Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)(a) Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused. (b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. |
Article 31(g), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)(a) In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”
(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. |
Planning Information Sessions
Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.
The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.
All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.
Area | Contact Number |
Meeting Location |
Central Area
South Central Area South East Area North West Area North Central Area
2225200 2225127 2225727 222 8870 |
Sean McDermott Street
Crumlin Area Office Contact Area Office for location Finglas Area Office Bunratty Area Office |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2185/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Victor Corcoran & Gelsomina Russo |
Location | Rear of, 26, Ranelagh Road & fronting 5 Clifton Mews, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Demolish existing garage (previously granted ref. 2861/14) & and part of existing boundary wall and to construct a 2-storey, 3 bedroom mews, new boundary wall, connect to existing services and all associated site works within the curtilage of a protected structure Ref.: 6972. |
Registration Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
A.I Article 35 Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2825/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Kavcre St. Clare’s Limited |
Location | Former St. Clare’s Convent, and No’s 115-119, Harolds Cross Road, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission to previously permitted development Reg. Ref: 2186/15 (An Bord Pleanala Ref: PL29S.245164) on a site of c.1.7 ha at the former St. Clare’s Convent and No.’s 115-119, Harold’s Cross Road, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6. The application site includes a Protected Structure RPS Ref: No. 3583. The purpose of this application is to take account of the specific planning policy requirements of the Sustainable Urban Housing: Design Standards for New Apartments Guidelines for Planning Authorities as they relate to the permitted development on the site, permitted under Reg. Ref. 2186/15 (An Bord Pleanala Ref: PL 29S.245164) pursuant to Section 34 (3A and 3B) of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended. The proposed amendments consist of the following: – Internal reconfiguration of previously permitted Blocks E, F, G to provide for an increase of 16 no. units, increasing the total number of units within Blocks E, F, G from 125 no. to 141 no. (comprising 32 no. 1 bed units, 86 no. 2 bed units, 23 no. three bed units); – Elevational amendments to Blocks E, F, G including relocation of balconies/terraces on each elevation as a result of internal reconfiguration. – The total number of units on site will increase from 156 no. to 172 no. as a result of the proposed amendments. – Reconfiguration of permitted basement to provide for an increase in the number of car parking spaces from 155 no. to 160 no.; an increase in cycle spaces from 155 no. to 226 no. and all associated site development works necessary to facilitate the development. |
Registration Date | 01-Sep-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2870/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Crekav Trading GP Ltd. |
Location | Lot 1, Kimmage Road Lower & Mount Argus Road, Mount Argus, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The site is located within the former attendant grounds of Mount Argus Church bounded generally by Kimmage Road Lower to the southeast, the private access road to Mount Argus Church and Monastery to the southwest, Mount Argus Church (Protected Structure Ref. No. 4260) and Monastery to the northwest; and Mount Argus Road to the north. The development will consist of the construction to completion of the development granted under planning Reg. Ref. PL29S.237974, Comprising 180 no. residential units, Crèche and community building and all associated site works. |
Registration Date | 30-Aug-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2905/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Applicant | Zachs Food Limited |
Location | Asador, 1, Victoria House, Percy Place & Haddington Road, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Development comprising a covered outdoor seating & terrace area of c. 45.5 sq.m associated with the restaurant Asador, facing the junction of Percy Lane and Haddington Road. |
Registration Date | 01-Sep-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2907/12/X1 |
Application Type | Extension of Duration of Permission |
Applicant | James Byrne |
Location | 3-4 Camden Court, Camden Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | EXT.OF DURATION:Permission sought for 1) Demolition of existing single storey derelict store 2) Construction of new two storey, three bedroom house (86sq.mtrs) with roof light and all ancillary works. |
Registration Date | 01-Sep-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2996/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Gannon Properties |
Location | Lands at the former Paper Mills site, bounded by the river Dodder to the east, Clonskeagh Road to the west, Clonskeagh bridge to the South West, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Permission sought for a free standing, single storey, flat roof ESB Sub-Station with a switch room having a total area of 22.5 sqm to be located between no’s 103 & 105 Clonskeagh Road Dublin 6. |
Registration Date | 31-Aug-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3053/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | P. Lynch |
Location | 8-9, Hagan’s Court, Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Planning permission for the demolition of existing 2-storey building accommodating ground floor garage and first floor apartment and construction of new residential 3-storey building providing a total 6 apartments comprising 1 no. one-bed, 4 no. two-bed, and 1 no. three-bed unit, all with private balconies facing southwest and northeast, and ancillary services. |
Registration Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3159/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Gannon Properties |
Location | Lands at the former Paper Mills site, bounded by the River Dodder to the East, Clonskeagh Road to the West, Clonskeagh Bridge to the South West, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Planning permission for the following revisions to the previously approved development (Reg. Ref. 2308/16). The revisions to the development consisting of an increase in apartment units from 96 to 116, the following changes are proposed: Block 1 – elevation and plan revisions to increase the building height to the southern end, adjacent to block 2 from 3 storeys with set back penthouse to 4 storeys with set back penthouse, incorporating an increase in apartment units from 24 to 27 (01 No. one bed unit, 02 No. two bed units) and alterations to the penthouse to include the omission of 01 No. two bed unit and internal alterations to change from a two bedroom to a three bedroom unit, Block 2 – elevation and plan revisions to increase the building height from 3 storeys with set back penthouse to 4 storeys with set back penthouse, incorporating an increase in apartment units from 51 to 65 (04 No. one bed units and 10 No. two bed units), Block 4 – elevation and plan revisions to increase the building height from 3 storeys with set back penthouse to 4 storeys with set back penthouse, incorporating an increase in apartment units from 11 to 14 (03 No. two bed units), internal alterations to the basement carpark layout are also proposed to provide 30 No. additional car park spaces & additional bicycle parking spaces for use by the additional units. |
Registration Date | 31-Aug-2017 |
Additional Information Received
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3720/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Justin Nell & Ann Marie Galvin |
Location | 18, Kenilworth Square North, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE; Alterations to the previously approved Planning Permission Ref. No. 2578/17, A Protected Structure. The alterations to the approved development will consist of the insertion of a new pedestrian gate on the southern boundary, the insertion of two new roof lights at roof level behind the existing front parapet and the alteration of the size and location of the approved new south facing window to the kitchen. |
Registration Date | 25-Aug-2017
***AMENDMENT TO WEEK 34/17*** |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3724/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Saemol International Ltd. |
Location | 4, Pembroke Street Lower, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE; Change of use for 1st & 2nd floors from residential use to office use. The proposed works include: minor internal alterations; removal of non original partition walls; replacement of the non original front and back doors to the basement; a new single storey extension at second floor (5sqm) to the existing rear return; blocking up of some non original window opes; reducing the size of other non original window opes and the addition of new window joinery to the existing return. The provision of new WC facilities to the rear return at basement , ground, first and second floor levels; the provision of a new external escape stairs and access gate connecting the rear basement area, with ground floor level; together with all ancillary site development works. |
Registration Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3735/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Wellington Hospitality Limited |
Location | 121-125 Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin 6. |
Proposal | Replacement of existing pitched roof on the east ( Lower Rathmines Road) building with two family sized aparthotel suites, total area 333 sq.m. at the existing aparthotel. |
Registration Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3742/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Eugene Renehan |
Location | Apartments 1 & 2 , Baggot Rath House, Newbridge Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Material alterations to both ground floor, one bedroom units nos. 1 and 2 at Baggot Rath Apartments, Newbridge Avenue, Dublin 4. Works will consist of removing the existing party wall and combining both apartments nos. 1 and no. 2 and forming a larger 2 bedroom unit, this includes all internal alterations and associated site works. |
Registration Date | 30-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3744/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Friends First Life Assurance Company DAC |
Location | Royal Hibernian Way, Dawson Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | The application site comprises of 0.24 hectares and is bound by Dawson Street to the East, Anne Street South to the South , Duke Street to the North and Duke Lane to the West. The development will consist of upgrades to the Dawson St & Duke Lane entrances to Royal Hibernian Way & internal shop front and elevation upgrades within Royal Hibernian Way including removal of all existing ‘ Royal Hibernian Way ‘ entrance signage, associated banners, clock and concrete cladding from existing entrance piers and will include : Dawson Street ; Elevation changes to ground floor at Dawson Street including new shop fronts and signage’s; Provision of 3 no. signage zones fronting onto Dawson Street with metal lettering and LED integrated lighting as follows:
signage zone associated with unit 8/9 ( 4 sq. m), unit 10 ( 4 sq. m ) and overall entrance signage zone ( 2.5 sq. m); Duke Lane ; Elevation changes to ground floor at Duke Lane including new shop fronts and signage; Provision of 4 no. signage zones fronting onto Duke Lane with metal lettering LED integrated lighting as follows; signage zone associated with unit 1/2 (1.5 sq.m), unit 19/20 ( 4 sq. m), unit 21 ( 3 sq. m) and entrance signage zone (2.5sq. m ); Royal Hibernian Way; Provision of a canopy to western side of Royal Hibernian Way with integrated lighting and retractable security barrier; upgrade to surface treatment within Royal Hibernian Way; existing covered area to eastern side of Royal Hibernian Way to be re-clad with integrated lighting and retractable security barrier; Upgrades to all shop fronts within Royal Hibernian Way to include removal of projecting tenant’s signage to be replaced with proposed signage zones fixed to existing concrete fascia; Removal of existing first floor concrete soffit from canopy of Unit 16 and Units 3,4,5 and 6. Permission is also sought for all ancillary engineering and site development works necessary to facilitate the development including upgrade of entrance ways to include integrated lighting, removal and replacement of existing doorways and windows. An extension of standard working hours is also sought between 8am to 10pm, Monday to Saturday wit no work proposed on Sunday or Bank Holidays unless previously agreed with Dublin City Council . |
Registration Date | 30-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3747/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Fibonacci Property |
Location | AIB Bank Centre lands, Junction of Merrion Road and Serpentine Avenue, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Amendments to the office development permitted under Reg. 2221/16 & ABP Ref.: PL 29S246717, and subsequent amendments under Reg. Ref. 2500/17, and Reg. Ref.: 2953/17.
The amendments consist of: 1. The provision of a fifth floor ( sixth storey) over basement levels on Block 1 ( western block) with terraces, set back from Merion Road. This floor provides for the additional 1,910 sq.m of Gross Floor Area bringing thte total overall development to 55,474 sq m of Gross Floor Area. No amendments are proposed to Block 2 ( eastern block to Serpentine Avenue). 2. Revised roof plant, screening , light wells to atriums, lift overruns and parapet level to Block 1. 3. All associated site development works, minor landscaping changes and minor elevational changes as a result of the amendments and infrastructure works.
Registration Date | 30-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3749/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Lara Wasson |
Location | 19, Belgrave Square East, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Permission is sought for the conversion of a protected structure from multiple occupancy to single dwelling, works to include internal demolitions, extensions over three levels, demolition of garden shed, alterations to front boundary finishes, and all associated site works. |
Registration Date | 30-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3754/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Eanna Murtagh, Morgan Leisure Investments Limited |
Location | The Morgan Hotel at Nos. 7-12 Fleet Street &, Nos. 1-2 Aston Place, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | The development will consist of modifications to permissions Reg. Ref. 2648/16 & 2535/17 to include the following: Internal modifications to the penthouse room at 5th floor level to include the removal of a stairs leading to the permitted roof garden/terrace; Alterations to the permitted roof to include provision of a 6th floor level event space with toilets, stairs and lifts and in an east facing external terrace and plant area.
Total new floor area (c. 197sq.m); All associated site development works, services provision and landscaping. |
Registration Date | 31-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3756/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Timothy & Wendy O’Connor |
Location | Oil Can Harry’s, 31/32, Mount Street Lower, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Alterations and additions to previously granted planning permission Ref. 3992/16 to include an additional third floor (96 sq.m) extension to the rear containing an additional 3 no. guest bedrooms as well as a reconfiguration and extension (8 sq.m) of previously approved second floor layout to provide an additional 1 no. guest bedroom (providing 12 bedrooms in total) including the reconfiguration and extension (4 sq.m) of existing rear stair backing onto Verschoyle Place (south facade) providing an ambulant disabled stair and passenger lift access from ground to third floor level together with all associated site works at Oil Can Harry’s Public House & Guest Accommodation. |
Registration Date | 31-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3761/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Charles and Eithne Carroll |
Location | Rear of 14, Burlington Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: 1 no. detached two-storey three bedroom mews house (155 sq.m) with pedestrian and vehicular access from Waterloo Lane, with 1 no. car parking space and all associated landscaping and drainage works. |
Registration Date | 01-Sep-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3763/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Sequana Management Ltd. |
Location | 39 & 40, Dawson Street (Protected Structures, RPS Ref. 2269 & 2270), both properties with rear frontage to Anne’s Lane, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Development will consist of:
i) Internal and external alterations to the non-original extension to the rear of No. 40 Dawson Street (approved under Reg. Ref. 2954/98), comprising removal of existing doors and glazed rear elevation (facing Anne’s Lane), removal of stairs and balconies at first and second floor levels, and removal of part openable glazed roof; and construction of new faux rear facade set back 5 metres from the boundary with Anne’s Lane comprising timber framed glazed screen at first, second and third floor level above, creating an internal street garden with feature side facades, and street garden entrance, with void above to roof level; new facade treatment to boundary with Anne’s Lane comprising an aluminium framed glazed wall at second and third floor, new signage, and security roller shutter door to extend to ground and first floor; new retractable aluminium framed glazed roof; new bar at ground floor level; ii) Internal and external alterations to non-original extension to the rear of No. 39 Dawson Street, comprising extensions to internal balconies and creation of glazed screen balconies fronting Anne’s Lane at first and second floor levels; iii) Installation of a new folding timber framed glazed screen at the rear of the bar area of No. 39 and at the rear of the foyer area of No. 40, at ground floor level of the buildings to the front of the property, facing Dawson Street (Protected Structures); and iv) All ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. The development does not increase the gross floor area of the property. |
Registration Date | 01-Sep-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3766/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Justin & Catherine MacCarthy |
Location | 1, Holyrood Park, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Demolition of an existing greenhouse and shed in the side garden of the existing dwelling and construction of 2 no. new two-storey 3-bedroom houses with new garden walls constructed inside existing site boundaries. Both houses will have a first floor terrace with secondary access via external stairs. A new garage will be provided to the existing house which together with covered car parking spaces in the new houses will provide 6 no. parking spaces accessed via a shared landscaped courtyard approached from the existing entrance on Holyrood Park, together with all associated ancillary site works, services and landscaping necessary to facilitate the development. |
Registration Date | 01-Sep-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | DSDZ3759/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Marc Bereen |
Location | Charlotte Quay Bar & Restaurant, Millennium Tower Building, Block B, Charlotte Quay, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Two new retracable awnings to the west facing facade terrace at ground level and all associated ancillary works |
Registration Date | 31-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1445/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | JCDecaux Ireland Limited |
Location | The public footpath at the junction of Aungier Street and Peter Row, Dublin 2, south of No. 10 Whitefriar, Aungier Street and to the east of Aungier Street, DIT. |
Proposal | Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m. |
Registration Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1446/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | JCDecaux Ireland Limited |
Location | The central traffic median at the junction of Camden Street and Charlotte Way, positioned in the median, opposite Harcourt Hall to the East, and 51, Camden Street to the West, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m. |
Registration Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1447/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | JCDecaux Ireland Limited |
Location | The public footpath on the southern side of Cuffe Street, West of the Junction of Montague Court and Cuffe Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.
Registration Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1451/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | JCDecaux Ireland Limited |
Location | On the public footpath on the southern side of Nassau Street, Dublin 2, outside the Setanta Centre. |
Proposal | Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.
Registration Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1453/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | JCDecaux Ireland Limited |
Location | The public thoroughfare at the eastern end of King Street South, Dublin 2, near the junction with Grafton Street and St. Stephen’s Green. |
Proposal | Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.
Registration Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1454/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | JCDecaux Ireland Limited |
Location | The public thoroughfare on the northern side of King Street South, Dublin 2, immediately to the east of the junction with Clarendon Row, opposite the St. Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre. |
Proposal | Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.
Registration Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1457/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | JCDecaux Ireland Limited |
Location | The public footpath on the northern side of Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2, outside Clanwilliam Court. |
Proposal | Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.
Registration Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1459/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | JCDecaux Ireland Limited |
Location | The public footpath at the junction of St. Andrew Street, Church Lane and Suffolk Street, Dublin 2, in front of the former ‘Dublin Tourism Centre’, Suffolk Street. |
Proposal | Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.
Registration Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1460/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | JCDecaux Ireland Limited |
Location | The public footpath on the southern side of Upper Baggot Street, Dublin 4, at the junction of Upper Baggot Street and Waterloo Road. |
Proposal | Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.
Registration Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1461/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | JCDecaux Ireland Limited |
Location | The public footpath on the northern side of Charlotte Way, at the junction of Charlotte Way and Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.
Registration Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1462/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | JCDecaux Ireland Limited |
Location | The public footpath on the eastern side of Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2, in front of nos. 1-3 Camden Street Lower (‘Fresh’) |
Proposal | Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.
Registration Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1464/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | JCDecaux Ireland Limited |
Location | The public footpath on the western side of Mercer Street Lower, Dublin 2. The site is located adjacent to Glovers Court (23-28) to the west and opposite The Travel Lodge – Stephens Green, to the east. |
Proposal | Replacement of the existing internally illuminated, double sided, scrolling ‘Metropanel’ advertising display with a double sided digital ‘Metropanel’ advertising display. The proposed structure has an overall height of 2.882 m, a depth of 0.255 m and a width of 1.438 m.
Registration Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3668/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Gearóid O Gaibheachain |
Location | 106, Kimmage Road Lower, Kimmage, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | Planning Permisson sought for the works 106 Kimmage Road Lower, Dublin 6w D6W ER82, an existing two-storey four-bedroom semi-detached single dwelling
(i) Demolition of an existing single storey shed to the rear & partial demolition of the existing two-storey return to the rear of the existing house; (ii) the construction of a new two storey extension to the rear of the existing house to accommodate a new kitchen / living / dining room & WC to the ground floor & two new bedrooms & a bathroom to the first floor, the new extension is to be part-flat roofed at both ground & first floor levels and is to retain the existing sloped roof of the return to the rear of the house, a new flat roof roof light is proposed to be provided above the ground floor part of the new extension to the rear; (iii) the conversion of the existing attic space into habitable accommodation to provide a new ensuite bedroom with a new dormer structure to be provided to the rear slope of the main roof, the total number of bedrooms to the extended house to be increased to six; (iv) the provision of a second smaller dormer structure to the rear slope of the main roof to provide headroom over a new internal stairs up to the new attic bedroom ; (v) the provision of a new velux-type roof light to the rear slope of the main roof over the new stairs; (vi) the provision of a new velux-type roof light to the front slope of the main roof over the proposed new attic Ensuite; (viii) the provision of a solar panel array to the west facing slope of the existing roof over the return to the rear of the house; (viiii) widening two existing window opes to the rear wall of the main part of the house, one at ground floor level & one at first floor level; (ix)the provision of one new off-street car-parking space to the front of the house, accessed from Kimmage Road Lower, and the provision of new vehicular entrance gates and retaining walls & railings within the site to facilitate this; (x) the provision of external insulation to the existing west facing side / gable wall and to part of the rear wall of the main part of the house; (xi) other internal renovations & refurbishments and site works to facilitate the development. |
Registration Date | 17-Aug-2017
***AMENDMENT TO WEEK 33/17*** |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3703/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Tim and Margaret Murphy |
Location | 42, Waterloo Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for refurbishment works to overall 4 storey building (a protected structure) previously in multiple bedsit/apartment units and conversion into 1 no. single residential dwelling unit over all 4 floors including: Replacement of non original extension on rear return with new two storey over basement element. Minor internal and external modifications, including ensuite bathrooms and enlarged projecting bathroom at 2nd floor level rear return. All associated site development works. |
Registration Date | 23-Aug-2017
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3722/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Gerry Griffin |
Location | 29, Tudor Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Provision of onsite parking to front garden with creation of new vehicular entrance / access and alterations to existing railing. |
Registration Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3729/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | George Boyle |
Location | ‘Seiceamar’ 33, Terenure Road North, Terenure, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | Construction of a single storey rear attached extension, demolition of chimney stack to rear elevation, alterations to existing rear first floor window, minor internal alterations installation of security gate & railings to the existing, open, front boundary of property and all ancillary works. |
Registration Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3730/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Jacqueline Noonan |
Location | 25, Gordon Street, Ringsend, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Removal of rear section of pitched roof and construction of new higher level flat roof to facilitate provision of accommodation to the rear at 1st floor level, construction of two storey extension to the rear and installation of 3 no. velux type windows to the front, |
Registration Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3745/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Aidan & Sheila Brady |
Location | 31, Chelmsford Avenue, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | The development consists of construction of a two storey rear extension, (46.2sq.m) to a private dwelling. The ground floor extension (23.1sq.m) will consist of a family / dining room area. The first floor extension (23.1sq.m) will consist of a master bedroom with an en-suite. Including in the works is a new terrace area and associated works. |
Registration Date | 30-Aug-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3748/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Kate Kelly |
Location | 21, Parkmore Drive, Terenure, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | 1st floor extension to side incorporating new bedroom with en suite and attic conversion to storage room, existing hipped roof to be extended out over new extension with one velux window to front. |
Registration Date | 30-Aug-2017 |
Area | |
Application Number | 4775/08Sub01 |
Application Type | Compliance Submission |
Decision | COMPLIANCE |
Decision Date | 31-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Paul McKenna |
Location | 61-62, Thomas Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The development consists of the demolition of the existing buildings on the site (semi-derelict) and the construction of a mixed use, six storey over basement building with set backs to the North, South and West elevations at the fifth and sixth storeys. The front facade to Thomas Street will be four storeys high (14.2m high), with storey 5 & 6 (set back) 19.8m high over all. The building will comprise of a basement car park, (489sqm), accommodating 15no. x car parking spaces together with storage facilities & bicycle parking; a retail unit on the ground floor (402sqm) and five floors of office space over the ground floor, all of varying floor areas ranging from 394sqm (first floor) to 239sqm, (fifth floor). The entrance to the basement car park is to be accessed from the south / rear of the site, using a car lift. The floor area of the total development is 2,533sqm on a site measuring 494sqm. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0282/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Refuse Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Topaz Energy Ltd |
Location | Belmont Service Station, Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | EXPP: Main External Changes:
1. Removal of existing signage, and replacement with new Re Store treatments; and 2. Re painting walls and windows to white. Main Internal Changes: 1. Blocking of door and removal of storage area. 2. Relocation of ATM and creation of new storage area. 3. New Restore deli counter and serve over. 4. New walk in fridge/freezer; and 5. Reorganisation of retail area. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0283/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Benefit Cosmetics |
Location | The Times Building, 16, D’Olier Street & 27 Fleet Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | EXPP – PROTECTED STRUCTURE – 3 No. external business advertising signs (300mm high x 920mm wide) hidden screw fixed onto the stone fascia’s on North-East, South West & South-East elevations. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0284/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Refuse Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | David & Tara Logan |
Location | 3, Saint Kevin’s Gardens, Dartry, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | EXPP: 39sqm extension to rear |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0286/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Grant Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 30-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Saunton’s Properties Limited |
Location | 82, 83, 84, St. Stephen’s Green South, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | EXPP – PROTECTED STRUCTURE – Repair of existing roof to include rendering of internal face of parapets, repointing of chimneys, renewal of lead flashings and like for like recovering of roof with torch on felt. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0290/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Grant Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 31-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Paul & Ciara Campbell |
Location | 4, Auburn Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, D04 R8R9 |
Proposal | EXPP: Rear extension to No. 4 Auburn Terrace to include kitchen, dining, living space at ground floor level with gallery space above & master bedroom at first floor level. The demolition of the existing two storey rear return is subject to a current, separate planning application WEB1370/17. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0308/17 |
Application Type | Social Housing Exemption Certificate |
Decision | Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert |
Decision Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Mary Keating |
Location | 9, Rathdown Villas, Terenure, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | SHEC: Demolition of a 27m2, 1 storey garage. Construction of one 153m2, 2.5 storey over ground level detached dwelling house with underground basement to the side of the existing dwelling house at 9 Rathdown Villas. Alterations to an existing boundary wall to form a new car entrance off Rathdown Villas. 2 new car parking spaces onsite. Connection to public water and foul network. All ancillary sewerage, drainage, landscaping and ancillary works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0314/17 |
Application Type | Social Housing Exemption Certificate |
Decision | Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert |
Decision Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | James Howard |
Location | Rear of 8, Larkfield Park and adjacent to 32 Larkfield Gardens, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | SHEC: Permission sought for new two-storey semi-detached dwelling, new vehicular entrance at Larkfield Gardens and associated site works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0315/17 |
Application Type | Social Housing Exemption Certificate |
Decision | Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert |
Decision Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Paul Deegan |
Location | Rear of 6, Larkfield Park and adjacent to 2A Larkfield Gardens, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | SHEC: Permission sought for new two storey semi-detached dwelling, new vehicular entrance at Larkfield Gardens and associated site works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2186/15Sub04 |
Application Type | Compliance Submission |
Decision | COMPLIANCE |
Decision Date | 01-Sep-2017 |
Applicant | Kavcre St. Clare’s Limited |
Location | Former St. Clare’s Convent, and 115-119, Harolds Cross Road, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: (1) Internal and external modifications to the existing St. Clare’s Convent and Bethany Orphanage building including the demolition of later additions to the convent building and the provision of new entrances to the buildings; (2) The provision of a total of 209 no. residential units and 1 no. office unit (162sq.m. GFA) as follows: Block A: New 4 storey building consisting of 11 no. apartments (3 no. 1 beds; 7 no. 2 beds; and 1 no. 3 beds) with balconies to the north, east and west elevations; Block B: New 4 storey apartment building consisting of 11 no. apartments (7 no. 2beds; and 4 no. 3 beds) with balconies to the east, south and west elevations; Block C: Change of use of existing 3 storey orphanage building to provide 6 no. apartments (1 no. 1 bed and 5 no. 2 beds) with balconies to the east elevation and to the southern elevation of its northern wing; Block D: Change of use of the existing 4 storey building (3 storey over lower basement level) from convent to provide for 13 no. apartments (11 no. 1 beds; and 2 no. 2 beds) with a terrace at northern elevation at lower ground floor level and the conversion of the main chapel into an office unit (162 sq.m. GFA). Works to Block D will also involve the conversion of the former nun’s chapel into a residential unit. Block E: New 4 storey building consisting of 48 no. apartments (12 no. 1 beds; 27 no. 2 beds; and 9 no. 3 beds) with balconies to all elevations. Block F: New 4 storey building consisting of 38 no. apartments (7 no. 1 beds; 26 no. 2 beds; and 5 no. 3 beds) with balconies to all elevations; Block G: New 4 storey building consisting of 42 no. apartments (11 no. 1 beds; 18 no. 2 beds; and 13 no. 3 beds) with balconies to the east, south and west elevations; Block H: A new 4 storey building consisting of 16 no. 2 bed apartments with balconies to all elevations; Block J: A new 4 storey building consisting of 24 no. apartments (17 no. 2 beds and 7 no. 3 beds) with balconies to the eastern and southern elevations as well as to the northern and southern elevations facing the courtyard. (3) The demolition of the San Damiano building on Harolds Cross Road; (4) The re-opening of the archway to the front (Harolds Cross Road elevation) of the Bethany Orphanage building to provide a new pedestrian entrance to the site; (5) The relocation of the existing vehicular entrance to Harolds Cross Road and the removal of the existing vehicular entrance to the south of No. 119 Harolds Cross Road; (6) The removal of the existing front boundary wall along Harolds Cross Road and its replacement with a new low plinth and rail boundary; (7) The provision of a new 3 metre high stone boundary wall between part of the site and the existing Mortuary Chapel (a Protected Structure Ref. No. 3583); (1) The demolition of No.’s 115, 117 and 119 Harolds Cross Road, and the demolition and removal of sheds, greenhouses and other such structures and landscape features within the garden area; (2) The provision of 2 No. ESB substations; (3) The provision of 228 no. car parking spaces, 212 no. bicycle parking spaces, waste storage, storage and plant areas all at basement level with a new vehicular ramp access; (4) The provision of 5 no. car parking spaces, 60 no. bicycle parking spaces and 2 no. children’s play area at surface level; (5) All associated engineering, drainage, landscaping, boundary treatment and site development works.
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2567/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 30-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Muireann & Ciaran McAteer |
Location | Stonelodge, Garville Drive, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Retention Permission and Planning permission for development. The development consists of the retention of existing garage (15 sqm) to be used as habitable space as part of the existing dwelling and the planning permission for the creation of a new off-street car parking space (within the curtilage of the property) with associated alterations to boundary fencing. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2807/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 31-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Relay Group Ltd |
Location | 49 & 49 A Donnybrook Road, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Planning permission is being sought for change of use from retail to cafe/restaurant (59.3 sqm), together with the construction of a first floor extension (51.7 sqm), alterations to the front elevation, signage, retractable canopies, new connections to mains services and all associated site works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2997/16Sub01 |
Application Type | Compliance Submission |
Decision | COMPLIANCE |
Decision Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Ardstone Value Partners Fund |
Location | 22 & 23, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The proposed development will consist of: the amalgamation of the two existing units (comprising restaurant and fast-food restaurant) at basement and ground floor levels into one unit measuring 176 sq.m; change of use to café; modifications to the shopfronts; and associated works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3313/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Joe Gersten |
Location | Site at Harrison Row to the rear of 32, Terenure Road East, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | The development will consist/consists of : Planning Permission is sought for change of use from existing commercial storage shed to office use and all associated site works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3315/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Shay and Jane Madden |
Location | 31, Cherryfield Avenue Lower, Ranelagh, 6 |
Proposal | The development will consist of; the part demolition of the existing single storey rear extension; the provision of a two storey rear extension; general refurbishment of existing dwelling and associated site works, all on a site area of 0.010 hectares. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3319/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Tullington Ltd, Partner of Victoria Ltd |
Location | 19-27, Exchequer Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | The development will consist of: the provision of a contemporary office extension (265sq m) to the existing rear return increasing the height from part single, part 2 storeys to 4 storeys with a sedum roof and plant over; modifications to the existing rear return including the internal reconfiguration of floor space and the insertion of a lift; the development of a screened terrace (15sq m) ( facing north and west) to the rear ( northern ) side of Exchequer Chambers on an existing flat roof at the 1st floor level ( screened by a pre-existing 2.9m wall ) and elevational changes including modifications to window and door opes.
The works will also include minor modifications to the existing Exchequer Chambers building including removal of select windows at the rear external wall and widening of the window opes to provide connectivity between the new extension and the existing development; the provision of new windows at the ground floor level of the eastern elevation of the restaurant unit at No. 27 Exchequer Chambers providing frontage onto Andrews Lane; upgrades to the 1st and 3rd floor level toilet facilities to provide disabled toilets and shower facilities; plant; signage; hard and soft landscaping and all other ancillary works above and below ground. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3320/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Catholic University School |
Location | 89-92, Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE – Permission within the curtilege of protected structure on their lands backing on to Quinns Lane Dublin 2. The development will consist of the removal of the slated pitched roof of the existing three storey secondary school building, the provision of two full extra storeys and one part storey totalling 867 sq. metres on top of the existing 3 storey school (total five storeys) to contain music room of 77 sqm, Science Room & ancillaries of 114 sqm, special needs room of 30 sqm, offices of 33 sqm, all on the third floor, classroom 1 of 49 sqm, classroom 2 of 48 sqm, classroom 3 of 72 sqm, classroom 4 of 74 sqm, storage room of 14 sqm all on the fourth floor, 63 square metres of water tank room at fifth floor and new extensions to existing stairs and new landings and corridors. Existing school facilities on ground,first and second floor footprints will be retained with alterations to one stairs and the addition of a fire fighting entrance from Quinns Lane at ground level, plus new staff WC facilities and new science rooms layouts internally at first and second floors |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3327/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Red Lighthouse Partnership |
Location | St. Kevin’s Female National School, 1, Grantham Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission is sought at St. Kevin’s Female National School, 1 Grantham Street, Dublin 8 (A Protected Structure – RPS Ref. 3301). The development will consist of (i) Alterations to existing pedestrian doorway fronting onto Pleasants Place, including the construction of a glazed entrance lobby enclosure within existing open yard area; (ii) The construction of a shower room within the existing lean-to structure located to the north western corner of the yard area, including ancillary bicycle stands/rails; and, (iii) all associated site works necessary to facilitate the development. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3337/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 30-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Richard and Colette Glynn |
Location | 3 South Dock Street, Ringsend, Dublin 4. |
Proposal | Construction of a dormer window to the rear at attic level, with ancillary interior alterations to accommodate a new stairs to attic level. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3342/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Decision Date | 30-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Lema Murphy |
Location | 15, Rathmines Road Upper, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | RETENTION: of development comprising a ventilation ducting and extraction unit on the south west (rear) elevation of cafe/restaurant as per previously approved Ref No 3250/16. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3347/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 30-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Emily Keating |
Location | 68, Park Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for development to include demolition of existing single storey garden room extensions to the rear south east of existing house and return adjoining the boundary with no. 70 Park Avenue. Demolition of existing extensions/shed and front garden screen wall to north west elevation of existing return and adjoining the boundary with no. 66 Park Avenue. Internal demolition works include removal of non-original partition walls on all floors, alterations to include widening of existing opening to facilitate new proposed internal layout, creating a door opening from front first floor main bedroom to the rear bedroom and links to new extension on ground floor and first floor. Development will include construction of new part single storey flat roof/two storey pitched roof extension to the rear of existing return providing new kitchen, dining family rooms/playroom on ground floor with two bedrooms and an ensuite on first floor. Construction of replacement single storey plant room/store room at north west side of existing house adjoining boundary of no. 66 Park Avenue. Works will also include provision of new terrace door opening to south east elevation of courtyard and also relocation of window within new utility room on north west elevation of return. Refurbishment of all existing windows to include for replacement slim light double glazing. External works will include widening of existing vehicular gate to 3.6m including relocation of existing iron gate post on north west side of opening. Refurbishment works will include roof repairs/replacement, chimney repairs,/ repointing of front elevation,/ new mechanical and electrical services and including refitting of all bathrooms and ensuite, upgrading of other site services, landscaping and all associated works, all located at 68 Park Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4 D04 F8N8 (a protected structure). |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3352/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 31-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | James and Patrick Dooley |
Location | 42/43, Westland Row, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The proposed development will include the following
1. Internal alterations to basement level of protected structure and for partial change of use from storage to use as office and canteen. 2. Alterations to ground floor of protected structure including repair/replacement of glass lights set in pavement and repairs to paved entrance from Westland Row, new shop front and alterations to windows and doors to building facade at entrance level and for change of use from office to use as reception and coffee shop. 3. Internal alterations to first, second and third floor plans of protect structures. 4. Works to rear of protected structure to include alterations to doors and windows and enlargement of ope dimensions. 5. Demolition of the existing two storey building to the rear of 42/43 Westland Row facing onto Westland Court. 6. The construction of one three storey building with deck at upper floor level for maintenance access to rear of the site to be constructed from a steel portal frame, ground floor for use as office with own door access, first and second floor for use as office, all to be accessed from both Westland Court and 42-43 Westland Row. 7. The construction of an atrium between proposed three storey building to rear of site and protected structure, to have a glazed roof and internal circulation consisting of stairs and glass lift and associated landings at each level to connect building to front and rear of the site. Atrium to be structurally independent from the protected structure and to be supported from ground level and proposed building to rear of the site. 8. Awning with signage projecting 2.0m from rear of building facing onto Westland Court. 9. New signage to shop front onto Westland Row and at entrance to rear of building from Westland Court and signage on proposed awning. 10. All associated site works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3354/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 31-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Aoife Sweeney |
Location | 5, Gulistan Terrace, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development is comprised of
1. Demolitions including, the demolition of the existing single-storey return, the opening out of a rear ground floor window to form a new door opening, the opening out of an existing window at first floor level to provide a connection to the proposed rear extension, and the removal of non-original windows to ground floor bathrooms. 2. Internal alterations proposed including, internal insulation of existing external walls, new insulated ground floor slab, and the addition of a wood-burning stove in the existing first floor rear chimneybreast. 3. The addition of a solar array to the central valley of the existing main roof. 4. Upgraded mechanical and electrical services. 5. The construction of a two-storey extension to the rear. 6.Associated works will include external services, drainage and landscaping as required to meet both the requirement of the Local Authority and the implicit requirements of the development described in the proposed planning application. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3356/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 31-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Green REIT DAC |
Location | 13-17, Dawson Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | The application site comprises of 0.185 hectares and is bound by Dawson Street to the west, Molesworth Street to the south and Dawson Lane to the north and east. The proposed development will consist of the change of use of part of the ground floor and lower ground floor retail unit in the permitted development at Nos. 13-17 Dawson Street (permitted under Reg Ref 2338/15 and An Bord Pleanala Reg Ref PL29S.244917) currently under construction, for use as a licensed restaurant / cafe unit occupying an area of 869sqm over two levels. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3358/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 31-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Orla Mitton |
Location | 9, Elgin Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for development on foot of a recent planning application reference No. 2366/17. The proposed development will consist of the following alterations to No. 9 Elgin Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, a protected structure. The alteration of the roof profile of the existing rear return and provision of a new small up-down sash window. Provision of 2 no. additional rooflights to the internal pitch of rear roof. Alteration of the existing second floor bathroom to include the repositioning of the existing stair flight. The provision of a new internal bathroom on the first floor. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3359/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 31-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Truceside Ltd |
Location | 36 Harcourt Street and 36 Camden Place, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for the construction of a 23 bedroom boutique hotel with meeting rooms and ancillary spaces, consisting of one reconstructed four-storey over basement building and one new three storey over basement building with set-back penthouse and balcony (total 1040 sqm); with garden, roof-light to basement, and glazed link between the two buildings at lane level; and connected by a common basement on the site 36 Harcourt Street (a Protected Structure), Dublin 2 /36 Camden Place, Dublin 2. The entire building at 36 Harcourt Street, was demolished more than seven years ago, except for the front facade which will be retained and repaired. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3362/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 01-Sep-2017 |
Applicant | Geraldine & Robert Stewart |
Location | 64, Waterloo Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Planning permission for change of use from office & residential use back to the original use as 1 no. single domestic dwelling. The proposed development will involve the following alterations and interventions to accommodate the change of use: (a) Removal of existing modern stud partitions, doors, wc and office related fit outs. (b) Re-open the historic connection between ground and lower ground floor levels and install a new flight of stairs to same. (c) Provision of new domestic bathroom and kitchen installations (d) Provision of associated services upgrades and services alterations to facilitate the change of use. (e) Re-investment of original front boundary railings and granite plinth and the provision of vehicular entrance gates (f) Landscaping works to the front garden area. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3367/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 01-Sep-2017 |
Applicant | Ann Marie Horgan |
Location | 51, South Dock Street, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The development will consist of to demolish existing single storey bathroom & lobby and to erect two storey extension to rear of existing dwelling comprising of a kitchen at ground floor and bedroom & ensuite to first floor with internal alterations to existing dwelling to include 3 no. rooflights to rear. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3527/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 30-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Monkstown FC/Pembroke Sports Ground |
Location | Wilfield Road and Park Avenue, Sydney Parade, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The development will consist of replacement of 8 No. 13m columns and associated lighting with 3 No. 18m columns to the South East side of Pitch No. 2, complete with LED sports lighting to bring Pitch No. 2 to match standard and improve light spill & energy efficiency, together with all ancillary site works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3672/11/X1 |
Application Type | Extension of Duration of Permission |
Decision Date | 01-Sep-2017 |
Applicant | Teepee Developments Limited |
Location | Former Napper Tandy Public House Site, 100-101,Bride Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | EXT OF DURATION: Development to amend a previous permission (Dublin City Council Reg. Ref. 3155/09 (An Bord Pleanála Ref. PL29S.234520), which itself amended Reg. Ref. 1558/08 and Reg. Ref. 5072/07, respectively) on a site of 231 sq m at Nos. 100-101 Bride Street (the former Napper Tandy public house site), forming part of a larger site of 0.1326 hectares that includes Nos. 3-10 Chancery Lane (The Chancery), Dublin 8. (Permission Reg. Ref. 3155/09 (PL29S.234520) permits the construction of an eight storey over basement building on the Napper Tandy site together with the provision of additional office accommodation at fifth, sixth and seventh floor levels of The Chancery. The permitted extensions to The Chancery are not affected by this application.) The proposed development primarily affects the Napper Tandy site to provide a mixed use scheme of office accommodation and a student university hostel (designed to cater for third level and forth level students as well as for visiting academics). The proposed development will consist of the redesign and change of use of the permitted eight storey over basement building on the Napper Tandy site to provide an eight storey building (reduced in height by 1.05 m from that permitted under Reg. Ref. 3155/09 (PL29S.234520)) accommodating: office use (97 sq m) and ancillary student university hostel uses (88 sq m) at ground floor level, with seven storeys of student university hostel accommodation (1,386 sq m) above comprising 46 No. suites (37 No. single and 9 No. twin suites ranging in size from 19 sq m to 25 sq m), together with ancillary facilities including associated plant/solar panels and landscaped open space at roof level, provision of photovoltaic panels on the southern elevation, associated signage and an entrance canopy over the Chancery Lane footpath; and omission of the basement (146 sq m) permitted under Reg. Ref. 3155/09 (PL29S.234520). The total gross floor area of the permitted building on the Napper Tandy site is increased from 1,533 sq m to 1,571 sq m.
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3700/10/X1 |
Application Type | Extension of Duration of Permission |
Decision Date | 31-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | McGarrell Reilly Management & EPUT |
Location | Teach Earlsfort and Garryard House, No’s 25-28 and 29 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | EXT OF DURATION:Planning permission for development of Teach Earlsfort, 29, Earlsfort Terrace / Upper Hatch Street and Garryard House, No’s 25-28 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2 which comprises a corner site measuring 3991sqm and fronting onto Upper Hatch Street to the north and Earlsfort Terrace to the East. The site includes an open double deck car park structure to the rear. The proposed mixed use development comprises of a total gross floor area of 24,787sqm (including 1,693sqm of ancillary office use at basement levels) and includes the following:
1. The demolition of all existing structures on the site including a 5 storey building known as ‘Garryard House’ fronting onto Earlsfort Terrace; a 7 storey building with an 8th floor set back accommodating plant rooms and machinery above roof level known as ‘Teach Earlsfort’ fronting onto Earlsfort Terrace and Upper Hatch Street ; and an open double deck car park structure located at rear. 2. The construction of a mixed use commercial headquarter building with a maximum height of 9 storeys, composed of a series of three dimensional and fissured cubic elements. The corner element addressing the junction of Upper Hatch Street and Earlsfort Terrace is nine storeys high. In the eastern part of the site, the building height steps down from six to four storeys towards the South of Earlsfort Terrace, where it adjoins existing buildings (protected structures). In the western part of the site, the building height steps down from eight storeys (as fronting onto Upper Hatch Street, providing a 165sqm roof terrace) to five storeys (in the south west part of the site) with a nine storey central element. Building heights, as referred to above contain internally all plant room areas (566sqm located at ground floor, 7th and 8th floor levels). A total of 23461sqm of office space includes 21,568sqm GFA (including 200sqm of possible restaurant / canteen area at first floor level) distributed from ground floor to 8th floor level and 1693sqm of additional ancillary office use located at basement level. Restaurant use is located in the north east corner of the building fronting onto the junction of Upper Hatch Street and Earlsfort Terrace and provides for a restaurant / cafe / retail (214sqm) at ground floor level (with main and second entrances located on both streets). The main office entrance in proposed at ground floor level on Upper Hatch Street, with associated lobby and reception areas. A second entrance to the Corporate Headquarters is provided on Earlsfort Terrace. Other accesses to the building are also provided on the western and eastern elevations and off Adelaide Road through a pedestrian lane. A central atrium links the two main service cores, reception areas and the series of three dimensional and fissured cubic elements which compose the overall building. A double level basement is proposed which provides for 90 car parking spaces, 232 cycle spaces, ancillary office use and storage areas (1,693sqm), shower and changing facilities along with plant room areas (482sqm) and refuse storage. Vehicular access to the development is from Earlsfort Terrace, via a two way ramp down to basement levels. Associated works above and below ground include the provision of 1 no. ESB double substation together with enhancements to the site boundary through hard and sot landscaping.
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4049/15/X1 |
Application Type | Extension of Duration of Permission |
Decision Date | 01-Sep-2017 |
Applicant | Teepee Developments Limited |
Location | Former Napper Tandy Public House SIte, 100-101 Bride Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | EXT OF DURATION: Permission for development for the change of use of a permitted eight-storey over basement building (Dublin City Council Reg. Ref. 3672/11 (An Bord Pleanala Ref. PL29S.240838)) to change the use from permitted student accommodation and office use to an aparthotel scheme with ancillary cafe on a site of 227sq m at Nos. 100-101 Bride Street, Dublin 8 (the site of the former Napper Tandy public house (with frontage also to Chancery Lane)). (The site for this amendment application forms part of a larger site for planning purposes of 0.1326 ha that includes The Chancery, 3-10 Chancery Lane, Dublin 8, D08 E4PK, the latter now in separate ownership). The proposed development will consist of the change of use of the permitted building to be constructed on the Napper Tandy site (and revision as appropriate to the conditions attaching to that permission) to provide 51 No. studios ranging in size from 18 sq m to 29.5 sq m. (Allowance is also made for the inter-connection of certain studios at first, second, third and fourth floor levels to have the option in lettings to facilitate larger units.) An ancillary cafe (30 sq m) is provided on an elevated level at reception/ground floor level. The proposal will also consist of: the reduction in size of the permitted basement from 146 sq m to 97 sq m (to accommodate back-of-house facilities and bicycle storage for ten bicycles); associated alterations to permitted floor plans (ground floor decreased by 5 sq m; first to fourth floors increased by 2 sq m each; fifth floor increased by 4 sq m; and sixth and seventh floor levels increased by 5 sq m each); the omission of the basement level link between the proposed development and of The Chancery Building (including the removal of the permitted 30 No. bicycle spaces in the latter); revisions to the ground level entrance doors to Chancery Lane/Bride Street and associated glazing (the latter including views through to the basement below); and the provision of associated signage and canopies over the footpaths to the permitted Bride Street and Chancery Lane elevations. These alterations are proposed together with previously permitted ancillary facilities including plant/solar panels and landscaped open space at roof level and the provision of photovoltaic panels on the southern elevation, and all other ancillary works above and below ground. The total gross floor area of the permitted building on the Napper Tandy site is decreased from 1,717 sq m to 1,685 sq m. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1351/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 01-Sep-2017 |
Applicant | Tadhg Sullivan |
Location | 20, Lower Stephen Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | The development will consist/consists of Installation of New Shop front and entrance to offices |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2381/17 |
Appeal Decision | GRANT PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Shane Moroney & Aine Heffernan |
Location | 71 Terenure Road North, Terenure, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Permission for two storey rear extension with flat roof construction |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4036/16 |
Appeal Decision | GRANT PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 28-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Chesway Limited |
Location | 22, Harcourt Terrace, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the conversion of an existing institutional building into a 40 bedroom geusthouse with guest facilities and associated services. the proposed development consists of a new single storey extension to the front and side; a first floor extension over the existing single storey kitchen; demolition of existing modern stair enclosure to the rear and construction of replacement stair core linked to existing building at first and second floor levels; demolition of existing store to side; internal alterations to accommodate guest facilities, bedrooms and ensuites and their associated services, fire upgrades and improved accessibility; repairs to the existing building fabric including facade, roof and windows; and associated site works and landscaping. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4439/16 |
Appeal Decision | GRANT PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 29-Aug-2017 |
Applicant | Cathal Moran & Claire Moran |
Location | 52, Charleston Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the conversion of 9 no. bedsits back into a single family dwelling to include: demolition of all non-original single storey extensions to the rear, partial demolition of a three storey rear return and demolition of chimney stack to same; construction of a pitched roof three storey extension to the side and rear to consolidate the existing rear return and side extension; construction of a new single storey flat roofed extension to the rear with 2 no. rooflights, removal of 5 no. non-original rooflights and repairs to main roof, replacement of 9 no. modern windows to the rear and side with 8 no. sliding sash windows and 1 no. rose window to match original, replacement of 1 no. modern window to the side with a new glazed timber door, reinstatement of the pitched natural slate roofs to the adjoined rear return and side extension, 2no. new sliding sash windows to the side of the house into the stairwell to match original 2 no. new windows to the rear face of the rear return-one of which to match original; blocking up of doorway to side, blocking up of doorway to existing side extension; modifications at garden level to include removal of partitions & modern stairs, new door opes, provision of opening between the two main rooms, new partitions, removal of rear return walls, openings in rear wall to new extension, provision of new stairs to ground floor level; modifications at ground floor level to include removal of partitions & modern stairs, new door opes, provision of opening between the two main reception rooms, new partitions, openings in side wall of rear return and door ope to side extension; modifications at first floor level to include removal of partitions & modern stairs, new door opes, provision of opening to connect proposed master bedroom and proposed master ensuite, new partitions, openings in rear return wall and door ope to side extension to allow for join; modifications at second floor level to include removal of partitions & modern stairs & modern mezzanine floors and construction of new attic space; localised minor repair & restoration works to facades, original windows, front door, cast and wrought ironwork and associated site and drainage works including new vehicular gate to match original details, modification of front boundary railing to include new pedestrian gate, all at no. 52 Charleston Road (Protected Structure), a 3-storey semi-detached building. |
View a List of Compulsory Purchase Orders made by Dublin City Council Planning and Development Department since 1998 (pdf 2b)