Weekly Planning List
All applications received will be considered by the Planning Authority to determine their validity in accordance with Planning and Development Regulations 2001. Any application pending validation listed hereunder, and subsequently declared to be invalid, will be detailed in the DECISIONS SECTION of the Weekly List in a subsequent publication.
Area 2
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3190/22
Application Type Permission
Applicant Joinville Ltd.
Location Hollybrook House, 55 Naas Road, Dublin 12
Registration Date 01/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of-Demolition of the existing shed structure to the northeast of Hollybrook House and construction of a 2 storey apartment building (188sqm) containing 2no. 2-bed single storey apartments as permitted under Reg.Ref.4018/18- Demolition of the existing shed structure to the rear of the site and construction of a 5 storey apartment building (2,195.5sqm) containing a total of 28 units consisting of 5no. 2-bed single storey apartments and 23no. 1-bed single storey apartments. Change of use of Hollybrook House from existing office use to 1no. 5-bedroom dwelling (225sqm), with associated internal and external works including: formation of a new column and end wall to rear colonnade, formation of new internal ope between reception room and single storey building to side, removal of external blockwork infill and windows/doors to colonnade; removal of modern external windows and doors, removal of concrete lintel to front and infill of door ope to rear of single storey side building;removal of flat roof finishes for new, removal of modern window grilles and fences to roofs, removal of modern internal walls, fixtures and fittings throughout, installation of a new kitchen, repair works to windows, doors, roof and internal finishes as requested, as permitted under Reg.Ref.4018/18. Demolition of existing modern brick archway along with brick wall and pier to side of entrance for new wall and raillings, new left in/left out entrance and exit from Naas Road, designated parking area within courtyard containing 9no. Parking spaces. The existing 3no. spaces off street parking in front of the single storey building at Naas Road will be retained. All associated site development and landscaping works, including new 2.1m high boundary wall to east and part of south boundary, defining rear garden boundary of Hollybrook House, provisions of new soft and hard landscaped areas, and all other associated and ancillary works.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3193/22
Application Type Permission
Applicant Double E Investments Ltd
Location Kestrel House, 157 Walkinstown Road, Dublin 12, D12
NN8A with frontage to Cromwellsfort Road and Bunting
Registration Date 01/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: Planning permission is sought for the development comprising: (i) demolition of the existing two storey building (licensed public house and ancillary off-licence); (ii) construction of a part 4, 5 and 6 storey (over basement) mixed use development consisting of the following: (a) 42 no. apartments, comprising of 19 no. one-bed apartments and 23 no. two-bed apartments (accessed from Bunting Road). Each unit will have access to private amenity space in the form of a balcony/terrace and 381.6 sqm of external communal amenity space provided at 4th and 5th floor levels; (b) 3 no. retail units at ground floor level totally 146sqm (accessed from Walkinstown Road and Bunting Road); (c) a 384sqm public house at ground floor level (accessed from Walkinstown Road, Cromwellsfort Road and Bunting Road). The development is served by refuse storage; a plant room; an ESB substation; 99 no. bicycle parking spaces, including 1 no. accessible space and 2 no. cargo bicycle spaces located internally at ground floor level and 39 no. visitor bicycle parking spaces located externally; (iii) extended excavation of existing basement to provide for 16 no. car parking spaces (including 1 no. limited mobility parking space). Vehicular access to the basement will be provided via a vehicle lift accessible via Bunting Road; (iv) provision of telecommunications infrastructure at roof level comprising (a) 6 no. 5G antennas and 6 no. hexaband antennas. Each antenna will be enclosed within shrouds (2.8m in height above parapet). A total of 6 no. shrouds will be provided, each containing 1 no. 5G antenna, 1 no hexaband (2G/3G/4G) antenna; (b) 6 no. 0.3m microwave link dishes on 3 no. steel support poles (2m in height above the lift shaft overrun); (c) all associated equipment. (v) landscaping and all associated site development works necessary to facilitate the development.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3202/22
Application Type Permission
Applicant The Augustinian Province of Ireland
Location Augustinian Priory, also known as St. John’s Priory,
Thomas Street, Dublin 8, D08 F8NW
Registration Date 02/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: The development will consist of the following: 1) installation of external light fittings to West (John’s Lane), South (Thomas Street) and East (Side) Elevations; 2) revisions to previously approved planning application (applic no. 3969/20) to include a) revised rooftop pergola design with glazed screen to West, South and East Elevations; b) revised height of lift motor room tower extension; All of the above at the existing 5-storey including basement, semi-detached flat roofed building.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3517/16/X1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Applicant Airscape Limited
Location Block 46 and Block 49, Park West Avenue, Park West
Pointe, Gallanstown, Dublin 10
Registration Date 04/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: EXT. OF DURATION: Change of use of 1737 sq.m of the upper and part of the lower ground floor of Block 49 from 5 no. vacant commercial and 1 no. vacant retail unit to 9 no. residential apartments (8 no. three bed units, 1 no. one bed unit), with addition of winter gardens to the north east facing elevation and one terrace to the north facing elevation, also the change of use of 732 sq.m of the ground floor of Block 46 from No. 8 vacant retail units to 8 no. residential apartments (1 no. three bed unit, 3 no. two bed units, 4 no. one bed units), with addition of 1 no. terrace to the north, 1 no. terrace to south and 8 no. terraces to east facing elevations. There will be an allocation of 1 car and 1 cycle parking space per unit at basement level. The proposed apartments will be accessed via existing lift and stair cores.
Permission is also sought for alterations to all facades of Block 46 and Block 49 for the provision of new windows, including the provision for internal alterations and all associated site and development works.
Area 2
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3196/22
Application Type Permission
Applicant John Philips
Location 27, Ebenezer Terrace, Dublin 8, D08 WP9A
Registration Date 01/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for the following to the existing mid terrace two storey house with single storey flat roof rear extension to rear: Permission to demolish existing rear single storey extension. Permission requested to redesign the existing mid terrace house with a two storey flat roof extension to rear with a redesign of the interior on both floors with glazing-door openings changed to accommodate new layout. Proposed two proposed roof lights in rear existing roof. Maintain connection to existing drainage and surface water and all ancillary site works.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1067/22
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Jennifer Anderson
Location 10, O’Moore Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10, D10 E767
Registration Date 31/01/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION: Attic conversion with dormer window to rear roof plane of existing house.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1069/22
Application Type Permission
Applicant Kieva McDermott
Location 8, Woodfield Avenue, Inchicore, Dublin 10 D10 K197
Registration Date 01/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: Partial demolition of existing single storey extension to rear and construction of new part single-storey and part two-storey extension to rear of existing house.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1078/22
Application Type Permission
Applicant Peter Byrne
Location 16, Thomas Moore Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12
Registration Date 03/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: The development will consist of the demolition of a ground floor extension and sheds to the rear of No. 16 Thomas Moore Road, Dublin 12 and the construction of a part single storey, part two storey extension to the side and rear of this end of terrace dwelling.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1083/22
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Aoife Concannon
Location 22, Anner Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Registration Date 04/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: Retention permission is hereby sought for the front yard of this residential property to provide a car parking space and vehicular access from the road.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1087/22
Application Type Permission
Applicant Noshington
Location 37, Sandford Avenue, Dublin 8 D08 P9Y1
Registration Date 04/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: The conversion of existing attic space to home office use, dormer window to rear roof and all associated site development works
Area 2
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 0002/22
Application Type Section 5
Decision Refuse Exemption Certificate
Decision Date 31/01/2022
Applicant T/A Minehill Partnership
Location Rear of former St. Brigid’s School, 115-117, The
Coombe, Dublin 8
Additional Information
Proposal: EXPP: Conversion of former school building to 6 no. apartments.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3190/22
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 04/02/2022
Applicant Joinville Ltd.
Location Hollybrook House, 55 Naas Road, Dublin 12
Additional Information
Proposal: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of-Demolition of the existing shed structure to the northeast of Hollybrook House and construction of a 2 storey apartment building (188sqm) containing 2no. 2-bed single storey apartments as permitted under Reg.Ref.4018/18- Demolition of the existing shed structure to the rear of the site and construction of a 5 storey apartment building (2,195.5sqm) containing a total of 28 units consisting of 5no. 2-bed single storey apartments and 23no. 1-bed single storey apartments. Change of use of Hollybrook House from existing office use to 1no. 5-bedroom dwelling (225sqm), with associated internal and external works including: formation of a new column and end wall to rear colonnade, formation of new internal ope between reception room and single storey building to side, removal of external blockwork infill and windows/doors to colonnade; removal of modern external windows and doors, removal of concrete lintel to front and infill of door ope to rear of single storey side building;removal of flat roof finishes for new, removal of modern window grilles and fences to roofs, removal of modern internal walls, fixtures and fittings throughout, installation of a new kitchen, repair works to windows, doors, roof and internal finishes as requested, as permitted under Reg.Ref.4018/18. Demolition of existing modern brick archway along with brick wall and pier to side of entrance for new wall and raillings, new left in/left out entrance and exit from Naas Road, designated parking area within courtyard containing 9no. Parking spaces. The existing 3no. spaces off street parking in front of the single storey building at Naas Road will be retained. All associated site development and landscaping works, including new 2.1m high boundary wall to east and part of south boundary, defining rear garden boundary of Hollybrook House, provisions of new soft and hard landscaped areas, and all other associated and ancillary works.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3196/22
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 04/02/2022
Applicant John Philips
Location 27, Ebenezer Terrace, Dublin 8, D08 WP9A
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for the following to the existing mid terrace two storey house with single storey flat roof rear extension to rear: Permission to demolish existing rear single storey extension. Permission requested to redesign the existing mid terrace house with a two storey flat roof extension to rear with a redesign of the interior on both floors with glazing-door openings changed to accommodate new layout. Proposed two proposed roof lights in rear existing roof. Maintain connection to existing drainage and surface water and all ancillary site works.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3966/21
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 01/02/2022
Applicant Ciara May
Location 12, Elmdale Crescent, Cherry Orchard, Ballyfermot,
Dublin 10, D10 FD77
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION: Permission for a detached single storey gym/office/storage shed to rear of existing house with ancillary works.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3987/21
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 04/02/2022
Applicant Bilgola Ltd
Location 118, Thomas Street, Dublin 8
Additional Information
Proposal: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The building is a protected structure and is located in an architectural conservation area. The proposed works include i. a change of use of the rear of the ground floor unit from home brewers centre to residential unit and ii. a two storey extension on the roof of the existing ground floor to the rear comprising of a residential unit on each floor.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3999/21
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 04/02/2022
Applicant Jreugor Investments Limited
Location Unit 55, Park West Road, Park West Industrial Park,
Dublin 12, D12 X9F9
Additional Information
Proposal: PERMISSION & RETENTION: The development will consist of extension of the existing office space at second floor level resulting in an overall office floorspace increase of 125 sqm approximately, construction of a new mezzanine level in the warehouse area (circa 257 sqm) and a new stairwell. Creation of 2no. openings to the south elevation and 1no. opening to the west elevation and associated site development works. The development will also include the retention of the existing office space at ground and first floor level of 250 sqm approximately.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 4002/21
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 02/02/2022
Applicant Arcourt Limited
Location Site of 0.128 hectares to the south-east of The
Sheldon Park Hotel, along, Old Naas Road, Bluebell,
Dublin 12
Additional Information
Proposal: The proposed development consists of the following:
(i) construction of a part 2, part 5-storey apartment block comprising 12 no. residential units (6 no. 1-bed units and 6 no. 2-bed units) each with associated balcony/terrace, with pedestrian access from Old Naas Road. The proposed development will include 24 no. bicycle spaces at surface level and will benefit from communal open space and 88 no. vehicle parking spaces (comprising 79 no. car parking spaces, 4 no. accessible parking spaces and 5 no. motorcycle parking spaces-permitted under Reg. Ref. 4637/18). The vehicular parking is accessed from the existing permitted entrance under Reg. Ref. 2158/17. The proposed development represents a phase of the development permitted under Reg. Ref. 2158/17, Reg. Ref. 4637/18 and Reg. Ref. 3404/20 which includes the completion of the demolition previously approved under Reg. Ref. 2158/17. The overall scheme will provide for 115 no. units (28 no. 1-bed units, 71 no. 2-bed units, 15 no. 3-bed units and 1 no. studio). The proposal includes all ancillary site, landscaping, lighting and engineering works necessary to facilitate the development.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 4010/21
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 01/02/2022
Applicant Innovate Dublin Communities CLG
Location Ground Floor Unit of Bridgefoot Court, Bridgefoot
Street, Dublin 8
Additional Information
Proposal: The development will consist of the change of use at ground floor level from retail to office use, an area of 152 m2, on the corner of Bridgefoot Street and Usher Street.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1078/22
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 03/02/2022
Applicant Peter Byrne
Location 16, Thomas Moore Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12
Additional Information
Proposal: The development will consist of the demolition of a ground floor extension and sheds to the rear of No. 16 Thomas Moore Road, Dublin 12 and the construction of a part single storey, part two storey extension to the side and rear of this end of terrace dwelling.
Area 2
Appeals Notified
Area 2
Appeals Decided
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2937/21
Appeal Decision Date 03/02/2022
Applicant Turfway Ltd
Location Murray’s Public House, 1, Bow Bridge, Kilmainham Lane,
Dublin 8, D08 H1W6
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for an outdoor seating area with timber, steel and glass dividing panels over sailing the Camac river to the east elevation.
Dublin City Council
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 0031/22
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Applicant Alan Weber
Location Inchicore Terrace South, Inchicore, Dublin 8 D08R763
Registration Date 02/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: SHEC: Construction of 1 no. house being a single family dwelling within a protected structure of stone boundary walls.