Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2007(a) Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused. (b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. |
Article 32, Planning & Development Regulations 2001 –2007(a) In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”
(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. |
Planning Information Sessions
Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.
The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.
All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.
Area | Contact Number |
Meeting Location |
Central Area
South Central Area South East Area North West Area North Central Area
2225200 2225127 2225727 222 8870 |
Sean McDermott Street
Crumlin Area Office Contact Area Office for location Finglas Area Office Bunratty Area Office |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3890/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | BOL Property Investments Ltd |
Location | 1A Thomas Davis Street West, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Planning permission for the demolition of an existing detached garage and construction of a two storey, 3 bedroom detached dwelling including; roof lights, SuDs drainage, landscaping and all associated works to facilitate the development. |
Registration Date | 10-Oct-2016 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3901/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Coombe Lying-In Hospital |
Location | The Coombe Women’s Hospital, Dolphin’s Barn Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the provision of an additional level to existing escape stairs to extend the escape stairs from fourth floor (fifth storey) to fifth floor (sixth storey), and all ancillary and associated works. |
Registration Date | 11-Oct-2016 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3907/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Paul & Eilish Tollman |
Location | 20, Windmill Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12 (a corner site with Raphoe Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12) |
Proposal | Development will consist of the demolition of an existing single-storey garage and construction of a single-storey extension (6 sq.m) to the rear/ north elevation two-storey infill extension (17.8 sq.m) to the front/ southwest elevation, minor external alterations to fenestration detail and replacement windows, and new stepped-in second floor addition (31.15 sq.m). Change of use from hair salon to retail unit (25.3 sq.m) at ground floor level. Provision of 1 no. one-bedroom apartment at ground floor level and 1 no. three-bedroom apartment over first and second floor levels; 1 no. on site car parking space to serve each apartment; private amenity garden to serve the one-bedroom ground floor apartment and a south facing terrace at first and second floor levels to serve the three-bedroom apartment; landscaping; boundary treatment; SuDs drainage; and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. |
Registration Date | 12-Oct-2016 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3895/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Bill Ahessey |
Location | 5, Garden Terrace, Clanbrassil Street Upper, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Permission for the construction of a Bay Window and provision of a roof light to the east side of the main roof. |
Registration Date | 11-Oct-2016 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3908/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Vincent Troy |
Location | 29, Claddagh Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 |
Proposal | Construct a two storey extension to the side and one storey extension to the rear of existing house, consisting of kitchen, dining, utility room and bathroom at ground floor and additional bedroom and bathroom to side at first floor. |
Registration Date | 12-Oct-2016 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3928/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | John Reynolds & Vanina Carmelina |
Location | 35, Anner Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Single-storey extension to the rear and side of the property to accommodate additional living space/ bathroom/ utility/ bike store & porch to the front. Total area – 62 sq.m. The development includes alterations to the window opes at first floor level to the rear and the conversion of the front garden to a driveway with a car park space. |
Registration Date | 14-Oct-2016 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1424/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Cora Marshall |
Location | 180, Kildare Road, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | two-storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling, alterations to the existing dwelling including external insulation and re-rendering and ancillary site works |
Registration Date | 12-Oct-2016 |
LAWS: ***NONE***
SAWS: ***NONE***
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 0321/16 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Grant Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 14-Oct-2016 |
Applicant | Mary O’Mahony |
Location | 18, Dufferin Avenue, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | EXPP: A lean to extension to be constructed to rear. An ope being broken out and beam fitted to connect proposed extension with existing ground floor. Ground floor is being raised approx. 450mm. 1st floor being raised 4502mm. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2179/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 14-Oct-2016 |
Applicant | Bryant Park QIAIF Plc |
Location | Unit 1B, Building 7B (Dargan Building), Heuston South Quarter, St. John’s Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The development consists of change of use of ground floor unit 1B (previously granted planning permission reg ref 3261/09) from Retail Commercial use to Restaurant use, for the sale and consumption of hot food on the premises and associated signage to South facade at ground floor level. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3362/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 14-Oct-2016 |
Applicant | Salamisso Developments Ltd |
Location | 27, Carman’s Hall, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Permission is sought to consist of a) Demolition of existing two-storey multi-dwelling building of 147 sq.m: b) The construction of a four-storey mixed-use building to contain three retail/cafe/medical consulting/local office units at ground floor level (total 205 sq.m), with six apartments (three x 1-bed and three x 2-bed units) and 526 sq.m of office accommodation on the upper floors. Private balconies are provided to each apartment on the south/street-facing facade along with a communal roof terrace; cycle parking and refuse stores are located to the rear at ground level; along with all associated site works. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3540/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 10-Oct-2016 |
Applicant | Elaine Dutton |
Location | 172, Curlew Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | The development will consist of a proposed new 1st floor extension on top of the existing ground floor disabled extension at the rear of the existing house extending 4m from the rear of the existing house line and also a new gable wall to the side of the existing house keeping a small hipped roof the same angle as existing. The attic will be used for storage / office space only. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3553/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 11-Oct-2016 |
Applicant | Diageo Ireland Limited |
Location | Diageo lands (St.James’s Gate), fronting Grand Canal Place, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | 2 no. (non-illuminated) wayfinding signs (540 mm W x 540 mm H) for Guinness Storehouse to be attached to existing Diageo boundary walls and structures. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3569/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 13-Oct-2016 |
Applicant | CIE |
Location | Southern Side of Con Colbert Road, Islandbridge, (Adjacent to St. Johns Road West), Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Permission sought for the replacement of 2 no. existing 6.33m x 3.578m illuminated trivision advertising displays with 2 No 6.52m x 3.47m internally illuminated static advertising displays erected in a V formation. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3570/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 12-Oct-2016 |
Applicant | Junaid & Juwayriyah Nayyar |
Location | Units B & C , Pier 19, Usher’s Island, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The development will consist of: integration of unit B (53.31m.sq.) & unit C (36.37m.sq.) into one unit (combined floor area of 92.60m.sq.) and use of unit as a hot food take-away outlet incorporating the provision of a public seating & eating area (previously approved under reg. ref. 4724/07 & reg. ref. 4140/09). |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3589/16 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Decision Date | 12-Oct-2016 |
Applicant | Stephen Rice |
Location | 77, Aughavannagh Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Planning permission for Retention of single storey bedroom extension to front and for alterations to previously granted permission Reg. Ref. 2672/15 and PL29S.245140, to include the replacement of a flat roof over part of the extension to the rear with a pitched roof, and a parapet wall along the adjoining boundary with No. 79 only, with alterations to internal layout and all associated site and drainage works. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1338/16 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 12-Oct-2016 |
Applicant | JIM ROCHE |
Location | 19, Rutledge Terrace, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Construction of a new rear dormer at attic level and associated internal works |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2564/16 |
Appeal Decision | REFUSE PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 12-Oct-2016 |
Applicant | Realmside Ltd |
Location | Site of 0.3 ha approximately at No’s 118-128, The Coombe, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the demolition of existing ancillary derelict structures (220 sqm) and the provision of a three to six storey over basement level hotel (with setback fourth and fifth floors) comprising 263 no. bedrooms and related uses including café/bar/restaurant (569 sq.m) and meeting/conference facilities (568 sqm), with a total gross floor area of 13,770 sqm, which includes plant of 445 sqm. The development will also include: the provision of a new vehicular access to the site from The Coombe; the provision of 23 No. ancillary car parking spaces; bicycle parking; ancillary circulation, staff and administration areas; all hard and soft landscaping; boundary treatments; the retention and repair of the existing chimney breast remnant on the eastern boundary of the site adjoining Fallon’s public house (a Protected Structure); attenuation measures including holding tank; waste storage areas; piped infrastructure and ducting; signage; changes in level and all associated site development and site excavation works above and below ground. |