Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2007(a) Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused. (b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. |
Article 32, Planning & Development Regulations 2001 –2007(a) In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”
(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. |
Planning Information Sessions
Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.
The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.
All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.
Area | Contact Number |
Meeting Location |
Central Area
South Central Area South East Area North West Area North Central Area
2225200 2225127 2225727 222 8870 |
Sean McDermott Street
Crumlin Area Office Contact Area Office for location Finglas Area Office Bunratty Area Office |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3312/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Michael Moran, Seabren Developments Ltd |
Location | 11, Crumlin Village, Crumlin, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | Permission for the proposed construction of two new semi-detached single storey hipped roof with roof lights bungalow dwelling houses complete with alterations to existing front boundary wall to facilitate three proposed 3.5m wide front vehicular entrances (including one to existing dwelling No. 11) to include the lowering and splaying of footpaths and kerbs together with associated external landscaping and drainage works, all to existing site and side garden of No. 11 Crumlin Village. |
Registration Date | 12-Jul-2016 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3316/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Greenharts Properties Ltd |
Location | Brickfield Lane and Brown Street South, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for development at Brickfield Lane and Brown Street South, Dublin 8, abutting the curtilage boundary wall of a Protected Structure, Bru Caoimhin (RPS 2053). The development will consist of the demolition of former industrial buildings on the site and construction of a mixed-use development comprising a student accommodation facility, public café and science and technology incubators in a building ranging from 6-storeys plus set-back floor onto Brickfield Lane and 5-storeys plus set-back floor onto Brown Street South. The student accommodation shall provide 308 bed spaces within 41 house units, together with ancillary student accommodation facilities including reception area, gymnasium, communal areas, laundry room, bin storage area and associated signage. The science and technology hub shall consist of 26 no. units located at ground and first floor levels with ancillary facilities including reception, toilets and bin store. A publicly accessible café will be located at ground floor.
The development includes: Courtyard to the rear adjoining the western boundary, with balconies at first to sixth floor levels overlooking the courtyard; Standalone single storey gymnasium located on the courtyard; Street widening on Brickfield Lane with parallel parking bays; Bicycle parking shed; Roof level plant area; Electricity supply substation and all associated development works, landscaping and boundary treatments. |
Registration Date | 12-Jul-2016 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3320/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Paul & Michelle Long |
Location | 198 Le Fanu Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 |
Proposal | Permission is sought for:
1) Extension (circa 6m2) & modification to existing beauty treatment salon to front/side with new entrance door, 2) New Signage Zone for existing beauty treatment salon, to front & side Elevation, 3) New front porch areas to dwelling, 4) New extension at ground level to rear of dwelling, 5) New 1st floor extension to rear over existing ground floor extension, 6) New 1st floor extension to side over existing ground floor extension, 7) Conversion of existing and proposed attic area with new gable and roof to side, 8) New rear attic dormer extensions to attic conversion, with associated internal modifications to existing dwelling, and associated site works. |
Registration Date | 13-Jul-2016 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3322/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Diageo Ireland Ltd |
Location | Diageo Lands fronting Grand Canal Place, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The development will consist of: 2 no. (non-illuminated) wayfinding signs (540mm W x 540mm H) for Guinness Storehouse to be attached to existing Diageo boundary walls and structures. |
Registration Date | 13-Jul-2016 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3340/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Martin Creedon & William O’Shea, Creshea Ltd |
Location | Mill Street, Newmarket, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Amendment to previously approved Planning Permission of Mixed Use regeneration development at Mill Street, Newmarket, Dublin 8 – Dublin City Council ref 3475/14 (An Bord Pleánala Ref. 29S.244805), – in respect of Mission Hall’s north elevational treatment, including minor alterations to roof windows and doors and a proposed change of use of
A) Block A ground floor retail unit to commercial offices, with proposed additional accommodation at new mezzanine level of (340 sq.m) and the rear of the ground floor of Block A (20 sq.m) and proposed minor alterations to the facade at ground floor level and minor internal alterations and associated works close to a PROTECTED STRUCTURE at No. 10 Mill Street, and B) Block B retail unit to restaurant with proposed additional accommodation at new mezzanine floor level of (88 sq.m) and proposed minor external alterations to the facade at ground floor level. |
Registration Date | 14-Jul-2016 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1290/16 |
Application Type | Outline Permission |
Applicant | Christian Brothers School |
Location | Christian Brothers School, James’s Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the installation of a multi-use games area (MUGA) in artificial turf over an existing macadam playground. The development will comprise of a ball stop fencing system to encapsulate the MUGA. Floodlighting will be incorporated into the development to allow extended use of the facility in the evenings. |
Registration Date | 14-Jul-2016 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3310/16 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Applicant | Elizabeth Downey |
Location | 37, Kickham Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Retention Permission – widening of pedestrian access to create a vehicular access to front. |
Registration Date | 12-Jul-2016 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3335/16 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Applicant | Gerard Marshall |
Location | 123, Kilworth Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Planning permission sought by Gerard Marshall for the retention of a two storey flat roofed 66 square metre domestic extension with ancillary and enabling works to the rear of an existing dwelling at 123 Kilworth Road. |
Registration Date | 14-Jul-2016 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1282/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Peter Tansey |
Location | 21, Lauderdale Terrace, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The works will consist of the construction of a new bedroom and bathroom on the existing single storey extension to the rear of the house, along with a dormer window on the existing rear roof of the existing house.
Registration Date | 11-Jul-2016 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1288/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Patrick Slevin |
Location | 100, Captain’s Avenue, Crumlin, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | for single storey-extension to the front and a two-storey extension to the side. |
Registration Date | 14-Jul-2016 |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 0251/16 |
Application Type | Social Housing Exemption Certificate |
Decision | Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert |
Decision Date | 15-Jul-2016 |
Applicant | Jong Kim |
Location | Millrose House, Bluebell Avenue, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | SHEC: 1 no. detached 2-storey (3 bed dwelling) with vehicular entrance to Bluebell Avenue. Permission was granted on the site for demolition of existing dwelling, 2-storey studio and derelict outbuilding and construction of 8 no. terraced 2-storey (3 bed dwellings) with new vehicular entrance to Bluebell Avenue and associated site development works and landscaping under 2603/16. This development has not commenced. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 0255/16 |
Application Type | Social Housing Exemption Certificate |
Decision | Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert |
Decision Date | 11-Jul-2016 |
Applicant | Michael & Charlotte Joyce |
Location | 138, Walkinstown Avenue, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | SHEC:Commercial & residential development, including three no. apartments 2 no. 2-bedroom and 1 no. 3-bedroom |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2904/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 11-Jul-2016 |
Applicant | John Dunning & Naomi Walsh |
Location | 692, Lucan Road, Chapelizod, Dublin 20, D20 A363 |
Proposal | The development will consist of construction of new single storey extension, with roof light to the rear of the existing two storey semi detached dwelling and retention planning for 3 existing roof lights. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2919/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 11-Jul-2016 |
Applicant | Pat Burke, BAM Property Ltd |
Location | Junction of Mill Street and Blackpitts, Dublin 8 (Tenter’s Pub) |
Proposal | Permission to undertake modifications to a permitted mixed use development (Reg. Ref. 2768/09, as extended to 27th August 2019 under Reg. Ref. 2768/09/x1 and further modified under Reg. Ref. 3755/15) at the junction of Blackpitts and Mill Street in Dublin 8 (Tenter’s Pub). Permission is sought to further modify the permitted hotel, with specific reference to the existing facade of the Tenter’s public house which it was proposed to retain under Reg. Ref. 3755/15. Due to structural issues arising from further investigations, it is now proposed, in the interest of safety, to demolish the facade facing Mill St and Blackpitts and replace same with a replica facade to match existing, apart from a minor change involving additional windows instead of existing panelling. All associated site works. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2920/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 12-Jul-2016 |
Applicant | James Leahy |
Location | 58, Meath Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | RETENTION & PERMISSION: Planning permission for development at 58 Meath Street, Dublin 8, including the change of use of the existing first floor from disused storage area to residential use as a one bedroom apartment to be accessed via the existing passageway (Flag Alley) between nos. 58 and 59 Meath Street, and for the construction of a ground floor bathroom off the stairwell and for the retention of a projection and maintenance access hatch on the existing flat roof above the existing truncated stairwell and for new shopfronts facing both Meath Street and Carman’s Hall, and to re-position the existing side door to the shop stores and convert part of the existing shop stores and extend the same as a garage to serve the apartment with a new garage door on Carman’s Hall, and for the construction of a new fuel store in the rear yard to serve the apartment. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2929/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 14-Jul-2016 |
Applicant | Health Service Executive |
Location | Unit 5 Cherry Orchard Hospital, Ballyfermot Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 |
Proposal | The provision of a temporary accommodation formed by an extension to the existing ambulance service accommodation required during construction works of a new ambulance base Reg. Ref. 2309/15.
The accommodation will consist of 4 no. single-storey interconnected prefabricated modular units comprising changing and ablution facilities, offices and stores connecting to the existing ambulance service accommodatin with lightweight link structures (total area 162 sq.m). A single-storey vehicular shelter/ wash down facility structure will also be provided (42 sq.m). Formation of a new temporary vehicular access route and 16 no. staff parking bays, formation of 16 no. bays of termporary additional ambulance parking. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2934/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 12-Jul-2016 |
Applicant | PRJS Pharmacy Ltd |
Location | 205C & 207, Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Permission sought for the amalgamation of existing pharmacy (No. 205c) with adjoining retail unit (No. 207), new internal layout and external signage to both. New shop front to No. 207 in keeping with existing shopfront detail of No. 205c and all associated works at this site. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2957/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 14-Jul-2016 |
Applicant | Disability Federation of Ireland |
Location | The Distillery Building, Fumbally Court, Fumbally Lane, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will comprise of 3 elements of work:
a) the amalgamation of the applicants existing offices (currently over 3 levels, totalling 448 sq.m) with an existing adjacent ground floor office unit of 93 sq.m to create a larger office space, all to be used by the applicant for office use, b) the creation of a communication door between the existing ground floor reception and the adjacent unit and c) the modification of the existing external entrance door of the adjacent unit. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1216/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 14-Jul-2016 |
Applicant | Clare Butler |
Location | 32, New Ireland Road, Rialto, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The proposed development will consist of formation of a new vehicular entrance to the property and associated works including widening of the existing pedestrian entrance to facilitate vehicular access, removal of gates, forming new pier to match existing, hard and soft landscaping and dishing of public footpath in front of new access (works to public path to be carried out by DCC). |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1274/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 11-Jul-2016 |
Applicant | Patrick Slevin |
Location | 100, Captain’s Avenue, Crumlin, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | For single storey-extension to the front and a two-storey extension to the side |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1282/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 14-Jul-2016 |
Applicant | Peter Tansey |
Location | 21, Lauderdale Terrace, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The works will consist of the construction of a new bedroom and bathroom on the existing single storey extension to the rear of the house, along with a dormer window on the existing rear roof of the existing house.
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2732/16 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Furlong Investments Ltd |
Location | 765 D(1) 765 D (2) And 765 E Bellevue Motors, South Circular Road, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the provision of 40 No. residential units in 4 Blocks, together with car parking landscaping and associated works:
Block A: The replacement of the Belleveu motors building with a five storey block of apartments, providing 6 no. 1 bed units, 19 no. 2 bed units together with roof garden, underground parking for cars and bicycles. Block B: Refurbishment of derelict Mill building (Protected Structure) to provide 1 no. one bedroom unit at ground floor and two duplex 2 bedroom units in upper floors. Block C: Construction of a six storey block providing 6 units, comprising 2 no. 3 bed units, 4 no. 2 bed units and roof garden. Block D: Refurbishment of derelict Mill building (Protected Structure) to provide 6 no. one bedroom units. |