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Weekly Planning Lists

Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

(a)  Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.

(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Article 31(g), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

(a)  In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”


(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Planning Information Sessions

Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.


The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.


All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.


Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.


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222 8870

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Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3112/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Barrow Street Management Ltd.
Location 15, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, D04 DE93, (formerly Dublin Sanitary Disposals Limited)
Proposal Development of an enterprise centre on a site of 0.09 hectares approximately.

The development will consist of the: demolition of the existing part two-storey, part single-storey light industrial warehouse building (1,431 sq.m gross floor area) and its replacement by construction of a four-storey over two-level basement enterprise centre building (with set-back second and third floor levels)  3,785 sq.m gross floor area (including two basement levels of 1,428 sq.m gross floor area) accommodating: shared workspace over Basement -1 to Third Floor Levels; reception; café/ collaborative work-space; a roof terrace to the west elevation on the roof of the First Floor Level; landscaped courtyards at Basement -1 Level to the south of the building and at Ground Floor Level to the north of the building.

The development will also consist of the provision of : privacy screens to the northern and southern elevations; a bicycle lift accessed via Barrow Street; bicycle parking (38 no. spaces); shower rooms; tenant storage. plant rooms at Basement -2 Level and a plant enclosure at roof level including  lift over-run; waste compound/ store; SuDS measures including attenuation tank and green roofs; flood defence systems and associated storage; all hard and soft landscaping; elevational treatments; lighting; signage; and all other associated site excavation, infrastructural and site development works above and below ground including changes in level, boundary treatments and associated site servicing (foul and surface water drainage and water supply).

Registration Date 23-Oct-2017
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4120/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Commissions of Public Works in Ireland
Location National Concert Hall, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE; The development will consist of the provision/ construction of a new Winter garden in an infill space at first floor level in the National Concert Hall, enclosed by the existing Butler Building ( constructed in 1912) to the east, and the existing walls of the main auditorium (c.1865) and John Field Room (c. 1980) to the west. The intention is to create a glazed roof light space at first floor level, over the existing foyer roof. The new space will function as a public foyer area/ spill over space relating to the Kevin Barry Rooms and the main auditorium, and also a café/ wine bar facility with limited seating. The total floor space area which is to be refurbished extends to approximately 143 sq.m . The National Concert Hall including the main building, boundary wall gates, railings and adjoining Tennis Court are designated Protected Structures under the Dublin City Council Development Plan 2011-2017 (*Reference 2425 & 2426 ).

It is also proposed to demolish two 1980’s flat roof single-storey extensions at the rear of the site. The total floor area which is to be demolished extends to approximately 84 sq.m. This application seeks permission for the following interventions: Removal of 20th century flat roof, strengthening of existing steel structure, and construction of new floor to Wintergarden space, including replacement of ceiling beneath; Construction of a new glazed roof spanning between the back of the Butler building, and the walls of the main auditorium and John Field Room, and a lower level roof between the north marble stairs and the back of the John Field Room; Formation of new ope in east wall of first floor of John Field Room to access the Wintergarden space; Replacement of three existing windows in Concourse with new doors, and provision of secondary glazing to four other windows; Cleaning and repair the render where required, of all facades surrounding this space; Construction of a ramp to allow level access to the upper level of the John Field room, and provision of steps, seating, and a small café bar; Replacement of the existing modern external escape stair at the rear of the north Butler Wing with a new temporary replica external stairway; and all associated mechanical and electrical services and drainage, in this area. Services include under floor heating, lighting, water supply and sink waste associated with the bar, and emergency lighting and fire and smoke detection systems. There is no rooftop plant.

Registration Date 23-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4123/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Carnivan Bay Hospitality
Location 48, Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal The development will consist of internal and external alterations to the existing three storey over basement building with part-three, part-four storey rear return (former presbytery accommodation associated with the Mary Immaculate Refuge of Sinners Church) comprising:

(i) Refurbishment of front (west) elevation consisting of installation of new windows in existing opes, new aluminium clad facade, and new front entrance door at upper ground floor level and removal of existing roller shutter door and window opes at lower ground floor level and replacement with new single external door to new sunken courtyard at lower ground floor level;

(ii) Refurbishment of rear (east) elevation consisting of alteration of opes and installation of new windows to four storey rear return;

(iii) Refurbishment of side (south) elevation consisting of the demolition of attached porch (4 sq.m) at upper ground floor level, alteration of window opes at upper ground first and second floor levels to raise the window cill height to 1.6 m above finished floor level, and installation of new windows, and part new aluminium clad and part coloured render facade;

(iv) Refurbishment of side (north) elevation consisting of blocking up of 2 no. windows at lower ground floor level and alteration of new windows, and new coloured render facade;

(v) Construction of a single storey extension (11 sq.m) within the new sunken courtyard level at the lower ground floor level;

(vi) Construction of a new third floor level (81.2 sq.m), with flat roof, set back 3.9 m from the front elevation of the building. The building setback on the front (west) side will accommodate a roof terrace with solid aluminium clad balustrade;

(vii) Alterations within the front building setback to create sunken courtyard at lower ground floor level with steps to street level above; pedestrian access from street level to new entrance door at upper ground level, to include steps and external Part M compliant platform lift; bin store and new boundary treatment to Rathmines Road Lower, to comprise railing and hedgerow.

Permission is also sought for change of use of the property from presbytery accommodation associated with the Mary Immaculate Refuge of Sinners Church (which consists of 5 no. bedrooms, living rooms, reception rooms, kitchens, office and ancillary stores) to serviced short-stay tourist accommodation comprising a total of 8 no. bedroom suites (comprising 2 no. studio guest suites, 1 no. one-bedroom guest suite, 5 no. two-bedroom guest suites), together with a reception, guest services and coffee dock at upper ground floor/ entrance level.

All ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.

Registration Date 24-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4127/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant McG Developments Ltd.
Location 7, Adelaide Road, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The proposed development will consist of the following: change of use of this three storey over-basement (four storey) end-of-terrace building from residential to office use; demolition of the two storey rear return; partial demolition of rear elevation; partial demolition of side elevation/gable; restoration/repair works to brickwork, roof, windows, and doors; internal and external modifications to facilitate this change of use; and new disabled access to front of existing building. Planning Permission is also sought for a proposed three storey over-basement (four storey) office extension to the rear, with new pedestrian entrance from Peter Place; landscaping, boundary treatment works including reinstatement of railings; and all associated site and engineering works necessary to facilitate the development.
Registration Date 24-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4128/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant West Hotel Trading Company Ltd.
Location The Westbury Hotel, Balfe Street, Harry Street and Clarendon Street, Dublin 2
Proposal The development will consist of the change of use for 5 no. existing bedrooms to a gymnasium to include a covered enclosure of the balcony area adjoining and to provide for a covered enclosure of the balcony area adjoining to 3 no. existing bedrooms, all of which are located at the 2nd floor level of the site.
Registration Date 25-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4129/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant John Dillon
Location 64-66, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal The development will consist of a change of use at ground floor level from retail with ancillary off-licence use to restaurant with ancillary bar use; and at first floor level from ancillary use to residential use ( 1 no. apartment unit); modifications to the  ground floor shop front including new signage at fascia level, and all associated site works.
Registration Date 25-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4133/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Sequana Management Limited
Location 39 & 40, Dawson Street, Dublin 2, both properties with rear frontage to Anne’s Lane, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: (RPS Ref. 2269 and 2270): Development will consist of:

i) The removal of an existing window, security bars and wall below, within the central bay of the ground floor level front elevation to Dawson Street of No. 39 Dawson Street, and replacement with a timber-framed double door; and make good; and

ii) Removal of a section of internal party wall between No. 39 and 40 Dawson Street (to the side of a fireplace in the front foyer area at ground floor level) to create a new 2.1 m high ope, and make good; and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.

Registration Date 25-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4139/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Forefront Estates Limited
Location 35, Westland Row/ 35 Harcourt Row, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Refurbishment and repair, including new railing to front with granite plinth and paving, replacement of modern timber and pvc window sashes with period style sash windows and refurbishment of window shutters, removal of roller shutter to front and replacement with modern bay window, replacement of modern internal doors with period style fire doors, replacement of modern plywood floor in entrance hall with cream coloured limestone paving, insertion at ground floor of glass double doors in modern timber stud wall from entrance hall to front office, insertion of double doors between front and rear room at ground floor level to match doors at first floor, change of use of lower ground floor from place of worship to office, three storey extension on the rear above lower ground floor level, with roof garden at ground floor level, placement of skylights on rear and side slopes of main roof, removal of roller shutter to rear and replacement with timber sheeted doors, removal of roofing felt off mews and replacement with blue/ black natural slate, insertion of leaded fan light over front door.
Registration Date 26-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4141/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Farmer Browns Eatery Ltd.
Location Ground Floor 25A, Bath Avenue, Dublin 4
Proposal Change of use from Butcher shop/ Retail to Café / Restaurant with proposed new opening hours of Monday to Sunday 10am to 9pm
Registration Date 26-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4144/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Conservation Asset Holdings
Location 38A, Richmond Street South, Dublin 2
Proposal Permission is sought for the change of use of the ground floor and basement from delicatessen/retail to restaurant.
Registration Date 26-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4146/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Jane and Michael Collins
Location Rear of 32, Dartmouth Square North, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for development to construct 1 No. 2 storey, 2 bedroom plus study/bedroom, pitched roof mews house with vehicular garage and all associated drainage, demolition of north boundary wall, site works and landscaping all to the rear of 32 Dartmouth Square North, Ranelagh, Dublin 6. The site is located within the site of 32 Dartmouth Square North,  a Protected Structure.
Registration Date 26-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4152/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Alcove properties
Location Charlemont Street/TomKelly Road, Dublin 2
Proposal Permission for development at a site at Charlemont Street/Tom Kelly Road, Dublin 2. The development will consist of amendments to part of a previously permitted development under DCC Reg. Ref. 3742/10 (ABP ref. PL29S.238212), as subsequently amended by planning permission DCC Ref. 2286/12 (ABP Ref. PL.240620) and DCC Ref.4443/16. The proposed amendments relate solely to the previously permitted basement levels. The proposed amendments to Basement Level -1 include a reconfiguration of the basement layout and reduction in floor area of approximately 343 sq.m. Provision of a lightwell measuring approximately 13.7m wide by 2.3m deep along the northern basement wall serving the previously permitted office floorspace at basement -1 level together with associated external alterations comprising glazing provision and door opening into landscaped lightwell. Reconfigured layout of previously permitted office floorspace, including a reduction in the previously approved quantum of office floorspace at basement level -1 level from 2,318 sq.m to 2,105 sq.m – a reduction of 213 sq.m of office floorspace in total. Provision of a new ancillary gym measuring approximately 145 sq.m. General reconfiguration of basement layout at level – 1 to provide revised circulation cores; changing facilities; bicycle storage provision (number of cycle storage spaces remain un-altered at 518 no. spaces); refuse storage areas; residential storage facilities; plant rooms; store rooms; switch rooms and car parking layout (reduce number of car parking spaces from 303 to 297). The proposed amendments to Basement Level -2 include the reconfiguration of the basement layout and floor area and increase in floor area by approximately 1,164 sq.m. General reconfiguration of basement layout at level -2 to provide revised circulation cores; residential storage facilities; plant rooms; store rooms and car parking layout (increase the number of car parking spaces from 98 spaces to 104 spaces) together with the provision of water storage/tanks. In the interest of clarity, the proposed amendments would result in a net increase of approximately 821 sq.m in basement floor area (overall). The overall number of car parking spaces remain unchanged at 401 spaces across both basement levels and the constructed basement level beneath Block 3 remains unaffected from its previously approved and built form.
Registration Date 27-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4177/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Rails Investment Ltd (In Trust)
Location Sandwith Street Upper, Dublin 2
Proposal Development at this site of c.0.265 ha bounded to the north/north-west by Pearse Street Station, bridge and railway line, to the south by Boyne Street and adjoining warehouse/industrial building fronting same, to the east by residential properties fronting Erne Street Upper and to the west by Sandwith Street Upper.

The development will consist of the following:

-Demolition of existing building ( former post office garage) ( c. 1,711sq.m gross floor area (GFA))

-Construction of a 4-7 storey over basement, office building with a total GFA of c.10,187sq.m.

-Ancillary areas including reception, staff dining/ meeting area, WCs, changing facilities with showers, plant, storage, services, sub-station.

– East facing terrace (c.100sq.m) at 4th floor level .Green roof (with photovoltaic panels)

– New pedestrian route through the site. Vehicular/service access via existing Boyne Street access to the south.18 no surface car parking spaces.100 bicycle parking spaces at basement level.

– All associated site development works, services provision, landscaping, and boundary treatment works.

Registration Date 23-Oct-2017
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number DSDZ4134/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Cairn Homes Properties Limited
Location Former Kilsaran Concrete site, 5 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2
Proposal The development will consist of modifications to permissions DCC Reg. Ref. DSDZ2577/17 & DSDZ3197/16 to include the following; Increase in permitted building height ( of between 0.275m and 0.720m) with associated elavational changes (no additional floors proposed). Other minor changes including new/revised doors at ground floor level (north, west, east and south (courtyard facing) elevations). The remainder of the development will otherwise be 17carried out in accordance with permissions DCC Reg. Ref. DSDZ2577/17 and DSDZ3197/17
Registration Date 25-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number DSDZ4153/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant KW Real Estate plc on behalf of, KW Irish Real Estate Fund VIII
Location Sir John Rogersons Quay, Dublin 2
Proposal Permission for development at a site, (Blocks B&C, c.0.79 ha), at Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2, bounded generally by permitted development under Dublin City Council Reg. Ref. DSDZ2546/15 to the east and south, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay to the north, State Street Bank to the west. The proposed development seeks revisions to Blocks B&C (both office use) permitted as part of a mix-use scheme under Reg. Ref. DSDZ2546/15 (the ‘parent permission’) as amended by Reg. Refs. DSDZ4345/15, DSDZ2663/16, DSDZ4102/16, DSDZ3572/17 & proposed amendments subject of separate current application DSDZ3847/17. The proposed development comprises internal works only, involving the removal of internal partition walls at Levels 01 to 06 inclusive (i.e. above ground floor level) so as to link Block B and Block C. This application relates to proposed development within the North Lotts & Grand Canal Dock Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme area.
Registration Date 27-Oct-2017


Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4008/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Eustance Street Holdings Limited
Location The Green Building, 23/24, Temple Lane South, and 3/4 Crow Street, Dublin 2
Proposal A mid-terrace, dual-fronted building consisting of 8 no apartments on 3 levels over, 1st floor office- use over, ground floor and basement retail use. The development will consist of interior removals and refurbishments and change of use of 1st floor, of 188m2 floor area, from office use to 4 no. five-star quality, short-term-let ensuite bedrooms of circa 30m2 each, plus store and all associated works. The development is ancillary to The Merchant House’s existing  5-star quality facility located nearby at No. 8 Eustace Street, Dublin 2.
Registration Date 06-Oct-2017


***Amendment to Week 40/17***




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2419/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Adrian O’ Connor
Location 55, South Dock Street, Ringsend, Dublin 4
Proposal The development will consist of a two storey and single storey extension to the rear with an attic conversion and dormer extension to the rear of an existing two storey terraced dwelling.
Registration Date 26-Oct-2017
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4118/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant John & Graziella Schuster
Location 14, Healthfield Road, Terenure, Dublin 6
Proposal The development will consist of renovations and a  one storey extension to the rear elevation of the existing home ground floor to create new open plan kitchen/ living/ dining. The extension will be a one-storey development with glazing to the rear elevation and renovations include the installation of new upper floor windows on the rear elevation as well as a flat roof rear attic dormer.
Registration Date 23-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4142/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Ceri Small
Location 26, Upper Mount Pleasant Avenue, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal The development will consist of alterations to the previously approved planning application, reference WEB1300/17, final grant dated 15th September 2017.Alterations to include: The construction of a new part single storey, part two storey extension to the side of the existing two storey end-of-terrace dwelling. Additional roof light to the rear of the existing roof. Reduction of the ground floor rear extension in compliance with condition No. 3 of the planning permission. Alterations to the previously approved first floor rear extension. Associated site works.
Registration Date 26-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4151/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Paul & Shona Murphy
Location 168, Stillorgan Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Proposal The development will consist of the following:

1) Widen existing entrance on public road to 3.6 m and construct new piers;

2) Install new timber gates and

3) All ancillary site services.

Registration Date 27-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4156/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Julie & Dominic Silvester
Location 81, Wellington Road, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Alterations to previously approved Reg. Ref. 4303/15. The alterations proposed in this application comprise a reduction in the parapet height by 150mm of the previously approved rear return and a 2.3m extension to the depth of the first floor level of the previously approved rear return, together with all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.
Registration Date 27-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1543/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Charlie Fawsitt
Location 5, Sandymount Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Proposal Planning permission for the construction of a two storey extension to the rear of the existing semi detached residence to include a dining room extension (25m2) with associated terrace (5m2) at first floor level with lift access lobby and garden storage (5m2 combined) at ground floor level.
Registration Date 23-Oct-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1549/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Darragh Fitzsimons
Location 19, Percy Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal The construction of a new 2 metre high boundary wall and driveway gate and the addition of 2 no. car parking spaces to the front garden of the existing dwelling house. The existing car parking access to the rear of the dwelling will be removed.
Registration Date 26-Oct-2017


LAWS:                                   ***NONE***


SAWS:                                    ***NONE***





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0364/17
Application Type Section 5
Decision Refuse  Exemption Certificate
Decision Date 23-Oct-2017
Applicant Muireann Daly, The Irish Stock Exchange PLC
Location 24-28 Anglesea Street & The Armoury, Foster Place, Dublin 2
Proposal EXPP: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Temporary Removal & Subsequent Reinstatement of ground floor portion of 1920’s granite infill to entrance archway on Foster Place to allow for construction access. Works to be undertaken in accordance with detailed conservation method statement.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0395/17
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 24-Oct-2017
Applicant Jim & Fran Sheridan
Location 18, St. Mary’s Road South, Dublin 4
Proposal SHEC: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: Construction of a single storey, 2 bedroom mews comprising 110m2 of living accommodation located to the rear of the existing property, with access off St. Mary’s lane. All resulting in the subdivision of the site to create three independent properties. New pedestrian entrance gate off St. Mary’s Lane including minor adjustments to road markings to on-street parking bays. Ancillary site works including new landscaping and new stone boundary wall to separate rear gardens of existing and new dwellings.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0398/17
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 24-Oct-2017
Applicant Daniel Cleary
Location Side of 23, Shanid Road, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6w
Proposal SHEC: The construction of 1 no. detached 2 storey 4-bedroomed dwelling with bay window to ground and first floor, fenestrations to the front & rear elevations. One opaque fenestration at first floor north elevation and two velux windows to the front and two to the rear of the proposed dwelling. New vehicular entrance from Shanid Road gates and hardscape and all associated site works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0399/17
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 24-Oct-2017
Applicant Philip Hartley
Location Garages No.1 & 2, Ardoyne House, Pembroke Park, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal SHEC: Change of use of 2 existing garages to a 2 bed 2 storey townhouse.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2128/12/X1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Decision Date 27-Oct-2017
Applicant TJ Malone
Location 32i, Macken Street, Dublin 2
Proposal EXT.OF DURATION: The development will consist of the demolition of an existing garage, and the construction of a new terraced two-storey-with attic residence and home office with screened terraces at first floor level and attic dormer to rear.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3274/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 27-Oct-2017
Applicant Colin and Jeanette Keaney
Location 46, Rathdown Drive, Terenure, Dublin 6w
Proposal The proposed works will consist of removal of existing single storey structure to side and rear, and the construction of a two storey pitched roof extension to side, part single part two storey flat roof extension to rear with rooflights, new dormer window and rooflights to attic space, alterations to front facade, widening of existing vehicular access piers to 3.5m with new entrance gates, new detached pitched roof shed to rear garden, and all associated site works. Area of existing dwelling 203.2m2; area of proposed dwelling: 353.8m2.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3552/11/X1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Decision Date 26-Oct-2017
Applicant Noel Robert Callaghan
Location 18, Bridge Street, Ringsend, Dublin 4
Proposal EXT.OF DURATION: Change of use of unused ground floor shop to pizza restaurant / takeaway 50sqm with internal alterations, detached single storey toilet 3sqm & store 5sqm, new shopfront & signage.  External stair from rear yard to access dwelling at 1st floor with new entrance door with landing.  5 no. new doors in place of windows to rear elevation with new terraces at 2nd floor and 3rd floor and associated works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3735/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 23-Oct-2017
Applicant Wellington Hospitality Limited
Location 121-125 Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin 6.
Proposal Replacement of existing pitched roof on the east ( Lower Rathmines Road) building with two family sized aparthotel suites, total area 333 sq.m. at the existing aparthotel.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3742/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 24-Oct-2017
Applicant Eugene Renehan
Location Apartments 1 & 2 , Baggot Rath House, Newbridge Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Proposal Material alterations to both ground floor, one bedroom units nos. 1 and 2 at Baggot Rath Apartments, Newbridge Avenue, Dublin 4. Works will consist of removing the existing party wall and combining both apartments nos. 1 and no. 2 and forming a larger 2 bedroom unit, this includes all internal alterations and associated site works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3744/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 24-Oct-2017
Applicant Friends First Life Assurance Company DAC
Location Royal Hibernian Way, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
Proposal The application site comprises of 0.24 hectares and is bound by Dawson Street to the East,  Anne Street South to the South, Duke Street to the North and Duke Lane to the West. The development will consist of upgrades to the Dawson Street and Duke Lane entrances to Royal Hibernian Way and internal shop front and elevation upgrades within Royal Hibernian Way including removal of all existing ‘Royal Hibernian Way’ entrance signage, associated banners, clock and concrete cladding from existing entrance piers and will include:

Dawson Street

Elevation changes to ground floor at Dawson Street including new shop fronts and signage; Provision of 3 no. signage zones fronting onto Dawson Street with metal lettering and LED integrated lighting as follows: signage zone associated with unit 8/9 (4 sq. m), unit 10 (4 sq. m) and overall entrance signage zone (2.5 sq. m);

Duke Lane

Elevations changes to ground floor at Duke Lane including new shop fronts and signage; Provision of 4 no. signage zones fronting onto Duke Lane with metal lettering LED integrated lighting as follows; signage zone associated with unit 1/2 (1.5 sq.m), unit 19/20 (4 sq. m), unit 21 (3 sq. m) and entrance signage zone (2.5sq. m );

Royal Hibernian Way

Provision of a canopy to western side of Royal Hibernian Way with integrated lighting and retractable security barrier; upgrade to surface treatment within Royal Hibernian Way; existing covered area to eastern side of Royal Hibernian Way to be re-clad with integrated lighting and retractable security barrier; Upgrades to all shop fronts within Royal Hibernian Way to include removal of projecting tenant’s signage to be replaced with proposed signage zones fixed to existing concrete fascia; Removal of existing first floor concrete soffit from canopy of Unit 16 and Units 3,4,5 and 6.

Permission is also sought for all ancillary engineering and site development works necessary to facilitate the development including upgrade of entrance ways to include integrated lighting, removal and replacement of existing doorways and windows.

An extension of standard working hours is also sought between 8am to 10pm, Monday to Saturday with no work proposed on Sunday or Bank Holidays unless previously agreed with Dublin City Council.





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3745/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 24-Oct-2017
Applicant Aidan & Sheila Brady
Location 31, Chelmsford Avenue, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal The development consists of construction of a two storey rear extension, (46.2sq.m) to a private dwelling. The ground floor extension (23.1sq.m) will consist of a family / dining room area. The first floor extension (23.1sq.m) will consist of a master bedroom with an en-suite. Including in the works is a new terrace area and associated works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3747/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 24-Oct-2017
Applicant Fibonacci Property
Location AIB Bank Centre lands, Junction of Merrion Road and Serpentine Avenue, Ballsbridge Dublin 4
Proposal Amendments to the office development permitted under Reg.  2221/16 & ABP Ref.: PL 29S246717, and subsequent amendments under Reg. Ref.4456/16, reg ref  2500/17,  and Reg. Ref.: 2953/17. at a site of 1.56ha

The amendments consist of:

1. The provision of a fifth floor ( sixth storey) over basement levels on Block 1 ( western block) with terraces, set back from Merrion Road. This floor provides for the additional 1,910 sq.m of Gross Floor Area bringing the total overall development to 55,474 sq m of Gross Floor Area. No amendments are proposed to Block 2 ( eastern block to Serpentine Avenue).

2. Revised roof plant, screening , light wells to atriums, lift overruns and parapet level to Block 1.

3. All associated site development works, minor landscaping changes and minor elevational changes as a result of the amendments and associated site infrastructure works.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3748/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 24-Oct-2017
Applicant Kate Kelly
Location 21, Parkmore Drive, Terenure, Dublin 6w
Proposal 1st floor extension to side incorporating new bedroom with en suite and attic conversion to storage room, existing hipped roof to be extended out over new extension with one velux window to front.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3749/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 24-Oct-2017
Applicant Lara Wasson
Location 19, Belgrave Square East, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission is sought for the conversion of a protected structure from multiple occupancy to single dwelling, works to include internal demolitions, extensions over three levels, demolition of garden shed, alterations to front boundary finishes, and all associated site works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3754/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 24-Oct-2017
Applicant Morgan Leisure Investments Limited
Location The Morgan Hotel at Nos. 7-12 Fleet Street &, Nos. 1-2 Aston Place, Dublin 2
Proposal The development will consist of modifications to permissions Reg. Ref. 2648/16 & 2535/17 to include the following: Internal modifications to the penthouse room at 5th floor level to include the removal of a stairs leading to the permitted roof garden/terrace; Alterations to the permitted roof to include provision of a 6th floor level event space with toilets, stairs and lifts and in an east facing external terrace and plant area.

Total new floor area (c. 197sq.m); All associated site development works, services provision and landscaping.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3756/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 25-Oct-2017
Applicant Timothy & Wendy O’Connor
Location Oil Can Harry’s, 31/32, Mount Street Lower, Dublin 2
Proposal Alterations and additions to previously granted planning permission Ref. 3992/16 to include an additional third floor (96 sq.m) extension to the rear containing an additional 3 no. guest bedrooms as well as a reconfiguration and extension (8 sq.m) of previously approved second floor layout to provide an additional 1 no. guest bedroom (providing 12 bedrooms in total) including the reconfiguration and extension (4 sq.m) of existing rear stair backing onto Verschoyle Place (south facade) providing an ambulant disabled stair and passenger lift access from ground to third floor level together with all associated site works at Oil Can Harry’s Public House & Guest Accommodation.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3761/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 26-Oct-2017
Applicant Charles and Eithne Carroll
Location Rear of 14, Burlington Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: 1 no. detached two-storey three bedroom mews house (155 sq.m) with pedestrian and vehicular access from Waterloo Lane, with 1 no. car parking space and all associated landscaping and drainage works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3763/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 24-Oct-2017
Applicant Sequana Management Ltd.
Location 39 & 40, Dawson Street (Protected Structures, RPS Ref. 2269 & 2270), both properties with rear frontage to Anne’s Lane, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Development will consist of:

i) Internal and external alterations to the non-original extension to the rear of No. 40 Dawson Street (approved under Reg. Ref. 2954/98), comprising removal of existing doors and glazed rear elevation (facing Anne’s Lane), removal of stairs and balconies at first and second floor levels, and removal of part openable glazed roof; and construction of new faux rear facade set back 5 metres from the boundary with Anne’s Lane comprising timber framed glazed entrance doors at ground floor and timber glazed screen at first, second and third floor level above, creating an internal street garden with feature side facades, and street garden entrance, with void above to roof level; new facade treatment to boundary with Anne’s Lane comprising an aluminium framed glazed wall at second and third floor, new signage, and security roller shutter door to extend to ground and first floor; new retractable aluminium framed glazed roof; new bar at ground floor level;

ii) Internal and external alterations to non-original extension to the rear of No. 39 Dawson Street, comprising extensions to internal balconies and creation of glazed screen balconies fronting Anne’s Lane at first and second floor levels;

iii) Installation of a new folding timber framed glazed screen at the rear of the bar area of No. 39 and at the rear of the foyer area of No. 40, at ground floor level of the buildings to the front of the property, facing Dawson Street (Protected Structures); and

iv) All ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.

The development does not increase the gross floor area of the property.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3766/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 26-Oct-2017
Applicant Justin & Catherine MacCarthy
Location 1, Holyrood Park, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal Demolition of an existing greenhouse and shed in the side garden of the existing dwelling and construction of 2 no. new two-storey 3-bedroom houses with new garden walls constructed inside existing site boundaries. Both houses will have a first floor terrace with secondary access via external stairs. A new garage will be provided to the existing house which together with covered car parking spaces in the new houses will provide 6 no. parking spaces accessed via a shared landscaped courtyard approached from the existing entrance on Holyrood Park, together with all associated ancillary site works, services and landscaping necessary to facilitate the development.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3771/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 27-Oct-2017
Applicant Bakelicious Ltd
Location 2, Montague Street, Dublin 2
Proposal RETENTION: Planning retention is sought for development consisting of the following: (i) change of use of ground floor premises from post office to coffee shop with ancillary facilities (43m2), serving pre-prepared hot and cold food and beverages for consumption on and off the premises; (ii) illuminated signage over shop front; (iii) operating hours, Monday – Sunday 7am to 10pm.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3772/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 27-Oct-2017
Applicant Intrust Properties Company Ltd.
Location 2, Ballsbridge Park, Sweepstakes, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal The development will consist of the provision of an external staircase between Ground Floor and car park level at the rear of the building along with a new access door at Ground Floor level to provide access to an ESB Meter Room.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3773/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 27-Oct-2017
Applicant Sean O’Sullivan
Location 2, Sallymount Avenue, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission is sought for the renovation and rear extension of No. 2 Sallymount Avenue, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, which is a protected structure. The works will involve; the demolition of single storey rear return; and the provision of a three-storey rear extension; an external rear access stairs; and external front lower ground level access stairs; new access doors in four locations at lower ground floor level; internal alterations and renovations; and associated site works to facilitate the reconfiguration of existing building from current usage as six apartments into three separate apartments.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3774/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 27-Oct-2017
Applicant Lisa Heavey
Location 36, Aideen Avenue, Terenure, Dublin 6w
Proposal The development will consist of alterations and widening of existing pedestrian access to 3.5m for vehicular access and all associated landscaping works and services.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3778/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 25-Oct-2017
Applicant Ampbay Ltd.
Location 7-10 Exchange Street Upper,1 Essex Gate,Dublin 8 27-32 Parliament Street, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE; Dublin City Council – Ampbay Ltd. intends to apply for permission for development on a site of c. 0.0997 ha for the refurbishment and extension of: Paramount Hotel, with an address at Nos. 7-8, 9, 10 Exchange Street Upper and No. 1 Essex Gate, Dublin 8, Nos. 27-28 Parliament Street, Dublin 2/No. 2 Essex Gate, Dublin 8, Nos. 29-30 Parliament Street, Dublin 2; and Nos. 31 and 32 Parliament Street, Dublin 2. No. 9 Exchange Street Upper, No. 10 Exchange Street Upper, No. 1 Essex Gate, No. 2 Essex Gate, Nos. 27-28 Parliament Street, and No. 31 Parliament Street are designated Protected Structures.

The proposed development will consist of: alterations to the front façade of Nos. 29-30 Parliament Street including removal of the existing two storey recessed entrance and replacement with a brick façade, fenestration alterations, amendments to the internal layout (including the provision of inter alia two additional bedrooms), and removal of existing plant rooms at roof level to accommodate the provision of a new setback Sixth Floor Level to accommodate inter alia two new bedrooms with terraces all along the eastern elevation; internal alterations (which includes for the provision of inter alia two additional bedrooms) at Nos. 27-28 Parliament Street/No. 2 Essex Gate and Nos. 9 and 10 Exchange Street Upper/No. 1 Essex Gate, including the provision of an ancillary restaurant at Ground Floor Level at Nos. 9 and 10 Exchange Street Upper and No. 1 Essex Gate, removal of the roofs and chimney stacks and the provision of a new setback Fourth Floor Level and a further setback Fifth Floor Level at Nos. 27-28 Parliament Street/No. 2 Essex Gate and Nos. 9 and 10 Exchange Street Upper/No. 1 Essex Gate collectively facilitating 15 No. new bedrooms and ancillary hotel facilities; and remodelling of the existing façade, internal alterations and the provision of an extension to the rear to collectively accommodate two additional bedrooms at Ground to Fourth Floor Levels and the provision of a new Fifth Floor Level (including the provision of inter alia four new bedrooms), a setback Sixth Floor Level (including the provision of inter alia three new bedrooms) (with the provision of a terrace along the north-western elevation) and a further setback Seventh Floor Level (including the provision of inter alia one new bedroom) (with the provision of a terrace along the northern, southern and western elevations) all at Nos. 7-8 Exchange Street Upper.

The development will also consist of the change-of-use to hotel of both No. 32 Parliament Street (which accommodates restaurant use at Basement and Ground Floor Levels and vacant residential use at First to Fourth Floor Levels) and No. 31 Parliament Street (which accommodates office use from Basement to Fourth Floor Levels) and the collective amalgamation of both properties with Paramount Hotel at all existing floor levels (Basement to Fourth Floor Levels) and at proposed new Fifth and Sixth Floor Levels to accommodate ancillary hotel facilities at Basement Level, a new main hotel entrance, the provision of a foyer and reception at Ground Floor Level, a meeting room at First Floor Level, and  22 No. new bedrooms from First to Fourth Floor Levels. In addition, proposed internal alterations to Nos. 31 and 32 Parliament Street will comprise the removal of the existing staircases and walls, and the provision of new walls to both properties and adjustments to the floor levels of No. 32 Parliament Street to match those in No. 31 Parliament Street. Furthermore, the development will also comprise external alterations to Nos. 31 and 32 Parliament Street including the demolition of the single storey rear extensions to both properties (64 sq m); the reconstruction of the existing front façade and restoration and repair of the existing rear façade of No. 32 Parliament Street; construction of a new rear façade to No. 31 Parliament Street; and the partial removal of the roof and chimney stacks on both properties to facilitate the provision a new setback floor behind the existing roof hips at Fifth Floor Level and a further new setback floor at Sixth Floor Level to collectively accommodate eight new bedrooms including the provision of terraces all along the eastern elevation.

The development will also consist of: demolition of an existing flat roof over the central area of the existing hotel and creation of a new courtyard with a fully glazed roof extending across the rear of all properties; construction of glazed link from Nos. 7-8 Exchange Street Upper to Nos. 29-30 Parliament Street at First to Sixth Floor Levels; enlargement of an existing layby setdown area on Parliament Street with associated amendments to existing hard and soft landscaping, subject to the agreement of Dublin City Council; internal alterations at Basement Level and Ground Floor Levels in all properties; the provision of 10 No. signage zones (ranging in size from 0.89 sq m to 3.05 sq m) on the frontages of Parliament Street, Essex Gate and Exchange Street Upper, including halo illuminated signage on No. 32 Parliament Street only; associated alterations to the existing hotel’s services (mechanical and electrical, water supply, sewage disposal and surface water disposal) including the provision of SUDS measures (attenuation tank); and all associated site development works above and below ground. Paramount Hotel currently accommodates 66 No. bedrooms, ancillary bar and related hotel facilitates with an existing total gross floor area of 3,619 sq m. Nos. 31 and 32 Parliament Street measure 463 sq m and 466 sq m, respectively. The proposed development includes the demolition of 240 sq m floor area, the renovation of 4,308 sq m and the provision of 1,478 sq m new floor area, resulting in a 127 No. bedroom hotel with a total gross floor area of 5,768 sq m, with ancillary bar at Basement Level; ancillary bar, restaurant, reception and foyer at Ground Floor Level; 127 No. bedrooms at First to Seventh Floor Level; and ancillary hotel facilities and ancillary space (ancillary space includes areas such as circulation cores (lifts and stairs), from Basement to Seventh Floor Level.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3781/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 27-Oct-2017
Applicant Laura Finn, Kavcre St. Clare’s Limited
Location on a site of c1.7 ha at the Former St. Clare’s Convent and No.’s 115-119, Harolds Cross Road, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE; Within the site of previously permitted development Reg. Ref.2186/15 ( An Bord Pleanála Ref. PL29S.245164) on a site of c.1.7 ha at the former St. Clare’s Convent and No’s. 115-119 Harold’s Cross Road Harold’s Cross Dublin 6.

The application site includes a Protected Structure RPS Ref: No. 3583.

The proposed development consists of the following:

* Demolition of existing structures No’s 115-119  Harold’s Cross Road  Dublin 6 and all associated structures to rear;

* Construction of 1 no. part 4 no. Storey / part 5 storey apartment block fronting Harold’s Cross Road (Block J1) and  1 No. 4 No. storey apartment block to the rear ( Block J2) comprising of 23 no. residential units in total ( 10 no. 1 bed units 13 no. 2 bed units)

* Provision of balconies / terraces on the south, east and west elevations;

* Provision of open space comprising of c.510sq.m.:

* Pedestrian access to be provided off Harold’s Cross Road:

* Extension to the basement level to provide for access from the proposed Block J2:

* Provision of 160 No. car parking spaces and 226 no. bicycle parking spaces at basement level:

* Landscaping SUDs drainage, revised boundary treatments and all necessary site works and site services works to facilitate the development:

* The proposed development will result in an overall increase in units from 156 no. to 179 no. units.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3782/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 25-Oct-2017
Applicant Ana Patricia Abella Alvarez
Location 50A, Larkfield Avenue, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6W
Proposal Planning Permission is sought for Retention of amendments to previously approved permission, Reg Ref No: 6363/05, to include amendment of external finish from render to brick throughout, and inclusion of obscure first floor window to southeast facing side elevation.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3783/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 27-Oct-2017
Applicant Laura Brady
Location 30, Home Villas, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Proposal The development will consist of a single storey extension to the rear of the property to accommodate additional living space / kitchen facilities. Total area = 12sqm with an external courtyard of 3sqm. The development includes alterations to the existing rear roof at first floor to incorporate a window sections & bathroom within the existing first floor plate.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3784/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 25-Oct-2017
Applicant Mark Puech & Joyce Hickey
Location 19, Fortfield Terrace, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal Permission is sought for building of first-floor extension over existing garage and extending existing bedroom to the side; conversion of attic to study/den to include extension of roof over proposed first-floor extension; demolition of chimney; addition of rooflights to front and side; addition of dormer rooflight to rear.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3785/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 25-Oct-2017
Applicant John & Pauline Fitzgerald
Location 7, Garville Avenue, Rathgar, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Demolition of existing shed, construction of single storey plus mezzanine floor garden room with pedestrian access off Garville Mews to rear garden of existing 2-storey end of terrace dwelling.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3894/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 25-Oct-2017
Applicant Clohisey Cahill Madden Partnership
Location 134-135, Milltown Road, Milltown, Dublin 6
Proposal 4 no. two bedroom single-storey apartments at first floor over existing ground floor retail unit, roof lights, screened private terraces to rear, disabled access stairs and lift to front and associated works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3904/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 26-Oct-2017
Applicant Trebleside DAC
Location Opium, 26, Wexford Street, Dublin 2 and 13/14 Liberty Lane, Dublin 8
Proposal RETENTION: Replacement of a bitumen covered roof shelter to the garden with a glazed roof shelter, together with minor elevational and layout changes altering previous permission reg.ref. 3377/11 to existing bar.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3981/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 23-Oct-2017
Applicant Paul & Shona Murphy
Location 168, Stillorgan Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, D04 V3P1
Proposal The development will consist of the following: (1) widen existing entrance on public road to 3.6m and construct new piers, (2) install new timber gates and (3) all ancillary site services.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4014/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 26-Oct-2017
Applicant Tyrone Falls
Location 1, Mount Drummond Square, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6
Proposal The development consists of (1) The demolition of an existing single storey extension to the rear and construction of two storey extension to rear of dwelling (2) renovations / alterations to the existing dwelling (3) the widening of existing entrance (4) provision of two off street car parking spaces and (5) carrying out all other necessary ancillary works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number DSDZ3759/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 25-Oct-2017
Applicant Marc Bereen
Location Charlotte Quay Bar & Restaurant, Millennium Tower Building, Block B, Charlotte Quay, Dublin 4
Proposal Two new retracable awnings to the west facing facade terrace at ground level and all associated  ancillary works



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1445/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 23-Oct-2017
Applicant JCDecaux Ireland Limited
Location The public footpath at the junction of  Aungier Street and Peter Row, Dublin 2, south of No. 10 Whitefriar, Aungier Street and to the east of Aungier Street, DIT.
Proposal Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed  structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1446/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 23-Oct-2017
Applicant JCDecaux Ireland Limited
Location The central traffic median at the junction of Camden Street and Charlotte Way, positioned in the median, opposite Harcourt Hall to the East, and 51, Camden Street to the West, Dublin 2
Proposal Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1447/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 23-Oct-2017
Applicant JCDecaux Ireland Limited
Location The public footpath on the southern side of Cuffe Street, West of the Junction of Montague Court and Cuffe Street, Dublin 2
Proposal Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1454/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 23-Oct-2017
Applicant JCDecaux Ireland Limited
Location The public thoroughfare on the northern side of King Street South, Dublin 2, immediately to the east of the junction with Clarendon Row, opposite the St. Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre.
Proposal Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1457/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 23-Oct-2017
Applicant JCDecaux Ireland Limited
Location The public footpath on the northern side of Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2, outside Clanwilliam Court.
Proposal Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1459/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 23-Oct-2017
Applicant JCDecaux Ireland Limited
Location The public footpath at the junction of St. Andrew Street, Church Lane and Suffolk Street, Dublin 2, in front of the former ‘Dublin Tourism Centre’, Suffolk Street.
Proposal Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1461/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 23-Oct-2017
Applicant JCDecaux Ireland Limited
Location The public footpath on the northern side of Charlotte Way, at the junction of Charlotte Way and Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2
Proposal Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1462/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 23-Oct-2017
Applicant JCDecaux Ireland Limited
Location The public footpath on the eastern side of Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2, in front of nos. 1-3 Camden Street Lower (‘Fresh’)
Proposal Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1473/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 27-Oct-2017
Applicant Mary Keating
Location 9, Rathdown Villas, Terenure, Dublin 6w
Proposal Demolition of a 27 sq.m, 1 storey garage. Construction of one 153 sq.m, 2.5 storey over ground level (3 storey total) detached dwelling house with underground basement to the side of an existing dwelling house at 9 Rathdown Villas. Alterations to the existing boundary wall to form a new car entrance off Rathdown Villas. 2 new car parking spaces onsite. Connection to public water and foul networks. All ancillary sewerage, drainage, landscaping and ancillary works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1474/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 27-Oct-2017
Applicant Philip & Carmel  Chambers
Location 25 & 27, Anglesea Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal Single storey and 2 storey extensions to the rear and associated ground works to 25 Anglesea Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, and widening of front shared driveway between 25 and 27 Anglesea Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 for vehicular access.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1475/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 27-Oct-2017
Applicant Rosanna Crothers
Location Rosanna Crothers Beauty Salon, 95A, Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, D04 N903
Proposal RETENTION:Retention permission incorporating permission for proposed modifications, is sought for 1 projecting high level sign, and 1no. canopy to the front of the existing ground floor premises, and all associated supporting fixtures and fittings – previous planning application reference number WEB 1268/17.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1476/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 27-Oct-2017
Applicant Mr. Sean Dolan
Location 12, Oaklands Crescent, Rathgar, Dublin 6
Proposal The conversion of the existing attic space to include 2 No. ‘velux’ rooflight and a dormer type roof window to the rear of the existing roof and a new attic level window in the gable end.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1526/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 26-Oct-2017
Applicant Henry Crowley
Location 5, Arranmore Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Proposal Two storey extension and dormer extension to the rear of our house, new garage at the rear of our site and associated site works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1532/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 26-Oct-2017
Applicant Darragh Fitzsimons
Location 19, Percy Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal The development will consist of: the construction of a new 2 metre high boundary wall and driveway gate and the addition of 2 no. car parking spaces to the front garden of the existing dwelling house. The existing car parking access to the rear of the dwelling will be removed.





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3071/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Brian Rutledge
Location Nos. 11 and 12 St. Andrew Street, Dublin 2
Proposal  Planning permission at Nos. 11 and 12 St. Andrew Street, Dublin 2, a four-storey over basement mid-terrace restaurant building. Development to consist of the removal of existing shop-front, internal removals and reconfigurations at basement, ground and first floor, plus demolition of two-storey lean-to shed to rear and construction of 3-storey over basement rear extension with basement increased by 39m2, ground by 33m2, first floor by 76m2 and new second floor 69m2, plus provision of new shopfront at No.11 St. Andrew Street serving new restaurant with all attendant and associated facilities, plus adjustments to roof of two-storey building at rear of No. 12 St. Andrew Street, plus all associated works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3159/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Gannon Properties
Location Lands at the former Paper Mills site, bounded by the River Dodder to the East, Clonskeagh Road to the West, Clonskeagh Bridge to the South West, Dublin 6
Proposal Planning permission for the following revisions to the previously approved development (Reg. Ref. 2308/16). The revisions to the development consisting of an increase in apartment units from 96 to 116, the following changes are proposed: Block 1 – elevation and plan revisions to increase the building height to the southern end, adjacent to block 2 from 3 storeys with set back penthouse to 4 storeys with set back penthouse, incorporating an increase in apartment units from 24 to 27 (01 No. one bed unit, 02 No. two bed units) and alterations to the penthouse to include the omission of 01 No. two bed unit and internal alterations to change from a two bedroom to a three bedroom unit, Block 2 – elevation and plan revisions to increase the building height from 3 storeys with set back penthouse to 4 storeys with set back penthouse, incorporating an increase in apartment units from 51 to 65 (04 No. one bed units and 10 No. two bed units), Block 4 – elevation and plan revisions to increase the building height from 3 storeys with set back penthouse to 4 storeys with set back penthouse, incorporating an increase in apartment units from 11 to 14 (03 No. two bed units), internal alterations to the basement carpark layout are also proposed to provide 30 No. additional car park spaces & additional bicycle parking spaces for use by the additional units.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3546/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Brendan Ryan
Location 3, Sydenham Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal The development will consist of the construction of a detached garage building with a pitched roof with rooflights within both roof slopes, within the rear garden. The attic space is converted to provide storage space. Floor area at garage floor level is 47.84m2. Floor level at attic space level is 37.58m2 (total floor area is 85.42m2) and all ancillary site development works.


***Amendment to Week 42/17***






Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2826/17
Appeal Decision Date 24-Oct-2017
Applicant Kavcre St. Clare’s Limited
Location Former St. Clare’s Convent and No.s 115-119, Harolds Cross Road, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for amendments to the residential development permitted under Reg. Ref: 2186/15 (An Bord Pleanala Ref: PL29S.245164) at a site of c. 1.7 ha located at the former St. Clare’s Convent and No.’s 115-119, Harold’s Cross Road, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6. The application site includes Protected Structure RPS Ref. No. 3583.  The proposed amendments will consist of the replacement of 3no. residential units ( 1 no. 1 bed, 1 no. 2 bed) in Block D with resident’s amenity facilities comprising of: a concierge, residents lounge, multi-function room, meeting room and co-working spaces, gym with revised terrace at lower ground floor on northern elevation and associated facilities; manager’s office; all associated works. Minor elevational amendments are also proposed as part of this application. This application will reduce the number of units in Block D from 13 no. to 10 no. resulting in an overall decrease from 156 no. to 153 no. residential units.


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