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Weekly Planning Lists

Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

(a)  Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.

(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Article 31(g), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

(a)  In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”


(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Planning Information Sessions

Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.


The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.


All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.


Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.


Area Contact Number
Meeting Location
Central Area

South Central Area

South East Area

North West Area

North Central Area






222 8870

Sean McDermott Street

Crumlin Area Office

Contact Area Office for location

Finglas Area Office

Bunratty Area Office





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2001/18
Application Type Permission
Applicant Thomas McMullan
Location Maxol Petrol Filling Station and Michael grant Motors, Beach Road, Dublin 4, D04 A9P3 and D04 T4A0
Proposal Permission for development at a site of c. 0.385 ha. The site is bounded by Church Avenue to the north; existing education (St. Matthew’s National School) and residential development to the south and west; the junction between Cranfield Place and Beach Road to the south; and Beach Road to the east. The development will consist of the demolition and removal of all existing buildings and associated structures above and below ground(total 1,311 sq m) and the construction of a 5-storey apartment building (with setbacks at Third and Fourth floor levels) (accommodating 90 no. apartments (23 no. 1 bed units, 53 no. 2 bed units, and 14 no. 3 bed units)) over single basement level (accommodating 90 no. car parking spaces, 4 no. motorbike parking spaces, 90 no. bicycle spaces, together with circulation, plant, attenuation, waste management, storage areas, and service areas). Vehicular and pedestrian access to the site will be from Beach Road with additional pedestrian access also from Church Avenue; (the total gross floor area of the proposed development  is 11,527 sq m (including a basement level 2,889 sq m and a detached ground floor ESB substation/switch room of 23 sq m)). The development will also consist of the provision of: private and semiprivate open spaces in the form of balconies and terraces (on the Beach Road, Church Avenue frontages on the north-western, south-eastern and south-western facades), and ground level courtyards including a children’s play area; all hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments; changes in level; plant; PV panels; SUDs measures including green roof; 8 no. bicycle spaces at ground level; waste collection area; and all other associated site excavation and site development works above and below ground.
Registration Date 02-Jan-2018
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2005/18
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Sanorgan Ltd.
Location 11, Camden Street Upper, Dublin 2
Proposal RETENTION: Permission for change of use from restaurant to delicatessen/cafe/restaurant with ancillary takeaway functions and replacement shopfront and signage.
Registration Date 02-Jan-2018
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2010/18
Application Type Permission
Applicant Ballsbridge Co-Ownership
Location Unit 1A, Ballsbridge One, New Pembroke Street, Shelbourne Lane, Shelbourne Road, Dublin 4
Proposal The development involves change of use at ground floor level (127 sq.m in floor area) from approved retail use (Reg. Ref. 4798/07) to use as a cafe for on-site consumption, takeout beverages and retail sales (for Butlers Chocolates) and the erection of signage to the approved shop front.
Registration Date 02-Jan-2018
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2011/18
Application Type Permission
Applicant Ballsbridge Co-Ownership
Location Unit 2, Ballsbridge One, New Pembroke Street East, Shelbourne Road, Dublin 4
Proposal Planning permission is sought for the change of use of Unit 2 in the Ballsbridge One development (former Vet College site) bounded by New Pembroke Street and Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. The development involves a change of use at ground floor level (381 sq.m in floor area) from approved retail use (Reg. Ref. 4798/07) to use as a licensed restaurant, the addition of a new mezzanine level of 249 sq.m within the unit for licensed restaurant use, alterations to entrance doors, and the erection of signage for the new restaurant.
Registration Date 02-Jan-2018
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2022/18
Application Type Permission
Applicant MKN Property Group
Location 34/35, Richmond Street South, Dublin 2
Proposal Planning permission for development at this site at 34-35 Richmond Street South, Dublin 2 (0.0214 Ha). The development will consist of the refurbishment of an existing cafe/restaurant at ground floor level (155sqm.) that will include internal modifications, new shop front, new side exit door, upgrading of existing windows, repair and replacement of roof, new signage, new side access gate, connection to all existing foul and surface water services on site and all associated minor or ancillary site and development works.
Registration Date 04-Jan-2018
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2023/18
Application Type Permission
Applicant 12, 29 & 30, South Frederick Street Propco Ltd
Location Nos. 29 and 30, Frederick Street South, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for development at a site at the Trinity Lodge Hotel, Nos. 12, 29-30 Frederick Street South, Dublin 2. The development relates only to Nos. 29-30 Frederick Street South, Dublin 2 which are designated Protected Structures. The development will consist of: the reorganisation of internal floorspace including the insertion of new opes and doors and blocking up and removal of selected existing opes and doors; the change of use of part hotel accommodation to restaurant (24 sq m); the provision of a single storey flat roof extension (incorporating a rooflight) to the rear (east) of No. 30 to accommodate a restaurant seating area (53 sq m); the provision of a new bin store to the southern elevation of No. 30; the removal of  the existing gated access on the southern elevation and provision of a new shopfront providing separate access to the restaurant; removal of the existing retractable awning on the southern elevation and replacement with 2 No. new retractable awnings; signage; lighting; relocation of cctv; plant and all associated site works above and below ground. There are no changes to the front (western) elevations of the structures.
Registration Date 04-Jan-2018
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3165/12/X1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Applicant Barry Lynch
Location Stable Lane, Swanville Place, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal EXT OF DURATION: Provision of a 106square meter 2-storey, three bedroom terraced dwelling house with 3no. on site bicycle parking spaces.
Registration Date 02-Jan-2018
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3724/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Saemol International Ltd.
Location 4, Pembroke Street Lower, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE; Change of use for 1st & 2nd floors from  residential use to office use. The proposed works include: minor internal alterations; removal of non original partition walls; replacement of the non original front and back doors to the basement; a new single storey extension at second floor (5sqm) to the existing rear return; blocking up of some non original window opes; reducing the size of other non original window opes and the addition of new window joinery to the existing return. The provision of new WC facilities to the rear return at basement , ground, first and second floor levels; the provision of a new external escape stairs and access gate connecting the rear basement area, with ground floor level; together with all ancillary site development works.
Registration Date 02-Jan-2018
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number DSDZ3835/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant John King, Esprit Investments Ltd.
Location Waterways House, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2 site bounded by Grand Canal Quay, Grand Canal Basin, Alto Vetro Building and Malt House Building
Proposal The site is generally bounded by Grand Canal Quay (road) to the west, Grand Canal Basin (waterbody) to the east, existing surface car parking spaces and the ‘ Alto Vetro ‘ building to the north and the ‘Malt House’ building to the south. The development consists of  modifications to previously granted permission Ref. DSDZ3749/15 for a 7 storey over basement office building; including alterations to proposed fenestration pattern, reduced basement , changes to 6th floor plant area, changes to signage and omission of boardwalk. This application relates to a proposed to a proposed development within the North Lotts & Grand Canal Dock SDZ Planning Scheme area.
Registration Date 04-Jan-2018
  Additional Information Received



Application Number

Application Type







































































































Registration Date




Application Number

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Registration Date




Application Number

Application Type

























Registration Date


Area 1 – South East



KW Real Estate ICAV

PROTECTED STRUCTURE: KW Real Estate ICAV acting for and on behalf of its sub-fund KW Irish Real Estate Fund XII intends to apply for Permission for development at this site (c. 0.195 hectares), at Nos. 19-22 Kildare Street (Protected Structures) and associated buildings to the rear of 17-22 Kildare Street and associated buildings to the rear of 22 & 23 St Stephens Green North, Dublin 2. All on lands generally bounded by The Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation building (Protected Structure) to the north, Kildare Street to the east, the rear of buildings along Stephens Green North to the south, Stephen Court building of Stephens Green North to the west.

The proposed development comprises of: Works to the Protected Structures Nos. 19-22 Kildare Street (Gross floor area 1642m2) including; No. 19 – External works to include the removal of roof material and re-slate roof, repair of replacement of all flashings, repair and replacement of existing chimneys, removal of existing cementitious render and reinstatement of wigged brickwork or re-rendering with lime base mortars, conservation and repair of existing stonework, brickwork, doors, front steps and railings, provision of new double hung sash window at ground floor level to replace existing window on east elevation and conservation and repair of historic windows, provision of necessary repairs to the basement area retaining walls and vaults to engineers details and the provision of external courtyard to the rear. Internal works to include alterations to facilitate modern office use through creation of new openings, structural repairs, conservation and repair of existing historic features and installation of building services;

No. 20 – External works to include: removal of roof material and re-slate roof, Repair or replacement of all flashings, repair/replacement of existing chimneys, repair/replacement of existing roof structure, removal of existing cementitious render and reinstatement of wigged brickwork or re-rendering with lime base mortars, conservation and repair of existing stonework, brickwork, windows. Provision of necessary repairs to the basement area retaining walls etc. to engineers details, alteration of existing vehicular access on east elevation to provide glazed entrance, revolving door and single power assisted door and the removal of all paint and old repairs from carriageway entrance and clean as specified, removal of all ferrous metal armatures and provide stainless steel armatures as required. Internal work to include structural repairs and the repair/replacement of decayed floor, wall and stairs structures, retention, conservation and repair of existing features and reinstatement of these lost or removed and installation of building services;

No. 21 – external works to include: removal of roof material and re-slate roof, repair or replacement of all flashings, repair/replacement of existing chimneys, removal of existing cementitious render and reinstatement of wigged brickwork or re-rendering with lime base mortars, conservation and repair of existing stonework, brickwork, windows, and front steps and railings. Replacement of existing glazed metal door with new historic pattern panelled timber door, existing projection to rear of staircase on west elevation to be demolished and the full height bow staircase enclosure to be reinstated, provision of necessary repairs to the basement area retaining walls and vaults to engineer’s details. Internal works to include alterations to facilitate modern office, structural repairs, conservation and repair of existing historic features and installation of building services;

No. 22 – External works to include; removal of roof material and re-slate roof, repair or replacement of all flashings, repair/replacement of existing chimneys, removal of existing cementitious render and reinstatement of wigged brickwork or re-rendering with lime base mortars, conservation and repair of existing stonework, brickwork, windows, doors and front steps and railings. Removal of modern windows to the west elevation and reinstatement of historic pattern windows, provision of necessary repairs to the basement area retaining walls and vaults to engineer’s details and the provision of external courtyard to the rear. Internal works to include alterations to facilitate modern office, structural repairs, conservation and repair of existing historic features and installation of building services; Construction of a new infill office development 7 No. storeys in height over basement, with a set back at the sixth-floor level (with plant storage at roof level) with a gross floor area of 8,119 m2 including basement, plant and ESB substation; provision of a 3 No. storey glazed atrium linking to the rear of No. 20 and 21 Kildare Street;

Vehicular access to basement car park to serve new office development via a new signalised one way access ramp from School House Lane using existing vehicular access point; basement to incorporate 14 No. car parking spaces which include 1 No. disabled space and 2 No. electric car parking spaces, 84 No. bicycle spaces, 1 No. motorbike space, plus amenities for office use; Nos. 20 & 21 Kildare Street to be incorporated in to proposed new 7 No. storey office development to the rear, together with new pedestrian entrance incorporating glazed entrance, revolving door and single glazed door provided at existing vehicular entrance at ground floor level of No. 20 Kildare Street.

Nos. 19 and 22 Kildare Street are proposed as separate offices, each with independent access from Kildare Street; Demolition of one and two storey ancillary buildings to the rear of 17 – 22 Kildare Street and to the rear of 22 & 23 St Stephens Green North, with a total gross floor area of 2,258m2 to be demolished; all associated and ancillary site development and landscape works. The total gross floor area (existing and new) of the proposed office development amounts to c. 9,761m2.


***Amendment to Week 50/17***


Area 1 – South East


Retention Permission

Chopped Grafton Limited

109, Grafton Street, Dublin 2

RETENTION: PERMISSION: Comprising (i) retention permission for change of use from newsagents with delicatessen for the sale of hot and cold food and off-licence to gourmet salad bar/ delicatessen (Freshly Chopped – The Healthy Food Company) for the sale of gourmet fresh salads, sandwiches and soups; (ii) retention and permission for new shopfront and revised fascia level signage; and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.


***Amendment to Week 51/17***


Area 1 – South East



Bridlewood (Dame) Ltd.

37, Dame Street, Dublin 2

PROTECTED STRCUTURE:  The development will comprise internal modifications, reconfigurations and refurbishment of the building and the change of use of the basement, ground floor and first floor from Office Use to Public House (the second, third and fourth floor will remain in Office Use and all associated ancillary facilities.  The development will also include a new roof extension  (to a height of approx. 25.8m OD) at fourth floor level to increase office floorspace by approx.  19.58 sq.m and to house an internal plant area of approx. 24.1 sq.m elevation changes comprising the provision of a new ground to fourth floor facade onto Dame Lane including new fenestration arrangement and 4 no. doors at ground floor level, the repair and renewal of brickwork and slate roof where required and the replacement of existing windows on Dame Street with Georgian sash windows.  An extension to the lift, comprising an overrun at roof level:  and provision of external plant, including Air Condensers and Automatic Opening Vent, at roof level are also proposed.  The proposal will also comprise alterations to the pavement on Dame Street; signage areas on Dame Street (approx. 0.38sq.m) and Dame Lane (approx. 0.87sq.m & 0.1sq.m), drainage works, all site development works, and all other ancillary works.


***Amendment to Week 51/17***






Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2006/18
Application Type Permission
Applicant Nadine O’Regan
Location 2, Portobello Place, Portobello, Dublin 8
Proposal Permission for a two storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, all associated internal alterations, site and landscaping works and services.
Registration Date 02-Jan-2018
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2016/18
Application Type Permission
Applicant William and Emma McCarthy
Location 60, Brighton Square, Terenure, Dublin 6
Proposal The development will consist of a two storey rear extension with windows to front and rear, new window in existing gable wall to side overlooking adjacent lane, ground floor extension comprises kitchen, utility room, dining area and lounge area, first floor extension comprises additional bedroom space.
Registration Date 03-Jan-2018
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2020/18
Application Type Permission
Applicant Yvonne Sheehy & Vahan Tchrakian
Location 73, Tritonville Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Proposal The development will consist of a new kitchen and dining room to the rear on ground floor, a new brick entrance to the front door on ground floor including associated elevational alterations, replacement windows throughout existing dwelling, an extension with a new bathroom and bedroom above the existing garage to the southern side of the first floor and is to include all ancillary site development and landscaping work.
Registration Date 04-Jan-2018
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2024/18
Application Type Permission
Applicant Carmen Tracey
Location 4, Dunville Avenue, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE:Permission for development at 4 Dunville Avenue, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 R963, A Protected Structure (adjacent to access lane to Brendan Vale). The development will consist of the refurbishment and modification of the existing 2 Bed apartment unit (62.4 sqm) (with access from Ground Floor Level) over the existing launderette in the two storey, end of terrace Protected Structure. Works are to include the replacement of 1st floor windows to the front elevation, internal alterations, the modification of window opes & the provision of 1 No. new window to the rear return & the provision of a sheltered & screened, 1st floor level balcony (6.5 sqm) to the rear over the existing single storey structure below, to be accessed from a modified 1st floor window ope to the rear facade. Drainage connections are to be as existing. There are 2 No. existing off-street car parking spaces to the front of the site, no new car parking spaces are proposed.
Registration Date 05-Jan-2018
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2026/18
Application Type Permission
Applicant Sharbee and Una Morrin
Location 70, Baggot Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal Permission sought for internal alterations and new extension comprising two bedrooms and a bathroom, all of area c. 57sq.m., and with front and rear terraces at second floor (roof) level to existing 2-bedroom town house of area 85 c. sq.m.
Registration Date 05-Jan-2018
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2027/18
Application Type Permission
Applicant John & Eimear Konkoly
Location 19, Ormond Road , Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: RETENTION & PERMISSION: Permission and retention permission for development at 19 Ormond Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 (a Protected Structure, RPS Ref. 6103). The development requiring permission will consist of: – removal of single storey non-original extension to rear at ground floor level (17.8sqm). – construction of new single storey extension to rear at ground floor level (46sqm). – removal of chimney breast and side wall of rear return at ground floor level. – modifications to layout of rear return at ground floor level. – replacement of original window to rear facade with new double doors. – all associated ancillary, conservation, landscaping and site development works. The development requiring retention permission will consist of: – modifications to bedroom layout at first floor level.
Registration Date 05-Jan-2018
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3372/12/X1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Applicant Eamonn J. Woods
Location 48, Terenure Road West, Terenure, Dublin 6w
Proposal EXT OF DURATION: Demolition of a single storey garage to the side of an existing dwelling and construction of a two storey extension to the side and rear of an existing dwelling, alterations to the external elevations, various internal alterations, connection into the existing storm and foul sewer and all other associated site works.
Registration Date 04-Jan-2018
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1004/18
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Lauren Tiedt & Carlo Schizzo
Location 1, Saddlers Court, Ardee Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal RETENTION: The development consists of the retention of a single storey shed in the rear garden and all associated site works.
Registration Date 02-Jan-2018



LAWS: None


SAWS: None









Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0457/17
Application Type Section 5
Decision Date 02-Jan-2018
Applicant Coolforce Ltd
Location 21A – 26 South Anne Street, Dublin 2
Proposal EXPP: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: 1. Removal of existing Hackett’s fit out and strip back to shell and core at ground and first floor level. 2. Fit out of delicatessen, speciality food, beverage and coffee dock (with take away facility) at ground floor level. 3. Fit out of ancillary cafe and toilet facilities at first floor level. 4. Provision of new staircase with Part M access lift. 5. Provision of access to basement restaurant. 6. New electrical & mechanical installation associated with fir out works. 7. New decorative finishes and fittings. 8. Shopfront signage. 9. Extension of existing basement kitchen food hoist to first floor level. 10. Provision of food hoist from deli counter at ground floor level to first floor servery.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0462/17
Application Type Section 5
Decision Date 05-Jan-2018
Applicant Hanora (Nora) O’Connell
Location Clyda, 36, Belgrave Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal EXPP:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The proposed repair and maintenance works comprise removal and replacement of degraded state, of defective felt and lead-work and decayed sole boards, along with the replacement of defective rainwater goods.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0463/17
Application Type Section 5
Decision Grant  Exemption Certificate
Decision Date 05-Jan-2018
Applicant Hanora (Nora) Cogan Architects
Location Clyda, 36, Belgrave Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal EXPP:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The carrying out of essential and urgent structural repairs to stabilise the structure and restore cellular integrity.

1. The removal and replacement of existing decayed support beams at upper ground level over the Bay windows.

2. The bearing ends of the beams are to be opened up and new composite steel/ concrete bearings ends built in to walls as per Structural Engineer’s recommendations.

3. Opening up to corners of external masonry walling to enable the insertion of stainless steel Heli bars into the corners of brick walls, by removal of existing external render and in some areas internal plaster along with existing mortar joints at every sixth course to a depth of c.40 mm and inserting the bars and repointing with lime mortar specification.

4. Timber joist ends to be re-set and re-pointed in lime mortar and to be retained and braced as per Structural Engineer’s recommendations.

5. Any decayed ends and decayed wall plates to the roof are to be cut out and spliced with treated timbers and vulnerable areas treated with non-toxic born preservative.

6. Chimneys are to be strengthened by means of bonding by pre-stressed lintels being inserted at intervals as per Structural Engineer’s recommendations.

7. Excessively decayed floor joist timbers to be identified, cut out and spliced with treated timbers as required. Timber floor boards are generally in good condition and will be retained and re-used but a plywood skin over the timber floor joists may be required for additional stiffness. Diagonal bracing of the floors will be incorporated via this procedure.





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0464/17
Application Type Section 5
Decision Grant  Exemption Certificate
Decision Date 05-Jan-2018
Applicant Hanora (Nora) O’Connell
Location Clyda, 36, Belgrave Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal EXPP:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Water penetration around the window opes and the frames of the front door has occurred historically and continues to occur due to the failure and lack of maintenance historically of the gutters, flashings and roofs as well as poor maintenance practices.

There is a considerable amount of ongoing degradation of the plaster fabric internally as a result of both rainwater penetration and structural destabilisation affecting the bond of ceilings and cornices to sub-strata.

It is essential that works to remedy these issues are addressed in the near future. The subject of this application is therefore the repair and conservation of these internal plaster elements in conjunction with roof, window and structural repairs under separate application.





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0465/17
Application Type Section 5
Decision Grant  Exemption Certificate
Decision Date 05-Jan-2018
Applicant Hanora (Nora) O’Connell
Location Clyda, 36, Belgrave Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal EXPP:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Water penetration around the window opes and the frames of the front door has occurred historically and continues to occur due to the failure and lack of maintenance historically of the gutters, flashings and roofs as well as poor maintenance practices. The window sashes, door and frames in question are indicated on the attached drawing and are all original to the house. Modern (20th Century) interventions made to facilitate the extension of the house for conversion to multiple residential occupancy are not included. These elements all require urgent repair as proposed in the accompanying documentation.

Proposed works:

Window and door frames and associated shutters and architraves are to be repaired in situ with decayed timber cut out and graft repaired in matching timber cut to the same profile as the original, however with regard to the sashes and door itself, their condition is delicate in that the majority of joints in the sashes and door joints are opening with the failure of glue and the decay of low cills and meeting rails.

In addition, due to the urgent need for structural works and roof repairs the immediate environment will not be a suitable location for working in situ on delicate joinery repair.

It is therefore proposed that the sashes and door are to be removed to a suitable joinery workshop to be stripped of the many layers of paint and for dismantling and for careful insertion of matching replacement sections and re-assembly prior to bringing back and reinstating in the original position.

All new sections are to be matching in profile and in material to that which is being replaced unless as in certain cases more modern repairs are being removed and the correct earlier form reinstated. In those instances then, the model to be replicated will be material of the same age and style within the building as indicated on the drawings.

Similarly, items such as knobs, pull-handles, hinges, catches associated with windows shall be replicated with matching material. In those instances where an earlier form is being reinstated then the model to be replicated will be material of the same age and style within the building.

Generally, joints will be pinned and glued or dowelled and glued as in the original form. Glues will be chosen to be consistent with high quality conservation joinery.

Paint and putty removal will be required to carry out correct repairs; existing glass (where not modern replacement glass) will be carefully retained for re-use. Only fine wire-wool and spirits will be used to clean down old finishes in situ. Hot works will be banned. Paint solvents will be used sparingly to loosen the upper layers of paint prior to washing off, wire-brushing and sanding down to clean wood.

We strongly favour minimal intervention to the windows, casings and fixtures. Graft timber repairs should be confined only to those areas where joints are exposed, otherwise scratches and gouge marks are to be retained.

All existing hinges, knobs, ring pulls and related ironmongery are to be retained, cleaned down and reinstated in their original positions.

All sashes are to be cleaned down, graft repaired and fully reinstated, fully prime and paint, reinstate original glass where surviving and fit new puttied in 4 mm ‘greenhouse’ glass where necessary. Paint and re-fit.







Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3703/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 05-Jan-2018
Applicant Tim and Margaret Murphy
Location  42, Waterloo Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for refurbishment works to overall 4 storey building (a protected structure) previously in multiple bedsit/apartment units and conversion into 1 no. single residential dwelling unit over all 4 floors including: Replacement of non original extension on rear return with new two storey over basement element. Minor internal and external modifications, including ensuite bathrooms and enlarged projecting bathroom at 2nd floor level rear return.  All associated site development works.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3932/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 03-Jan-2018
Applicant Patrick and Karen Doran
Location Fintragh, 11, Shrewsbury Road, Dublin 4
Proposal Planning permission for minor alterations to previously approved development (Reg. Ref. 3049/17) to include the following: (i) Revised layout to approved basement level (including amendment of room sizes/wall positions, reconfiguration of stairs and relocation of external sunken courtyard) resulting in an increase in approved floor area by 49sq.m; (ii) reduction in width of ground floor study by 0.5m resulting in a decrease in approved floor area of 2.2m.; (iii) internal alterations to approved ground, 1st and 2nd floor layouts including: relocation of main stairs, provision of en-suite bathrooms to Bedroom No.s 2 and 3, omission of approved projecting chimney/bay feature and provision of internal chimney to master bedroom; additional removal of internal walls; and, reduction in floor area at 2nd floor level by 10sq.m; (iv) provision of brick finish in lieu of sandstone to chimneys; removal of existing chimney (serving previously approved reception hall); reduction in width to approved chimney in rear elevation (serving Master Bedroom only); provision of new chimney serving living room; (v) omission of roof feature over master en-suite and provision of new copper dome to front elevation; (vi) provision of lift enclosure finished in brick and lead cladding to rear elevation; (vii) alteration of existing brick ground floor bay window to provide a chamfered brick and sandstone bay window feature (to match to approved bay brick and sandstone window to formal dining room); (viii) minor alterations to fenestration on all elevations, including omission of previously approved window at 1st floor level on southern elevation; omission of 2 no. previously approved windows at 1st floor level and provision of 2 no. French doors from Master Bedroom to previously approved balcony on eastern elevation; omission of 4 no. ground-floor and 1 no. 1st floor window(s) on northern elevation, enlargement of ground-floor window and reduction in size of 2nd floor dormer window on northern elevation; (ix) alteration of approved materials to provide additional brick at 1st floor level to west (front) and north and south (side) elevations, provision of sandstone capping to approved living room octagon; provision of timber boarding and roughcast render in lieu of tile/render to west (front) and south (side) elevations; and, (x) Relocation of approved vehicular entrance gates 1.5m to the south. The proposed alterations result in an overall increase in floor area from 1,000sq.m previously approved to 1,036.8sq.m.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4174/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 05-Jan-2018
Applicant Gavin Naik
Location 69, Waterloo Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE; Alterations and extensions to the return of existing three storey terraced period family dwelling, comprising the addition of a third storey to the existing two storey return at the rear of the building to match the adjoining houses on the terrace and the addition of a skylight to the rear (SW) to allow natural light to the existing hallway. The extension would comprise of a bedroom and en-suit with an area of 14.4 Sq m .




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4188/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 05-Jan-2018
Applicant Jim & Fran Sheridan
Location 18, St. Mary’s Road, Dublin, 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for development at this site, 18 St. Mary’s Road South, Dublin 4 (a Protected Structure Ref. 7734), and facing St. Mary’s Lane. The development will consist of: Construction of a single storey, 2 bedroom dwelling comprising 112m2 of living accommodation located to the rear of the existing property, with pedestrian access off St. Mary’s Lane. The site area of the proposed dwelling will be 159.5m2 and will include 47.5m2 private open space. The development will also include an amendment to the location of the north boundary garden wall (unbuilt) as approved in Grant Order P2635. Ancillary site works will include removal of trees and shrubs, new landscaping and a new stone boundary wall to form the boundary between the existing garden and the new dwelling as well as formation of kerb and minor adjustments to road markings for on-street parking bays on St. Mary’s Lane.






Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4315/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 02-Jan-2018
Applicant Redmond Murphy & Paula Cronin
Location 38, Wilfield Park, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Proposal RETENTION: The development consists of alterations to previously approved planning Reg. Ref. 3804/16 which consists of:- 1) A hipped roof to the two storey extension instead of a gable roof to the rear to match in height and finish with the neighbouring roof 2) Front pitched roof to include the bay has been removed and reinstated to match in with the neighbouring property, 3) Reduction in the floor area of the single storey extension at the rear and side.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4467/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 02-Jan-2018
Applicant Stephen Thompson
Location 52, Dartmouth Square, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE; The development consists of Internal alterations and refurbishment works including rewiring and plumbing; refurbishment of all existing windows and doors; removal of existing partitions and doors on basement, ground floor and first floor level; construction of new partitions and doors at basement and first floor level; demolition of two storey return  to rear of existing house, and construction of new extension at ground and first floor level to rear of existing house.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4472/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 02-Jan-2018
Applicant Brendan Colbert & Cathy Rogers
Location 9 Ashfield Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal Permission is sought for the demolition of existing single storey extension to the rear of the two-storey terraced dwelling and the construction of a new part two-storey and single storey rear extension. New works include one additional bedroom on the first floor and a new living/dining or garden room at ground floor level and a garden store. There are associated external and internal refurbishment works to the house and external hard and soft landscaping and associated drainage to the rear of the house.





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number DSDZ4165/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 03-Jan-2018
Applicant Conor Long, Gas Network Ireland
Location  Forbes St. Above Ground Installation ( AGI ), Sir John Rogersons Quay, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin 2.
Proposal Extend the existing 25mm diameter relief vent pipework from 3.9m to max 6m above ground level to include all ancillary services and associated site works.

This application relates to land within the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock Strategic Development Zone.









Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3976/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Paul Maloney, Project Manager, DS Charlemont Limited
Location Former Charlemont Medical Clinic, including No. 37 Charlemont Street, (former St. Ultan’s Hospital, a Proteteced Structure) and Nos. 35 & 36 Charlemont Street, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: RETENTION & PERMISSION: The development will consist of an amendment of planning permission granted under Reg. Ref. 2907/15 (ABP Ref. PL29S.246118), as amended by planning permission granted under Reg. Ref. 3894/16, comprising the retention of the as built amended basement level and completion in accordance with the submitted drawings (comprising a reduction in permitted basement size by c. 225sq.m (from c.1,970sq.m GFA to 1,745sq.m GFA) and associated reconfiguration of internal spaces and car parking layout to increase the number of car parking spaces from a previously permitted 10 No. car parking spaces to 20 No. car parking spaces) with an increase of 10 No. car parking spaces together with permission for proposed amendments to non-commenced elements of the permitted development as detailed below. Internal amendments to the previously permitted hotel building include a reconfigured bedroom layout and provision of additional bedrooms to replace previously permitted laundry rooms at first to fourth floor level (additional 4 No. hotel bedrooms); revised internal layout and configuration of main hotel reception and ancillary break out space at ground floor level together with a change of the previously permitted cafe/bar at ground floor level to provide 2 No. ancillary function rooms together with a revised layout of the business rooms and staircore along the southern elevation at ground floor to provide a revised Executive Room layout with new double doors to the north-eastern elevation at ground floor level. External alterations include provision of 1 no. additional emergency escape door at ground floor level on western elevation of permitted hotel building; revised fenestration at first to fourth floor level to the northern and western elevations (including additional bedroom windows); omission of previously permitted bronze coloured anodised aluminium louvres to all elevations; revised glass balustrading across entire southern elevation at parapet level (4th floor); amended site landscaping and revised boundary wall treatment along part of the southern boundary (along Charlemont Mall), together with a revised configuration of the previously permitted bicycle storeroom, ESB and switch room at north-western corner of site and the provision of a new vehicular entrance along the common boundary with the adjoining site to the north. Amendments to Nos. 35 and 36 Charlemont Street include the amalgamation of the two buildings into a single building, together with a change of the previously approved 3 No. aparthotel units under Planning Ref. 2907/15 (ABP Ref. PL29S.246118) to provide 3 No. hotel bedrooms with en-suite facilities at each floor (basement to second floor level) comprising an additional 12 No. hotel bedrooms. Associated external alterations include the removal of railings to the front of No. 36 and reinstatement of steps and provision of new front door, including door surround, and new railings plus gate to match No. 35 at ground floor level to the north-eastern elevation (both doors will be fixed closed); alterations to the rear elevation include the provision of two doors to the rear elevation at ground floor level; re-opening of windows to the southeast gable elevation together with alterations to the roof and chimneys to include rendering and replacement chimney pots. Internal alterations include amendments to internal walls/layout and lowering of basement floor to improve floor to ceiling height. Amendments to No. 37 Charlemont Street (Protected Structure) include a change of the previously approved hotel lounge at ground floor level under Planning Ref. 2907/15 (ABP Ref. PL29S.246118) to provide 2 No. Hotel Function Rooms together with minor modifications to the internal layout of the 4 No. hotel bedrooms on the upper levels (first and second floors). Amended works to the Protected Structure include the retention of the non-original northern, rear bay window; rebuilding of chimney to historic form with addition of lime plaster; alteration to front parapet; gable walls of permitted atrium have been altered to finish behind the edge of the gables walls to No. 37; permitted glazed roof has been extended to increase the separation distance between new hotel building and No. 37; alterations to side gable (northwest); renovation of windows and the replacement of two existing ground floor windows to the two existing rear bay windows with doors; retention of windows in southwest gable at first and second floor level; removal of internal, non-original partition walls and installation of removable internal, partition walls in a revised configuration to the first and second floor, en-suite hotel bedrooms; replacement of doors throughout building; lining of walls and provision of rising services within alcoves of chimney breasts. Alterations to the curtilage of the Protected Structure to provide a formal landscaping regime to the front of No. 37 Charlemont Street with new railings and gate to the front to historic detail. All modifications above ground level are within the previously permitted building envelope and will not result in an increase in floorspace. In the interest of clarity, the proposed amendments will result in an increase of 16 No. hotel bedrooms from a previously permitted 172 No. bedrooms to a proposed 188 No. bedrooms with the previously permitted aparthotel element (6 No. Aparthotel bedrooms) omitted.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3990/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant The Congregation of the Holy Spirit
Location St. Mary’s College, Rathmines Road Lower, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the resurfacing of an existing grass pitch to provide a new 4G all-weather pitch and flood lighting: the provision of associated fencing around the pitch with protective cladding. The flood lights will comprise of 6 no. 12m height stanchions 100 LUX. The development will also include drainage works, landscaping, the diversion of services, lighting and all associated works above and below ground.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4008/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Eustance Street Holdings Limited
Location The Green Building, 23/24, Temple Lane South, and 3/4 Crow Street, Dublin 2
Proposal A mid-terrace, dual-fronted building consisting of 8 no apartments on 3 levels over, 1st floor office- use over, ground floor and basement retail use. The development will consist of interior removals and refurbishments and change of use of 1st floor, of 188m2 floor area, from office use to 4 no. five-star quality, short-term-let ensuite bedrooms of circa 30m2 each, plus store and all associated works. The development is ancillary to The Merchant House’s existing  5-star quality facility located nearby at No. 8 Eustace Street, Dublin 2.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3950/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Thomas A. Menton
Location Site to the rear of 38 and 40, Rathdown Park, Terenure, Dublin 6w
Proposal Development consisting of a new 2-storey 2-bedroom detached dwelling with new vehicular entrance and driveway.

***Amendment to Week 51/17***








Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3922/17
Appeal Decision Date 05-Jan-2018
Applicant Liam and Orla Lenehan
Location 221 – 223, Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for development at 221-223 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 (on the corner of Rathmines Road Lower and Wynnefield Road) (A Protected Structure). The development will consist of the refurbishment and change of use of the buildings from vacant former retail/office/banking hall uses to provide a ground floor restaurant (c. 231m2) and 3 no. 2 bedroom residential units with terraces at 1st and 2nd floor. The works to the restaurant area at ground floor level will comprise the removal of modern internal partitions and stairs; modifications to the elevations incorporating fenestration alterations to 221 Rathmines Road Lower and a bin/bike store accessed off Wynnefield Road; a relocated entrance and a new shopfront and associated signage at 223 Rathmines Road Lower. Works will also comprise addition of new stairs between ground and first floor. The works at upper floor levels will comprise changes to the internal layouts, the removal of a modern pitched roof to the rear of No.223 to provide terraces for the 2 no. residential units at 1st floor level and a terrace for the residential unit at 2nd floor level, 2 no. new rooflights, an extension to the rear at 1st floor level (10m2) and a new dormer window to serve the residential unit at 2nd floor level. Permission is also sought for landscaping, roof plant and all ancillary and associated site development works.






Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1327/17
Appeal Decision Date 05-Jan-2018
Applicant Marjorie Young
Location 50, Palmerston Gardens, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal The development will consist of: (1) demolition of existing zinc-clad vaulted roof (2) alterations to rear wall, side wall to east and roof, in order to replace barrel vault roof with flat roof at first storey ceiling level, including rooflight (3) addition to and alteration of window openings in the existing rear wall, and (4) all associated site works.





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