Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2007(a) Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused. (b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. |
Article 32, Planning & Development Regulations 2001 –2007(a) In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”
(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. |
Planning Information Sessions
Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.
The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.
All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.
Area | Contact Number |
Meeting Location |
Central Area
South Central Area South East Area North West Area North Central Area
2225200 2225127 2225727 222 8870 |
Sean McDermott Street
Crumlin Area Office Contact Area Office for location Finglas Area Office Bunratty Area Office |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2045/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | T/A Zizzi, Azzurri Restaurant Ireland Ltd |
Location | Zizzi, 24, Suffolk Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | To display advertisements for: a) Polished Copper Zizzi & Individually Italian text to fascia panel externally illuminated by trough light,
b) Internally illuminated projection sign. c) 2 x internally illuminated menu boxes and d) Non illuminated awning with text to valance. |
Registration Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2508/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Martin Kelly |
Location | Rear Garden of, 69, Leinster Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE permission To construct a Mews House in the rear garden of 69 Leinster Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6, a PROTECTED STRUCTURE. The proposed Mews house is to be located towards the end of the garden of the existing house and is to be accessed off Grosvenor Lane, parking is to be contained within the proposed site. The Mews House will be two storey with accommodation in the attic space above, with dormer windows and roof lights on both front and rear elevation. The existing rear site boundary wall onto Grosvenor Lane is to be modified to form the entrance to the Mews. |
Registration Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2535/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Morgan Leisure Investments Ltd |
Location | The Morgan Hotel, at No’s 7-12 Fleet Street & 1-2 Aston Place, Dublin 2 D02 TH74, D02 AT86 & D02 NW56. |
Proposal | Permission for modifications to previously approved planning permission Reg Ref. 2648/16 at the Morgan Hotel, on an overall site of 0.157 ha ( 0.387 acres), at Nos 7-12 Fleet Street and Nos. 1-2 Aston Place, Dublin 2. (Eircodes: D02 TH74, D02 AT86 and D02 NW56.) The development will construction of a link corridor at first to fifth floor levels between the southern (front) block and northern (rear block (125sq.m ) construction of a sedum ‘green roof’ on roof of the link; minor alterations to the internal layouts to facilitate these works, including the subdivision of an existing mezzanine suite at first and second floor southern (front) block into two bedrooms, there is no overall increase in hotel bedrooms from that previously granted; retention of the existing glazed facade to the northern (rear) block at fourth floor level with a facade treatment to match that proposed at fifth floor level; the inclusion of an additional lift core in the northern (rear) block, alterations and the provision of plant at roof level. Minor alterations to the Fleet Street facade; and for all other associated site excavation, infrastructural and site development works above and below ground. |
Registration Date | 22-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2549/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Jim Bennett |
Location | Lands on west of 91, Belmont Avenue, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Development at this site of c. 0.08 ha. The development will consist of modifications to permission DCC Reg.Ref. 2582/16 to include a rear south west facing dormer window on permitted Houses 2 and 3 which will result in a minor increase in floor area of c. 1.9 sq.m for each house. Associated roof modifications to the rear of Houses 2 and 3. The remainder of development to be carried out in accordance with parent permission DCC Reg.Ref. 2582/16. A concurrent application DCC Reg.Ref. 2141/17 has been submitted to Dublin City Council in relation to permitted House 4. |
Registration Date | 24-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2556/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | The Mespil Hotel Ltd. |
Location | The Mespil Hotel,, 50-60 Mespil Road, Dublin 4. |
Proposal | Permission for development at the Mespil Hotel, 50 -60 Mespil Road Dublin 4. The development will consist of the Construction of a 12m2 single storey extension to the existing Mespil Hotel lobby/reception main entrance area, including an external canopy with illuminated facia signage and associated elevation alterations and associated site works all to 50-60 Mespil Road North Elevation. |
Registration Date | 24-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4407/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Nero Dublin Ltd |
Location | 14, Merrion Square North, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for the following: change of use of 62 square metres at basement level to rear and 49 square metres at hall level to rear from residential to office use, and for internal modifications and refurbishment to these areas and to additional 11 square metres to existing office at basement level to include the removal of existing stair and insertion of new accessible stair from basement to hall level return. |
Registration Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4459/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Purleigh Holdings Ltd |
Location | Greenfield, Lands off Greenfield Park, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The development will comprise:
(i) Demolition of existing single storey sheds (670 sqm); (ii) Construction of 5 no. five-storey, over basement, residential apartment buildings, accommodating a total of 90 no. residential apartments, each with and associated balcony / terrace. Block 1- accommodating 8 no. 2 bedroom apartments and 10 no. three-bedroom apartments, over ground to fourth floor levels, and Energy Centre (81 sqm), car parking, bicycle parking and bin stores at basement level. Part of Block 1 lies within the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council administrative area, on land which is subject to a concurrent planning application to Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, which specifically seeks permission for part of 10 no. three-bedroom apartments over ground to fourth floor levels, together with part of basement level car parking and the energy building. Block 2,3,4 and 5 each block to accommodate 16 no. 2 bedroom apartments and 2 no. 3 bedroom apartments over ground to fourth floor levels and car parking, bicycle parking and bin stores at basement level; (iii) 90 no. residential car parking spaces at basement level, to include 5 no. universal access car parking spaces and 90 no. secure bicycle spaces; (iv) Secure storage total 371 sq.m and 5 no. bin stores, total 94 sq.m at basement level; (v) 37 no. visitor car spaces and 40 no. visitor bicycle spaces provided at surface / ground level; (vi) ESB substation and switch room (27 sqm) and security / concierge office (13 sqm) at ground floor. (vii) Communal amenity space, internal access roads, landscaping, boundary treatment, SuDS drainage and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. Access to the development. Access to the development will be via an existing entrance and roadway from Greenfield Park. Widening of the entrance and roadway has been approved under Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Reg. Ref. D15A/0860/ An Bord Pleanala Ref. PL06D.246607. |
Registration Date | 22-Mar-2017 |
Additional Information Received |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2514/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | David & Nicola Guest |
Location | 9, Gilford Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission to construct an attic rear dormer window. |
Registration Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2516/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Mark Fagan |
Location | 66, Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | The development comprises; the partial demolition of existing rear annex of existing two-storey terraced dwelling; the construction of a part two storey / part single storey extension to side and rear including roof lights; new attic dormer window to rear; alterations to rear and side elevations; along with all associated site and ground works to facilitate the development. |
Registration Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2518/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Gerard & Hilda Carr |
Location | 105 Pembroke Cottages,, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, D04 K6F8. |
Proposal | Permission is sought by Gerard & Hilda Carr for the demolition of chimney to front roof of single storey terrace dwelling, demolition of single storey extension to rear of dwelling ; construction of a new single storey extension with rooflights to rear of dwelling, replacement of entrance door & window to front elevation & all associated site works. |
Registration Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2519/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Karen Kelleher |
Location | 74, Wilfield Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Planning permission for the creation of new vehicular access to the front garden of 74 Wilfield Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4. Including the removal of the front boundary railings, new gates and associated works. |
Registration Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2527/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Tony Kilduff |
Location | 21, Ailesbury Drive, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission for development on a 0.0692 Ha site at No. 21 Ailesbury Drive Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. The development will consist of design amendments to a previously permitted 2 No. dwelling residential scheme (approved in accordance with DCC Reg. 5503/07 (ABP Ref. PL29S.226966) as amended by Reg. Ref. WEB1115/12 and extended by Ref. Ref. 5503/07/x1). The amendments include: Modifications to the location and scale of window and door opes to the north and south facing elevations of House A and to the east, west and south facing elevation of House B with an additional window to be provided on both the southern and western elevations of House B, associated internal rationalisation of floorspace to the dwelling including the removal of permitted winter gardens, alterations to the basement layout to the dwellings with the basement of House B increasing by 27.5sq m; replacement of permitted tile roof with slate finish; provision of selected brick finish to eaves level; insertion of side gable ridges; modification to positioning of vertical louvres to elevation; plant; landscaping works including the provision of a pergola (2.7 metres in height) to the front (south) of house B and open fencing (2.7 metres in height) to the front (south) of both dwellings and associated site development works above and below ground. The design amendment increase the area of House A from 281 sq m to 297.5 sq m and the area of House B from 218 sq m to 245.5 sq m. |
Registration Date | 21-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2528/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Ian O’Grady |
Location | 115, Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission for the following development at 115 Morhampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4. Proposed new 3.1m wide automated vehicular access gate on Mount Eden Road boundary (to match existing railings) and two off street car parking spaces. |
Registration Date | 21-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2534/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | James Barron |
Location | 136, Tritonville Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Planning permission for development to consist of the demolition of the existing part single storey, part two storey return to the rear of the existing three storey dwelling house and the construction of a part single storey, part two storey, part three storey extension to the rear of the existing three storey dwelling house, internal alterations and the addition of 1 new roof light to the rear and 1 new roof light to side of the existing dwelling house along with associated site works and landscaping. |
Registration Date | 22-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2543/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Abigail Solomon |
Location | 39, Beech Hill Avenue, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission for,
a. Single storey extension to side, b. First floor extension to rear and part side. c. New vehicular access to front to allow for off street parking facility, d. All associated site works. |
Registration Date | 23-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2545/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Gerry Kidd |
Location | 12, Elm Park Terrace, Terenure, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | Permission for a10m2 first floor dormer extension to the rear. |
Registration Date | 23-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2553/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Ann Cornelia |
Location | 27, Mount Drummond Avenue, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Completion of a vehicular entrance. This will involve the construction of a vehicle cross-over on the public footpath and the hanging of garden gates. |
Registration Date | 24-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2554/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | James & Mark Nolan |
Location | 84, Greenlea Grove, Terenure, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | Permission for a development at Greenlea Grove, Terenure Dublin 6W. (Beside E.S.B Station). The development will consist of the Erection of a dormered type studio / Hobby Workshop (non-commercial). For Leisure use Only. |
Registration Date | 24-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2557/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Mary Irving |
Location | 50, Elmwood Avenue Lower, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Refurbishment of existing house and construction of new single storey extension to rear with pitched roof. |
Registration Date | 24-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2558/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Michael Cronin |
Location | 44, Marlborough Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, D04 X4W0 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Construction of a new ground & first floor extension to the rear of an existing end terrace property and limited refurbishment works to the ground and upper floors including: the repointing of the front facade, replacement of concrete render to gable & rear elevations with a breathable render, replacement of damaged timber sash windows both front and rear, removal of bars to ground floor kitchen windows, blocking up of 1 No. & replacement 2 No. existing rear UPVC windows with timber windows, removal of the ground floor French doors, replacement of new ground floor structure and installation of dpm, refurbishment of the kitchen and hallway, addition of an en-suite bathroom to 2nd floor rear bedroom, new below stairs wc & shower unit. Removal of non-period structures including all hard & soft landscaping and associated site works. The building is a protected structure. |
Registration Date | 24-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4312/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Niall Crampton |
Location | 2, Mount Drummond Avenue, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Permission is sought for demolition of existing single storey side annex of 14.2m2 and construction of two storey, part single storey extension of 90.2m2 to the front, side and rear(total new area is 76m2) and all ancillary works to d-welling. |
Registration Date | 24-Mar-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1125/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Paul & Jackie Nolan |
Location | 8, Bremen Avenue, Irishtown, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the demolition of a rear single storey structure. And the construction of a new double storey extension to the rear of the property with a hipped roof, internal modifications, and all ancillary site development works. |
Registration Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1127/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Michael Vesey and Ellen Flynn |
Location | 38, Seafort Gardens, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | single and two storey extensions to the side and rear including minor elevational alterations to the existing house, relocated vehicular entrance off Seafort Gardens and pedestrian/refuse bin access from the rear garden onto Seafort Gardens. |
Registration Date | 21-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1136/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Jamie Tanner |
Location | 14, Larkfield Gardens, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | Retention Permission and Planning Permission is sought for the following
a) Retention Permission for removal of front boundary railings and pedestrian gate b) Planning Permission for new vehicular entrance of 2270mm wide with off streeet parking for 1 No. car
Registration Date | 24-Mar-2017 |
LAWS: None
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2536/17 |
Application Type | State Authority Works |
Applicant | OPW |
Location | National Museum Of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | SAW – PROTECTED STRUCTURE – In accordance with Part 9 of the planning & development regulations 2001 (as amended), propose to carry out development works as the National Museum of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2, a Protected Structure and at Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2, a Protected Structure, for the provision of temporary accommodation for Seanad Eireann.
The proposed development, which will facilitate the conversion and restoration works to Historic Leinster House, consists of:
1. A temporary change of use of two first floor rooms of the National Museum of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2, to accommodate the Seanad Eireann Chamber within the Ceramics Room and access corridor & ante-room within the Japanese Room.
2. Alterations to and use of historic doorway from the north link in Leinster House for access to the first floor level of the National Museum of Ireland. New fire escape door from the National Museum of Ireland to existing external walkway in Leinster House.Fitting out the ‘Ceramics Room’ and ‘Japanese Room’ to function temporarily as the Seanad Eireann Chamber and Ante-Room. Installation of an external A/C ventilation unit over a 20th century Leinster House flat roof.
3. Reversal and removal of the above works on completion of the conservation and restoration works to Historic Leinster House,
The proposed works apply to 2 No Protected Structures (Refs. 4198and 4199) under the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022. Drawings and particulars of the proposed developments are available for inspection between 9.30am and 12.30pm and between 2.30pm and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday for a period of six weeks beginning on the date of publication of this notice at:
The Office of Public Works, Head Office, Trim, Co Meath, and;
The Office of Public Works, Heritage Services (Projects), 52 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2
Written submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and development of the area in which the development is situated, may be made in writing within a period of 6-weeks beginning on the date of publication of this notice to:
The Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland, Office of Public Works, Heritage Services (Projects), 52 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2
Date of Notice: 16th March 2017 |
Registration Date | 22-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2537/17 |
Application Type | State Authority Works |
Applicant | OPW |
Location | Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | SAW – PROTECTED STRUCTURE – In accordance with Part 9 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), propose to carry out development works for the conservation and protection of Historic Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2, a Protected Structure.
The proposed development consists of:
Conservation and restoration works to both the internal and external building fabric. Internal works to include electrical re-wiring, structural strengthening and fire-compartmentation works, repairs to internal joinery, plasterwork and floors, some internal reconfiguration and fit-out works (including minor alterations to fabric) with associated re-decoration throughout. External work to comprise modifications to external ramps and paving to improve accessibility, stone repair and cleaning works to elevations, salvage and refurbishment of existing slate, copper and lead roofs, replacement of existing plant room on roof with a reduced size plant room and associated temporary works on the grounds of Leinster House.
Leinster House (including the former art college building) is located on the Record of Protected Structures (Ref. 4198) under the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022.
Drawings and particulars of the proposed developments are available for inspection between 9.30am and 12.30pm and between 2.30pm and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday for a period of 6 weeks beginning on the date of publication of this notice at:
The Office of Public Works, Head Office, Trim, Co. Meath, and;
The Office of Public Works, Heritage Services (Projects), 52 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2.
Written submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and development of the area in which the development is situated, may be made in writing within a period of 6-weeks beginning on the date of publication of this notice to:
The Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland, Office of Public Works, Heritage Services (Projects), 52 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2
Date of Notice: 16th March 2017 |
Registration Date | 22-Mar-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0047/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Grant Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | John Walsh & Claudia Strauss |
Location | 7, Mountpleasant Avenue Upper, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | EXPP – PROTECTED STRUCTURE – Replacement of sash windows that are in poor condition.The proposed new sash windows will be carefully detailed to ensure retention of the character of the late Georgian front elevation.Slimpane double glazing, with a thickness of 12mm,is prposed in order to improve both the energy efficiency of the house and acoustic separation from the heavily trafficed Mountpleasant Avenue.No historic fabric will be losty and as such, the proposed works will ahve a positive impact on the Protected Structure by improving the visual appearance to the streetscape and the internal environment for the occupants |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0050/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Refuse Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 21-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Ciaran J Hogan |
Location | 51, Wellington Quay, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | EXPP – Is the keeping of animals on the premises as pets for non-commercial purposes exempt from planning requirements? |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0053/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision Date | 21-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Ballybunion CDAAP Plc |
Location | 22 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | EXPP:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: This is an application to replace non-original windows to the facade of no. 22 Lower Baggot Street on all levels except the basement (where there are existing up and down sliding sash windows). There will be one window on the ground floor, two on each of the first, second and third floors. The new windows will be made to match three existing windows in the rear facade of no. 22 which are believed to be original (shown in photos attached). These have a fine glazing bar which will be replicated. The lower sash has no horns, and this too will be replaced. Windows will be single glazed with traditional cords and weight operation.
This application for Exempted Development is based on Section 4.1(h) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 being development consisting of the carrying out of works for the maintenance, improvement or other alteration of any structure, which do not materially affect the external appearance of the structure so as to render the appearance inconsistent with the character of the structure or of neighbouring structures; we would respectfully suggest that these proposed works will make the windows more consistent with the character of the structure and of its neighbours. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0054/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Brian Buckley |
Location | 22, Rostrevor Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | EXPP:1.Proposed ground floor extension to the rear of the house – adding a bedroom and bathroom 28 sq.m.
2. Renovate existing outbuildings/ shed for usage as games/ exercise room. Would this be considered to be development or exempted developments? |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0056/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Grant Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 22-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Eileen Dunne & Stefano Crescenzi |
Location | 14-17, Frederick Street South, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | EXPP: Forming of opening 900w x 2100h within and between units 16 and 17 South Frederick St., Dublin 2, with units 14,15, 16, 17 all being owned by one landlord and being used by one tenant as 3 restaurant spaces and adjacent delicatessen. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0057/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision Date | 23-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | James McGettigan |
Location | 14, Morehampton Road, Dublin 4 |
Roof Repairs: The existing double pitch roof over the main body of the house appears to be leaking in a number of locations. It is proposed to reline the lead valleys throughout to prevent any further leaks. There may be slates missing or damaged which will be replaced with a natural (non-reclaimed) slate in a matching colour. Existing ridge tiles may need to be removed and refitted with new mortar pointing to ensure the roof remains weather tight. Electrical Systems: The house is to be wired for a new electrical system. All newly fitted electrical switches and sockets will have a simple flat (non decorative) brushed chrome finish. These quality finishes will not detract from the special quality of the building while providing the home with a necessary electrical upgrade. Heating System: it is proposed to install a new central heating system. The boiler system will be a gas fired condensing boiler positioned in the utility room of a new extension to the rear of the dwelling. We are currently preparing an application for the rear extension to be lodged separately. The heating system will be plumbed for concealed floor radiators throughout. The concealed radiators have a simple brushed chrome floor grill that allows the heat to radiate up. As with the electrical installations the new heating system will be a subtle non-decorative approach to providing central heating throughout. Hot water will be provided from the gas fired boiler with an additional solar panel back up. It is proposed to position the solar panels between the valley of the double pitched main roof. The panels would be surface mounted to the plane of the slate roof and not be seen from the front or rear gardens. Window Upgrade: The existing windows will be retained throughout, with the exception of planned alterations to be covered in the planning application. We propose removing the existing glazing from the windows sashes, and replace it with a narrow double glazed window pane. The double glazed unit is specifically for retrofitting into period windows. All of the original frames, sashes, shutters and running gear will be retained and repaired. Repairs & Maintenance: The house has suffered from a lack of maintenance for a considerable period of time. It is the new owners intention to restore the building to its original condition, and finish it as sympathetically as possible. Walls and ceilings will be stripped of paper finishes, heavily painted cornice details will be cleaned and restored to their original condition. The thick build up of paint on doors, skirting and architraves will be sanded back to expose the original details throughout. It is likely that during the course of the works that loose blown plasterwork may come away from the walls of possibly ceilings where the keys and laths have become damaged. Where this occurs the walls and ceilings will be restored and re-plastered to match the original. All cornices and plaster details will be retained and protected. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0085/17 |
Application Type | Social Housing Exemption Certificate |
Decision | Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert |
Decision Date | 21-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Jane Williams |
Location | 9 & 10, The Anchorage, Charlotte Quay, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | SHEC: A change of use of an existing own door two storey terraced office unit to two number two bedroom two storey duplex apartments & all other associated internal alterations. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2108/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 21-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Mary O’Doherty |
Location | 118 Leinster Road,, Dublin 6. |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE – Permission is sought for minor alterations and ancillary works to rear of residence. Included in the development are the following works:-
Repairs to and rebuilding of the rear of the existing modern conservatory at first floor level; Repairs to and rebuilding of the rear elevation and roof of the existing modern extension at ground floor. Relocation of the existing kitchen into this ground floor extension. Opening up of a double doorway in the spine wall between the ground floor livingroom and existing kitchen and widening of doorway from existing kitchen to existing ground floor extension. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2113/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 21-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Cathal Garrad |
Location | 10, Liberty Lane, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Planning permission for the erection of a new 4 storey (12 m high) building (942 sqm) to contain a ground floor retail unit (201sqm) and a (232sqm) office unit on each of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor levels, including ancillary works and bicycle parking. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2119/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 22-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Margaret Mac Eoin |
Location | 20 Marlborough Road Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: 1.) Conversion of existing ground floor level to a self-contained apartment 2.) To extend the existing main steps at the front of the building, and reduce the level of the Front Garden, 3.) To remove the existing Conservatory at the rere and install a new Patio, 4.) To relocate the present kitchen at Hall Floor Level, 5,) To undertake works, services installation and decoration at Hall Floor and Ground levels to facilitate the above works. 6.) Undertake redecoration work, following the above. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2120/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Decision Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Jard Thirty Nine Ltd |
Location | 39 Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | RETENTION & PERMISSION ( PROTECTED STRUCTURE) Retention Permission is sought for the bar service counter and restaurant use in the main reception rooms at first floor level and the associated toilets and two private dining rooms in the first floor return building. Planning permission is sought for the change of use from residential to ancillary restaurant use at second and third floor levels. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2128/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 22-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Cairn Homes Plc |
Location | Marianella, 75 Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Planning permission for development at this 0.95 Hectare site to the north of the wider lands at Marianella, 75 Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6. The site is bounded by Orwell Road to the west, a residential development under construction Reg. Ref. 2186/09 / An Bord Pleanala Ref. PL29S.234927 to the south, St Luke’s Hospital lands to the east and St. John of God’s lands to the north. A protected structure, known as the Gate Lodge, (no. 6137 on Dublin City Council’s Record of Protected Structures) is located outside the application site to the west at the entrance to the site off Orwell Road. The proposed development consists of the construction of 24 no. residential dwellings comprising of: (1) 1 no. Type 1A – 4 bed, 3 no. storey unit of 217.7sq.m. (2) 3 no. Type 1 B – 4 bed, 3 no. storey units of 222.3sq.m. (3) 1 no. Type 1C – 4 bed, 3 no. storey unit of 230.3sq.m. (4) 1 no. Type 1D – 4 bed, 3 no. storey unit of 217.7 sq.m. (5) 14 no. Type 2A – 4 bed, 3 no. storey units of 217.7 sq.m. and (6) 4 no. Type 3A – 4 bed, 3 no. storey over basement units of 338.2 sq.m. The proposed development will also include 2,368.3 sq.m. (25%) of public open space, car parking, private open space, hard and soft landscaping, SuDS drainage, new internal roads and all associated site development works, waste management facilities and all other ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2129/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Decision Date | 23-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Westend Catering Ltd |
Location | Unit No.1, Scarlet Row, Essex Street West, Temple Bar, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Retention permission for the change of use of existing unit from media/ office/ retail to cafe/ restaurant and all associated signage, and planning permission for the erection of 2 no. mechanically operated retractable sun canopies with signage, on Cows Lane & Essex Street West, and the provision of external canvas & metal post seating enclosure with external seating on Cows Lane. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2130/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Decision Date | 23-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | The Fitzwilliam Card Club |
Location | The Fitzwilliam Card Club, Clifton Hall, Fitzwilliam Street Lower, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Permission is sought for retention of existing external covered smoking area at second floor level. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2134/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 22-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Tulyar Property & Weltara Holdings Ltd. |
Location | Site at Former Veterinary College, Shelbourne Road and No. 126, Pembroke Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The proposed development will amend the previously approved parent permission Ref.4798/07/x1. The development will consist of the change of use of a residents concierge office at first floor level to provide a 2-bed apartment of area 124 sq.m, involving the infilling of an additional 76 sq.m of floorspace within the double height entry lobby. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2136/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Decision Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | OHT Developments Ltd. |
Location | 57, Marlborough Road, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | RETENTION:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: ESB Meter housing at garden level on the front facade. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2139/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 23-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Concept Fusion Limited |
Location | 17, Serpentine Avenue, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Conversion of the property from 6 no. self-contained apartment units to provide for 2 no. four-bedroom family dwellings. Works will comprise:
(i) Demolition of the existing building including rear extensions, except the front facade (elevation facing Serpentine Avenue) which will be retained; (ii) Construction of 2 no. four-bedroom family dwellings comprising the re-construction of the two-storey building and roof in its original form and height, and to include a two-storey rear extension with dormer level accommodation; (iii) Additional entrance door on front elevation; (iv) Alteration to the vehicular entrance on Serpentine Avenue to provide a separate vehicular entrance and 1 no. on-curtilage car parking space for each dwelling; in addition to a new plinth wall and railing to the remainder of the front boundary of both dwellings; (v) Private garden to the rear of each dwelling; landscaping; roof light on flat roof section of rear extension of both dwellings; boundary treatments and all other ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2141/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 23-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Jim and Sinéad Bennett |
Location | Lands to the Rear of 91, Belmont Avenue, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Development at a site of c. 0.21 ha on lands to the rear of No. 91 Belmont Avenue, Donnybrook, Dublin 4. The development will consist of modifications to permission Reg.Ref.: 2582/16 to include the following:
– Omission of Condition No. 3 of the permission. – Provision of a second floor (c. 78 sq.m) to permitted House 4. – Provision of south east and north east facing roof terraces at second floor of House 4. – Associated modifications to permitted roof and provision of stairs from first floor. – All associated site development works. The remainder of the development to be carried out in accordance with parent permission Reg. Ref. 2582/16. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2142/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 23-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Public Services Executive Union |
Location | No 1 Holles Street and No 30 Merrion Square Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission is sought for the following works to No. 1 Holles Street and No. 30 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Protected Structures. Works proposed to No. 1 Holles Street include the following: removal of later interventions, upgrading of services, fire safety, universal access, conservation of the existing building fabric, refurbishment with internal alterations, construction of new rear extension to include lift (serving basement, ground, first and second floors) and accessible entrance with rooflight (part 4 and 2 storey) 48.21 sq/metres with external steps and access from No. 30, sundry alterations to rear elevation and stair return, taking down part boundary wall between No. 1 and No. 30, removal of rear basement stores and ground floor wc structure, extending into the rear basement area within the footprint of No. 1 Holles Street site, formation of additional step to stair return to facilitate lowering of basement floor level, formation of 4 no. new door opes in basement to facilitate new sanitary/ancillary facilities and maintenance access, formation of 1 no. wider door/glazed screen ope at ground level and 2 no. door opes in lieu of existing window opes at 1st and 2nd levels, new replacement wc in lieu of kitchenette to stairwell, new replacement stair from 2nd to 3rd floor with new automatic openable vent, cleaning and repair works to front facade to include granite steps/plinth, cast-iron railings, brick-work, window surrounds/cills, parapets, application of lime based tuck pointing in lieu of cement, application of lime render in lieu of cement at basement level, repair works to rear facade, gables and stair return to include replacement granite cills in lieu of concrete and the application of arrised lime render in lieu of cement; reslating of roofs to include part rebuilding of front parapet wall, repair works/part rebuilding to chimney stacks to include new replica clay pots and the application of arrised lime render in lieu of cement. All existing uPVC rainwater goods to be replaced with cast-iron. The application includes new automatic openable vents to rear stair return, replacement of existing rooflights/access hatch with conservation type to front and rear, replacement of all existing windows to the original/ sash window configuration and 2 no. external sheeted doors to basement level. Works proposed to No. 30 Merrion Square include the replacement of a new vehicular/pedestrian access to the rear at (Holles Place) in lieu of existing later intervention. The application includes ancillary and associated site works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2148/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 22-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Pat McDonnell, The Board of Trinity College Dublin |
Location | Examination Hall and Chapel in Parliament Square, Trinity College, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for the following development at the main entrances to the Examination Hall and Chapel in Parliament Square, Trinity College, Dublin 2, which are protected structures.
The development will consist of: (A) The installation of 2 no. Cantilevered Platform Lifts; 1 located at the entrance steps of the Chapel with a machine cabinet installed in a nearby stairwell of the building; and 1 located at the entrance steps of the Examination Hall with a machine cabinet installed in a nearby basement; Both will include laying of ducts, removal/ restoration of cobbles and all associated site works. (B) The restoration of some wrought iron gates at the entrance to both buildings. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2149/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 23-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | The Fleet Street Hotel Ltd |
Location | The Fleet Street Hotel, Fleet Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission is sought by The Fleet Street Hotel Limited, for a proposed extension and alterations to the upper floors (levels 3, 4 and 5), of The Fleet Street Hotel, Fleet Street, Dublin 2. The property is bounded by Fleet Street, Price’s Lane and Westmoreland Street. The development will consist of the construction of 17 no, new bedrooms to the 3rd, 4th and 5th floors of the hotel, and alterations to existing bedroom layouts on the 2nd 3rd and 4th floors, resulting in an overall increase in the total number of bedrooms from 93 no, to 104 no (an overall increase of 11 no , bedrooms). The proposed works include for the relocation of the existing cold water storage tanks at attic level to the ground floor and basement levels, and for re-location of existing services plant at attic (5th) floor level. The proposed works include for the demolition of the existing flat roof terrace on Price’s Lane and the link corridor to the rear of the flat roof terrace, and the demolition of a pinched roof along Price’s Lane, and the removal of the existing roof structure to the existing return within the interior of the existing block where additional floors are proposed. The proposed works include for modifications to roof structure to be retained and existing central spine walls, modifications to existing partitions, provision of new bedrooms including en-suite bathrooms, replacement of existing stairs between the 2nd and 5th floor levels to accommodate the proposed new floor levels, and alterations to the existing surface water and foul water drainage systems. The proposed development consists of development to a Protected Structure in accordance with the Dublin City Council Record of Protected Structures (RPS Reference Nos. 2920 & 8537). The development is located within a Conservation Area and an Architectural Conservation Area. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2151/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 23-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Mr Gerald Conlon, Emco Hotels Ltd |
Location | At a site at the Central Hotel nos.1-5, Exchequer Street (a protected structure)and nos. 11, 14 & 16 George’s Street Great South as well as no. 12 Dame Court, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: – the refurbishment/reconfiguration, demolition (c. 900sq. m across overall site) and expansion of the Central Hotel to result in an overall amalgamated hotel (116 no. bedrooms) of c. 6,374 sq.m (5 storeys over basement with 7 storey element with plant level [12 Dame Court] and will include the following: 1) Demolition of no. 12 Dame Court (c. 245 sq.m) and its replacement with a 7 storey with plant level above (overall height c. 23.8m; 32.38m OD to parapet) building (c. 743 sq.m) as an extension to the existing hotel with bar use c. 125 sq.m at ground floor level and hotel use 104 sq.m at first floor level – connected by new opes on existing northern facade of Central Hotel at above ground floor levels; 2) Refurbishment and reconfiguration of existing Central Hotel and associated premises as follows:- A) Basement level – Removal of internal partitions/walls to facilitate reconfiguration/refurbishment of basement areas of Central Hotel and nos. 11, 14 & 16 George’s Street Great South (and associated change of use from gross retail (storage c. 137 sq.m) and nightclub use (212 sq.m) to Hotel use c. 349 sq.m) to provide ancillary hotel areas including a new connected seating/breakfast/restaurant area (c. 272 sq.m), Hotel gym; toilets, storage/plant/attenuation & staff areas; B) Ground floor level – Amalgamation of no. 16 George’s Street Great South into the Central Hotel and associated change of use (c.90 sq.m) from retail to hotel (ancillary bar/lounge area connected to existing ‘library bar’ above at 1st floor level); reconfiguration/refurbishment of internal areas of reception, lounge and associated backroom areas; change of use of no. 14 George’s Street Great South (84 sq.m [54 sq m at basement level]) from retail to restaurant/cafe use and its connection (including new void) to Central Hotel basement level; C) First floor level – Refurbishment and provision of bedrooms (to include removal and insertion of partitions/WC facilities); provision of new ancillary bar/lounge area connected to existing ‘library bar’ (and associated alterations); removal of ancillary space in courtyard to provide an internal terraced/landscaped platform area c. 163 sq.m (including void to existing basement passageway); D) Second and Third floor levels – Refurbishment and provision of bedrooms (to include removal and insertion of partitions and removal of exit passageway (external) between existing east and west parts of hotel); E) Fourth floor level – Removal of existing fourth floor level Mansard roof structure of the Central Hotel (c. 384 sq.m) fronting onto Dame Court and Exchequer Street and its replacement with a new fourth level in its place (overall height c. 22.7m; 32.38m OD) to include pitched roof and glazing and 2 no. dormers facing onto Exchequer Street (new plant areas within pitched roof space); removal of eastern side of pitched slate roof along George’s Street Great South and provision of bedrooms/storage (with flat roof above overall height c.18.8m; 28.39m OD to parapet); F) Removal of existing lift shafts and stair cores (including chimney) from basement/ground to 4th floor levels and provision of new stairwells/lift shafts/servicing ducts/risers/dumb waiters as well as revisions to circulation/access (including provision of new opes) and removal of internal walls/partitions/replacement of doors as necessary; new glazed opening in existing staircase and creation of void (first to third floors); glazed finish to internal facade of new northern ‘wing’ (which includes bedrooms and access 1st to 4th floor levels); G) External works to include; new canopies/signage (12 sq.m), replacement shopfronts (and lighting) on Exchequer Street & George’s Street Great South facades (including replacement of existing non-original entrance canopy); repointing/replacement of windows with matching as required; revised entrance treatment and signage (and glazed screens/basement lightwells), on Dame Court; new fire access door on Exchequer Street (using existing window ope); all site development works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2444/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Karen Kelleher |
Location | 74, Wilfield Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission for the creation of new vehicular access to the front garden including the removal of the front boundary railings, new gates and associated works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2450/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 21-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Ronan O’Dowd |
Location | Rear of 9 Pearse Square, facing onto Byrne’s Lane, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE – Construction of a two storey two bedroom mews house with roof garden and associated boundary walls siteworks. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2453/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 21-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Patrick Liddy |
Location | 20, Adrian Avenue, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | Permission for the demolition of the single story garden shed and the construction of a single story shed and guest room with associated works on the site located in the garden to the rear of the house. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2488/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 22-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Muireann and Ciaran McAteer |
Location | Stonelodge, Garville Drive, Dublin 6, D06 P589 |
Proposal | RETENTION & PERMISSION: The development consists of the retention of existing garage (15 sq.m) to be used as habitable space as part of the existing dwelling and the planning permission for the creation of a new off-street car parking space (within the curtilage of the property) with associated alterations to boundary fencing. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3494/16 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Decision Date | 23-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Transtech Investment Holdings Ltd |
Location | 47, Stephens Place, Dublin 2. |
Proposal | RETENTION: Retention is sought for the built No. 47 Stephen’s Place and retention for the use as office use. The permission provides for alterations to the permission issued under 3554/99. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1033/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Paul Colleran and Claire O Hara |
Location | 1A, Lea Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The development will consist of:
•Demolition of the existing side and rear single storey extensions; •Construction of new single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling; •New two storey extension to side of the existing dwelling including part single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling (forward of existing building line); •All associated internal and external alterations, site, drainage and landscaping works; •Alterations to the front boundary wall.
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1034/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Waterways Ireland |
Location | Northern Bank of Grand Canal Adjacent To, Charlemont Place, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | The development will consist of permission to permit temporary markets to operate in excess of the specified exemptions at the above location one day per week. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1041/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 24-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Carla and Laszlo Kovacs |
Location | 11, Cambridge Avenue, Ringsend, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the construction of a new pitched roof with rear rooflight, in place of an existing flat roof and involving removal of unauthorised development (access dormer, roof garden screens and railing), all to existing two-storey flat roof extension (previously approved under register reference 2367/09) to rear of existing two-storey pitched roof mid-terrace dwelling. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1122/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 21-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Jonathan & Michelle O Connor |
Location | 147, Corrib Road, Terenure, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | Permission is sought to change the rear extension roof from a pitch to flat roof, dormer roof window to the rear of the main for a non- habitable storage room, roof window to the left side of the main roof and associated internal works in this end terrace two storey house |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1127/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 22-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Michael Vesey and Ellen Flynn |
Location | 38, Seafort Gardens, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | single and two storey extensions to the side and rear including minor elevational alterations to the existing house, relocated vehicular entrance off Seafort Gardens and pedestrian/refuse bin access from the rear garden onto Seafort Gardens. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEBDSDZ1035/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Waterways Ireland |
Location | To the front of Waterways Ireland Visitor Centre, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | The development will consist of permission to permit temporary markets to operate in excess of the specified exemptions at the above location (to the front of the Waterways Ireland Visitor Centre, Grand Canal Quay) one day per week. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3847/16 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Kells ICAV |
Location | 60-63, Dawson Street and 3 Duke Lane (Hibernian House); 64-65 Dawson Street and 34-39 Nassau Street (Hibernian Corner) and 40-43 Nassau Street (Nassau House), Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Planning permission at 60-63 Dawson Street and 3 Duke Lane (Hibernian House); 64-65 Dawson Street and 34-39 Nassau Street (Hibernian Corner) and 40-43 Nassau Street (Nassau House), Dublin 2 (on a site measuring approximately 0.36ha in extent).
The proposed development comprises the demolition of all existing structures on site, together with site clearance works and the construction of a new mixed used building of part4-, part5- and part 6- storey height (incorporating setback levels) with a total Gross Floor Area (GFA) of 22,837 sq.m of which 16,505 sq.m of floor space are provided above ground floor level, over a double basement (6,332 sq.m). Open air rooftop plant is provided at roof level (32m OD) that is obscured by screens measuring approximately 2m in height to a finished level of 34.05m OD (or 27.65 to 27.85m above the varying adjacent ground level). A total of 7,728 sq.m (GFA) of retail space arranged over three floors at lower ground level, ground level and first floor level. A total of 11,388 sq.m (GFA) of office floor space is proposed that is arranged over four floors at second floor level and above. The main office entrance and lobby is provided at the southern end of the site onto Dawson Street. A secondary access / egress to the office accommodation serving the upper levels of the building is proposed at the western end of the site fronting Nassau Street. The existing vehicular access onto Dawson Street will be closed and the existing access off Duke Lane will be retained to service the development via a centrally located service yard at the rear of the building from where the basement levels of the building are accessed via two (2) car lifts and a goods lift to serve retail units at lower ground level and the basement level which contain 50 car parking spaces, 172 no. bicycle parking spaces; ancillary staff changing facilities and ancillary plantrooms. A number of roof terraces are proposed at 2nd, 4th and 5th floor level to the northern, eastern, western and southern elevations of the proposed building to include 1x west facing terrace at 2nd floor level, 2x north facing and 1 x west/south facing terraces at 4th floor level and 1 x north facing; 1 x north facing; 1 x north east facing and 1 x east facing 1 x east/south facing terrace at 5th floor level. The proposed building incorporates sustainable urban drainage measures, including the provision of green roofs, attenuation tank and rainwater harvesting system together with all associated site development works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4336/16 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | October Management Ltd. |
Location | IPC House, 35-39, Shelbourne Road, and Shelbourne Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Modifications to development previously permitted under Reg. Ref. 2868/16 at an overall site of c. 0.26 ha. The proposed development will consist of:
a) the demolition of the existing 5 storey commercial building (total GFA of building to be demolished is c. 3290 sq.m) b) the addition of one storey to the permitted development, resulting in the construction of 1 no. commercial building 5-7 storeys over basement level with pedestrian access from Shelbourne Road consisting of office space (c. 10,987 sq.m) at ground to sixth floor and 1 no. unit to be either retail or café (c. 230 sq.m) at ground floor level. There are terraces at 5th floor (c. 159.3 sq.m) and 6th floor (c. 353.9 sq.m) and screened external plant is located at 6th floor level. Permission is also sought for all associated site development and landscaping works including improvements to adjacent public realm at Shelbourne Lane and Shelbourne Road; the provision, at basement level, of 26 no. car parking spaces, 96 no. bicycle spaces, bin store and plant, with vehicular ramp access from Shelbourne Lane. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4357/16 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Paul Tully |
Location | Land between & behind no’s 404, 406, 408 & 410, Clogher Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | Permission for the demolition of 194 sq.m of existing industrial sheds, change of use from steelwork fabricators premises to residential, namely the erection of two, two storey detached three bedroom houses, four car parking spaces, re-instatement of driveway and crossover and associated works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4454/16 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Abigail O’Brien & Hugh Bradley |
Location | Rear of 32, Wellington Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE:RETENTION: Permission to apply for:
(i) Retention in perpetuity of the extension of the balcony at the rear ground floor level for ancillary residential use which is 1.76m over garden level to the dwelling and is located over the services utility room in the under croft to the balcony, the area of the balcony which was previously permitted was 4.8 sq.m and the additional area is 13.9 sq.m resulting in a total balcony area of 18.7 sq.m (ii) and Retention in perpetuity of the extension of the services utility room underneath the extended balcony area and relocation of steps to the balcony from garden level for ancillary residential use, the area of the under croft store previously permitted was 4.8 sq.m and the additional area is 10.2 sq.m that is a total area of 15 sq.m. (iii) Permission for the erection of timber screen 1.8m high to the southern boundary of the balcony which matches the existing timber screen on the northern boundary of the balcony new section of timber screen 1.8m high on northern and frameless glazing balustrade to the eastern boundary and to the steps, and screen planting, all of which works consist of modifications to the existing permitted balcony area and under croft store room as permitted by reference to planning reference no. 1425/02. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1521/16 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Ronan Daly |
Location | 1, Grosvenor Place, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Alterations and Extensions to existing three storey four bedroom detached dwelling resulting in an increase in habitable floor area from 354.20 sq.m. to 390.05 sq.m.The proposed works comprise the following elements-
1. Demolition of existing storage and sunroom to side, 2. Construction of new side extension to replace existing sunroom, 3. Construction of new single storey extension to rear, 4. Modification to existing windows at stairwell to rear elevation, 5. Creation of new 3250mm wide vehicular entrance, 6. Internal Alterations, 7. All associated site works
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0337/16 |
Appeal Decision | SECTION 5 – NOT EXEMPT |
Appeal Decision Date | 20-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Brian Fallon & Tara Kelly |
Location | 98A, Rathgar Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | EXPP: The relevant works are to rear of a retail showroom at ground floor level of a 1980s extension to a two storey 19th c Victorian semi-detached residence on Rathgar Road. For many decades the party wall between this former photography studio and our client’s garden presented a timber industrial sheeted siding panel. This was disused as an access for decades. The garden is private to residents of 98, 99, 100 and 101 Rathgar Road who share it, it is a Victorian walled garden in character. The new tenants installed a glazed shop front window and door into this garden party wall, behind the timber panel. They now draw back the panel daily as if it was a roller shutter: meaning the shop looks into and opens into this private garden. Our clients and their children and families cannot enjoy their own bespoke private amenity space without direct overlooking from random visitors to this showroom. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2997/16 |
Appeal Decision | GRANT PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 23-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Ardstone Value Partners Fund |
Location | 22 & 23, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The proposed development will consist of: the amalgamation of the two existing units (comprising restaurant and fast-food restaurant) at basement and ground floor levels into one unit measuring 176 sq.m; change of use to café; modifications to the shopfronts; and associated works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4211/16 |
Appeal Decision Date | 21-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | Grant Thornton, Euronet 360 Finance Ltd |
Location | 57, South William Street, Dublin, 2. |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE – Permission for development at this site which comprises one unit of permitted retail use.The development will consist of the installation of an ATM Machine within the existing shop front to the north west elevation. 57 South William Street is listed in Dublin City Council’s Record of Protected Structures – Ref 8594. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3602/16 |
Appeal Decision | GRANT PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 16-Mar-2017 |
Applicant | The Board, The Royal Hospital Donnybrook |
Location | The Royal Hospital, Bloomfield Avenue, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Planning permission for the erection of a single storey prefabricated structure (290 sq.m) linked to the ground floor Phoenix Ward (452 sq.m) all to accommodate the relocation of existing hospital services (excluding addiction services) at The Royal City of Dublin Hospital (Known as HSE Baggot Street Hospital) for a period of up to five years and ancillary works.
***Amendment to Week 11/17*** |