Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)(a) Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused. (b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. |
Article 31(g), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)(a) In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”
(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. |
Planning Information Sessions
Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.
The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.
All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.
Area | Contact Number |
Meeting Location |
Central Area
South Central Area South East Area North West Area North Central Area
2225200 2225127 2225727 222 8870 |
Sean McDermott Street
Crumlin Area Office Contact Area Office for location Finglas Area Office Bunratty Area Office |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2830/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Liam Slattery |
Location | Rear Garden of 10, Grosvenor Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission to remove modern corrugated plastic roof and modern rear wall of side garage, and construct three 2-storey dwellings, plus attic rooms, to rear garden, all at 10 Grosvenor Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 [Protected Structure]. |
Registration Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2845/12/X1 |
Application Type | Extension of Duration of Permission |
Applicant | Ross McGovern |
Location | (formerley No.1 Price’s Lane), 31a, Price’s Place, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | EXT OF DURATION: Permission to re-build a two-storey one bedroom cottage on site of a similar type demolished cottage at 31a Price’s Place (formerly 1 Price’s Lane) Ranelagh, Dublin 6. The site is to the rear of a protected structure, but is not within the curtilage or ownership of a protected structure. This development was previously granted planning permission which has since lapsed.
Registration Date | 19-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3761/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Charles and Eithne Carroll |
Location | Rear of 14, Burlington Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: 1 no. detached two-storey three bedroom mews house (155 sq.m) with pedestrian and vehicular access from Waterloo Lane, with 1 no. car parking space and all associated landscaping and drainage works. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3906/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Lispopple Point Ltd. |
Location | McCloskeys, 83/85, Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Partial demolition of existing building , retention of existing redbrick front facade, gable, chimneys and basement to a 1-3 storey, mid-terraced building, and construction of 3 no. buildings with solar panels containing 1 no. retail unit with basement storage, 9 no. residential units, Block A, fronting Morehampton Road, is 3-storey over existing basement ( 98sq.m) with new 68sq.m retail unit and signage to ground floor accessed from Morehampton Road, 2 No. 2-bed duplexes to 1st and 2nd floors including balconies. All residential units are accessed through a new pedestrian access gate under Block A from Morehampton Road. Block B, is 4-storey with 1 no. roof light with set-back to the 4th floor, consisting of 2 no. 1-bed + study and 2 no.2-bed apartments including balconies. Block C is 3-storey with 2 no. roof lights consisting of 1 no. 2-bed apartment to the ground floor, 1 no. 1-bed + study and 1 no.2-bed duplexes to the 1st and 2nd floors including balconies. A new pedestrian service access and a new single storey bin store, with service door, onto the existing laneway to the north-west of the site, accessed from Marlborough Road. 10 no. bicycle spaces are accommodated within 2 no. landscaped external courtyards in-between blocks. All associated site works. |
Registration Date | 20-Dec-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3943/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Insignia Investments Limited |
Location | Lands at The Barn, Riversdale Avenue, Bushy Park Road, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Permission for development at a site of c.0.12ha on lands at The Barn, Riversdale Avenue, Bushy Park Road, Dublin 6. The development will consist of the following: Construction of 3 no. 2-storey dwelling houses comprising 1 no. detached house (c.210sq.m) and 2 no. semi-detached houses (c.213sq.m each). All associated site development works, services provision, access, car parking, landscaping and boundary treatment works. |
Registration Date | 19-Dec-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3970/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Lordglen Ltd. |
Location | 10, Pembroke Place, and Nos. 36 and 38 Herbert Park Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Development at this site (c.0.34 ha) comprising:
– The construction of a lateral western extension from lower ground to 3rd floor levels inclusive and an additional set back 4th floor extension (total extension c.898 sq.m GFA), to accommodate an additional 15 no. suites and an increase in floor area of 4 no. previously permitted suites, at the aparthotel building permitted under DCC Reg.Ref. 3391/15 and ABP Ref. PL29S.246002, as amended by DCC Reg.Ref. 2051/17 at 10 Pembroke Place. Results in 58 no.aparthotel suites and a revised gross floor area of c.2,904 sq.m in total in the proposed and permitted aparthotel building. – The construction of 2 no. 4-storey residential buildings to accommodate 18 no. apartment units and ancillary amenities from lower ground floor to 2nd floor levels (c. 3,388 sq.m GFA). Both blocks to each accommodate 2no. 1-bed units, 5 no. 2-bed units and 2 nos. 3-bed units, with associated balconies generally on north, south and east elevations. – Ancillary private residential amenities accommodated at lower ground floor levels, including a gym, studio, changing rooms/ WCs, media room, recreational space and meeting room. And, all associated and ancillary site development works, including: – The extension and reconfiguration of the basement car park permitted under DCC Reg.Ref. 3391/15 and ABP Ref. PL29S.246002, as amended by DCC Reg.Ref. 2051/17, to accommodate an additional 21 no. car parking spaces (i.e. 38 no. in total) and an additional 13 no. bicycle parking spaces (i.e. 51 no. in total) at basement level. 12 no. bicycle parking spaces at surface level. -Demolition of 2 no. 2-storey detached houses at Nos. 36 and 38 Herbert Park (c.720 sq.m). -Modification of existing vehicular site entrance at No. 38 Herbert Park to provide access to the residential car parking spaces at basement level. -Closure of existing vehicular site entrance to No. 36 Herbert Park. -Vehicular access via the permitted basement ramp at 10 Pembroke Place to the aparthotel car parking spaces. -An attenuation tank. -Associated hard and soft landscaping, lighting and boundary treatment works. |
Registration Date | 19-Dec-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3978/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Orwell House Ltd |
Location | Queen Of Peace Centre, Garville Place, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Planning permission for additions and alterations to existing residential care home to include new window configuration to front and rear elevations, infill extension under first floor open area at ground floor to rear, new three storey stair tower to rear, new external walkway accessing in part, first and second floor bedroom’s to rear, new two storey infill extension and new glazed link corridor at new lift to rear, block up existing first floor conservatory and a new infill extension to existing sun terrace over at second floor level on South West gable to include new roof over, matching existing roof profile and height, extension of existing lift motor room projecting from rear roof, overcladding of existing external walls to main building with new insulated cladding system with render finish and with brick slip finish to ground floor front elevation matching extent of existing brick, new single storey store to existing car park and new single storey energy centre service building to rear and all associated on site works. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4023/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Minister for Education & Skills |
Location | Roslyn Park, Beach Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for development on a 0.28 ha site at Roslyn Park, Beach Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4. (Roslyn Park House is a Protected Structure – see RPS Ref. No. 496). The development will consist of the provision of a temporary one and two storey primary school (Shellybanks Educate Together National School: Roll No. 20441S), arranged in two separate blocks, comprising 12 no. classrooms in total, including all ancillary teacher and pupil facilities, located on the north-western part of the site (1,450 sq m gross floor area approximately). The development will also include the provision of an internal vehicular drop-off area and revised internal circulation routes; 9 no. staff surface parking spaces; bicycle and scooter parking; hard and soft play areas; the widening of the existing vehicular access from Newgrove Avenue and the provision of a new pedestrian access also from Newgrove Avenue; the widening of the existing vehicular access from Beach Road and the provision of a pedestrian only access from Seafort Avenue. Access to the proposed temporary school will be from Newgrove Avenue and Seafort Avenue only. The development will also include piped infrastructure and ducting; plant; landscaping and boundary treatments, including the provision of an internal 1.4m timber fence, on a temporary basis, running north-west to south-east between the proposed school site and the adjoining Roslyn Park College site; ancillary ramps and stairs; signage; changes in level and all associated site development and excavation works above and below ground. No works are proposed to the Protected Structure as part of this application. Temporary permission for a period of 5 years is being sought. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4544/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Kavcre St. Clare’s Limited |
Location | Former St. Clare’s Convent, and No’s 115-119, Harold’s Cross Road, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for amendments to the residential development permitted under Reg. Ref: 2186/15 (An Bord Pleanala Ref: PL29S.245164) at a site of c.245sqm (c.0.02ha.) within the overall c.1.7 ha site located at the former St. Clare’s Convent and No’s 115-119, Harold’s Cross Road, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6. The application site includes Protected Structure RPS Ref. No. 3583. The proposed development comprises amendments to Block D1 of the permitted St. Clare’s development to consist of the replacement of previously proposed office area (conditioned by An Bord Pleanala for community use under Condition 4 of An Bord Pleanala Ref: PL 29S.245164) and 3 no. previously permitted residential units (1 no. 1 bed, 1 no. 1 bed plus study and 1 no. 2 bed) in Block D1 with resident’s amenity facilities comprising of: a concierge, residents lounge, multi-function room, meeting room and co-working spaces, gym with revised terrace at lower ground floor on northern elevation and associated facilities; manager’s office; and all associated works (total tenant amenities floor space provided is c.396sqm). Minor elevational amendments are also proposed as part of this application. This application will reduce the number of units in Block D from 13 no. to 10 no. resulting in an overall decrease from 156 no. to 153 no. residential units. |
Registration Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4551/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | John Cullinan |
Location | Unit 97a, Rathfarnham Road East, Terenure, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Planning permission is sought for change of use from storage to 1 bed 2 storey staff residence 44.4sqm associated with restaurant trading as JD’s Steakhouse (4 Rathfarnham Road) including internal alterations and revised elevation treatment. |
Registration Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4553/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Peter Borza |
Location | 35, Nutley Lane, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PERMISSION & RETENTION: Retention of alterations to no. 35 Nutley Lane, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, carried out under previously approved planning permission reg. ref. 6063/06 and consisting of the following principal elements. 1. Visual Appearance – retention of alterations to the setout of the fenestration and detailing of the render on all elevations. 2. Floor Levels – retention of a lowering of the internal ground floor level to the rear of the building by 500mm. 3. Height – retention of increase in height of the two-storey flat roofed part of the building by 600mm where a parapet was constructed in lieu of an overhanging flat roof. 4. Rooflights – retention of alterations to permitted velux rooflights and insertion of additional Velux rooflights in the main roof. In addition, Planning Permission is sought for the following works 5) Balcony – removal of existing unauthorised first floor balcony to the rear and replacement of the external doors leading onto it with a window. 6) Gates – removal of the existing unauthorised gates and piers to Nutley Lane and their replacement with new gates and piers to the recommended 3.5m width. 7) Landscaping and site development works to the entire site. |
Registration Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4560/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | October Management Ltd |
Location | IPC House, No. 35-39, Shelbourne Road and Shelbourne Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission for modifications to development previously permitted under Reg Ref 4336/16 (PL 29S.248166) at an overall site of c.026ha at IPC House, 35-39 Shelbourne Road and Shelbourne Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. The proposed development will consist of modest revisions to the commercial development permitted under Reg Ref 4366/16 (PL29S.248166) comprising: (a) minor realignment to the glazing line on south west elevation at ground floor level. (b) the addition of 5 no. structural columns to the Shelbourne Road elevation, (c) addition of a raised platform outside permitted ESB substation at ground floor level and alterations to the fire escape on Shelbourne Lane, (d) modifications to permitted basement layout including addition of CHP room and realignment of retaining wall, (e) minor realignment to corner on south west elevation at 5th floor level (f) addition of open steel grillage above permitted plant area on 6th floor level for PV panels to allow for the inclusion of 427m2 of PV panels in lieu of permitted green roof at roof level, (g) the inclusion of 2 no. signage zones in shopfront of permitted retail/cafe unit at ground floor level on Shelbourne Road. All other aspects of development remain as permitted under Reg Ref 4336/16 (PL29S.248166). |
Registration Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4563/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Office of Public Works (OPW) |
Location | Miesian Plaza, 50-58, Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The buildings on the application site are a Protected Structure identified as ‘Bank of Ireland Headquarters’ 50-58 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2 (Reference 370) in the Record of Protected Structures.
The application site consists of 3 no. buildings identified in the application as Buildings A, B and C. The proposed development relates to Building A only. Building A is located to the rear (north) of the site and is bounded by James Street East to the west and James Place East to the north. The planning application is made pursuant to Condition nos. 2 and 5 of An Bord Pleanála permission Ref. No. PL29S.244047/ P.A. Ref. No. 3266/14 and pursuant to Condition No. 7 of P.A. Ref.No. 3509/15. The proposed development will consist of the erection of 5 no. satellite dishes with associated fixings/ mountings; 1 no. antenna with supporting structure 1.6 m in height and all associated works at rooftop level (8th floor) to Building A. No part of the dishes/ antenna or support structures protrude above the existing roof level of the permitted and constructed roof plant. 4 no. dishes are 0.75 m in diameter with an overall height of 1.575 m including mountings. 1 no. dish is 0.75 m in diameter with an overall height of 2.375 m including mountings. |
Registration Date | 19-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4567/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Sheil Kinnear, Bridlewood (Dame) Ltd. |
Location | 37, Dame Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRCUTURE: The development will comprise internal modifications, reconfigurations and refurbishment of the building and the change of use of the basement, ground floor and first floor from Office Use to Public House (the second, third and fourth floor will remain in Office Use and all associated ancillary facilities. The development will also include a new roof extension (to a height of approx. 25.8m OD) at fourth floor level to increase office floorspace by approx. 19.58 sq.m and to house an internal plant area of approx. 24.1 sq.m elevation changes comprising the provision of a new ground to fourth floor facade onto Dame Lane including new fenestration arrangement and 4 no. doors at ground floor level, the repair and renewal of brickwork and slate roof where required and the replacement of existing windows on Dame Street with Georgian sash windows. An extension to the lift, comprising an overrun at roof level: and provision of external plant, including Air Condensers and Automatic Opening Vent, at roof level are also proposed. The proposal will also comprise alterations to the pavement on Dame Street (approx. 0.87sq.m & 0.1sq.m), drainage works, all site development works, and all other ancillary works. |
Registration Date | 19-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4572/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Permanent TSB Plc |
Location | 70, Grafton Street/ 1-2 Harry Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | a) Internal alterations including a reduction of space at mezzanine level;
b) External elevational amendments including new glazing, relocation of two existing ATM’s and door; c) Change of use of first floor from general office to banking/ financial services (Class 2) use (approximate area 165 sq.m); d) Change of use of ground floor (approx. 11 sq.m) from banking to guesthouse accommodation (entrance lobby) use at 1-2 Harry Street and e) Installation of Plant at roof level. |
Registration Date | 20-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4575/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Fr. Bill Dailey-Administrator |
Location | Catholic University Church, 87A, Saint Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Formation of tea station within existing corridor alongside the atrium and the material alteration of the structure through the forming of a new doorway, and related sundry works. The building is a Protected Structure – Ref. 7797. |
Registration Date | 20-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4576/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Shahrokh Alipour |
Location | 20, Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Permission consisting of the following principal elements. 1. New shopfront and Velux rooflight to Sandford Road. 2. Construction of a new single storey extension and roof terrace to the residential apartment at first floor level to the rear. 3. Construction of a new extension and roof terrace to the residential apartment at first floor level to the rear. 3. Construction of a new extension to the commercial premises at first floor level to the rear. 4. Enlargement of existing dormer window and Velux rooflight to roof to rear. 5. Internal alterations and refurbishment works. 6. The development will include all associated drainage and site development works. |
Registration Date | 20-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4577/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Three Ireland (Hutchinson) Ltd. |
Location | Peggy Kelly’s Public House/ D-Six Off Licence, 161/163, Harold’s Cross Road, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | To install a new 7.1 m high replica flagpole antenna support structure that encases 2 no. 2.8 m long antennas at roof level and replacement 1 no. 2m long antenna face mounted onto chimney stack together with equipment cabinet and associated equipment. |
Registration Date | 20-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4582/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Applicant | Martin O’Byrne, Belcarrig Properties Limited |
Location | 38, Clanbrassil Street Upper, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Permission for retention of change of use of ground floor shop unit to 2 bedroom apartment and all related alterations to previously approved plans, planning register Nos. 1299/07 and 2399/12 refer. |
Registration Date | 20-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4583/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Clodagh Nolan |
Location | 11 Newgrove Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission is sought for (a) Subdivision of existing dwelling to form 2 two-storey two-bedroom residential units, with associated internal and external alterations including partial removal of hipped roof to Durham Road elevation to form an enclosed first floor terrace; (b) Demolition of unauthorised conservatory and construction of a single storey extension to rear. |
Registration Date | 20-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4585/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Applicant | James Stafford |
Location | The Merry Cobbler Public House, 78-82 Irishtown Road, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | RETENTION:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The property is Protected Structure, RPS No. 4006. The development consists of the retention of 2 no. horizontal sliding sash windows installed in the front ground floor facade. |
Registration Date | 20-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4586/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Mr. & Mrs. James Molohan |
Location | 15, Maxwell Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Demolition of the existing two storey house and single storey shed and construction of a new two storey house, garage and associated site works on this extended site. There will be seven roof lights on the roof, a roof terrace at first floor level, screened by a glass and stainless steel balustrade and an external stairs to provide an alternative access to the first floor. |
Registration Date | 20-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4590/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Applicant | Chopped Grafton Limited |
Location | 109, Grafton Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | RETENTION: PERMISSION: Comprising (i) retention permission for change of use from newsagents with delicatessen (Freshly Chopped – The Healthy Food Company) for the sale of gourmet fresh salads, sandwiches and soups; (ii) retention and permission for new shopfront and revised fascia level signage; and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4593/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Balark Trading GP Limited |
Location | Site of c.0.288 hectares, approximately, at College House, Nos. 2-3 Townsend Street and the former Screen Cinema, 16-19, Hawkins Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | The proposed development will consist of the demolition of the existing nine storey over basement College House building (8,501 sq m gross floor area) including its associated multi-storey carpark and ancillary structures; demolition of the existing three storey cinema building (1,363 sq m gross floor area), provision of site boundary protection to all frontages and all ancillary site works. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4594/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Grade Hospitality Ltd |
Location | 10, Grand Canal Street Upper, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission is sought for development of the existing restaurant at 10 Grand Canal Street Upper comprising (1) New retractable canopy at the front. (2) New garden railings and planting. (3) Change in the hours of opening from between 8am and 6pm on Monday to Friday only, to between 8am and 11pm on Monday to Wednesday, to between 8am and 11.30pm on Thursday and Friday, to between 10am and 11.30pm on Saturday, and to between 10am and 11pm on Sunday. (4) Internal alterations in seating and at the servery. (5) Works consequent on new Fire Safety Certificate and Disabled Access Certificate Applications. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area |
Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4596/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Applicant | Widestar Limited |
Location | Dakota Bar and Grill, 8/9 South William Street and 39/40 Drury Street, as well as the premises formerly known as Fashion Fair, also at 39/40 Drury Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | RETENTION: PERMISSION: The development proposed to be retained / proposed development consists / will consist of: 1) the retention of a) alterations to the shopfront at 39/40 Drury Street, b) alterations to the shopfront at 8/9 South William Street, c) plant at roof level of 8/9 South William Street, d) alterations to the internal layout of the existing licensed premises, and e) the permanent retention of an outdoor seating area at street level in front of 8/9 South William Street serving the existing licensed bar and restaurant to include 4 tables and 12 chairs surrounded by 1.5 metre high wind breakers (of glass and solid panels) and a planter, to remain in use during the business hours of the licensed premises; 2) the change of use of the first and second floors of 39/40 Drury Street, as well as the associated ground floor entrance (the former Fashion Fair stairs and elevator lobby , formally known as 40 Drury Street) (total 365.7sqm), from ‘wholesale fashion warehouse’ to ‘office’; 3) the provision at first floor level of 179.8 sqm of additional office floor space located on the roof to the rear of the existing first floor level office space at 8/9 South William Street, and connecting to the proposed first floor office space at 39/40 Drury Street (this will include the demolition of existing temporary roofing and provision of permanent roofing and new walls); 4) the provision at first floor level of 17.1sqm additional office floor space located over existing stairs to ground floor level; and 5) the provision of new backlit metal signage at the entrance to the former Fashion Fair stairs and elevator lobby, formally known as 40 Drury Street. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4600/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Padraic Og Gallagher |
Location | 32, Kenilworth Square, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Amendments to the previous grant of permission (Ref. 2506/16) to include, a reduction and reconfiguration to the rear of the proposed dwellings at ground floor level, reduction to the areas of rear gardens to the proposed new dwellings, provision of an external stairs to rear of proposed 2 bed unit, and an increase in the area of the rear garden to existing dwelling. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4601/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Copper Bridge C 2015 ICAV |
Location | The Former Clyde Court Hotel, being part of a wider site known as the D4 Hotels site/ former Jury’s Hotel site, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission for development at the Former Clyde Court Hotel, being part of a wider site known as the D4 Hotels site / former Jury’s Hotel site, generally bounded by Lansdowne Road to the north, Shelbourne Road to the east and Pembroke Road to the west, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. The proposed development comprises a series of minor amendments to permitted Blocks 3, 4, 5 and 6 located within the Former Clyde Court Hotel site only fronting Lansdowne Road and Shelbourne Road (referred to as Site 1 of parent permission) consisting of: Amendment to alignment of permitted fire tender access route where it connects to Shelbourne Road, to also include Part M access platform; addition of 4 no. meter rooms (c.2.05sqm each) at ground floor level of Blocks 6A, 6B and 6C respectively; place Name Signage in 2 no. locations ( fronting onto Lansdowne Road and Shelbourne Road respectively) each consisting of the backlit development name and logo on a structure measuring c.0.9m x 1.5m x 0.2m (signage area of c.1.35sqm) which will be mounted on a limestone plinth measuring c. 0.3m x 1.5m s0.2m; minor alterations to previously permitted roof terrace areas at Level 6 between Block 6 and Blocks 3, 4 and 5, these are retained and provided as additional private amenity terrace areas (c.21.5sqm each) to 3 no. permitted apartment units (Unit Nos. 2F-03-20, 2F-04-22 and 2F-05-23); minor alterations to windows on the western gable elevation of Block 6A at Levels 1 to 6 inclusive in the form of infill changes from fully glazed to part panelled / part glazed to facilitate internal kitchen units – the permitted window opening size does not change; new gas skid for incoming gas services including an enclosure constructed of powder coated open mesh sheeting measuring c.2.1m in height with a GFA of c.19.25sqm; all on a site of c.1.07ha. All of the above amends a previously permitted mixed use scheme Dublin City Council Reg. Ref. 40155/09; An Bord Pleanala Ref. PL29S.237454 – the ‘parent permission’ as amended by Dublin City Council Reg. Ref. 4343/15, 2244/16, 2578/16, 2849/16, 3386/16, 3468/16, 3532/16, 4369/16 and 2853/17 in respect of Site 1. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4617/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Bernadette Pierce |
Location | 13, Belgrave Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: A Protected Structure as listed in the Dublin City Development Plan 2011-2017 (Ref. 528). The proposed development comprises revisions to a previously approved planning application (Ref. No. 2582/15) for a change of use from 10 no. bedsit units to 3 no. one and two-bedroom apartments, as well as sundry repairs, renewals and alterations to the fabric to facilitate the proposed change of use. The proposed works for which permission is now sought comprise:
a) Change of use from 10 no. pre-’63 bedsit units to 1 no. three-bedroom duplex over 1 no. two-bedroom lower-ground floor unit; b) Removal of section of flooring and insertion of a new structural timber floor to the rear return; c) Removal of existing internal staircase between the hall-floor and garden level; d) Installation of new windows, French doors and a balcony to the rear elevation; e) Installation of an external metal staircase from the proposed hall floor balcony to garden level; f) Conservation/ upgrade works to existing front and rear sash windows; g) Internal alterations to provide for the proposed change of use, including new partitions, doors and screens; h) Provision of fire protection works to existing/ proposed structural timber floors; j) Installation of new mechanical and electrical services throughout; k) Alterations to the front garden including installation of screening to bicycle/ bin storage areas; l) Sundry repairs, renewals and alteration works to the fabric – not impacting on the special interest of the protected structure – to facilitate the works outlined above. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4626/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Sean Mason, Carebear Playgroups Countdown Ltd. |
Location | Rear garden of, 116, Leinster Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 (with frontage onto Leinster Road West) |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for a 2 no. bedroom 2 storey Mews of 97m2 with new vehicular access with associated site works, bin stores, bicycle parking and landscaping. |
Registration Date | 22-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4634/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | James Ryan |
Location | 272, Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Permission for the change of use of the ground floor of No 272 Lower Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 YY51, (part of the Swan Centre and also facing onto Castlewood Avenue), from vacant retail banking unit to a licensed restaurant (Gross Floor Area 245 sqm), and for the removal of an existing Automated Teller Machine and night-safe and their replacement with a shop window and the change of lettering in the existing fascias on both streets. |
Registration Date | 22-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4637/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | James Ryan & Janette Hurrell |
Location | 76, Camden Street, Dublin 2, 41A Pleasant’s Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Permission to carry out a change of use from retail at ground floor of 76 Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2 and a car servicing/ car sales outlet at ground floor of 41A Pleasant’s Street, Dublin 8 to use as a licensed restaurant. These two premises were approved to operate at ground floor level as part of a single unit, joined by a new link building, for use as retail outlet in application Reg. Ref. 3075/16. That application also included 75 and 75A Camden Street Lower (Protected Structures) which are not included in this application. This application is confined to seeking permission for the change for the change of use of the ground floor of Number 76 Camden Street Lower and 41A Pleasant’s Street and the link building between the two buildings. |
Registration Date | 22-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4638/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Canal Basin Holdings Limited |
Location | Vacant site st corner of Richmond Street South, Dublin 2 and Lennox Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Permission is sought to vary a previously approved development (Reg. Ref. 3015/15) on an existing vacant site at the corner of Richmond Street South, Dublin 2 and Lennox Street, Dublin 8. The permission granted involved a mixed use development of a 4-storey over basement building comprising 1 retail unit at ground floor level with retail storage and gym at basement level and office accommodation at Levels 1-3. The development also provided for 8 car parking spaces in the rear yard and 28 bicycle parking spaces in the basement. Permission is now sought to relocate the ESB substation from the rear yard to the Lennox Street frontage n line with ESB requirements and to alter the Lennox Street ground floor elevation accordingly. Permission is also sought for a change of use of part of the ground floor previously approved as retail (557sq.m) to licensed restaurant use. |
Registration Date | 22-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4640/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Mel Kellegher, Irish Rail |
Location | Railway Bridge over Pearse Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Replacement of an existing static type advertising board on the north-easterly elevation of the existing railway bridge with a new static 18 m x 2 m LED display to the same elevation of the bridge. |
Registration Date | 22-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4645/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Ciannait Ni Rian Ui Broin |
Location | 7, Cambridge Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Permission for the change of use of part ground floor of a residential dwelling. To facilitate a sessional childcare service (Naionra) catering for a maximum of 11 children. Opening 3.5 hours per session, Mon – Fri during school term. |
Registration Date | 22-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4649/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Mark Conan |
Location | 13 & 14, Fade Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURES: Change of use of No. 13 Fade Street from retail and office, and of no. 14 from Silversmith (workshop and offices), all to Guesthouse use, with Café & Reception at ground floor, services and staff rooms at basement of no. 13 and ancillary rooms at all levels. The number of bedrooms (all en-suite) will total 20 no. The gross floor area of the development is c. 518 sq.m. The proposal will also include the following internal and external modifications:
a) altered plan layout by removal of some existing, and insertion of new partitions, b) new internal connecting openings at first, second and third floor level between no. 13 and no. 14, c) extension (c. 31 sq.m) of the existing mezzanine floor over 2nd floor of no. 14, including new access stair, d) new lift and enclosure in no. 13 serving basement to second floor incl., e) removal of existing basement stairs and provision of new basement stairs, with reinstating original level of ground floor to no. 13, f) replacement of 1 no. existing rear rooflight and provision of 1 no. new front rooflight to no. 13, and replacement of 1 no. existing rear rooflight and 1 no. existing front rooflight to no. 14, g) reinstatement of rear window to mezzanine/ third floor of no. 14, h) refurbishment of original timber windows, i) alterations to ground floor elevation to Fade Street by removal of existing roller shutters, replacement of existing shopfront & sign board (no. 13) and reinstating entrance door of no. 14 to original position, j) all associated site works. |
Registration Date | 22-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1632/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Palmgrey Ltd. |
Location | K.C.R. House, 326, Kimmage Road Lower, Kimmage, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | The development will consist of the refurbishment and extension of the 1st floor(75 Sqm), currently vacant, to a 2 bed apartment (85 Sqm), with access from Kimmage Rd. Lwr. |
Registration Date | 18-Dec-2017
Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal
Registration Date
Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal
Registration Date
Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location
Registration Date
Area 1 – South East
4484/17 Permission Michael Foy & Mairead Smith 59, Pembroke Lane, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The applicant site is a rear mews property to 59 Fitzwilliam Square North, Dublin 2, both of which are protected structures. The proposed development will consist of the following: revising & upgrading of internal layout to convert the property; – at ground floor to reconfigure & upgrade existing 2 bedroom apartment to a 1 bedroom apartment – at 1st floor from 2 no. 1 bedroom bedsits to 1 no. 1 bedroom apartment – new external storage units to rear private open space – all existing structure to be cleaned & repaired in material to match existing – existing parking to be retained with new hardwood access gates – corrugated roof to be replaced with slate roof – existing right of way to the main house to be retained, with timber fencing to private open space. 11-Dec-2017 ***Amendment to Week 50/17***
Area 1 – South East 4526/17 Permission Patrick & Angelina McDonagh Site to the rear of Fortfield Gardens, Rathmines, Dublin 6 Permission for development at this site (0.14 Ha) to the rear of Fortfield Gardens, Rathmines, Dublin 6. The site is located to the rear of nos. 57-61 Cowper Road, 1-5 Palmerston Gardens, 24a-27 Fortfield Terrace and nos. 1-6 Fortfield Gardens with existing single access point directly south of House no. 1, Fortfield Gardens. The proposal consists of a terrace of 3 no. 4 bed, 2 storey houses with attic level accommodation, dormer windows, rooflights, rear gardens and 3 no. parking spaces. The proposal also includes associated site works. 15-Dec-2017 ***Amendment to Week 50/17***
Area 1 – South East 4523/17 Permission Poppyside DAC The Mercantile Hotel, 25-28, Dame Street, and Dame House, 24-26 Dame Street Dublin 2 (bounded by Dame Lane to the south and South Great George’s Street to the west) The proposed development will consist of the following: change of use from office to hotel use of the first, second, third and fourth floor levels of Dame House ( a five storey over basement end of terrace building ) internal and external modifications to facilitate this change of use including amalgamation of Dame House with the existing Mercantile Hotel ( a six storey over basement mid-terrace building ); modifications to all elevations including associated signage; and internal modifications / reconfiguration of and refurbishments to the existing Mercantile Hotel. Planning Permission is also sought for a five storey hotel extension to the rear ( first, second, third, fourth and fifth floor levels ) and an extension of the existing fifth floor ( mansard ) level to now provide a fifth floor level across the entirety of the buildings i.e. resulting in a 79 bed, six storey over basement hotel ( with breakfast / dining area & residents bar and ancillary accommodation ) with plant area at roof level; and all associated site engineering works necessary to facilitate the development. 14-Dec-2017 ***Amendment to Week 50/17***
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4088/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Emer Finnan & Eoin O’Lideadha |
Location | 22, Sandymount Avenue, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Development consisting of alterations and refurbishment of existing 3 storey house including the provision of a part single storey part two storey extension to the side and rear of the house facing Churchill Terrace, comprising new kitchen dining area on ground floor with new master bedroom overhead, new rooflight to front, widening of existing vehicular entrance & provision of replacement boundary walls & fencing, vehicular gateway onto Churchill Terrace, new single storey garden store & bin enclosure, landscaping & all drainage works. |
Registration Date | 20-Dec-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4543/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Kate Rainey & Paul Ruddy |
Location | 7, Durham Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Planning permission is sought for the demolition of the existing single storey extension and the construction of a single and two storey extension to the rear and side of the existing house with 1 no. new rooflight, associated elevational changes, widening of existing vehicular entrance to the front and all associated site works. |
Registration Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4547/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | James & Michelle McGettigan |
Location | House No. 2, Ailesbury Oaks, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Planning permission for amendments to a previously approved planning application (reg ref 3548/15) to include an extended first floor bedroom to the front on top of the approved single storey kitchen extension. |
Registration Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4555/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Karl Croke |
Location | 72 Wilfield Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission for the creation of new vehicular access to the front garden including the removal of the front boundary railings, new gates and associated works. |
Registration Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4570/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Tim & Sheena Hennessy |
Location | 69, Park Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4, D04 K2A8 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission is sought for 1) alterations to existing vehicular access gates to front boundary to Park Avenue. 2) removal of existing conservatory to rear and formation of new single storey garden room attached to existing kitchen to rear. 3) formation of detached garden room to mid-garden section for use as an exercise room. 4) installation of 2.5m high security fence to width of rear boundary to DART line. 5) internal alterations to kitchen including an increase in width of the existing ope between the kitchen and proposed garden room and the removal & replacement of the existing concrete floor with new concrete floor incorporating underfloor heating. 6) associated site works. |
Registration Date | 19-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4579/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Aileen Bourke |
Location | 7, Dermot O’hurley Avenue, Irishtown, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission for works to a single storey end terrace house (original area 63.04 sq.m) comprising: (a) demolition of 2 rear non-original single storey extensions, (b) construction of a new single storey rear extension and (c) construction of new bicycle shed (1.57 sq.m). The net decrease in floor area (excluding shed) is 1.02 sq.m. |
Registration Date | 20-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4581/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Maria Conway & Sean Cleary |
Location | 35, Villiers Road, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the demolition of 2 no. existing extensions to rear of terrace dwelling, construction of new single storey flat roof extension with roof lantern, and single-storey lean-to extension with 4 no. glazed rooflights, together with associated site works. |
Registration Date | 20-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4584/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Celtic Trustees Limited |
Location | 51, Ailesbury Road, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: To include construction of a replacement single storey extension to rear, with partially accessible roof terrace at upper ground floor & provision of screen to this terrace, also minor internal alterations to the property at lower ground floor, first & second floor levels. The proposal includes restoration and conservation works to the historic fabric including repair and repointing of facade brickwork. |
Registration Date | 20-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4587/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Finbar & Doreen Crotty |
Location | 10, Glenayr Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Demolition of an existing rear extension (8 sq.m) and the construction of a single storey rear extension, (24 m) at ground floor level. The proposed extension will consist of a lounge/ dining room area and associated site works. |
Registration Date | 20-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4598/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Gal & Orit Brahami |
Location | 15, Percy Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The development will consist of – Alterations to existing permitted development (reg. ref. WEB 1493/16) consisting of construction of an additional floor level setback to front and rear elevations. – All associated elevational alterations, internal alterations, site, drainage and landscaping works. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4602/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Vincent Dempsey |
Location | 321, Kimmage Road Lower, Kimmage, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | The proposed development will consist of removal of existing side and rear single-storey extensions, and the construction of a two-storey extension with rooflights to side and single-storey extension with rooflights to rear of existing dwelling, widening of existing vehicular entrance to 3.5m with new entrance gates, and all associated site works. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4603/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Bryony Treston and Ciaran Kelly |
Location | 31, Mount Argus Park, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | The development will consist of (1.) A one and two-storey extension to the rear of the property. (2.) A rear dormer roof extension. (3.) A roof-light to the front roof pitch, (4.) New windows at ground and first floor level to the side elevation of the existing building and (5.) Ancillary site works. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4610/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | David & Derval McKeown |
Location | Lynwood, 15 Ailesbury Park, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission for development consisting of demolition of existing single storey garden room to the rear and removal of outdoor swimming pool within the rear garden, construction of new replacement single storey extension to rear comprising kitchen/dining and a living area, new single storey boot room extension to east facing side gable of house, conversion of existing attic to provide bedroom, shower room and study den with dormer windows to rear elevation and velux window to front slope, internal alterations, provision of new single storey garden/playroom, plant room and garden store within garden, landscaping works to front and rear gardens, drainage works and upgrading of existing boundaries. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4612/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Applicant | Niamh Gallagher |
Location | 68, Irishtown Road, Irishtown, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Application for retention planning permission for minor alteration to as built extension granted under planning permission 2913/17, alterations to be retained comprises of additional ground floor extension area and reduced first floor extension area all to rear. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4613/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Dromeenagh LLC |
Location | 62, Merrion Square South, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of:
1) Excavation of part of the rear garden at ground/ basement level and the construction of a storage room with a patio/ garden terrace to the roof of same and ancillary stairs between upper and lower garden levels. 2) Installation of new boundary iron railings to divide the rear garden and the car-park to the rear of the building. 3) Landscaping of the proposed garden including bin storage ancillary to the dwelling and 1 no. car parking space within the new garden enclosure. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4614/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Dromeenagh LLC |
Location | 62, Merrion Square, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of 1) Re-pointing the entire front elevation using traditional lime based mortar including ancillary broken / cracked brick repair where necessary. 2) Cleaning of granite stone to basement level at front elevation stone. 3) Installation of balcony at cill level to the first floor level where balcony has been removed. 4) Refurbishment of the iron railings to the front of No 62 Merrion Square South and replacement of the damaged granite plinth stones with new moulded ‘Wicklow granite’ plinth stones. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4619/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Karen Flood & John Clinton |
Location | 72 Ranelagh Road, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for the removal of a window and widening of the ope in the rear basement and the insertion of new folding patio doors, the removal of an internal partition wall in the basement, and associated site works. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4622/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Martin Murray & Nuala Calnan |
Location | 56, Anna Villa, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | The development will consist of:
1. Removal of existing 2-storey rear extension; 2. Excavation and removal of rear garden earth by approx. 0.9 m – 1.3 m depth to form a level garden with retaining wall and select timber boundary treatments all to Engineers design. 3. The construction of new two storey flat roof rear extension to consist of a kitchen, dining, lounge, utility & w.c. at ground floor and two bedrooms and a bathroom at first floor. 4. Part remodelling of walls of existing dwelling to suit the proposed layouts. All services, drainage, structural and associated site works to be implemented. |
Registration Date | 22-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4630/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Simon Hannigan & Elaine Keane |
Location | 82, Highfield Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6, D06 K4K7 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for an attic conversion with conservation roof lights to rear, new vehicular access from Villiers Road and parking to the front. |
Registration Date | 22-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4636/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Applicant | Denise McNulty |
Location | 3, Victoria Village, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | RETENTION: The development consists of the construction of a two storey extension to the rear of the house. |
Registration Date | 22-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4641/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Andrew McBennett & Maria Barbour |
Location | 12, Derrynane Gardens, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The development will consist of:
-the demolition of an existing rear extension and garden shed; -the construction of a two-storey extension to the rear of the existing house comprising kitchen/ living room at ground level with rooflight, and bedroom with rooflight and en-suite bathroom at first floor level; -modifications to the internal layout of the house including a rooflight in the existing rear roof; -the construction of a driveway/ parking space in the front garden, and the construction of a garden shed in the rear garden. |
Registration Date | 22-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4646/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Jeremy & Deirdre Maher |
Location | 31, Cowper Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the installation of a conservation rooflight measuring 720mm wide x 1180mm tall to the front roof. |
Registration Date | 22-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4651/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Mary Noonan & Colum O’Connor |
Location | 14, Merton Drive, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | The development will consist of; a) The demolition of the existing single storey shed and the reconfiguration and extension of the existing single storey extension to the rear of the property. b) The provision of an extension at first floor level over the existing garage to the front, side and rear of the property and the revision of the existing main house roof over same. c) The conversion of the attic and the provision of a new dormer window and roof lights to rear of the property. d) All associated site works and fenestration amendments to the front and rear of the property. |
Registration Date | 22-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1636/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Helen Doherty and Annete Fuchs |
Location | 31, Seafort Gardens, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | A new first floor/attic dormer roof extension to side, 2 No. new roof windows, 2 No. new first floor windows to rear and side and associated works. |
Registration Date | 19-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1641/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Liam and Geraldine Dunne |
Location | 1, Winton Avenue, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Demolition of an existing part single, part two storey extension to the rear, and construction of a new part single, part two storey extension to the rear and widening of the existing vehicular access to 3.3 metres and installation of new gates to match existing and associated site works. |
Registration Date | 20-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1642/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Mark Mellotte |
Location | 69, Sundrive Road, Kimmage, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | A first floor extension with flat roof to the rear and side over existing ground floor extension at the rear and side to accommodate additional living space together with all onsite utilities and services. |
Registration Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1646/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | E O’Connor & D Murphy |
Location | 99, Tritonville Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission for partial demolition & reconstruction of existing 2 storey terraced return comprising ground floor kitchen/dining area, 1st floor bathroom & bedroom, extension of first floor bedroom by 5.9 sq.m and extension of ground floor kitchen/ dining area by 29 sq.m. |
Registration Date | 22-Dec-2017 |
LAWS: None
SAWS: None
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0473/17 |
Application Type | Social Housing Exemption Certificate |
Decision | Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert |
Decision Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | John, Ruth & Richard Rock |
Location | Rear of 63, Marlborough Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | SHEC: Construction of a 2-storey two bed mews dwelling to the rear of 63 Marlborough Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3672/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Heights Hospitality Operations Ltd |
Location | Temple Bar Inn, Nos. 40-47 Fleet Street and Parliament Row, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Planning permission for the development of an extension to the rear of a c.0.16ha site located at the Temple Bar Inn, Nos. 40-17 Fleet Street and Parliament Row, Dublin 2. The development will consist of a 6-storey hotel extension (3,086m2 gross floor area) above an existing ground floor level to create a 7-storey structure to the rear of a previously permitted hotel (Planning Reg. Ref. 4073/15). Some internal alterations to the existing structure are necessitated at 1st to 4th floor levels, which combined with the proposed extension, will result in a 190 bedroom hotel. The development will include: revised lift and circulation arrangements at basement and ground floor levels of the existing hotel; a new internal courtyard between the existing hotel and proposed extension extending from 1st floor to roof level; a north facing viewing terrace at fifth floor level over the existing hotel; terraces at sixth floor level of the proposed hotel extension on the southern and western elevations; screened plant and a sedum roof at roof level of the proposed hotel extension; amendments to the facade of the existing ground floor structure fronting onto Parliament Row; changes in levels; piped services; and all associated site development and excavation works above and below ground. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4129/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | John Dillon |
Location | 64-66, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | The development will consist of a change of use at ground floor level from retail with ancillary off-licence use to restaurant with ancillary bar use; and at first floor level from ancillary use to residential use ( 1 no. apartment unit); modifications to the ground floor shop front including new signage at fascia level, and all associated site works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4133/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 19-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Sequana Management Limited |
Location | 39 & 40, Dawson Street, Dublin 2, both properties with rear frontage to Anne’s Lane, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: (RPS Ref. 2269 and 2270): Development will consist of:
i) The removal of an existing window, security bars and wall below, within the central bay of the ground floor level front elevation to Dawson Street of No. 39 Dawson Street, and replacement with a timber-framed double door; and make good; and ii) Removal of a section of internal party wall between No. 39 and 40 Dawson Street (to the side of a fireplace in the front foyer area at ground floor level) to create a new 2.1 m high ope, and make good; and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4139/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Forefront Estates Limited |
Location | 35, Westland Row/ 35 Harcourt Row, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Refurbishment and repair, including new railing to front with granite plinth and paving, replacement of modern timber and pvc window sashes with period style sash windows and refurbishment of window shutters, removal of roller shutter to front and replacement with modern bay window, replacement of modern internal doors with period style fire doors, replacement of modern plywood floor in entrance hall with cream coloured limestone paving, insertion at ground floor of glass double doors in modern timber stud wall from entrance hall to front office, insertion of double doors between front and rear room at ground floor level to match doors at first floor, change of use of lower ground floor from place of worship to office, three storey extension on the rear above lower ground floor level, with roof garden at ground floor level, placement of skylights on rear and side slopes of main roof, removal of roller shutter to rear and replacement with timber sheeted doors, removal of roofing felt off mews and replacement with blue/ black natural slate, insertion of leaded fan light over front door. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4141/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Farmer Browns Eatery Ltd. |
Location | Ground Floor 25A, Bath Avenue, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Change of use from Butcher shop/ Retail to Café / Restaurant with proposed new opening hours of Monday to Sunday 10am to 9pm. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4151/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Paul & Shona Murphy |
Location | 168, Stillorgan Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the following:
1) Widen existing entrance on public road to 3.6 m and construct new piers; 2) Install new timber gates and 3) All ancillary site services. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4156/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Julie & Dominic Silvester |
Location | 81, Wellington Road, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Alterations to previously approved Reg. Ref. 4303/15. The alterations proposed in this application comprise a reduction in the parapet height by 150mm of the previously approved rear return and a 2.3m extension to the depth of the first floor level of the previously approved rear return, together with all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4163/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 19-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | James Kelly |
Location | 2, O’Connell Gardens, Bath Avenue, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Construction of a single storey detached studio building in rear garden of house. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4198/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Niall Austin and Jeanne Heery |
Location | Site on Harrison Row, to the rear of 34 Terenure Road East, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | The demolition of the derelict shed totalling 43sqm and the construction of a new four bed roomed mews family home with off street car parking for one car accessed off Harrison Row and a south facing landscaped rear garden. The proposed living accommodation with an area of 192.6 sqm is provided over three storeys, ground floor level, first floor level and attic level. This application includes for the proposal to set back the existing building line by 1800mm from the existing carriageway to accommodate a new foot path. The site is in a Residential Conservation Area. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4201/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Susan and Gary Donnelly |
Location | 10, Ramleh Villas, Milltown Road, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the demolition of the existing single storey rear extensions and the construction of a new single-storey bay window to front and a part single, part two-storey rear extension with roof light and all associated site drainage and landscaping works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4331/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Clohisey Cahill Madden Partnership |
Location | 134-135 Milltown Road, Milltown Dublin 6 |
Proposal | 4 No. two bedroom single storey apartments at first floor over existing ground floor retail unit, roof lights , screened private terraces to rear, disabled access stairs to front and associated works . |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4449/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 19-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Sharbee & Oonagh Morrin |
Location | 70, Baggot Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission sought for internal alterations and new extension comprising two bedrooms and a bathroom, all of area c 57 sq.m, at second floor (roof) level to existing 2-bedroom town house of area 85 c. sq.m. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4454/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 19-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Simon O’Donnell |
Location | 7, Church Gardens, Church Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Permission to construct a single storey extension at rear. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1558/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Sarah Hanley |
Location | 76, Harolds Cross Road, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | Sarah Hanley is applying for planning permission for the provision of two enlarged first floor windows to the side of existing two storey rear extension, together with associated works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1618/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 22-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Kieran Lynch |
Location | 17, Merlyn Park, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | New two storey detached dwelling to the side of the existing house along with a new vehicular entrance and alterations to the existing garage. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0404/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Indeed Ireland Operations Ltd. |
Location | 124-127, Saint Stephen’s Green West, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | EXPP: Whether the provision of an illuminated advertisement inside premises at No. 124-127 St. Stephen’s Green West, Dublin 2, is or is not development or is or is not exempted development. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3944/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Olema Consultants |
Location | 72-74, Harcourt Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of a glazed awning in frames, supported by moulded brackets over the entrance to the hotel development permitted by Dublin City Council under planning Reg. Ref. 2189/16 and as modified under planning Reg. Ref. 3682/16. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3998/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Eugene Mc Quillan |
Location | Riversdale, Riversdale Avenue, 75, Bushy Park Road, Terenure, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the construction of two new plastered concrete piers with wrought iron gates and all associated site and landscaping works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4177/16 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Rails Investment Ltd (In Trust) |
Location | Sandwith Street Upper, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Development at this site of c.0.265 ha bounded to the north/north-west by Pearse Street Station, bridge and railway line, to the south by Boyne Street and adjoining warehouse/industrial building fronting same, to the east by residential properties fronting Erne Street Upper and to the west by Sandwith Street Upper.
The development will consist of the following: -Demolition of existing building ( former post office garage) ( c. 1,711sq.m gross floor area (GFA)) -Construction of a 4-7 storey over basement, office building with a total GFA of c.10,187sq.m. -Ancillary areas including reception, staff dining/ meeting area, WCs, changing facilities with showers, plant, storage, services, sub-station. – East facing terrace (c.100sq.m) at 4th floor level .Green roof (with photovoltaic panels) – New pedestrian route through the site. Vehicular/service access via existing Boyne Street access to the south.18 no surface car parking spaces.100 bicycle parking spaces at basement level. – All associated site development works, services provision, landscaping, and boundary treatment works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3871/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | J.Gillespie, D. Bateman, C.Lowe |
Location | Rear of 1, Rathmines Road Upper, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the part demolition of existing two-storey structures at the rear of the property and removal of existing curved ceiling over existing third floor office space, and the construction of a retail unit at ground floor and five one bedroom apartments, one two bedroom apartment, one three bedroom apartment and roof terrace. The overall height of the proposal is five storeys over ground with a setback rooftop access core.
***Amendment to Week 50/17*** |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2151/17 |
Appeal Decision | GRANT PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Mr Gerald Conlon, Emco Hotels Ltd |
Location | At a site at the Central Hotel nos.1-5, Exchequer Street (a protected structure)and nos. 11, 14 & 16 George’s Street Great South as well as no. 12 Dame Court, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: – the refurbishment/reconfiguration, demolition (c. 900sq. m across overall site) and expansion of the Central Hotel to result in an overall amalgamated hotel (116 no. bedrooms) of c. 6,374 sq.m (5 storeys over basement with 7 storey element with plant level [12 Dame Court] and will include the following: 1) Demolition of no. 12 Dame Court (c. 245 sq.m) and its replacement with a 7 storey with plant level above (overall height c. 23.8m; 32.38m OD to parapet) building (c. 743 sq.m) as an extension to the existing hotel with bar use c. 125 sq.m at ground floor level and hotel use 104 sq.m at first floor level – connected by new opes on existing northern facade of Central Hotel at above ground floor levels; 2) Refurbishment and reconfiguration of existing Central Hotel and associated premises as follows:- A) Basement level – Removal of internal partitions/walls to facilitate reconfiguration/refurbishment of basement areas of Central Hotel and nos. 11, 14 & 16 George’s Street Great South (and associated change of use from gross retail (storage c. 137 sq.m) and nightclub use (212 sq.m) to Hotel use c. 349 sq.m) to provide ancillary hotel areas including a new connected seating/breakfast/restaurant area (c. 272 sq.m), Hotel gym; toilets, storage/plant/attenuation & staff areas; B) Ground floor level – Amalgamation of no. 16 George’s Street Great South into the Central Hotel and associated change of use (c.90 sq.m) from retail to hotel (ancillary bar/lounge area connected to existing ‘library bar’ above at 1st floor level); reconfiguration/refurbishment of internal areas of reception, lounge and associated backroom areas; change of use of no. 14 George’s Street Great South (84 sq.m [54 sq m at basement level]) from retail to restaurant/cafe use and its connection (including new void) to Central Hotel basement level; C) First floor level – Refurbishment and provision of bedrooms (to include removal and insertion of partitions/WC facilities); provision of new ancillary bar/lounge area connected to existing ‘library bar’ (and associated alterations); removal of ancillary space in courtyard to provide an internal terraced/landscaped platform area c. 163 sq.m (including void to existing basement passageway); D) Second and Third floor levels – Refurbishment and provision of bedrooms (to include removal and insertion of partitions and removal of exit passageway (external) between existing east and west parts of hotel); E) Fourth floor level – Removal of existing fourth floor level Mansard roof structure of the Central Hotel (c. 384 sq.m) fronting onto Dame Court and Exchequer Street and its replacement with a new fourth level in its place (overall height c. 22.7m; 32.38m OD) to include pitched roof and glazing and 2 no. dormers facing onto Exchequer Street (new plant areas within pitched roof space); removal of eastern side of pitched slate roof along George’s Street Great South and provision of bedrooms/storage (with flat roof above overall height c.18.8m; 28.39m OD to parapet); F) Removal of existing lift shafts and stair cores (including chimney) from basement/ground to 4th floor levels and provision of new stairwells/lift shafts/servicing ducts/risers/dumb waiters as well as revisions to circulation/access (including provision of new opes) and removal of internal walls/partitions/replacement of doors as necessary; new glazed opening in existing staircase and creation of void (first to third floors); glazed finish to internal facade of new northern ‘wing’ (which includes bedrooms and access 1st to 4th floor levels); G) External works to include; new canopies/signage (12 sq.m), replacement shopfronts (and lighting) on Exchequer Street & George’s Street Great South facades (including replacement of existing non-original entrance canopy); repointing/replacement of windows with matching as required; revised entrance treatment and signage (and glazed screens/basement lightwells), on Dame Court; new fire access door on Exchequer Street (using existing window ope); all site development works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3252/17 |
Appeal Decision | GRANT PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 18-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Karl Byrne & Danielle McConville |
Location | 60, Clanbrassil Street Upper, Portobello, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The development will consist of:
1. A new bay window to front reception room. 2. A general internal remodel and upgrade. 3 A new two storey rear flat roof extension to consist of a lounge, utility and dining room at ground floor and a bathroom and master bedroom with terrace at first floor. 4. The existing converted attic space to be used as a study and to incorporate 3 no. new roof lights to the front and 1 no. dormer window to serve the rear attic space to be used as a bedroom. 5. All drainage, structural and associated site works to be implemented. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3293/17 |
Appeal Decision | GRANT PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 21-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Aoife and Julian Hubbard |
Location | 14, Larkfield Park, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | Permission for demolition of rear single storey kitchen and music room extension, permission to construct a new, part single storey, kitchen and music room and part two storey, bedroom, bathroom, reading and costume rooms to rear and side of existing house, new front entrance door canopy, widen vehicular gate to 3m, ancillary internal alterations, site works and drainage. |