Newswire » Useful Info » Weekly Planning List 13/23 (27/03/2023-31/03/2023)

Weekly Planning List 13/23 (27/03/2023-31/03/2023)

Weekly Planning List


All applications received will be considered by the Planning Authority to determine their validity in accordance with Planning and Development Regulations 2001.  Any application pending validation listed hereunder, and subsequently declared to be invalid, will be detailed in the DECISIONS SECTION of the Weekly List in a subsequent publication.



Area 2

Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3453/23
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Inchicore United Workingmans Club
Location                                             187, Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Registration Date                              28/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: PERMISSION: The development will consist of a Timber Pergola Structure with a Polycarbonated roof with outdoor seating located in the rear yard and all associated site works.


Area 2

Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3451/23
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Sarah & David Whelan
Location                                             147 Terenure Road West, Terenure, Dublin 6w
Registration Date                              28/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: The development consists of garage conversion plus first floor side extension over existing garage and a single storey rear extension and all associated site works.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3456/23
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Cristian Trofin
Location                                             53, Kylemore Avenue, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Registration Date                              28/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: PERMISSION: For a first floor Utility Room (6.1 sq.m.) over the existing ground floor extension to rear.





Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3462/23
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Ali Akbar Nadery
Location                                             50 Naas Road, Inchicore, Dublin 12
Registration Date                              29/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for
(a) conversion of attic space to storage space with dormer roof to rear roof elevation,
(b) single storey rear extension with flat roof over,
(c) widening of existing vehicular entrance to facilitate off street parking,
(d) to convert existing garage to habitable space and to build over it at first floor level with pitched hipped roof to match existing roof profile.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3466/23
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Benjamin Lawlor
Location                                             89 Clonmacnoise Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Registration Date                              29/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: The development will consist of a part single/two storey front extension, two side extension and part single/two storey rear extension and all associated site works.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3474/23
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Jack Hutchinson
Location                                             8 Pleasants Street, Dublin 8
Registration Date                              30/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: the development will consist of repairs to the historic fabric generally, re-slating the existing main house and return, re-opening up of the blocked up side window below the front steps, a new side window to the rear return, instatement of timber sash windows, a new front door, internal alterations to the existing historic property, insulation upgrades, new electrics and new plumbing throughout, demolition of existing rear extension, demolition of existing shed in rear garden, a new rear window at ground floor, construction of a new single storey extension to the rear, a new bin/bike store to the front garden and ancillary site works.







Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3481/23
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Stuart Banks
Location                                             11 Beechwood Park, Dublin 6, D06 Y448
Registration Date                              31/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: The development will consist of :
(i) replacement of the existing pitched roof of the rear ground floor extension with a flat roof with increased height;
(ii)  the construction of a ground floor single storey flat roof extension to the rear with rooflights;
(iii)  construction of a new attic level dormer window to the rear;
(iv) alterations to the side and rear elevations, rooflights, associated landscaping, all ancillary and ground works necessary to facilitate development.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3485/23
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Patrick Molloy
Location                                             116, Kennelsfort Road Upper, Palmerstown, Dublin 20,
D20 XY93
Registration Date                              31/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission is sought for a new detached garage / lockup to the rear garden area, accessed from the rear laneway for domestic use only.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1256/23
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Renata De Bonis Mesquita
Location                                             5, O’Donovan Road, South Circular Road, Dublin 8 D08
Registration Date                              27/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: Planning Permission is sought for bay window on the front of the house and a second floor expansion over the existing single storey extension on the rear of the existing dwelling with ancillary site work.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1269/23
Application Type                              Retention Permission
Applicant                                           Sean Armstrong
Location                                             7, Rehoboth Place, South Circular Road, Dublin 8 D08
Registration Date                              30/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION: Retention permission for ground floor kitchen/dining and bathroom.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1272/23
Application Type                              Retention Permission
Applicant                                           Michael & Miriam O’ Toole
Location                                             19, Lough Conn Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 D10 WA06
Registration Date                              31/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: Retention Permission for front porch


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1275/23
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           David Adderley
Location                                             92, Muskerry Road, Dublin 10 D10 A478
Registration Date                              31/03/2023
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission is sought for a single storey flat roof extension to the side of the main two storey semi-detached house containing a wheelchair accessible bathroom and bedroom, also replace the pitched roof on the existing porch with a flat roof.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB2112/22
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Stephen Driver and Susan Tighe
Location                                             28, Moeran Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12
Registration Date                              27/03/2023
Additional Information                     Additional Information Received
Proposal: We, Stephen Driver and Susan Tighe, seek planning permission for the refurbishment and ground floor extension to the rear and two storey extension to the side of a two storey semi-detached house at number 28 Moeran Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12. The proposed development will consist of demolition of existing garage to the side and erection of a partial width mono pitch ground floor extension to the rear of 11 m2 and a double height hipped roof extension of 40 m2 to the side of the existing house to give a total extended area of 51 m2 (total existing and proposed house area is 135 m2).  The proposed development will also consist of general remedial work to ground floor layout to include removal of walls to provide for a bedroom/home office to the side and front and increased size kitchen and dining/living space to rear with new downstairs wc and utility room and general remedial work to the first floor layout to include removal of section of side wall to cater for access to new bedroom with ensuite and storage area to the side. The proposed development will also provide for new rooflight to the first floor bedroom to front pitch and all associated site, drainage and landscaping works




Area 2

Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         0075/23
Application Type                              Section 5
Decision                                             Grant  Exemption Certificate
Decision Date                                    27/03/2023
Applicant                                           Joe Meade
Location                                             68, Naas Road, Dublin 12, D12 AH61.
Additional Information
Proposal: EXPP: The use of an existing shed of 25sqm or less in the rear garden as a domestic games room, is it or is it not development and/or is it or is it not exempt.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3130/23
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    27/03/2023
Applicant                                           Matthew Enright & Karen Vejsbjerg
Location                                             233 South Circular Road, Dublin 8, D08 Y1T7
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for the development that will consist of the demolition of the existing garage and stone boundary wall, shared existing vehicular and pedestrian site access and the construction of a two-storey terraced 2-bedroom house with flat roofs adjoining existing two storey house, steps with railing and landing at the front, bin/cycles storage enclosure on the existing driveway, roof level solar PV panels to the rear, canopy with rainwater butt (SUDS) and new paved patio at the rear of the house, landscaping, new connection to the existing combined sewer and all associated site and other works.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3140/23
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    28/03/2023
Applicant                                           Keith McBean
Location                                             17 Cullenswood Gardens, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for alterations to window/door opes to the north, block up existing windows to the west, new ground floor window installation to the east, new canopy over front entrance, new vehicular entrance, pillar, gates, dished footpath to the front, internal alterations and modifications and all associated site works.





Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3142/23
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             REFUSE PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    28/03/2023
Applicant                                           Badri Gharazedine
Location                                             3 Windmill Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12, D12 K164
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission sought to demolish existing roof structure and two number chimney stacks and to build new first floor and new roof , to remove existing internal partition walls and support new first floor where required by structural engineer.  Existing ground floor comprising sales floor and office.  Proposed first floor comprising landing , canteen and parts storage.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3149/23
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             REFUSE PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    29/03/2023
Applicant                                           Coleesa Humphreys
Location                                             90 Tyrconnell Park, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for forming a new vehicular access to public road to front of dwelling and forming an off-street car parking bay and associated alteration of front hedge boundary.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3155/23
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    29/03/2023
Applicant                                           Tao Lin & Jing Chen
Location                                             153, Cromwellsfort Road, Dublin 12, D12 K0Y8
Additional Information
Proposal: PERMISSION: An extension and alterations to existing dwelling house, comprising of: i) Widening of existing vehicular entrance. ii) Provision of single uPVC frame windows to the existing entrance porch to replace with existing bay windows. iii) Provision of new ground floor window to south elevation serving study room. iv) Conversion of attic to storage including a dormer window to the side, change of roof profile. v) Provision of two number glazed roof lights to rear elevation serving attic storage. vi) Erection of 44.7m2 single storey extension to the rear of the dwelling with three number glazed roof lights.




Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3166/23
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Decision Date                                    29/03/2023
Applicant                                           Alexandru and Elizabeth Soptica
Location                                             123 Drimnagh Road, Dublin 12, D12 W5P7
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission is being sought for a vehicular entrance and 1 no. off-street car parking space to existing front garden to include permission to create a ‘drop down’ kerb entrance across the public footpath and all associated site works.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3175/23
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    28/03/2023
Applicant                                           Emerald Malahide Limited Partnership
Location                                             Merchant’s Court – 24 Merchant’s Quay (a protected
structure), Dublin 8, D08 X7YK and Merchant’s Hall –
25-26 Merchant’s Quay, Dublin 8, D08 NT3K
Additional Information
Proposal: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: the development will consist of the creation of a new ope in the party wall separating Merchant’s Court & Merchant’s Hall at ground floor level.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3403/23
Application Type                              Retention Permission
Decision                                             APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID
Decision Date                                    30/03/2023
Applicant                                           Wei Wei Lin
Location                                             5 Ardee Street, Dublin 8
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION PERMISSION: for change of use and sub-division from cafe/restaurant takeaway to 2 no. sub divided takeaway units with 2 no. signage for each, all with associated ancillary works.




Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         4802/22
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    27/03/2023
Applicant                                           The Board of Management, Presentation Secondary School                                                           Warrenmount
Location                                             Presentation Secondary School,  Warrenmount , Clarence
Mangan Road, Dublin 8
Additional Information                     Additional Information Received
Proposal: Permission for demolition of existing boiler room to rear yard and provision of a standalone single storey structure consisting of a single classroom Special Education Unit (proposed floor area = 223sqm) to the rear yard of the existing School (existing School overall floor area = 2623sqm), external glazed canopy connecting back to main school with new enclosed external soft play area and provision of a standalone single storey maintenance room to front yard (proposed floor area = 13sqm), provision of new single storey boiler room to the side of current school (proposed floor area 12sqm), works to modify and widen the existing gated vehicular entrance and provide a new gated pedestrian entrance to existing public footpath, together with all associated site works.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         5065/22
Application Type                              Retention Permission
Decision                                             GRANT RETENTION PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    27/03/2023
Applicant                                           Barry and Bernadette MacHugh
Location                                             44, Mountshannon Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8, D08 EAOY
Additional Information                     Additional Information Received
Proposal: RETENTION: Permission for construction of single storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling comprising of kitchen/dining area, utility room, WC and shed.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1250/23
Application Type                              Retention Permission
Decision                                             APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID
Decision Date                                    30/03/2023
Applicant                                           Sean Armstrong
Location                                             7, Rehoboth Place, South Circular Road, Dublin 8 D08
Additional Information
Proposal: Retention permission for ground floor kitchen/dining and bathroom.





Area 2
Appeals Notified


Area 2
Appeals Decided



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