Newswire » Useful Info » Planning Permissions (15/07/2024-19/07/2024)

Planning Permissions (15/07/2024-19/07/2024)



All applications received will be considered by the Planning Authority to determine their validity in accordance with Planning and Development Regulations 2001.  Any application pending validation listed hereunder, and subsequently declared to be invalid, will be detailed in the DECISIONS SECTION of the Weekly List in a subsequent publication.


Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

(a)  Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.

(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Article 31(g), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

(a)  In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”

(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.


Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.

The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.

All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.

Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.

Area 2

Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         4021/24
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Liberty Renaissance Ltd
Location                                             Tailors Hall, 8 Back Lane,Dublin 8, D08 X2A3
Registration Date                              15/07/2024
Additional Information
Proposal: PROTECTED STRUCTURE:1. The erection/fixing of wall mounted black cased LED floodlights and associated service cables, affixed to the external fabric of the protected structure facing into the rear yard which bounds High Street. 2. The fixing/erection of wall mounted black security cameras, black speakers and associated service cables affixed to the external fabric of the protected structure facing the rear yard which bounds High Street. 3. The placing of horse box trailer to facilitate the sale of tea/coffee, on the rear yard which bounds High Street. 4. The placing of numerous picnic style table/ seating benches in both the front garden bounding Back Lane and in the rear yard bounding High Street. 5. The fixing of a canvas banner type sign to the high level railings adjacent to the rear yard which bounds High Street. 6. The erection/ placing of 5 number lamp posts running through the non- original boundary railings at various locations along the party boundary, which bounds High Street. 7. The erection/fixing of a wall mounted black security camera, a black speaker and all associated service cables affixed to the external fabric of the protected structure the rear yard which bounds High Street. 8. The placing/laying of paving slabs on an area between the access ramps located in the front garden which bounds Back Lane. 9. The placing of a half bust statue on the western boundary wall of the front garden which bounds Back Lane. 10. The placing of wall mounted light bulbs and associated service cables and conduits along access ramps located in the front garden which bounds Back Lane. 11. The installation of new internal electrical services and alternations to the existing internal electrical services including the provision/connection of a wall mounted TV, security and emergency lighting including all associated cabling, fixtures and fittings. 12. The installation of metal ventilation ducting within the external store and the installation of a wall vent to the external fabric of the protected structure facing into the rear yard which bounds High Street.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         4029/24
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Welthomas Property Ltd
Location                                             Site at Thomas Street, including No. 144 Thomas Street
(the site is bounded by No. 143 Thomas Street, and
Marshalsea Lane to the east and No’s 151-156 Thomas
Street to the west), Dublin 8
Registration Date                              17/07/2024
Additional Information
Proposal: The proposed development comprises site clearance works,  including the demolition of all existing buildings /structures on  site, including the existing boundary wall and gates along the Thomas Street frontage, and the construction of a new Part 3-; Part 4-; Part 6- and Part 7- storey Aparthotel building over basement level with a total Gross Floor Area (GIA) of 6,790  sq.m together with the formation of a new vehicular access  ramp (with integrated bicycle lane) off Thomas Street leading  to basement level. The basement level will accommodate 16  no. cycle parking spaces; staff changing-rooms/showers; a  service yard and ancillary plant and storage rooms; waste/refuse storage; ancillary gym for hotel guests and ancillary kitchen. Ground floor level will accommodate a reception area  (222.9 sq.m) and café (156.6 sq.m) accessed off Thomas  Street, and an ESB sub-station and switchroom. Aparthotel rooms / suites are provided at first to fifth floor level (93 no.  self-contained/self-catering units). At sixth floor level, a public  bar / event space (257.5 sq.m) with south facing roof terrace is provided. Other site works include the provision of hard and soft landscaping measures to ancillary amenity spaces. The  proposed building incorporates sustainable drainage measures  that includes green roofs and underground attenuation tank.  Screened plant is provided at rooftop level.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         4035/24
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Brimwood Unlimited
Location                                             15, Usher’s Island, Dublin 8 , D08XN67
Registration Date                              18/07/2024
Additional Information
Proposal: PROTECTED STRUCTURE : Permission Brimwood Unlimited for development at 15 Usher’s Island Dublin 8, DO8 XN67- A Protected Structure, Ref. RPS 8198. The development consists of: (i) Change of use from visitor centre to residential development comprising 10 no. apartments (3 no. x studios and 7 no. x one-bed units); (i) Provision of a communal external terrace to rear at ground floor level; (iii) Internal alterations to facilitate apartment layouts including erection of partition walls to facilitate fire lobbies & bathrooms in each unit; (iv) Part removal of non-original eastern ground floor return; (v) Replacement of roof light and installation of roof vents; (vi) Cleaning of existing brickwork to front and repair and repointing of brickwork to rear; (vii) Repair and replacement where required of existing guttering and downpipes; (viii) Replacement of non-original external staircase leading to basement to front; (ix) Replacement of non-original sash windows with new timber sash windows and repair of existing window frames and shutter boxes; (x) Installation of air vents on front and rear facades; (xi) Re-location of internal doors and closing of door opes where required; (xii) Removal of non-original internal staircase from Basement to Ground Floor Level; (xiii) Removal of non-original external staircase to rear; (xiv) Provision of thermal upgrade works to external walls at Basement and Third Floor levels; (xv) Provision of fire and acoustic upgrade works to existing floors as required (xvi) All associated ancillary works necessary to facilitate the proposed development.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         4036/24
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Trinity College Dublin
Location                                             Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Trinity College
Dublin, St. James’s Hospital, Dublin 8
Registration Date                              18/07/2024
Additional Information
Proposal: PROTECTED STRUCTURE. Permission is sought by Trinity College Dublin for permission for the installation of 1 no. free-standing bicycle shelter at Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, St. James’s Hospital, Dublin 8.  The proposed development is within the curtilage of a Protected Structure.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         4041/24
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Hattington Property Management Cunningham House Ltd
Location                                             Cunningham House, 130 Francis Street, Dublin 8
Registration Date                              19/07/2024
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for change of use from commercial use to education use with internal alterations.


Area 2

Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         4033/24
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Clare Cunningham
Location                                             23 O’Donovan Road, Dublin 8, D08 H2RO
Registration Date                              18/07/2024
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for development consisting of : (i) proposed two storey extension to the side of the house with a pitched roof and a flat roof with a roof-light over the single storey part of the extension where it extends past the original building line to the back, (ii) proposed front porch with a pitched roof with rooflights, (iii) minor associated alterations to the house, (iv) minor landscaping works an all ancillary site works at 23 O’Donovan Road, Dublin 8, D08 H2RO, corner site at the junction with Clarence Mangan Road


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1857/24
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Daire Ó Muirgheasa
Location                                             MYRA, 9 Dolphins Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12, D12 HF84
Registration Date                              15/07/2024
Additional Information
Proposal: The development will consist of the alteration of the front boundary wall, widening the pedestrian access to create a new vehicular access from Dolphin Road, with a new parking area at the front garden.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1871/24
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Barry Fitzroy
Location                                             141 Walkinstown Drive, Walkinstown, Dublin 12, D12
Registration Date                              16/07/2024
Additional Information
Proposal: The construction of a 18.5M2 flat-roof first floor bedroom extension over an existing flat roof at the existing property.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1885/24
Application Type                              Permission
Applicant                                           Barry Fitzroy
Location                                             141, Walkinstown Drive, Walkinstown, Dublin 12, D12
Registration Date                              18/07/2024
Additional Information
Proposal: The construction of a 18.5m2 flat-roof first floor bedroom extension over an existing flat roof at the existing property.


Area 2

Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3741/24
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    17/07/2024
Applicant                                           Julie Ryan
Location                                             7 O’Curry Avenue, Dublin 8, D08 R8Y7
Additional Information
Proposal: PERMISSION for the demolition of an existing single storey extension to the rear of the house and construction of a new 12.8sqm single storey extension, the installation of 1 No. roof lights and construction of a new front porch and all associated works at 7 O’Curry Avenue, Dublin 8, D08 R8Y7.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         3753/24
Application Type                              Retention Permission
Decision                                             REFUSE RETENTION PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    18/07/2024
Applicant                                           Emma Catherine Roche
Location                                             12, Carrick Terrace, Dublin 8 , D08H9RO
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION PERMISSION for Partial raised roof ridge, raised dormer roof on rear of roof, extension of dormer & extension of attic floor area all at attic level at 12 Carrick Terrace, Rialto, Dublin 8, D08H9R0


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         4012/24
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID
Decision Date                                    15/07/2024
Applicant                                           Trinity College Dublin
Location                                             Trinity Centre for Health Sciences at St. James
Hospital, James’s Street, Dublin 8
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for the installation of 1 no. free-standing bicycle shelter at Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, St James’s Hospital, Dublin 8.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         4014/24
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID
Decision Date                                    16/07/2024
Applicant                                           ESB Innovation ROI Ltd
Location                                             Supervalu Shopping Centre, Walkinstown Road, Dublin
12, D12 XDK2
Additional Information
Proposal: The development will consist of the installation of a modular substation and ancillary site development works; to facilitate 2 no. shared electric vehicle charging units and 4 no. charging bays and ancillary site works within a partially reconfigured parking area.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1622/24
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    15/07/2024
Applicant                                           Mr Jack Kavanagh & Ms Emer O’Shea
Location                                             300, South Circular Road, Dublin 8
Additional Information
Proposal: A new ground floor rear extension with flat roof and roof windows, extend annex building at first floor level to rear of dwelling with new flat roof, new windows at ground, half landing and first floor level to side elevation, convert attic to bedroom with dormer roof to rear of existing roof and all associated site works.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1626/24
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Decision Date                                    15/07/2024
Applicant                                           David Martyn/ Orla McCartney
Location                                             23, Saint Mary’s Crescent, Walkinstown, Dublin 12, D12
Additional Information
Proposal: The development will consist of:1. the provision of a car parking space in the front garden and new vehicle entrance opening within the front garden wall, and associated amendments to the pathway, grass verge and kerb line outside the site boundary to enable vehicle access via a dished kerb 2. a ground floor extension to the rear of the property within the permitted development allowance 3.  an attic dormer extension to the rear of the property to provide a new ensuite bedroom.



Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1634/24
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    16/07/2024
Applicant                                           Stephen Driver and Susan Tighe
Location                                             28 Moeran Road, Dublin 12, D12 E128
Additional Information
Proposal: Seek planning permission, as an amended application, to the previously approved ground floor extension to the rear and two storey extension to the side, Reg. Ref. WEB2112/22 for a porch extension to the front of a two storey semi-detached house at number 28 Moeran Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12. The proposed development will consist of a single storey rendered, flat roof porch extension of 8m2 to the front of the house (total existing and proposed house area is 143 m2). The proposed development will also consist of general remedial work to the ground floor layout to the front to include removal of a section of front wall, storage area, canopy to porch, side entrance door to the north and all associated site, drainage and landscaping works.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1635/24
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    16/07/2024
Applicant                                           Alan Ward
Location                                             30, Walkinstown Crescent, Walkinstown, Dublin 12, D12
Additional Information
Proposal: Full planning permission for alterations and extensions to my dwelling, to include a 7.5sqm rear extension at First Floor level, together with all ancillary and associated site works.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1645/24
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             GRANT PERMISSION AND RETENTION PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    17/07/2024
Applicant                                           Damien McCann
Location                                             82, Walkinstown Drive, Dublin 12
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION: Extend porch and living room at ground floor to front and retention permission for dormer to rear roof and also widening of vehicular access and with all associated site works


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1658/24
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             REFUSE PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    19/07/2024
Applicant                                           Kate Whelan
Location                                             194 Mourne Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12
Additional Information
Proposal: PERMISSION Dropped kerb with new vehicular access .Part removal of front garden wall.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1659/24
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    17/07/2024
Applicant                                           Euronet 360 Finance Limited Irish Branch
Location                                             Mace, 45-47, James’s Street, The Liberties, Dublin 8,
D08 K59A
Additional Information
Proposal: Installation of an ATM machine to the existing North street facing shop front.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1662/24
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                                    19/07/2024
Applicant                                           David Corcoran & Richard Kelly
Location                                             24, Ash Street, Dublin 8, D08 XC6P
Additional Information
Proposal: Demolition of existing ground floor extension to the rear & construction of a new two-storey rear extension comprising first floor bedroom over living room, internal refurbishment works and new front windows & door.


Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         WEB1871/24
Application Type                              Permission
Decision                                             APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID
Decision Date                                    17/07/2024
Applicant                                           Barry Fitzroy
Location                                             141 Walkinstown Drive, Walkinstown, Dublin 12, D12
Additional Information
Proposal: The construction of a 18.5M2 flat-roof first floor bedroom extension over an existing flat roof at the existing property.


Area 2

Appeals Notified




Area 2
Appeals Decided

Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         2647/21
Appeal Decision                                GRANT PERMISSION
Appeal Decision Date                       17/07/2024
Applicant                                           Michael Fitzgerald
Location                                             Liberty Market, 71, Meath Street, Dublin 8, D08 A526
Additional Information                     Additional Information Received
Proposal: Permission for development at this site. The site is generally bound by Engine Alley to the north, by Crosstick Alley to the south, by two storey dwellings along Catherine Street to the east, and by Meath Street to the west. The proposed development will consist of the phased demolition of the existing market building (806 sqm) in line with the phased construction of a mixed use development (2,294 sqm), including a new market building at ground floor. The development ranges from one to five storey in height. The development will consist of: • The phased demolition of the existing single storey market building and all associated elements (806 sqm) to be undertaken with the phased construction of a new market building and ancillary elements at ground floor with pedestrian access off Engine Alley, Crosstick Alley and Meath Street (740 sqm); • Construction of 3 no. residential blocks containing 20 no. apartments (4 no. studio; 6 no. 1 bed; 9no. 2 bed and 1 no. 3 bed units) above the market building, with pedestrian access off Engine Alley and Crosstick Alley that will consist of: Block A bounding Engine Alley (3-5 storey) that will consist of 8 no. apartments; Block B bounding Meath Street (3-4 storey) that will consist of 2 no. apartments; and Block C bounding Crosstick Alley (3-5 storey) that will consist of 10 no. apartments. Each apartment block will also be accessed from, and include a communal courtyard at first floor level. Communal terraces are proposed at the fourth floor of Blocks A and C; with private balconies to serve each apartment on all levels. The development will also include hard and soft landscaping as well as 20 no. secure bicycle parking spaces to be accessed off Crosstick Alley; and bin store to serve the apartments; as well as all associated ancillary and site development works.





Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

(a)  Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.

(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Article 31(g), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

(a)  In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”

(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.


Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.

The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.

All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.

Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.

Dublin City Council







Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

(a)  Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.

(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Article 31(g), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

(a)  In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”

(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.


Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.

The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.

All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.

Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.

Area                                                    Area 2 – South Central
Application Number                         0259/24
Application Type                              Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Applicant                                           Brimwood Unlimited
Location                                             15, Usher’s Island, Dublin 8
Registration Date                              18/07/2024
Additional Information
Proposal: SHEC: (i) Change of use from visitor centre to residential development comprising 10 no. apartments (3 no. x studio’s and 7 no. x one-bed units); (i) Provision of a communal external terrace to rear at ground floor level; (il) Internal alterations to facilitate apartment layouts including erection of partition walls to facilitate fire lobbies & bathrooms in each unit; (iv) Part removal of non-original eastern ground floor return; (v) Replacement of roof light and installation of roof vents; (vi) Cleaning of existing brickwork to front and repair and repointing of brickwork to rear; (vii) Repair and replacement where required of existing guttering and downpipes; (viii) Replacement of non-original external staircase leading to basement to front; (ix) Replacement of non-original sash windows with new timber sash windows and repair of existing window frames and shutter boxes; (x) Installation of air vents on front and rear facades; (xi) Re-location of internal doors and closing of door opes where required; (xii) Removal of non-original internal staircase from Basement to Ground Floor Level; (xiii) Removal of non-original external staircase to rear; (xiv) Provision of thermal upgrade works to external walls at Basement and Third Floor levels; (xv) Provision of fire and acoustic upgrade works to existing floors as required (xvi) All associated ancillary works necessary to facilitate the proposed development.


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