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Weekly Planning Lists

Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2007

(a)  Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.

(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Article 32, Planning & Development Regulations 2001 –2007

(a)  In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”


(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Planning Information Sessions

Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.


The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.


All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.


Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.


Area Contact Number
Meeting Location
Central Area

South Central Area

South East Area

North West Area

North Central Area






222 8870

Sean McDermott Street

Crumlin Area Office

Contact Area Office for location

Finglas Area Office

Bunratty Area Office




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2012/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Eircom Ltd. (T/A EIR)
Location 24, Grafton Street, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of:

a) Proposed alterations to existing ground floor shopfront;

b) Proposed new internally illuminated fascia sign; and

c) Proposed new projecting sign.

Registration Date 10-Apr-2017
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2215/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant The Congregation of the Holy Spirit
Location St. Michael’s College, Ailesbury Road, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The resurfacing of an existing grass pitch to provide an all-weather pitch; the provision of associated fencing around the pitch ranging in height from 1.2 metres to 2.4 metres with protective padding; and the provision of a new boundary treatment onto Nutley Avenue providing a stone plinth base with galvanised and painted railings and 7 no. granite piers and the replacement of the steel vehicular and pedestrian gates with galvanised and painted gates. The development also includes signage; drainage works; the diversion of services, lighting and all associated works above and below ground.
Registration Date 13-Apr-2017
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2632/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Mary Coyle
Location Cranfield Place, Sandymount, Dublin 4 (to rear of Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 & 12 Tritonville Avenue, Nos. 19 & 19A Leahy’s Terrace & adjoining No.17 Cranfield Place
Proposal The development will consist of the demolition of 3 existing, disused, single storey, garages in order to construct a pair of semi detached 2 storey dwellings with all other ancillary and associated works: The proposed will have 2 car parking spaces to the rear (accessed by a shared side access).
Registration Date 05-Apr-2017


***Amendment to Week 14/17***

Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2670/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Rodney and Gillian O’Donnell
Location Site to the rear of 71, Kenilworth Square East, Rathgar, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE Planning permission is sought for a new 2 storey mews dwelling with off-street parking at a site to the rear of No 71 Kenilworth Square East, Rathgar, Dublin 6. The proposed development is is within the curtilage of a protected structure (Ref 4166).
Registration Date 11-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2677/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Sandford Park School Designated Activity
Location Sandford Park School, Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 FN29
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE  and Protected Structures (No 11 Sandford Road Ranelagh Dublin 6, D06 RC94 (Sandford Park Gate House)  – RPS Ref No 7426 and the Main House, Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 FN29 – RPS Ref No 7427). The devlopment will consist of permission for the construction of 4 no prefabricated classrooms in the form of two, single-storey blocks to provide temporary classroom accommodation, including all associated site development and ancillary works above and below ground. Each prefabricated block will have metal framed windows and insulatedcladded panelling with folded metal copings to match the existing single-storey tenporary classroomslocated to the south of the canteen and library block (permitted under Reg Ref 2202/15). The proposed classrooms will be located to the north of the existing canteen and library block, east of the exising Classroom Block A-B, south of the Main House (Protected Structure) and west of the existing playing pitches. The prefabricated blocks will have a groos internal floor area of 102sq m and 90sq m, respectively, resulting in a total proposed GFA of 192 sq m
Registration Date 11-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2688/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Zap Space Ireland Ltd
Location The top level of, St Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre, Dublin 2
Proposal Permission for a temporary rooftop bar and restaurant.
Registration Date 12-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2707/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Sheelin McSharry
Location 85, Templeogue Road, Dublin 6W
Proposal Permission for modifications to the residential development permitted under Reg. Ref. 2878/15 & ABP Ref. PL29S.245834, on a site measuring 0.34 hectare located at No. 85 Templeogue Road, Dublin 6W. The purpose of the application is to ensure compliance with the specific planning policy requirements of the Sustainable Urban Housing: Design Standards for New Apartments Guidelines for Planning Authorities as they relate to the permitted development on the site, pursuant to section 34 (3A and 3B) of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended. The proposed modifications to the permitted scheme include the following: Reconfiguration of approved apartment scheme (Block A and B) resulting in an increase of 10 no. additional units from 29 to 39 no. units in total (10 no. 1 bed apartments, 21 no. 2 bed apartments, 6 no. 3 bed apartments and 2 no. 3 bed duplex dwellings).

Modifications to the communal open space to provide for 416 sq.m at ground floor level  and 329.8 sq.m at roof level .

Provision of a 1 metre pop-up  area at roof level of Block A for ventilation purposes.

Modifications to permitted stair cores and lifts to provide for wheelchair access.

Increase the car parking provision from 46 no. spaces to 56 no. spaces.

Increase the cycle parking provision from 65 no. spaces to 70 no. spaces.

Minor consequential amendments to the permitted elevations including the addition of glazing to the stair core at the eastern elevation and adjustments to the fenestration and arrangement of winter gardens on the east and west elevation Block A and B.

The proposed modifications are incorporated within the floorspace of the permitted development and do not result in any significant material alterations to the approved external appearance of the Blocks.

Registration Date 13-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4153/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Kildress Property Co. Ltd
Location Kildress House, 1 and 2, Pembroke Row, Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2
Proposal The proposed development will consist of the demolition of the existing 3 storey Kildress House building and the 2 no. 3 storey dwellings at numbers 1 & 2 Pembroke Row and all their associated structures and the construction of a new 6 storey (4 storeys with 2 setback penthouse levels) over single level basement office building with 6 levels of office accommodation from ground to fifth floor inclusive and associated ancillary plant, waste storage area, electrical switch room, shower, changing and locker facilities at basement level, 2 no. enclosed car parking spaces and 28 no. enclosed bicycle parking spaces at ground level. The main pedestrian access to the building will be from Pembroke Row with a separate gated vehicular/bicycle entrance from Pembroke Row. The proposed development also provides for all associated engineering, site development works, landscaping and boundary treatments including the provision of a new footpath to Pembroke Row.
Registration Date 13-Apr-2017
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4400/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Bookend Management Company Ltd.
Location The Bookend Building, Exchange Street Lower, Dublin 8
Proposal The development will consist of a new sign and railing, to enclose a section of the path along part of the Exchange Street Lower Elevation (South) and a railing along the West Elevation to enclose the portico with associated site works and physical landscape features.
Registration Date 11-Apr-2017
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number DSDZ2673/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Targeted investment Opportunities
Location 76, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2
Proposal Permission for development at this site of c0.469 ha at No. 76 Sir John Rogerston’s Quay. Dublin  2. The proposed development consists of modifications to permission Ref. DSDZ3864/14 (As amended by modification permission Ref DSDZ3111/16) as follows: Omission of permitted Basement -2 (plant area) and revisions to  Provide 98 car parking spaces, 184 bicycle parking spaces, 5 no. motorcycle spaces, plant/service areas, shower/WC facilities, storage, waste management and ancillary areas. Revisions to permitted ground floor to provide redesigned residential reception/lobby; cafe (c.105 sq.m); resident’s gym (c.75 sq.m) and resident’s entertainment room/retail unit (c.105 sq.m). Minor elevational changes. All associated site development, boundary treatment, services provision and landscaping works.
Registration Date 11-Apr-2017



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2662/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant James and Richelle McGettigan
Location 14, Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE Development to consist of:  1) Demolition of existing single storey return, demolition of existing walls and internal partitions to the rear at lower ground floor level, and planning permission for 2)  the construction of new single storey flat roof extension to the rear at lower ground floor level, and full refurbishment and renovation of the existing dwelling including replacement of all electrics and plumbing installations throughout, and all ancillary associated works and landscaping works.
Registration Date 10-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2666/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Sursart Ltd
Location 115 Rathgar Road, Dublin 6.
Proposal The development will consist of the construction of a new single storey rear extension (c. 40.3 sq. m), consisting of an increase in floor area of Apartments 2 and 3 Linden Court by c. 21.5sq. m. each to provide additional kitchen/dining/living space, with associated internal alterations and refurbishment works, private terraces to the rear  of 7.3 sq.m per apartment, the provision of 4 no. additional on-site parking spaces and a rearrangement of the existing parking, a bin store of 10.5 sq.m and associated site works.
Registration Date 10-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2667/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Conor McAlinden & Niamh Kearley
Location 20, Aikenhead Terrace, Stella Gardens Gardens, Irishtown, Dublin 4
Proposal Permission for the construction of a 38 sq.m. two storey, pitched roofed, rear extension including rooflights, associated site works, drainage works and elevational changes along with a new pedestrian access gate to the rear laneway.
Registration Date 10-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2675/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Aoife McCarthy and Robert O’Boyle
Location 60, Hollybank Avenue Lower, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal The development will consist of:

-Demolition of the existing granny flat to the side and part of the boundary wall facing the laneway.

-Construction of a new part two storey part single storey extension to the side/rear to include a replacement granny flat at ground floor.

-Move existing laneway access doorways.

-3no. new rooflights to the rear.

-New porch doors in front entrance.

-All associated site and landscaping works.

Registration Date 11-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2678/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Rosalind Hughes
Location 4 St. John’s Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4.
Proposal 2 storey extension to rear of house with dining area at ground floor and new bedroom at first floor level. Works to include replacement of existing sloped glazed roof with new sloped glazed roof structure to follow similar outline, and removal of existing garden shed structure affixed to existing return.
Registration Date 11-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2679/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Ronan Murphy
Location 11, Belgrave Square East, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE – The development will consist of the provision of one on-site car parking space and a motorised sliding vehicle gate allowing access off Belgrave Square East and associated site works.
Registration Date 11-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2685/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Jean Callanan
Location 15, Vernon Street, Wood Quay, Dublin 8
Proposal The development will consist of the demolition of the existing single storey extension to the rear of the existing two storey semi – detached dwelling including; flat roof element with rooflight, landscaping and all associated works to facilitate the development including new boundary wall treatments.
Registration Date 12-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2695/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Julie Gilhooly
Location 16, Auburn Avenue, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Proposal RETENTION: Permission for retention for the existing two storey extension to the rear of the dwelling house including existing foul, storm and water connections and all associated site works. A previous extension was granted planning permission Ref. No. 3641/98.
Registration Date 13-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2696/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Julie Gilhooly
Location 17, Auburn Avenue, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Proposal RETENTION: Permission for retention for the existing two storey extension to the rear of the dwelling house including existing foul, storm and water connections and all associated site works. A previous extension was granted planning permission Ref. No. 3614/98.
Registration Date 13-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2700/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Barry Dignam & Hugh Walsh
Location 28 Pleasants Street, Dublin 8
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for development of 28 Pleasants Street, Dublin 8, a Protected Structure with rear access onto St. Kevin’s Cottages. Works to include, change the use from 6 units to a single dwelling, demolishing the existing unauthorised single storey out-building at the rear of the site, demolishing the existing single storey flat roof extension & small boiler house built at the rear of the original house, constructing a new single storey flat roofed garden room extension at the rear of the house return; alterations to & general refurbishment of the original house and reconstruction of the rear boundary wall to St. Kevin’s Cottages including vehicular access.
Registration Date 13-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2701/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Sean Murphy & Sinead Doherty
Location 19, Chelmsford Avenue, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal To demolish roof over existing annexe at rear of existing house and to construct enlarged attic studio space to rear over annexe containing one window and roof light.
Registration Date 13-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2705/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant David Higgins
Location 41, Beech Hill Drive, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Proposal Permission is sought by David Higgins for the construction of a dormer attic conversion to include a bedroom to the existing attic space and a roof light to the front roof elevation, a part two storey extension over the existing single storey extension to the rear, provision of a new driveway to the front garden, all with associated elevation changes and ancillary works.
Registration Date 13-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4414/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Michael Freedman & Laura Freedman
Location 16, Eglinton Park, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Proposal A) demolition of existing single storey garage to the side of the house,

B) construction of a new 2 storey extension to the side including extension of roof gable,

C) construction of part 1 storey part 2 storey extension to the rear including a covered porch/pergola at ground floor,

D) replacement of all existing windows to the front and rear facades,

E) provision of new roof light at the rear,

F) all together with associated works, services and landscaping at the site.

Registration Date 11-Apr-2017
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1184/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Jennifer O’ Hare & Thomas Quinn
Location 9, Hazelbrook Road, Terenure, Dublin 6W
Proposal Planning Permission is sought for the conversion of existing single-storey garage to a playroom with proposed bay window, hipped roof and 1 no. roof light and all associated site works.
Registration Date 10-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1193/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Niall & Sarah Byrne
Location 8, Alma Court, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06W0C3
Proposal Permission is sought for a flat roof dormer extension to the rear of the main roof at attic level for non habitable storage room and internal modifications in this mid terrace two storey house
Registration Date 13-Apr-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1199/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Siobhan & Brian Rushe
Location 26, Dodder View Cottages, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal First floor extension to rear and related internal layout alterations
Registration Date 13-Apr-2017


LAWS:                          ***NONE***


SAWS:                          ***NONE***





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0037/17
Application Type Section 5
Decision Grant  Exemption Certificate
Decision Date 13-Apr-2017
Applicant Smith Foy & Partners
Location 59 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2
Proposal EXPP:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Partial brick replacement and partial repointing of brickwork on front elevation of 59 Fitzwilliam Square. Is this considered to be development or exempted?



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0081/17
Application Type Section 5
Decision Grant  Exemption Certificate
Decision Date 10-Apr-2017
Applicant Rowan & Valerie Higgs
Location 13 Tritonville Road,, Sandymount, Dublin 4.
Proposal EXPP – Ground floor extension to rear of 16.8m2 over low storage area (crawl space) which is situated off basement level



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0116/17
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 11-Apr-2017
Applicant Paul McKenna
Location Site to rear of, 29, Grand Canal Street Upper, Off Cranmer Lane, Dublin 4
Proposal SHEC: The development will consist of 2 storey 3 bedroomed mews dwelling house (192m2 excluding garage) with additional roof level accommodation and roof dormer window, roof lights and integrated single car garage and all associated site development works, located on a site (0.017 hectares) to the rear of No. 29 Grand Canal Street Upper, accessed only from Cranmer Lane.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0118/17
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 11-Apr-2017
Applicant Philip Daly & Katie McGlade
Location 17, Albert Place East, Dublin 2
Proposal SHEC: Demolition of existing garage to rear and the construction of a two storey 1 bedroom detached mews house facing on to Grattan Place.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2025/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Apr-2017
Applicant Persian Properties Ltd
Location O’Callaghan Alexander Hotel, 41-47, Fenian Street, Dublin 2
Proposal Planning permission for development to include:

(a) altering the layout of much of the ground floor space including reception, lounge bar and restaurant areas. The existing circular entrance lobby to become a coffee shop ancillary to the hotel

(b) relocation of the main entrance to a location centrally on Fenian Street

(c) alterations to the fenestration at ground floor level on Fenian Street

(d) finishing the ground and 1st floor sections of external elevations with a painted sand cement render

(e) ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2045/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Apr-2017
Applicant T/A Zizzi, Azzurri Restaurant Ireland Ltd
Location Zizzi, 24, Suffolk Street, Dublin 2
Proposal To display advertisements for: a) Polished Copper Zizzi & Individually Italian text to fascia panel externally illuminated by trough light,

b) Internally illuminated projection sign.

c) 2 x internally illuminated menu boxes and

d) Non illuminated awning with text to valance.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2239/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Apr-2017
Applicant Thomas O’Reilly
Location Rear of a protected structure 7-9 Percy Place (Percy Lane), Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission is sought for 2 no. semi-detached 2 storey pitched roof mews dwelling (Total Building Area 157.4sqm) and all associated site works and services.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2245/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Apr-2017
Applicant Barry & Mairead O’Leary
Location 9, Ormond Road South, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for demolition of existing single-storey extension and construction of new single storey extension with rooflight, all to the rear, resizing of ground floor windows in the rear return, and insertion of wc at ground floor level, all within the curtilage of a protected structure.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2250/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Apr-2017
Applicant Niall & Annabel McDonnell
Location 54 Haddington Road, Dublin 4

(1.) Demolition of single storey lean-to sheds to rear of house.

(2.) Construction of a 2-storey extension to the rear of the building.

(3.) Alterations to the rear elevation of the existing building.

(4.) The removal of a bathroom at second floor level and replacement of same with a study deck.

(5.) Installation of an en suite at first floor level.

(6.) Provision of a vehicular parking space to the front garden area and

(7.) Ancillary site works. This building is a Protected Structure.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2253/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Apr-2017
Applicant J.P. Retail Ltd
Location Spar Retail unit, 2-6 Grand Canal Street Lower, Grand Canal Dock Dublin 2, D02 NW50.
Proposal Permission sought for provision of Off-Licence (5.9sqm) subsidiary to the main Retail use.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2254/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 11-Apr-2017
Applicant Yasser Aziz
Location 8/9, Camden Street Upper, Dublin 2
Proposal RETENTION: The development will consist of the retention of the existing shopfront to the restaurant on the ground floor comprising of painted timber columns, panelling, lettering,window frames and cills, recessed lighting trough and stone plinth.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2256/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Apr-2017
Applicant Davy Target Investment Plc
Location 43-49, Mespil Road, Dublin 4
Proposal The proposed development comprises external and internal alterations of the existing building to include: (a) Reconfiguration of basement level to provide ancillary staff facilities, bicycle parking (43 no. spaces) and retention of 18 no. car parking spaces; (b) Conversion and change of use of 2 no. one bedroom residential apartments (127 sqm in total) at ground floor level to office floorspace in an integrated manner to provide a large open floorplate; (c) Reconfiguration of the office floorplate and layout at ground to fifth floor levels together with the provision of a new 6 storey rear infill extension at ground to fifth floor levels to provide an additional 964sqm of office floorspace; (d) External alterations include a comprehensive refurbishment of the building through revised elevational design and treatment of all elevations together with the replacement of the existing front entrance at ground floor level and the formation of a new secondary means of escape at the south eastern corner of the building facing Burlington Road; (e) formation of a new ‘in-out’ vehicular access off Mespil Road with set-down area to the front of the building as part of a comprehensive landscaping scheme to the entire site; (f) provision of a new single storey electrical switch room (18sqm) to the rear of the main building that adjoins the existing ESB substation; (g) provision of 11 no. bicycle spaces at ground floor level to the rear of the building, and (h) removal of existing rooftop plant and provision of new rooftop plant room which is part screened and part enclosed above the proposed 6 storey infill extension at the rear of the building with a green roof across the remainder of the roof together with all associated site works. In the interest of clarity, the proposal provides a total of 5,344 sqm of office floorspace.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2257/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Apr-2017
Applicant Leo Cullen & Dairine Kennedy
Location 77 Strand Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Proposal Consisting of the following principal elements:

1. Change of use from office use to 1 no. 4 bed residential unit.

2. Demolition of existing two-storey return to the rear of existing building.

3. Construction of a new extension to the rear of two and three stories;

4. Widening of vehicular entrance and blocking up pedestrian entrance onto Gilford Road

5. Internal alterations and refurbishment works;

6. The development will include all associated drainage and site development works.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2260/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Apr-2017
Applicant Balark Investments Ltd.
Location Charlemont Exchange, Junction of Charlemont Place and Charlemont Street, Dublin 2, D02 VN88
Proposal Planning Permission for development at this 0.37 ha site, Charlemont Exchange, at the junction of Charlemont Place and Charlemont Street, Dublin 2, D02 VN88. The  proposed development will consist of the construction of 2 no. additional storeys to Block A/B and 1 no. additional storey to Block C of the existing 5 no. storey over basement building known as Charlemont Exchange. The proposed development will result in a part 6 no. storey, part 7 no. storey office development with a building height of c.26.2m. The proposed development will also include the provision of a terrace at 6th floor level on the south and west elevations, alterations to the building elevations, re-glazing of the existing corner drum feature, new entrance doors and windows, minor internal alterations, engineering works to support the structure, replacement of plant at roof level and relocation to basement level, reconfiguration of basement level to include 86 no. car parking spaces and 102 cycle parking spaces, site layout amendment works including landscaping, improvements to the public realm and all associated site works and site services necessary to facilitate the development. The total gross office floor space will increase from  c7,473.6 sq.m. to c.10,172 sq.m.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2263/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Apr-2017
Applicant Laura McCoy
Location 17, Carlisle Avenue, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, D04 X3W9
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for a new two-storey extension (53 sq.m) to the side (north east), and a single-storey extension (5.5 sq.m) to the rear (south-west), including partial demolition of existing lean-to kitchen and garage, providing 1 extra bedroom to give a new total of 3 bedrooms together with internal reconfiguration and refurbishment, all with associated works. (Protected Structure Ref. 1237)



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2265/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Apr-2017
Applicant Conor & Catherine Cusack
Location 31, Rathgar Avenue, Rathgar, Dublin 6
Proposal Demolition of the existing single storey extension to the rear and the construction of a new two-storey extension to the rear of the existing single-storey semi-detached dwelling including: curved roof to second storey element, flat roof construction and rooflights, landscaping and all associated works to facilitate the development including new boundary wall treatments.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2266/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 12-Apr-2017
Applicant St. Louis Senior Primary School
Location St Louis Senior Primary School, Williams Park, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal Planning permission is sought to remove the roof over the existing central toilet block in order to construct a new first floor extension incorporating a new staff room and five resource rooms all with a slated hipped roof over.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2267/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Apr-2017
Applicant Stephen Kelly
Location 12, Brookvale Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, D04T3K4
Proposal Planning permission is sought for proposed alterations and additions to an existing two storey terraced house. These works will consist of inter alia:

(i) Demolition of existing single storey rear extension and rear boundary wall,

(ii) Construction of new two storey flat roofed rear extension incorporating courtyard and kitchen / dining at ground floor and at first floor: bedroom, ensuite and rear balcony

(iii) New roof lights to rear (main roof) and to new extension flat roof and

(iv) All necessary internal alterations to existing fabric and associated alterations to services and drainage.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2268/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 12-Apr-2017
Applicant Eric Betrand & Marguerite O’Connell
Location 20, Ormond Road South, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for development at No. 20 Ormond Road South, Rathmines, Dublin D06 A2CS – a Protected Structure. The development will consist of the following works to the two / three storey dwelling:

1. Demolition of single storey extension to rear;

2. Construction of a new single storey extension with 2no. linear roof lights to the rear;

3. Construction of 3 no. new conservation roof lights at attic level in the main roof to rear;

4. Rear and side elevation changes to include construction of 2 no. new windows to the side passageway;

5. Refurbishment and internal amendments to the existing dwelling on all levels to include new staircase to proposed converted attic space;

6. All associated conservation and repair work, landscaping to front and rear gardens, drainage an site development works.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2271/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 12-Apr-2017
Applicant Mark Condron
Location 52, Kimmage Road Lower, Dublin 6w
Proposal Off road car parking facility and associated site works to front of property.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2276/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Apr-2017
Applicant Bank of Ireland
Location Baggot Plaza, 27-33 Baggot Street Upper, Dublin 4
Proposal The proposed development comprises a change of use of the permitted ancillary ‘Breakout Space’ in connection with the primary office use of the building at ground floor level of the building (as granted under DCC Planning Ref. 2901/14 [ABP Ref. PL29S.243945]) to a financial services unit (providing services principally to members of the public) extending to approximately 151 sq.m in area. Associated external alterations to the building include the installation of a new door surround to main entrance of the building and as external ATM with associated signage and frosted window glazing surround; fixing of frosted vinyl decal to 2 no. ground floor window panes to include cropped Bank of Ireland logo together with regrading works to the footpath along the Baggot Street frontage to provide a raised and level landing area to the front of the proposed ATM. Provision of associated signage to the exterior of the building to include 2 no. blue glass fascia signs (measuring approximately 4.165 m x 0.6 m each) with projecting white internally illuminated lettering – ‘Bank of Ireland’ plus logo thereon; 1 no. high level, wall mounted, non-illuminated projecting sign (measuring 500 mm x 700 mm) and wall mounted plates finished in satin stainless steel with acid etched lettering filled blue that are fixed to the inside of the stone clad column at the main entrance of the building.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2289/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 12-Apr-2017
Applicant Melanie McGowan & Joseph Connolly
Location 1, Maxwell Square, Maxwell Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal The development will consist of an alteration to the front elevation; to replace the existing top hung retractable garage door at ground level with inward opening bifold steel door with opaque glazed panels.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2290/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Apr-2017
Applicant Davy Platform ICAV
Location Block D (formerly knows as Block HH), Elmpark Green, Merrion Road, Dublin 4
Proposal The Davy Platform ICAV acting on behalf of its sub fund Elm Real Estate Investments, intends to apply for full planning permission for amendments to previously approved planning application Reg.Ref. 2894/15 and Reg.Ref. 3892/16. The application site is bound by Merrion Road to the east.

The development will consist of:

– Amendments to the location of the basement plant;

– Relocation to the bicycle parking area at basement level;

– 4 no. additional car parking spaces at basement level;

– Alterations to the triple height glazed box floor plates and link bridges on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor to provide additional office accommodation of 749 sq.m in Office Building 1.

– Entrance canopy positions and extent amended at the main entrances.

– Relocation of pedestrian crossing position.

The proposed amendments will result in an increase in the overall gross floor area of the development of 749 sq.m from 20,184 sq.m to 20,933 sq.m.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2291/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Apr-2017
Applicant Trustees of Mountpleasant LTC
Location Mountpleasant LTC, Mountpleasant Square, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal Replacement of existing floodlighting poles and fittings for eleven courts with forty two poles x eight metres high, each with luminaries, to light eleven courts, including landscaping and all site works. (The poles and floodlights will replace twenty two x ten metres high poles with luminaries).



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2297/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Apr-2017
Applicant IPUT plc (Irish Property Unit Trust)
Location The Molesworth Building, 10-11, Molesworth Street, (Formerly 10-14, Molesworth Street), The Frederick Buildings, South Frederick Street, and 35 to 37 Setanta Place, Dublin 2 (Eircode Nos: D02 W260, D02 H212 and D02 KN70 respectively)
Proposal Development at this site of 0.280 ha. The proposed development will consist of amendments to a previously permitted 6 storey development (Reg.Ref. 3312/13; as modified by Reg. Ref. 4198/15 and Reg.Ref. 3372/16) including the following elements:

1) The construction of a new double-storey, low-voltage ESB substation (14 sq.m) at lower ground floor and ground floor levels, to be housed in a separate, self-contained structure, with access at ground floor level from Setanta Place;

2) Modifications to a previously permitted double-storey, medium-voltage ESB substation (14 sq.m), comprising a revised layout at lower ground floor and ground floor levels, and housed in a separate, self-contained structure with access at ground floor level from Setanta Place;

3) Proposed materials for the external facade of both substations will be traditional stock brick with access provided via a louvered acoustic screen.

4) All other associated and ancillary development and site works above and below ground.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2437/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Apr-2017
Applicant Sinead Ni Longaigh
Location 60, Merrion Strand, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Proposal Permission to convert existing attic space to the rear incorporating a new dormer roof and window.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2582/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Apr-2017
Applicant Hazel Fitzpatrick
Location The Laurels, Terenure Road West, Terenure, Dublin 6W
Proposal Permission for development for a detached two storey dwelling house & associated site works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4265/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Apr-2017
Applicant Lexicon Systems
Location 35, Wellington Lane, Dublin 4 Co. Dublin (D04 C8X2),
Proposal Planning permission is sought for the proposed demolition of existing single storey dwelling house and the proposed construction of a new 3 bedroom two storey dwelling with attic accommodation to include 2 No. Velux roof lights to rear slope and 2 No. Velux roof lights to front slope of roof, a new front boundary wall with pedestrian and vehicular entrance, and is to include all ancillary site development and landscaping work.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4406/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Apr-2017
Applicant Fiona Dunlevy & Dave Shanahan
Location 4, Belmont Gardens, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Proposal Two storey front/side extension with new bay window to match existing. Single storey extension to the rear with one number rooflight. Attic conversion with new dormer housing 4no. windows to the rear elevation. One number rooflight to front elevation, widening of existing vehicular access with internal modifications and all ancillary works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4407/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Apr-2017
Applicant Nero Dublin Ltd
Location 14, Merrion Square North, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for the following: change of use of 62 square metres at basement level to rear and 49 square metres at hall level to rear from residential to office use, and for internal modifications and refurbishment to these areas and to additional 11 square metres to existing office at basement level to include the removal of existing stair and insertion of new accessible stair from basement to hall level return.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1106/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Apr-2017
Applicant Michael Cronin
Location 13-15, Rathfarnham Road, Terenure, Dublin 6W
Proposal The addition of a wall mounted clock to the front facade (east elevation).



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1108/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Apr-2017
Applicant CPC Company Services Ltd
Location 1, Terenure Place, Terenure, Dublin 6W
Proposal The addition of a wall mounted clock to the front facade (south-east corner).





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2056/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Frank & Maeve O’Dea
Location 6A, Church Gardens, Dublin 6
Proposal The development will consist of the demolition of the existing single storey shed and the construction of a two and a half storey, two bedroom dwelling comprising of an area of 119 sqm in total. The dwelling will be accessed from Church Gardens, with private open space provided to the rear of the dwelling and a screened private balcony at first floor level.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4036/16
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Chesway Limited
Location 22, Harcourt Terrace, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the conversion of an existing institutional building into a 40 bedroom geusthouse with guest facilities and associated services. the proposed development consists of a new single storey extension to the front and side; a first floor extension over the existing single storey kitchen; demolition of existing modern stair enclosure to the rear and construction of replacement stair core linked to existing building at first and second floor levels; demolition of existing store to side; internal alterations to accommodate guest facilities, bedrooms and ensuites and their associated services, fire upgrades and improved accessibility; repairs to the existing building fabric including facade, roof and windows; and associated site works and landscaping.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4199/16
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Declan & Aisling Buckley
Location 11, Herbert Park, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: To extend and alter this property (A Protected Structure, RPS No. 3687). The proposed development will consist of:

a) The construction of a rear and side single-storey extension at ground floor level and an extension at second floor level which will result in an increase in floor area of: 47.1 sq.m at ground floor level and 5.3 sq.m at second floor level. Total floor area increase of the house 52.4 sq.m. The rear extensions will incorporate a flat roof to the single storey ground floor extension and a new raised pitched roof to the rear at second floor level.

b) The erection of an 18 sq.m single storey detached flat roof garden room structure to the rear garden of the property.

c) Refurbishment and re-roofing of the existing side garage.

d) The widening of an existing vehicular access by 1m at the front of the property onto Herbert Park.

e) Associated internal and external alterations and refurbishments including elevational improvements.

f) Associated demolitions and alterations.

g) Associated drainage, landscaping and boundary treatment works within the curtilage of the site.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1485/16
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Thomas Joseph Malone
Location 32I, Macken Street, Dublin 2
Proposal Permission to construct an alternative design to that previously granted under planning Ref: 2128/12 at No.32i, Macken Street, Dublin 2.

The proposed development consists of Demolition of an existing garage and the construction of a new three storey dwelling, setback on the second floor and with screened terraces.






Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3214/16
Appeal Decision Date 13-Apr-2017
Applicant Holstein Investments Limited
Location 12-17, Mark Street & 3-7 Shaw Street, Dublin 2
Proposal Development of an aparthotel on a site of c.0.1787 hectares. The proposed development will consist of the demolition of existing part single/ part 2-storey commercial buildings (1,400.2 sq.m gross floor area) and the development of a part 5 (with fourth floor level setbacks) and part 7 storey (with fifth and sixth floor level setbacks) over basement aparthotel comprising 159 no. studios/ suites resulting in 184 no. bedrooms and related aparthotel facilities including reception area, coffee and seating area, exercise room, guest laundry room, storage, administration and staff facilities, plant (including substation with associated switch room), waste storage area and delivery and dispatch area, with a total gross floor area of 6,619.13 sq.m (including basement of 470.8 sq.m). The development includes works to protect and conserve the existing railway arches with the areas under these integrated into the overall proposal, which includes for a change of use of these areas from car rental commercial use to aparthotel use (213.43 sq.m). The development will also include: vehicular and pedestrian access via Shaw Street and pedestrian access via Mark Street; 2 no. car parking spaces; cycle parking; associated lighting; associated site servicing (foul and surface water drainage and water supply); solar panels; the provision of SUDs measures, including attenuation tank and sedum roofs; garden and courtyards.

The scheme also includes: all hard and soft landscaping; boundary treatments; changes in level; and all other associated site excavation and site development works above and below ground.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3413/16
Appeal Decision Date 10-Apr-2017
Applicant Bradley Investments Ltd
Location Rear of 3, Clyde Road, onto Clyde Lane,  Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist  of the construction of a new 4 bedroom 305 sqm mews house varying in height from single storey to 2.5 storeys, reconfiguration of the existing stone boundary wall to Clyde Lane to incorporate a new vehicular gate, 2 no. off-street car parking spaces and all associated landscaping and ancillary site works. The site is located within the curtilage of 3 Clyde Road, a protected structure.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3845/16
Appeal Decision Date 13-Apr-2017
Applicant RGRE Grafton Ltd
Location 70, Grafton Street and Nos. 1 and 2 Harry Street, Dublin 2
Proposal The development will consist of: Internal alterations and change of use to provide a 280 sq.m retail unit (approximately) at basement and ground floor levels (in lieu of financial services (Class 2(a)) and ancillary office / storage space); the omission of the existing mezzanine floor (67 sq m approximately) minor external elevational amendments.


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