Tomas Adomaitis
Location 5A, Rafters Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12
Proposal Permission sought for alterations to dwelling granted permission (reference no.3253/09) by providing pitched roof in lieu of flat roof together with internal alterations and larger entrance hall.
Registration Date 02-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3461/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Martin Creedon & William O’Shea, Creshea Ltd
Location Mill Street, Newmarket, Dublin 8
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for an amendment to previously approved Planning Permission of Mixed Use Regeneration Development at Mill Street, Newmarket, Dublin 8 – Dublin City Council Ref 3475/14 (An Bord Pleánala Ref. 29S.244805) – in respect of Mission Hall’s north elevational treatment, including minor alterations to roof, windows and doors and a proposed Change of Use of

A ) Block A ground floor retail unit to commercial offices, with proposed additional accommodation at new mezzanine level of (340 sq.m) and the rear of the ground floor of block A (20 sq.m) and proposed minor alterations to the facade at ground floor level and minor internal alterations and associated works close to a PROTECTED STRUCUTRE at No. 10 Mill Street, and

B) Block B retail unit to restaurant with proposed additional accommodation at new mezzanine floor level of (88sq.m) and proposed minor external alterations to the facade at ground floor level.

Registration Date 02-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3462/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Olive Cafe Ltd
Location Unit 3, Block F, Mellowes Quay, Ushers Street, Dublin 8
Proposal The development consists of a change of use from childcare facility (previously permitted under Planning Reg. Ref 4081/07) to office use.
Registration Date 02-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3484/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Myrsine Properties Ltd
Location 116, Thomas Street, Dublin 8
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development consists of a change of use at first floor level from use as a tailors workshop and storage to residential use comprising a 1 no. bedroom apartment together with modification of the existing 2no. bedroom apartment also at first floor level. Works include internal alterations comprising new stud partitions, new door openings within existing partitions, fire protection measures and services upgrade throughout the building.
Registration Date 05-Aug-2016



DOMESTIC:                ***NONE***


LAWS:                          ***NONE***


SAWS:                          ***NONE***






Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 0276/16
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 04-Aug-2016
Applicant Salamisso Developments Ltd
Location 27, Carman’s Hall, Dublin 8
Proposal SHEC: Six apartment, offices & 3 no. retail / café / medical consulting units at ground level.




Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 0282/16
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 04-Aug-2016
Applicant Keith Sheane
Location 1A, Adelaide Terrace, Kilmainham, Dublin 8
Proposal SHEC: Proposed office & one bedroom apartment.




Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 0283/16
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 04-Aug-2016
Applicant Patrick O’Flaherty
Location 1, Lough Conn Drive, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Proposal SHEC: Two no. new houses in side garden.






Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3063/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 02-Aug-2016
Applicant Davian Investments Ltd.
Location Block B, Brabazon Court, Cork Street, Dublin 8
Proposal Change of use of basement (276 sq.m) and ground floor (312.8 sq.m) from retail unit permitted under Reg.Ref. 4172/10 to gym studio with changing facilities and associated signage together with all ancillary site works.




Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3069/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 03-Aug-2016
Applicant Irish Residential Properties Reit plc
Location Tyrone Court, Thomas Davis Street West, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Proposal The development consists of the change of use of a permitted 3-storey crèche unit (Dublin City Council Reg.Ref. 4643/04) to 1 no. 1-bedroom apartment (59 sq.m) and associated terrace (9 sq.m) and a management suite at ground floor level (59 sq.m) and 2 no. 2-bedroom duplex units at first and second floor levels ( each with a floor area of 88.5 sq.m). The development also includes minor external alterations to the permitted south-eastern elevation at ground floor level, communal open space of 121 sq.m and all associated site works.




Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3071/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 03-Aug-2016
Applicant Municipal & Industrial Properties Ltd
Location Units, 3A & 3B, Kylemore Industrial Estate, Killeen Road, Dublin 10
Proposal Planning permission is being sought to consist of alterations to external elevational treatment at ground floor level and first floor level to include new cladding materials and colours at first floor level to the two storey building, vertical feature wall and all site and associated works.






Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3077/16
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 03-Aug-2016
Applicant Jeffrey Flynn
Location 29, Cleggan Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Proposal RETENTION: The development consists of the construction of a single-storey entrance porch to front of dwelling and construction of dormer extension to rear of existing attic space creating a study/ playroom.




Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3078/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 03-Aug-2016
Applicant Flair Salon Services Ltd.
Location Rear of 26-29, Old Kilmainham Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8
Proposal The development will comprise of:

– the demolition of an existing two-storey storage building (345 sq.m);

– the construction of a new 4-storey office and training centre building (776.5 sq.m) with associated toilets, internal circulation including shared stairway and lift and roof mounted solar panels;

– alterations to plans and elevations of the existing rear 2-storey hair academy building incorporating new fire exits located at the rear of the site; – connection to existing site services;

– alterations to site boundaries and ancillary site development works.

The new building will comprise as follows:

– 8 bicycle stands and external amenity space;

– 181 sq.m of entrance foyer, offices and training centre with associated signage at ground floor level incorporating a pedestrian link;

– 198.5 sq.m of offices and training centre at first floor level;

– 198.5 sq.m of offices and training centre to the second floor;

– 198.5 sq.m of offices and training centre at third floor level.

The proposed building is set back a minimum of 8m from the existing water edge to the Camac River edge along the north site boundary.





Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3085/16
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 03-Aug-2016
Applicant Patrick Barry & Catherine Jordan
Location 205, Sundrive Road, Dublin 12
Proposal RETENTION: To retain first floor bathroom and bedroom extension to rear of already approved partial first floor extension to rear (application ID 5473/06).




Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3092/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 04-Aug-2016
Applicant Diageo Ireland Limited
Location Diageo Lands including ‘The Malt Store’ building (protected structure) located on the south west corner of Market Street and Pim Street, Dublin 8 and gantry over Bellevue, Dublin 8
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: The removal of 1 no. sign (approx. 2,460mm W x 4,755mm) and it’ replacement with 1 no. new sign (approx. 1,200mm W x 2,700mm) on the north facade of the ‘Malt Store’ (a Protected Structure) located on the south west corner of Market Street and Pim Street, Dublin 8. The development also includes the removal of 2 no. signs on the west facade and 1 no. sign on the east facade and the painting on of new signage to existing corrugated metal finish to the east and west facades of existing gantry structure (at high level) over Bellevue, Dublin 8.




Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3102/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 05-Aug-2016
Applicant Patrick Kelly
Location 54, Monasterboice Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal Planning permission sought for a single storey disabled persons bedroom and bathroom extension to the side of the existing dwelling with tiled roof and external finishes to match existing, internal alterations and associate site works.




Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3103/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 05-Aug-2016
Applicant Paul Sweeney
Location Site to the Rear of 60-63, Meath Street, Dublin 8
Proposal The development will consist of the construction of 7 no. apartment units in a 3 to 4 storey detached building to the rear of existing commercial and residential building at 60-63 Meath Street with proposed access to the apartment development from Crosstick Alley, off Ash Street. The accommodation will consist of 7 no. 2 bed units. All apartments will have corner balconies. 18 no. cycle parking spaces will be provided at ground level and a roof terrace is also proposed.




Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3127/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 03-Aug-2016
Applicant Bryan Patten & Emer Butler
Location Apartment 38, 3rd Floor, Block B, Bellevue, Islandbridge, Dublin 8
Proposal Permission is sought by Bryan Patten & Emer Butler to carry out alterations to their existing apartment and conversion of its attic space to form 2no. additional bedrooms and replacement bathroom, with 3 no. roof lights on rear pitch; also 1 no. roof light in bathroom and 2 no. roof windows (part vertical)on front pitch to serve bedrooms, ‘to comply with paragraph 17.9.1 (Residential Quality Standards) of the Dublin City Development Plan 2011-2017’.




Area 2 – South Central

Application Number WEB1184/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 03-Aug-2016
Applicant Colum McKeown
Location 31, Greenville Avenue, South Circular Road, Dublin 8
Proposal The demolition of 22m2 garage at west and 8m2 single storey extension at North of existing end terrace house, construction of a 12m2 single storey extension to the West and 14m2 single storey extension to the North, to include a new entrance, bedroom and kitchen, alterations to the existing house to include a bin store to front, new fenestration and external insulation to all elevations.







Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 4179/15
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant EWR Investments Ltd
Location The Printworks, Brookfield Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8
Proposal The proposed development comprises a part 2, part 4 and part 6-storey building over lower ground floor level to provide 14 no. residential dwellings (comprising 12 x 3 bedroom, double stacked duplex residential units and 2 x 3 bedroom houses (with integrated car parking provision)) and c. 1,971 sq.m (GFA) of office accommodation. An ancillary roof terrace is proposed at first floor level to the rear (east) of the proposed office block and is enclosed by high level obscured glass balustrading. Ancillary roof terraces/balconies with glass balustrading are proposed at third floor level to the western elevation of the building serving the 6 no. duplex residential units at second and third floor level. Car parking in connection with the duplex units and the office accommodation are provided at lower ground level (22 No. car parking spaces) together with associated and ancillary bicycle and refuse storage areas. Vehicular access to the lower ground level is proposed at the northern end of the site off Brookfield Road. Communal landscaped open space and private gardens are provided to the rear of the proposed building at podium and ground floor levels.













Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 2122/16
Appeal Decision Date 03-Aug-2016
Applicant On Track Developments Ltd
Location 119, Drimnagh Road, Dublin 12
Proposal Permission for development of a 0.1386 Ha site approximately at No. 119 Drimnagh Road, Dublin 12. The development will consist of: the provision of a four storey mixed-use building (2,092 sq m) which will include 1 No. retail unit (345 sq m) at ground floor level and 14 No. residential units at the upper levels comprising 2 No. one bedroom apartments and 12 No. two bedroom apartments. The development will also include the provision of: balconies and terraces on all elevations; communal open spaces at ground, first, third and roof levels; 18 No. car parking spaces accessed via the laneway to the west; bicycle parking; bin storage facilities; signage; ancillary plant; hard and soft landscaping; bollards; and all associated site development and site excavation works above and below ground.



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