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Weekly Planning Lists

Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

(a)  Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.

(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Article 31(g), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

(a)  In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”


(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Planning Information Sessions

Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.


The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.


All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.


Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.


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Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2373/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Grand Parade Property Trading Co. DAC
Location 2, Grand Parade, Dublin 6, D06 CX34.
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE The application site has an area of c. 0.576 hectares and contains the former Carroll’s Building which is a Protected Structure (RPS Ref.: 3280) and a number of outbuildings. The application site is located to the north of No. 19A and 19-25 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, D06 CV44. Development will consist of  refurbishment and alterations to the existing 8 storey Carroll’s Building (a protected structure RPS Ref. 3280), to include refurbishment of original features and removal of later building fabric, including a single storey rear extension. The proposed alterations include a change of use from office to cafe / restaurant at basement and ground floor level and a gallery / multi-purpose space at first floor level. External alterations to the protected structure include replacement glazing, the reinstatement of the original undercroft, alterations to the existing plant area at roof level and landscaping to the curtilage of the existing Protected Structure. Demolition of 3 no. existing warehouse / light industrial building to the south of the Protected Structure and other ancillary structures on the site . Provision of a new part 3, part 4, part 5 and part 6 storey, over two levels of basement, new office building to the south of and setback from the Carroll’s Building. The proposed office building is connected to the Carroll’s Building by a 6 storey glazed atrium and an 8 storey link which provides for new shared circulation / lobby and a services core. A roof terrace is provided at fourth and fifth floor level. The proposed office extension has a total GFA of 10,658 sq.m including basement floorspace. Vehicular access to the office building and basement car park will be from Grand Parade and a secondary controlled vehicular access will be provided from Dartmouth Road. The development includes 30 no. car parking spaces, 126 no. bicycle spaces, changing facilities and plant area, including electrical rooms, substation and swichrooms at basement level – 1. A plant room is also provided at basement level -2. 9 no. surface level car parking spaces are provided. The total floorspace, including existing retained and proposed new floorspace, including basement area, to be provided on site is 15,647 sq.m GFA. The development includes all associated site development works, hard and soft landscaping and all other ancillary works.
Registration Date 11-Aug-2017
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2380/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Grand Parade Property Trading Company
Location 19A & 19-25, Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6
Proposal The application site has an area of c. 0.154 ha and is located to the south of the former Carroll’s Building (Protected Structure Ref.:3280) at 2 Grand Parade. The development will consist of the demolition of existing buildings No. 19A and 19-25 Dartmouth Road and the outbuilding to the rear to provide for the construction of 4 no. 3 storey over basement, four bedroom houses. The proposed dwellings will form a terrace fronting Dartmouth Road. The development will also include off-street car parking, pedestrian and vehicular access from Dartmouth Road, the provision of private terraces at roof level, rear private amenity space, new boundary treatment and all associated site and infrastructural works including, SUDS Drainage, foul and surface water drainage; landscaping (hard and soft); and upgrading of existing footpaths.
Registration Date 11-Aug-2017
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3601/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Kirkenvale Ltd.
Location Ground and First Floor ONLY 16, Clare Street, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE; Change of use from existing retail store to Café. The application includes for internal alterations which include provision of new ground floor WC’s including a wheelchair accessible WC, storage area, office, servery counter and food display, minor repair, drainage provisions and general internal redecoration. The application also includes for minor repair and full re-decoration of the front facade and historic canopy, lighting upgrade and for modifications to the existing signage. The works are being carried out in a conservation area.
Registration Date 08-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3603/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Marc Bereen
Location ‘ Coppinger Row’ 1 Coppinger Row,, Dublin 2.
Proposal RETENTION far a 23.5sqm first floor extension to the rear (North) & 14sqm ground floor covered access corridor, all providing storage and preparation space for the existing restaurant.
Registration Date 08-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3604/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Board of Managment
Location Harolds Cross National School, Clareville Road, Dublin 6W
Proposal On site  temporary classroom consisting of  6 no. approx 45sqm single storey mainstream classrooms to the south western boundary of the school rear yard ( with a total floor area of approx. 270SQM) and all associated site works . The new accommodation is to be provided in two phases with 2 no. classroom units being provided in the first phase in 2017 and the remaining 4 no. classroom units being provided in the second phase in 2018. This temporary accommodation is directly related to the previously approved application Reg. Ref. 4106/16 is to be provided in advance of the construction of same and is to be removed immediately upon completion of that new accommodation ( intended in 2018).
Registration Date 08-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3606/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Claire Solon or Peter Hester, Friends First Life Assurance Co.
Location 55 South William Street, Dublin 2.
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: modifications to a previously approved planning grant Reg. Ref. 3925/14 which was for a café/ restaurant at basement, ground and first floor and associated offices above. We propose to make the following modifications.

External Modifications: Re-pointing of brick work of front facade; Repair to Red render at ground floor front elevation and replacement with lime render if required; Cleaning of front facade; Minor revisions to Proposed front doors; Replacement of modern windows and refurbishment of historic windows to the front and to the rear second and third floors; New granite plinth and railing to the front separating 54 and 55 only; Cleaning and re-pointing of entrance steps and closing existing hatch to basement with granite slabs; Outdoor bench and seating area with screen for the café to the front on new removable metal deck 5 sq.m; New awning to the front; Replacement of rainwater downpipes and hoppers with new cast iron ones to front and rear; Reinstatement of central historic ope and windows and replacement of existing original windows with a new Georgian style glazed door both in the Victorian bay to the rear at first floor level and refurbishment of roof over; Modifications to remodelling of existing rear extension with 65 sq.m of demolition (24 sq.m more that previously approved), Modifications to construction of new stairs to the rear with 43 sq.m of new build (18 sqm more than previously approved). Minor modifications to external rear terrace. Repair to render to the rear elevation where required; Painting of rear elevation. New flat roof to replace existing flat roof including roofing membrane, timber joists, new ceiling , AOV and reinstatement of a pitched roof light over main stairs.

Internal modifications: New floor slab at basement level; Proposals to alleviate and treat damp ingress; Opening to the vaults under the public foot path to be blocked up; New internal roller shutter doors at ground floor level; Revision to the proposed ceiling at ground floor under previous grant.

Repair work to historic lime ceilings and cornices; Essential internal structural repair work;

Strengthening of all floors in poor condition (or replacement in limited areas only if absolutely essential); Minor internal modifications to the plans; Modifications to proposed new stairs; New drainage proposal.

The application also includes decoration throughout and all associated site works. The site area is 152 sq.m.

Registration Date 08-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3608/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Bayvan Limited
Location The Tara Towers Hotel, Merrion Road, Dublin 4
Proposal At the site of the Tara Towers Hotel and ancillary car park on Merrion Road and Bellevue Avenue, Dublin 4.

The proposed development of the hotel site comprises the demolition of all existing buildings and structures on site and the construction of a new mixed-use building that ranges in height between 1 and 9-storey over basement level to provide a replacement hotel of approximately 6,634.7 sq.m of hotel (140 bedrooms) fronting onto Merrion Road, together with 57 no. residential units (comprising 9 x 1 bedroom; 38 x 2 bedroom and 10 x 3 bedroom units comprising) at first to 6th floor level, to the side (south) and rear (west) of the hotel block fronting Bellevue Avenue. Proposed roof terraces serving the residential units at 1st to 8th floor (rooftop) levels.

The basement and ground level car park provides 138 car parking spaces together with ancillary plant, storage and waste storage areas with ESB sub-station and switch room at ground floor level.

A new ramped vehicular access/ egress is provided off Bellevue Avenue serving the ground and basement level car park. The existing vehicular access off Bellevue Avenue close to the junction with Merrion Road shall be retained to provide a secondary vehicular access/ egress for passenger service vehicles and delivery vehicles. The existing vehicular access onto Merrion Road shall be closed and a new gate-controlled vehicular egress point onto Merrion Road at the north-eastern corner of the site is proposed for such servicing vehicles.

The proposed development on the car park site comprises site clearance works and the construction of a new pocket park (public open space) of approximately 177 sq.m at the western end of the site with frontage onto Bellevue Avenue.

To the east thereof is a terraced row of 5 no. 3-bedroom, part single, part 2-, part 3-storey town houses with integrated single garages, accessed of the southern side of Bellevue Avenue with ancillary private roof terraces at 2nd floor level.

Attached to the town houses at the eastern end of the site is a proposed 4-storey apartment block comprising of 8 no. apartments (5 x 1 bed units and 3 x 2 bed units) with balconies at 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor levels to the front and rear of the block. A total of 8 no. ancillary cycle storage spaces are provided at ground level within the communal amenity space to the rear of the block at ground level.

A combination of hard and soft landscaping measures are proposed to the communal and ancillary amenity spaces and areas of public realm.

Registration Date 09-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3609/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Roberteo Farrell, The Governors of St. Patrick’s Hospital
Location Saint Patrick’s University Hospital, Dublin 8
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE; The development will consist of a three-storey health care building of c1,093m2 including a screened, partially enclosed plant room of 34 m2 at roof level and an external fire escape on the northern elevation ,which will accommodate consultation suites, group therapy suites, administration and ancillary accommodation . The overall height of the building to the top of the plant room at roof level is 13.5 meters. The development will include the diversion of existing on-site services, piped infrastructure and ducting, site landscaping and boundary treatments internal roads and pathways, bicycle parking, signage, changes in level and all associated site development and excavation works above and below ground.
Registration Date 09-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3611/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Eamonn Woods
Location 49 Oakley Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal RETENTION:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: (RPS no. 5988) Retention of reinstatement works, which included removal of temporary subdividing works, to convert previously subdivided house (2 no. studios & 5 no. apartments) back to single family home.
Registration Date 09-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3616/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Mandre Jczuk, KW Investment Funds ICAV
Location No. 5, Schoolhouse Lane East, Dublin 2
Proposal The development will comprise the change of use of existing external terrace/ plant area (c.14 sq.m ) to the rear ( west and north elevations ) at 3rd floor level to employee amenity use to include new glass balustrade ( c.1.m high ) on east and west sides, new paving and associated refurbishment. The existing office building benefits from ex-tant planning permission reference 2910/16.
Registration Date 10-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3619/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant The Congregation of the Holy Spirit
Location St. Michael’s College, Ailesbury Road, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: the provision of ball-stop netting measuring 12 metres in height and 24 metres in length along the eastern and western boundary of the sand-based grass playing pitch; and the replacement of the existing retractable ball-stop netting measuring 8 metres in height and 18 metres in length by netting measuring 12 metres in height and 24 metres in length.
Registration Date 10-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3620/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Dame Plaza Property Trading, Designated Activity Company
Location The building formerly known as the Central Bank Building, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Proposal Dame Plaza Property Trading Designated Activity Company intend to apply for permission for development at a site of 0.28 ha at the building formerly known as the Central Bank Building, Dame Street, Dublin 2, D02 P656. The application site includes the plaza to the south of building formerly known as the Central Bank Building, and the laneway to the east of the building. The site is bound by Dame Street to the South, existing Annex building and Commercial Buildings to the East, Cope Street to the North and Fownes Street Upper to the West.

The development consists of the following:

1. Change of use of part of the existing basement -2 and -1 to incorporate 2 no. café/ restaurant units (Unit B- 140 sq.m and Unit C- 119 sq.m), 1 no. retail with ancillary café unit (Unit A- 1,262 sq.m, including a mezzanine level) and a new Hospitality Entrance of 169 sq.m to serve the new proposed rooftop destination. Part of the existing basement -1 ground floor slab will be removed to accommodate the proposed new uses. The new units at basement level will be accessed from a new sunken landscaped courtyard to the south-west of the building, accessed via a new staircase from the existing plaza, and a secondary staircase and lifts on the western side of the building. This requires the demolition of the existing western staircase to first floor level from the plaza and minor alterations to the existing basement to include new plant and storage areas.

2. 4 no. café/ restaurant units (Unit D- 239 sq.m, Unit E- 201sq.m, Unit F- 36 sq.m and Unit G- 64 sq.m) at ground floor level around the existing base of the tower to include two external terraces to Unit E onto Fownes Street at ground (37 sq.m) and first floor level (184 sq.m).

3. Minor extension to the existing office/reception lobby at first floor level to provide for additional reception and meeting rooms of 106 sq.m onto Cope Street.

4. The redevelopment of the existing 9th and 10th floors, which currently incorporate the roof and plant areas, to incorporate a new hospitality area which includes for a new restaurant and bar of 1,462 sq.m, with an accessible viewing terrace at 10th level on all sides of the building. This involves the replacement of the existing cladded roof with a fully glazed, inclined roof structure incorporating external fixed shading panels, two recessed plant zones and a fully glazed balustrade on the perimeter of the terrace. The hospitality area is accessed from the dedicated entrance at -1 level.

5. Permission is also sought for upgrades to the existing plaza and surrounding public realm including proposed hard and soft landscaping works.

6. The proposed development includes all associated and ancillary works, signage and site development works.

Registration Date 10-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3626/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant The R2 Partnership
Location 2/4, Bridge Street, Ringsend, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the internal and external modifications to 1 No. apartment to change it from a 1 bedroom apartment to a 2 bedroom apartment at first floor level, works also include the addition of 2 no. external dormer windows to the rear of the subject building.
Registration Date 11-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3628/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Mr T.P. Smith
Location 5-5a, Fownes Street, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the change of use of the office use (168.8 sqm) to guest house accommodation suitable for short term letting (6 no. guest bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms) at 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor of this four storey over basement mixed use development that will include internal alterations within each unit in the form of a 100mm stud wall to be off-set from existing structure to form all ensuite bathrooms.
Registration Date 11-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3630/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Paul Deegan
Location Rear of 6 Larkfield Park and adjacent to 2A Larkfield Gardens, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6W
Proposal The development will consist of permission for new two storey semi detached dwelling (32B) accessed from Larkfield Gardens. Construction of new boundary wall to proposed rear garden. New vehicular access at Larkfield Gardens and front boundary wall. All associated site, drainage and landscaping works.
Registration Date 11-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3631/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant James Howard
Location Rear of 8, Larkfield Park and adjacent to 32 Larkfield Gardens, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6W
Proposal The development will consist of: Permission for new two storey semi detached dwelling (32A) accessed from Larkfield Gardens. Construction of new boundary wall to proposed rear garden. New vehicular access at Larkfield Gardens and front boundary wall. All associated site, drainage and landscaping works.
Registration Date 11-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3637/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Ciara Slattery, Balark Trading GP Limited
Location College House, 2/3, Townsend Street, Dublin 2
Proposal The development will consist of the: demolition of the existing nine storey over part-basement College House Building  ( 8,501 sq.m gross floor area ) including its associated multi-storey car park and ancillary structures; demolition of the existing three storey cinema building (1,363 sq.m gross floor area ); and their replacement by construction of a ten – storey over two-level basement commercial building ( with set-back Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth floor levels) (25,224 sq.m gross floor area ( including two basement levels of 5,022 sq.m gross floor area)) accommodating: office space over Ground to Ninth Floor Levels (18,705 sq.m): a café/retail/restaurant unit at Ground Floor Level ( 248 sq.m); a c. 500 No. seater entertainment venue at Basement -1 and Basement – 2 Levels (2,100 sq.m ) including an associated bar, restaurant and box office located in a part double – height space at Ground Floor Level and First Floor Level (1,249 sq.m), a double height void at Ground Floor Level providing an external pedestrian route through the urban block; a plant enclosure at roof level including lift over – runs; and ancillary floor areas over all Floor Levels (ancillary space includes areas such as circulation cores (lifts and stairs), toilets, plant areas throughout the building, switch rooms etc.).

The development will also consist of the provision of: a new civic space to the south of the site at the junction of Hawkins Street and Townsend Street including a podium/ water feature, a cast iron feature Grille, tree planting, seating and bicycle stand (20 No. spaces); a central courtyard including a planter with intergraded seating; the repositioning of a post box on Townsend Street; the repositioning of bus stops and associated shelter on Townsend Street; 2 No. car lifts accessed via Townsend Street; car parking at Basement -2 Level (8 No. spaces including 2 No. mobility-impaired spaces); a bicycle lift accessed via Townsend Street; bicycle parking/ store at Basement -2 Level 1 (230 No. spaces); landscaped roof terraces to the east and south elevation on the roof of the fifth floor Level, to the west and north elevation on the roof of the Sixth floor Level and to the west and south elevation on the roof of the Seventh Floor Level ; Shower rooms and changing areas; storage; waste compounds / stores; suds’ measures including attenuation tank and green roofs; a comms room an ESB substation; a kitchen; elevation treatments; lighting signage; all hard and soft landscaping and all other associated site excavation, infrastructural and site development works above and below ground including changes in level, boundary treatments and associated site servicing ( foul and surface water drainage and water supply).

Registration Date 11-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number DSDZ3639/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Crekav Trading GP Limited
Location The (former) An Post Depot, Cardiff Lane and Hanover Street East, Dublin 2
Proposal Permission for development at The (former) An Post Depot, Cardiff Lane and Hanover Street East, Dublin 2. The application relates to a proposed development within the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme area. The development will consist of modifications to the development permitted under planning Reg. Ref. DSDZ2457/16 ‘the parent permission’ (which is currently under construction) and Reg. Ref. DSDZ2041/17. The permitted development provides for demolition of existing structures and construction of a 5-6 storey plus set back (over basement) commercial, retail and residential development (56 no. residential units) in 2 no. mixed-use blocks. The proposed modifications to the shared basement (lower ground) consist of:- Alteration of (lower ground) permitted basement level to include modifications to basement perimeter; reconfiguration of the internal layout (incl. plant and cores); omission of internal stair; reduction in commercial car parking provision (from 26 no. to 24 no.); and new connection between lower ground floor level and ground floor commercial office foyer and provision of ancillary commercial accommodation and additional plant at intermediate podium level. The proposed modifications to the eastern commercial block consist of:- Reconfiguration of the internal layout and elevations of the permitted building from basement to sixth floor (plus setback) level to include: Internal reconfiguration of the central core area (circulation cores, lifts and stairs, plant, toilets and showers) at all levels and associated external roof level changes to atrium and parapet; Internal reconfiguration of the north-west core and associated external north and west elevational changes at all levels and parapet reconfiguration at 6th floor level; Omission of north-east core and associated internal reconfiguration, increase in quantum of office floorspace at 1st to 6th floor level, modifications to the east elevation at all levels and increase in the quantum of retail/non-retail service floorspace at ground floor; Change of use of part of the ground floor from permitted retail/non-retail services to office and associated internal reconfiguration/modifications to office foyer; Modification to opes and glazing at ground floor of all elevations; Minor reconfiguration of electrical substation and switch room layout on ground floor level of western elevation and provision of a revised elevational treatment; Reduction in size of the office amenity terrace on the southern facade (1st to 4th floor level) with associated elevational changes and corresponding increase in office floorspace at each level; Amendments and additions to vertical fins on west, south-east and east elevations at 1st to 4th floor level and provision of privacy frit over glazing (and associated minor realignment of glazing and structure) at 1st to 4th floor level of west elevation; Modification to the south elevation brise soleil and omission of handrail; Alterations to the roof terraces (permitted on the south and west elevations on 5th and 6th floor levels and on the south elevation at 6th floor level) including additional landscaping and elevational opes, a reconfiguration of the landscaped terrace at 6th floor level and associated changes to terrace, sedum roof and addition of louvres; Reconfiguration and increase in office floorspace at 6th floor level and associated facade realignment, terrace reconfiguration and changes to south, east and west elevations; Modifications at roof level to include increase in sedum roof coverage, change to the height and character of the glazed atrium roof top, provision of photovoltaic solar panels and changes to plant enclosure; Minor reconfiguration to permitted public realm and landscaping and all associated ancillary site works and site services. The proposed modifications to the western (primarily residential) block consist of:- Setback of south west gable of permitted building from western boundary at all levels (c.0.8m) and associated internal alterations to commercial unit at ground floor level and residential units at 1st to 5th floor level and related elevational changes; Change of use of part of the ground floor of permitted residential block from retail/non-retail services to residential and related internal alterations (reconfiguration/rearrangement of ground floor apartment units and replacement of 1 no. 2-bed unit with 1 no. 3-bed unit) and changes to south and east elevation (glazing and opes) at ground floor level; Associated minor reconfiguration to permitted public realm and landscaping on Hanover Street East. The proposed changes result in a minor c.8sqm net increase in overall gross office floor area of the eastern commercial block (c.22,846sqm permitted to c.22,854sqm proposed) excluding the basement (lower ground level); a reduction of c.4sqm of net residential floorspace in the western primarily residential block (c.4,977 permitted to c.4,973sqm proposed); and an overall c.91sqm net reduction in retail/non-retail floor area across both blocks (from c.1191sqm permitted to c.1100sqm proposed) arising from the change of use of c.38sqm to residential and c.53sqm to commercial at ground floor levels.
Registration Date 11-Aug-2017



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3621/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Mr and Mrs James & Beatrice Murphy
Location 9, Annavilla, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal Planning permission is sought for the construction of an upper ground floor (13.7m2) extension to the rear of the existing house, 1 no. new rooflights to the new single storey extension, associated internal remodelling, and all associated site works.
Registration Date 11-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3632/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Mr Mike Maloney
Location 42F, Palmerston Road, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the following: On front/west and side north elevation: (i) Essential remedial works to be carried out to existing windows / doors and existing brickwork to be repointed. (ii) Replace non-original concrete step to front door. On rear / east elevation: (i) Demolition of existing non-original conservatory and partial removal of ground floor walls of existing return. (ii) Removal of 1 no. existing sliding sash window. (iii) Construction of new single storey extension (Max height from ground level = 4401mm approximately) (iv) Alterations to existing non-original external steps. (v) Essential remedial works to be carried out to existing windows/doors and existing brickwork to be repointed. Internal Works: (i) Internal demolitions and material alterations/remodelling works. Site Works: (i) Existing site entrance gates along west boundary to be fitted with automation control devices. (ii) Repoint pier to front boundary (at 42E). General: (i) Roof Repairs/Maintenance. (ii) Renewal of mechanical and electrical services. (iii) Decoration. (iv) All associated site works.
Registration Date 11-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3636/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Dermot O’Toole & Aurelie Fabre
Location 89, Belmont Avenue, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission is sought for alterations to approved Planning Application Ref. No. 3747/16: addition of 1.9 sqm to rear extension at ground floor, alterations to elevations and roof to rear extension. Permission is also sought for new pedestrian gate to south-west garden boundary wall, demolition of existing modern garden wall, planter and gates, new roof finish to front porch and all ancillary site works to a semi-detached 2 storey protected structure.
Registration Date 11-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3638/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Tara & Clive Fitzharris
Location 23, Claremont Park, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Proposal The development will consist of the demolition of the existing single storey garage at the side and the single and two storey side & rear return, and the construction of a new single and two storey extension at side and rear of a semi-detached dwelling house, including new main roof and attic conversion with side velux rooflight and for widening the front vehicular entrance.
Registration Date 11-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1405/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Patrick & Paula Walsh
Location 41, Malone Gardens, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Proposal The development will consist of a rear single storey structure (circa 17 sq.m). And the construction of a new dormer conversion at roof level to the rear of the property, internal modifications, and all ancillary site development works.
Registration Date 08-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1409/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant John Nolan
Location 24, Mount Drummond Square, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6
Proposal RETENTION: Retention of alterations to a rear and side two storey extension, a reduced version of which previously received planning permission under Planning Ref 5101/05. The alterations include 1) an increase in the gross floor area of the rear and side extension 2) elevation alterations to the front and rear of the extension 3) position of 1 of 2 velux rooflights & the proposed demolition of existing covered store to rear at 24 Mount Drummond Square, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6W.
Registration Date 09-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1410/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Moya Coulson
Location 4, Shrewsbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal RETENTION: The development will comprise of 7 no. additional roof lights to existing north extension and all associated works.

Retention Permission is also sought for alterations to previously approved Planning Permission Register Reference 0743/97, principally,

(i) the retention of 38 sq.m., single storey garage to the south of the existing house with brick finish, terracotta roof tiles and timber doors all matching the external finishes of the main house;

(ii) retention of altered plan layout to rear extension and

(iii) retention of double doors to rear elevation.

Registration Date 09-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1414/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Shane & Donna Kilkenny
Location Granite Mews Annex, Granite Mews, Grosvenor Lane, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal Planning Permission is being sought for a 2-storey extension to the rear of “Granite Mews Annex”, Granite Mews, Grosvenor Lane, Rathmines, Dublin 6. The proposed extension will comprise a kitchen and dining area on the ground floor and a double bedroom, bathroom and ensuite on the first floor.
Registration Date 10-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1415/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Angela Munro
Location 18, Martin Street, Portobello, Dublin 8
Proposal The demolition of the existing ground floor rear extension and the construction of a new ground floor rear extension. Works to include refurbishment to existing dwelling and all associated site works.
Registration Date 11-Aug-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1416/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Cathal Keogh
Location 17, Mountpleasant Place, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal Works include the demolition of the single storey extension to the rear. The construction of a new two storey extension with first floor terrace. The refurbishment of the house including new windows and roof.
Registration Date 11-Aug-2017


LAWS:                                   ***NONE***


SAWS:                                    ***NONE***





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0269/17
Application Type Section 5
Decision Refuse  Exemption Certificate
Decision Date 11-Aug-2017
Applicant Gas Networks Ireland
Location Forbes St AGI, Sir John Rogersons Quay, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin 2
Proposal EXPP: The works involve increasing the height of relief vent pipework from 3.9m above ground to max. 6m above ground at the Forbes St above ground installation (AGI). 3 no. supports will also be required to support the extended relief vent pipework from the roof.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0275/17
Application Type Section 5
Decision Grant  Exemption Certificate
Decision Date 10-Aug-2017
Applicant The High School
Location The High School, Zion Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6
Proposal EXPP: The High School wishes to improve the school sports facilities and wished to establish whether or not the following proposed works constitute development or exempted development under the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended):

1. The replacement of an existing natural grass rugby pitch with an artificial grass rugby pitch;

2. Alterations to ground levels of less than 200mm arising from the removal of approximately 250mm of top soil and the installation of a new artificial grass surface, the provision of associated subsurface drainage;

The existing rugby pitch in question is located to the east of the main school buildings. This part of the School landholding is located outside of the Conservation Area and Zone of Archaeological Interest, both of which are associated with the steep bank to the River Dodder, and not the flat area that is laid out as sports fields.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0278/17
Application Type Section 5
Decision Grant  Exemption Certificate
Decision Date 11-Aug-2017
Applicant Irish Property Value Fund PLC
Location 5,6,7, Crampton Quay, Crampton Buildings, Dublin 2
Proposal EXPP – PROTECTED STRUCTURE – New escape stairway from basement to ground floor and escape door in existing opening at rear ground floor level of 6 Crampton Quay.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2499/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 09-Aug-2017
Applicant College Green Hotel Ltd.
Location The Westin Hotel, 1-5 and 5a College Street, 35-41 Westmoreland Street, 32-37 Fleet Street, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Development at The Westin Hotel at 1-5 and 5a College Street which includes 1-2 College Street a protected structure (facade only) and 5 College Street a protected structure; 35-41 Westmoreland Street which includes 35-36 Westmoreland Street a protected structure and 40-41 Westmoreland Street a protected structure (facade only); and 32-37 Fleet Street which includes 33-36 Fleet Street a protected structure, Dublin 2.

The development will consist of the following:

1) Modifications to the hotel at ground level, consisting of 2 no. new back lit ‘Morelands’ signage measuring 3.4 m x 0.35 m over the restaurant entrance 35-36 Westmoreland Street and the window on the junction of 35 Westmoreland Street and Fleet Street.

2) Modifications to the hotel at ground level, consisting of 2 no. soffit mounted folding telescopic arm fabric awnings within the window reveals of 35-36 Westmoreland Street. Replacement vinyl graphics to same windows per re-branding.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3150/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 08-Aug-2017
Applicant Gambetta Limited
Location No.16 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2, Mews to the rear of  No. 16 Harcourt Street facing onto Montague Lane & No. 19 Montague Street, Dubln 2.
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for the following at No. 16 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2, (a Protected Structure, Dublin City Council RPS no. 3525), Mews to rear of No. 16 Harcourt Street facing onto Montague Lane and No. 19 Montague Street, Dublin 2. Planning is sought for the following at No. 16 Harcourt Street, extension to existing current use as a licensed restaurant at basement level and additional use as a cafe bar, with use extended to external courtyard and external mezzanine level above courtyard level; – Basement: external works to include the removal of existing planters at the front entrance along Harcourt Street, cleaning and upgrading of front entrance area, installation of new steps over existing steps for ambulant disabled access, together with new handrails; removal works at basement level internally to accommodate 1 No. bar, storage, cloakroom, seating areas and toilets; demolition of 21st century single storey rear extension to accommodate the construction of toilets, storage area, configuration of new entrance, stairs and platform lift from basement to ground floor external courtyard level; – Ground Floor / Annex to No. 16: internal removal works at ground floor level to rear of main building to accommodate 3 No. replacement WC’s, together with landscaping, seating areas and construction of new external stairs to first floor terrace and mezzanine floor; – Mezzanine: new structure to replace existing roof of basement rear extension to accommodate external seating area with access to toilets at ground floor level in main building; Planning is also sought for the following at No. 16 Harcourt Street Mews, change of use from warehouse/storage use to licensed restaurant / cafe bar; modifications and upgrading works to existing facades, – Basement: the construction of a basement to accommodate a kitchen, keg store, keg hatch, cold store and staff area; – Ground Floor: works to accommodate new stairs to new proposed first floor, new disabled toilet, lobby to courtyard area and cafe bar seating; – First Floor: construction of new first floor level to accommodate new bar, stairs to ground floor and access to new external terrace facing courtyard area; In addition, Planning is sought for the following at No. 19 Montague Street; change of use from Pizzeria to licensed restaurant / cafe bar; works to also include new shop front configuration along Montague Street and Montague Lane with bifolding doors, shutters, and servery to Montague Street; – Ground Floor: removal works internally to accommodate bar, seating areas and servery, First Floor: removal works internally to accommodate toilets, storage and seating areas with new flat roof section over female toilets; The proposal also includes new connections between No. 16 Mews and No. 19 Montague Lane at ground and first floor level. All with associated signage, lighting, landscaping and associated site works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3153/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 08-Aug-2017
Applicant Seabren Developments Limited
Location 63, Terenure Road North and lands to rear of 65 Terenure Road North, Dublin 6w
Proposal The development will consist of the demolition of existing multi-residential unit single storey and part dormer dwelling, separate detached unit and outbuilding at 63 Terenure Road North and clearance of lands to rear of no. 65 Terenure Road North; and the construction of 4 no. three storey dwellings, consisting of a pair of semi detached 3 bedroom three storey dwellings bounding and to be accessed from Terenure Road North; and a pair of semi-detached 3 bedroom three storey dwellings to the rear of no. 63 and 65 Terenure Road North and to be accessed from Eagle Hill Avenue. The development will be served by 6 no. car parking spaces. The houses fronting Terenure Road North will be served by 2 no. car parking spaces to the front. The houses to be accessed off Eagle Hill Avenue will be served by 3 no. car parking spaces plus an additional space to serve the houses along Terenure Road North. The development will include all associated landscape and site development works including new footpath along  Eagle Hill Avenue.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3154/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 08-Aug-2017
Applicant Dame Plaza Property Trading Co
Location The building known as the Annex Building,, located to the east of the building formerly known as the Central Bank Building, and to the south of Cope Street, and the Commercial Buildings, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Proposal The development consists of works to both the Annex Building and the Commercial Buildings as follows: Annex Building: 1. The change of use of the Annex building from a canteen use associated with the office use in the building formerly known as the Central Bank Buildings to 2 no. restaurant/cafe units of 12.2 sqm and 478 sqm 2. Demolition of elements of the building to its southern end and facade to facilitate a setting back of a new glazed facade, replacement of existing glazing to first floor and existing roof lights, and an extension of the unit onto Cope St and a new entrance core of 5 storeys to serve both the Annex and Commercial Buildings 3. Upgrade of the public realm and landscaping of the existing walkway between the plaza and cope St. The laneway will be widened as part of the proposals and will include outdoor seating associated with the proposed restaurant/cafe use. 4. Reconfiguration and minor extension (26sqm) of the existing basement into the adjoining basement to incorporate plant areas, upgraded kitchen associated with the proposed restaurant/cafe units, cycle parking and staff welfare facilities to serve the commercial buildings. Commercial Buildings: 1. The change of use of basement -1, ground floor, first floor from commercial office to a retail unit of 924 sqm. This includes for an increase of 76 sqm to the existing first floor. 2. The second and third floors will be refurbished as commercial office and it is prposed to replace the existing plant floor, at fourth floor level, with a commercial office floor of 336 sqm, including new glazed facade at this level. The commercial office will be accessed from the new core, which rises to fourth floor level, to the north provided as part of the Annex Building. 3. Replacement of all existing windows with clear glazing, the dropping of existing window sills on the ground floor windows to ground level and replacement of the brick clad section of the southern facade, onto Dame Street, with new glazing. Permission is also sought for hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatments, signage and all ancillary site and development works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3155/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 08-Aug-2017
Applicant Iseult Honohan
Location 11, Cowper Gardens, Dublin 6
Proposal Permission to demolish single storey shed & garage to side & kitchen extension to rear, & to construct a 2 storey & single storey side extension & single storey rear extension, & internal & external alterations.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3157/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 08-Aug-2017
Applicant Brian Doyle
Location 29, Tritonville Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Proposal RETENTION: Retention permission for a completed development at this address; 29 Tritonville, Sandymount, Dublin 4. The development consists of: a new rear 70m2 basement room, (directly under planning approved ground floor rear extension and terrace. Planning approval register reference for this: 1053/05) and all ancillary works associated with same.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3159/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 09-Aug-2017
Applicant Gannon Properties
Location Lands at the former Paper Mills site, bounded by the River Dodder to the East, Clonskeagh Road to the West, Clonskeagh Bridge to the South West, Dublin 6
Proposal Planning permission for the following revisions to the previously approved development (Reg. Ref. 2308/16). The revisions to the development consisting of an increase in apartment units from 96 to 116, the following changes are proposed: Block 1 – elevation and plan revisions to increase the building height to the southern end, adjacent to block 2 from 3 storeys with set back penthouse to 4 storeys with set back penthouse, incorporating an increase in apartment units from 24 to 27 (01 No. one bed unit, 02 No. two bed units) and alterations to the penthouse to include the omission of 01 No. two bed unit and internal alterations to change from a two bedroom to a three bedroom unit, Block 2 – elevation and plan revisions to increase the building height from 3 storeys with set back penthouse to 4 storeys with set back penthouse, incorporating an increase in apartment units from 51 to 65 (04 No. one bed units and 10 No. two bed units), Block 4 – elevation and plan revisions to increase the building height from 3 storeys with set back penthouse to 4 storeys with set back penthouse, incorporating an increase in apartment units from 11 to 14 (03 No. two bed units), internal alterations to the basement carpark layout are also proposed to provide 30 No. additional car park spaces & additional bicycle parking spaces for use by the additional units.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3161/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 09-Aug-2017
Applicant Marie Ryan
Location 38, Irishtown Road, Irishtown, Dublin 4
Proposal Partial demolition of the existing single storey rear return and provision of a new single storey rear extension.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3162/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 09-Aug-2017
Applicant Irish Life Assurance Plc
Location 13-18, City Quay, Dublin 2
Proposal To amend a previously permitted mixed-use office, café, retail/ restaurant scheme (Dublin City Council – Reg.Ref. 2407/15; ABP Ref. PL29S.245492 – the ‘parent permission’) on a site of 0.24 hectares. The development proposes modifications to the permitted scheme which will consist of: the omission of the permitted Lower Basement Level (183 sq.m); an increase in the size of the permitted Basement Level by 50 sq.m (from 1,986 sq.m permitted to 2,036 sq.m now proposed); the reconfiguration of the internal layout of the permitted building from Basement to Eighth Floor Levels to include amendments to the office space, retail/ restaurant units, café unit, car and bicycle parking (which includes for a reduction in cycle parking spaces), ancillary space (ancillary space includes areas such as circulation cores (lifts and stairs)), plant areas throughout the building, electrical substations and switchrooms, toilets and shower areas etc.) etc.; the provisions of external lighting to the north east and west facades; alterations to the permitted roof terraces (permitted on the north elevation at the Fifth and Sixth Floor Levels and on the south elevation of the Fifth and Seventh  Floor Levels), including the provision of landscaping; reduction in the depths of the internal mullion thickness of the facade around the permitted building’s perimeter; alterations to the permitted building’s elevations at Ground Floor Level and upper levels; removal of the roof to the permitted plant room at Eighth Floor Level; extensions to the permitted panels screening the Eighth Floor Level plant areas; an increase in the height of the parapet on the roof of the Seventh Floor Level; and associated alterations to permitted hard and soft landscaping and permitted site servicing (foul and surface water drainage and water supply). The changes result in an increase in office floor area by 300 sq.m net internal floor area (9,654 sq.m permitted to 9,954 sq.m proposed), an increase in the retail/ restaurant floor area by 43 sq.m net internal floor area (214 sq.m and 418 sq.m, respectively, permitted to 300 sq.m and 375 sq.m respectively, proposed), an increase in ancillary floor area by 171 sq.m (from 2,425 sq.m permitted to 2,596 sq.m proposed) and a reduction in the size of the café by 122 sq.m net internal floor area (from 422 sq.m permitted to 300 sq.m proposed). The overall gross floor area of the building is proposed to increase from 13,279 sq.m (excluding Basement Level of 183 sq.m) as permitted to 13,525 sq.m (excluding the Basement Level of 2,036 sq.m) now proposed.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3164/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 09-Aug-2017
Applicant Greybirch Ltd.
Location Junction of, 15, Poolbeg Street, 11-15 Tara Street, Dublin 2
Proposal Change of Use from 3rd level educational to office use on the ground floor of an existing 3 storey office building at the junction of 15 Poolbeg Street and 11- 15 Tara Street, Dublin 2.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3170/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 09-Aug-2017
Applicant Donal O’Brien
Location 12, Mount Eden Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Proposal Planning permission is sought for alterations to existing approved permission 3390/14 that involves a new design for the single storey garage/store to end of rear garden of existing family dwelling, alterations to previously approved garage entrance and pedestrian entrance off Belmont Court (rear mews lane) & all associated site works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3178/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Aug-2017
Applicant Richard Dunne
Location 57, Derrynane Gardens, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Proposal The development will consist of a new 6.1sqm ground floor single storey extension with two new roof-lights to the rear of the property . It will also include new rendered external wall insulation to the ground and first floors of the existing 1960s rear extension .



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3180/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 10-Aug-2017
Applicant David & Peter Keenahan
Location 5, Church Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Proposal RETENTION: Planning permission for the retention of the existing first floor extension, comprising a bathroom and small bedroom built in 2011, to the side of no. 5 Church Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3182/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Aug-2017
Applicant Ralvale Ltd
Location 2 Lower Pembroke Street,, Dublin 2.
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE – Planning permission for the change of use of the ground floor and basement from office use to licensed restaurant use. Linked to the existing restaurant next door at no1A Lower Pembroke Street Dublin 2. The proposed works include: Internal alterations, removal of non – original partition walls, a new opening in the party wall to link no 2 with no 1A  internally, removal of non-original external fire escape stairs from the rear elevation and the provision of accessible WC facilities in a new single storey extension to the rear, the provision of  a new stairs between ground and basement floors, upgrading works to the existing front door to provide an accessible entrance, new railings to part of the front boundary and a new sign on Lower Pembroke Street on the northern boundary wall. Repointing of the existing brickwork on the front elevation, replacement of the non-original windows on the rear elevation and refurbishment and upgrading works to the windows in the front elevation. Together with ancillary site and landscaping works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3184/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Aug-2017
Applicant Copper Bridge C 2015 ICAV
Location The Ballsbridge Hotel, being part of a wider site known as the D4 Hotels site / former Jury’s Hotel Site, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal Permission for development at the Ballsbridge Hotel, being part of a wider site known as the D4 Hotels site / former Jury’s Hotel site, generally bounded by Lansdowne Road to the north, Shelbourne Road to the east, and Pembroke Road to the west, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. The proposed development comprises amendments to permitted Block 10 located within the Ballsbridge Hotel site only fronting Lansdowne Road and Pembroke Road (referred to as Site 2 of parent permission) including: Alterations to the building footprint and building envelope, internal re-configuration, and amendments to the access cores of permitted Block 10 from upper ground floor level to roof level including associated elevational changes. The amended access cores will extend to basement level; Consequential amendments to the 40 no. permitted residential units in Block 10, together with the provision of 6 no. new residential units in Block 10, to provide a total of 46 no. proposed residential units in Block 10 from first floor level (Level 01) to Level 07, with balconies/terraces at each level on various elevations and terraces with associated access pop-ups at roof level; Block 10 will now comprise of 10 no. 1 – bed units, 34 no. 2-bed units, and 2 no. 3-bed penthouses; Reduction in size of 1 no. bar / restaurant unit (Unit D) by c. 9.1 sq.m to c. 270.9 sq.m. Reduction in the size and subdivision of 1 no. bar / restaurant unit (Unit C, c. 466.8 sq.m) to form 2 . bar / restaurant units (Unit C and G), measuring 251.3 sq.m and 211.4sq.m respectively, Increase in size of the commercial service corridor by c. 290.6 sq.m to c. 407.6 sq.m, all located at upper ground floor level; Relocation of access stairs to courtyard area at first floor level (Level 01) and associated increase in retail anchor unit at upper ground floor level by c. 27.2 sq.m; Re-configuration of 2 no. 2-bed residential units each with a balcony / terrace at Level 06 and Level 07 in adjoining Block 9 to facilitate the proposed development; The above revisions will result in a reduction in the gross floor area of the permitted development above ground by c. 74.1 sq.m; And all associated site development works; All on a site of c. 0.11 ha occupied by Block 10. All of the above amends a previously permitted mixed use scheme Dublin City Council Reg. Ref. 4015/09; An Bord Pleanala Ref. PL29S.237454 – the ‘parent’ permission.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3187/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Aug-2017
Applicant Eugene Renehan
Location Site measuring 1.24 hectares at 47-53, Orwell Park, and adjacent to Dartry House (a Protected Structure), Rathgar, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Modifications to 8 no. residential units nos. 31-38 (to be known as 11-18 Orwell Park Gardens) of approved housing development under Reg.Ref. no. 3012/14 and modified by Reg.Ref. no. 2259/15, this being part of development being completed on a site measuring 1.24 hectares. The proposed development modifications will consist of:

a) inclusion of two storey bay windows to north elevation of unit nos. 33-36 with the first floor increasing by 1.5 square metres and

b) further amendments to north elevation including removal of parapets to roof and chimneys and minor amendments.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3194/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 08-Aug-2017
Applicant Bernard and Aine McGuckian
Location 12, Herbert Park, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE; Development will consist of the demolition to non original single storey extensions to the rear (48.6sqm), partial demolition of non original single storey side extension and demolition of side bay window towards the rear of the house and the subsequent construction of a new single storey pitched roof extension to the rear (65.8sqm);extension of the existing single storey side return with 1 no. new window to match original, 1 no. new door to match original and 2 no. rooflights;modifications at ground floor level to include provision of , 1 no. opening  in rear wall to new extension, 1 no. opening in rear side return wall to extended side return, enlarged opening between hall and hallway, modified door opes, new partitions & minor adjustments to the base of staircase , blocking up of doorway into side extension; modifications at first floor level to include provision of opening to connect proposed master bedroom and proposed wardrobe, new partitions, removal of non-original door and partition, reversal of doors, blocking up 1 no. existing door opening; modifications at second floor level to include provision of 1no. new door ope, enlarge ope to store space and reversal of doors; localised minor repair & restoration works to facades, roofs, original windows, front door , cast and wrought ironwork  and associated site and drainage works including a covered porch and plant room and modified vehicular gates to match original details all at no.12 Herbert Park ( Protected Structure), a 3 storey semi-detached building.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3207/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Aug-2017
Applicant Joe & Jane Prendergast
Location 29, Mespil Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission is sought for development at 29 Mespil Road, Dublin 4 – A Protected Structure. The development will consist of alterations and refurbishment of the exterior and interior of the existing dwelling to include the following: Removal and reconstruction of non-original three- storey rear return; Removal and replacement of rear garden shed; Provision of a single storey extension (26sqm) to the rear at lower ground floor level; Replacement of non-original sash windows to front and rear elevations with new sash windows, to match eight-over-eight and six-over-six window pane configurations characteristic of the terrace; Removal of non-original concrete entrance steps and reinstating of original granite steps characteristic of the terrace; Modifications to some internal walls and door openings; Provision of en-suite and family bathroom at first floor level; Cleaning and re-pointing of brickwork to front elevation; General repair, upgrade and refurbishment of the existing fabric including repairs to the existing windows, facades and roof fabric including valleys and rainwater goods; Part lowering of finished floor level by 0.5m at lower ground floor level; Provision of 2 no. new roof lights within the internal valley of the main roof; Landscaping works to front garden, including widening of entrance gate by 0.6m; and all ancillary and associated site works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3370/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Aug-2017
Applicant Euronet 360 Finance Ltd
Location 9A, Lord Edward Street, Dublin 2
Proposal Permission for development will consist of the installation of an ATM Machine to the existing shop front to the north elevation.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3501/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Aug-2017
Applicant Laurence Masterson and Catherine O’Malley
Location 1, Casimir Road, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6w
Proposal Planning permission for modifications to existing 2 storey house as follows:

1. Change existing hipped side of roof to a gable.

2.Addition of attic access stairs (and internal alterations) and dormer window to rear.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4398/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Aug-2017
Applicant Helga Sorenson
Location Mews at Stephen’s Lane, to the rear and within the curtilage of 17, Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The alteration and renovation of an existing Mews at Stephen’s Lane, Dublin 2. The structure is located to the rear and within the curtilage of No. 17 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2 (A Protected Structure RPSN No. 5747 under Section 12(3) of the Planning and Development Act 2000) the proposed works consist of:

1) The change of use of existing Mews Building from commercial space to a 2 bedroom dwelling 111.2 sq.m,

2) A 7 sq.m first floor terrace to the Stephen’s Lane elevation,

3) 3 no. parking spaces to rear of mews with access through existing archway from Stephen’s Lane,

4) All associated ancillary site developments including landscaping and boundary treatments.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number DSDZ3172/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 09-Aug-2017
Applicant Hanover Quay Property Dev.Co.Ltd.
Location 8, Hanover Quay, (former Durabond House), Dublin 2
Proposal Development on a site of 0.43 ha. The application relates to a proposed development within a Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme area. The proposed development seeks to amend permitted mixed use development on the subject site Reg.Ref.DSDZ3777/15, which is currently under construction.

The amendment to the permitted development consists of the omission of the strip window to the east elevation at second to fifth floor levels and its replacement with a solid wall, consisting of a natural stone cladding.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1313/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Aug-2017
Applicant Darren and Nicky Cran
Location 3, Vavasour Square, Dublin 4
Proposal Demolition of 14.4sqm. single storey return to rear of existing terraced house, construction of 92sqm. one and two storey extension and 19sqm. single-storey garden room to rear, with new rooflights, shed and associated landscaping works to rear.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1315/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Aug-2017
Applicant Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC
Location Waterloo Exchange, Waterloo Road, Dublin 4
Proposal Installation of new building signage comprising: 1. Individually applied brushed stainless steel logo and lettering to east elevation facing Waterloo Road. 2. Stacked 215mm high logo with 75mm high lettering, approximately 1650mm above ground level.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1389/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 09-Aug-2017
Applicant Moya Coulson
Location 4, Shrewsbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal PERMISSION & RETENTION: The development consists of 3 no. additional roof lights to existing north extension and all associated works.

Retention Permission is also sought for alterations to previously approved Planning Permission Register Reference 0743/97, principally: (i) the retention of 38 sq.m., single storey garage to the south of the existing house with brick finish, terracotta roof tiles and timber doors all matching the external finishes of the main house (ii) retention of altered plan layout to rear extension and (iii) retention of double doors to rear elevation.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1391/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Aug-2017
Applicant Kevin & Rachel Kilcoyne
Location 27, Kingsland Park Avenue, Portobello, Dublin 8
Proposal Permission for demolition of existing substandard single storey extension to rear of dwelling house and construction of new two storey extension to rear of dwelling house, the installation of roof windows to the front of the existing house and the creation of a new rear access point in the boundary wall, demolition, and reconstruction of existing substandard end exterior wall of the existing house and all associated site development works.





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2927/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant John Purcell
Location Site to rear of, 12, Highfield Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for demolition of a garage and construction of a two-storey over basement dwelling within the curtilage of a protected structure, with modifications to existing boundary walls and landscaping, provision of vehicular and pedestrian access from highfield grove, and associated site works, all in the rear garden.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2952/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Broadfield Development Ltd
Location Site at Pembroke Row, known as 5/5A, Lad Lane, to the rear of Hagan’s Court, Dublin 2
Proposal A mixed use development. The proposed development comprises of  6 Storey building facing Pembroke Row consisting of 25 apartments (5 one bed apartments, 15 two bed apartments and 5 three bed apartments) all above a ground floor,  restaurant & cafe 434 sq. m in size with an outdoor terrace at rear of 132 sq.m totalling 566 sq. m, with access from Pembroke Row. There will be communal open space at ground level and at roof level to serve the apartments. 28 car parking spaces and 32 cycle spaces are proposed at basement level, with access from Pembroke Row. The proposal involves the demolition of the buildings on the site.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2997/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Irish Life Assurance Plc
Location Part of St. Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre (128 – 140 St.Stephen’s Green), Dublin 2
Proposal Irish Life Assurance plc together with Ventasker Ltd and MIRELF V1 Irish Investments ICAV, intend to apply for planning permission for development at this site, part of St. Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre (128 – 140 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2) comprising of a combination of units as follows: Ground Floor (and mezzanine), Basement (and mezzanine) of unit B5 (formally known as The Dandelion) and Ground Floor entrance and Basement of Unit B1B (known as TGI Fridays), St. Stephen’s Green Dublin 2. The proposed development comprises a change of use, external works to the ground floor facades and internal reconfiguration of the units. It relates to the interior of the ground floor and basement levels of

Unit B5 (formerly ‘The Dandelion’), to the basement level of Unit B1B, (TGI Fridays) and to the Ground Floor (St. Stephen’s Green) facade of Unit B5 and (part of)  Unit B1B. The proposed change of use is from mixed bar/restaurant/dancing to 100% retail. The external changes include revised glazing, new aluminium/ timber clad shopfronts (to selected RAL colour) with individual illuminated lettering in signage panels. The existing escape doors from adjoining hotel are to be incorporated into the new shopfront facade (with no change in function as hotel fire escape route). The internal changes include a demolition of Internal walls, partitions, stairs and partial demolition of the lower mezzanine (reduction of 40sq. m floorspace); demolition of entire upper level mezzanine (reduction of 115 sq. m floorspace) demolition of part dividing wall at basement level to link basement levels, reconfiguration of circulation areas and provision of a new escalators in newly formed opening/ void from ground to basement level (reduction in Ground Level Floor space of c, 60sq. m). Other works include the construction of new fitting rooms, offices and staff locker rooms/ancillary accommodation and all necessary ancillary development above and below ground.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1263/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Julie and Sean Gillane
Location 34, Albany Road, Dublin 6
Proposal The development will consist of: demolition of an existing GF garage to the side, demolition of small lean-to shed on the end gable of the GF return to the rear, construction of ground floor and first floor extension from front to rear. Front elevation in brick to match existing. New windows and entrance door, six number roof lights. Enclosure of front porch. Interior alterations and all associated site work.





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2048/17
Appeal Decision Date 08-Aug-2017
Applicant Clodagh O’Kane
Location 5, Mander’s Terrace, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE :Permission for alteration to previous grant of permission ref:3759/16 at 5 Manders Terrace, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, this being a Protected Structure. The alteration will consist of the provision of a first floor level balcony to the rear of the existing return.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2345/17
Appeal Decision Date 10-Aug-2017
Applicant Tony Robinson
Location 25 Park Drive, Ranelagh, Dublin 6

1. Ground Floor conservatory to rear (14.6 sq.m.).

2. Ground floor bay window to front (0.8 sq.m).

3. First floor bedroom extension to side (7.8 sq.m.)




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1075/17
Appeal Decision SPLIT DECISION
Appeal Decision Date 11-Aug-2017
Applicant Peter Nickels and Edelle O’Doherty
Location The Willows, 8A, Sunbury Gardens, Dartry, Dublin 6
Proposal minor modifications to permitted development (Planning Register Ref. WEB 1139.16, An Bord Pleanala Ref. PL 29S.246860), at The Willows, 8A Sunbury Gardens, Dartry, Dublin 6. The minor modifications to the permitted development will consist of revisions to third floor bedroom window and extension of the existing chimneystack.




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