Dublin City Council (08/01/2024-12/01/2024)
All applications received will be considered by the Planning Authority to determine their validity in accordance
with Planning and Development Regulations 2001. Any application pending validation listed hereunder, and
subsequently declared to be invalid, will be detailed in the DECISIONS SECTION of the Weekly List in a
subsequent publication.
Area 2
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3025/24
Application Type Permission
Applicant Anthony L Byrne
Location 72, Thomas Street, Dublin 8
Registration Date 10/01/2024
Additional Information
Proposal: PERMISSION The proposed development will consist of: 1) Removal of existing Ground
level roller shutter, shopfront surrounds, signage board and doorways onto Thomas Street; 2.)
Construction of new Ground Level shopfront, surrounds, signage board, lighting and doorways
onto Thomas Street; & 3.) All associated works.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1032/24
Application Type Permission
Applicant Jason Rooney
Location Side of 27, Lough Conn Avenue, Dublin 10, D10 RT99
Registration Date 12/01/2024
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission is sought for the construction of a new dwelling to the side of No. 27 Lough
Conn Avenue, Dublin 10, D10 RT99 by Jason Rooney. The proposed development includes the
following principal elements: 1. Construction of a new detached two-storey, 2-bedroom dwelling
with a study (104.0 m2). 2. Subdivision of the existing site (428.0 m2) into two separate individual
sites. 3. Provision for a separate pedestrian gate and a new 3.5m wide vehicular entrance with two
parking spaces to serve the new dwelling. 4. New boundary treatment for the existing dwelling. 5.
Connecting all of the above to existing services, along with associated ancillary site works.
Area 2
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 0420/23
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 08/01/2024
Applicant Marie McLoughlin
Location 39, Kickham Road, Dublin 8, D08 W0X5
Additional Information
Proposal: SHEC: Construction of new two-bedroom house with driveway to front and courtyard
garden to side, new driveway and door to front of no.39 new Velux rooflight to rear of no. 39 –
including modifications to existing on-site drainage.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3791/23
Application Type Permission
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Decision Date 10/01/2024
Applicant Vicar Street Hotel Limited
Location Site bound by Vicar Street to the east and Molyneux
Yard to the west, the site adjoins public space to the
south that fronts onto Swift’s Alley further to the
South, Dublin 8
Additional Information Additional Information Received
Proposal: Planning permission for alterations to development previously approved under Reg.
Ref. 3972/18 and ABP-303646-19 comprising (i) no change to the volume of the building external
envelope as approved, (ii) omission of basement level -2, (iii) enlargement of bedrooms with
necessary alterations to fenestration and internal layout to facilitate the reduction of previously
approved 185 bedrooms to 182 including, (iv) replacement of 7th floor rooftop bar and terrace with
bedrooms, (v) alteration to layout of creative art studio (vi) Internal alterations to facilitate
amendments, with a three year time extension to allow completion of the works, at site bound by
Vicar Street to the east and Molyneux Yard to the west, the site adjoins public space to the south
that fronts onto Swift’s Alley further to the South, Dublin 8.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 4436/23
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11/01/2024
Applicant Shorevale Investments Limited
Location A site of 3.6 hectares at the Royal Liver Assurance
Retail Park, Old Naas Road, Dublin 12
Additional Information Additional Information Received
Proposal: The site is bounded by Kylemore Road (R112) to the west; Old Naas Road to the north;
Naas Road (R810) to the south; and ‘Brooks’ (Building Providers) to the east. The development will
consist of amendments to a previously permitted mixed-use development (DCC Reg.Ref.: 4238/19;
ABP Ref. PL29S.307804).
The amendments will consist of: – the relocation and reconfiguration of
part basement under Blocks E1, E2, F1 and F2 to Blocks B1 and B2 (including the relocation and
reconfiguration of sprinkler and water tanks, storage, plant rooms, tank and waste storage; – and
provision of vehicular (ramped) access from grade level at Block E1 to basement level under
Blocks B1 and B2; – reallocation of car parking spaces at podium level of Blocks C1, C2, D1 and
D2; – reconfiguration/ retention of part basement under Block E1 to accommodate water and
sprinkler tanks; – reconfiguration of commercial units at ground floor level of Block E1 and Block F2
replacing;- 1 no. pharmacy unit (75 sq.m Gross Floor Area (GFA)), 1 no. medical centre unit (237
sq.m GFA) one no. café/ bar restaurant unit (127Sqm GFA)and a cafe/bar restautant within Block
E1 (253 sq.m GFA) with; 1 no. pharmacy unit (129 sq.m GFA), 1 no. medical centre unit (242 sq.m
GFA) and 1 no. café/ bar/ restaurant unit (86 sq.m GFA); – reconfiguration of podium car park
(including reconfiguration of bicycle stores, waste rooms, plant rooms, circulation cores) within
Blocks E1, E2, F1 and F2; – provision of additional residential amenity area (467 sq.m GFA) within
Block F2 to serve Blocks E2, F1 and F2; – the omission of 4 no. apartment units (2 no. 1 bed units
and 2 no. 2 bed units) at ground floor level of Blocks F1 and F2; – relocation of 1 no. Generator
Room from basement under Blocks E/ F to west of Block F1 at grade level; – minor amendments to
proposed landscaping around the car park, residential and amenity entrances at ground floor level
of Blocks E1, E2, F1 and F2 and within public realm area to the south of Block E1; – and all other
associated works above and below ground to serve the proposed development. The amendments
will result in the following: – a reduction from 129,210 sq.m to 128,736 sq.m GFA with reduction
from 31,413 sq.m to 26,151 sq.m ancillary floorspace; – a reduction from 1,102 no. to 1,098 no.
apartment units;- a reduction in car parking spaces from 874 no. to 715 no. spaces;- an increase in
motorcycle spaces from 37 no. to 39 no. spaces; – an increase in bicycle parking spaces from
1,896 no. to 2,318 no. spaces; – and an increase in communal amenities and support facilities from
4,477 sq.m GFA to 4,684 sq.m GFA.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1980/23
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 08/01/2024
Applicant John Watters
Location 113, Walkinstown Park, Dublin 12
Additional Information
Proposal: I, John Watters, seek planning permission for the refurbishment, attic conversion and
ground and first floor extension to the rear and ground floor front porch extension of a two storey
terraced house at number 113 Walkinstown Park, Walkinstown, Dublin 12. The proposed
development will consist of the demolition of existing single storey flat roof extension to the rear
and erection of a full width flat roof ground floor extension with 3 rooflights to the rear of 29m2, first
floor flat roof extension of 8 m2 to the rear of the existing house, a porch extension to the front at
ground of area 4m2 and an attic conversion of 15m2 to non habitable storage space with 3 rear
rooflights to the rear pitch to give a total additional area of 56 m2 (total existing and proposed
house area is 126 m2). The proposed development will also consist of general remedial work to
the ground floor layout to include removal of walls to provide for an open plan living/ dining/ kitchen
space to the rear with downstairs wc and utility room cupboards under stairs and general remedial
work to the first floor layout to include removal of section of rear and internal walls to cater for
increased size bedrooms and family bathroom and ensuite wc. The proposed development will
also provide for new stairs to the converted attic storage space and 3 rooflights to rear main house
pitch and all associated site, drainage and landscaping works.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB2128/23
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 09/01/2024
Applicant Gerald Rogers
Location 7, Tyrconnell Street, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION: The demolition of existing two-storey rear section (c. 6 sq.m. at lower
ground level and c. 6 sq.m. at upper ground level.) and replacement with a two storey rear section
to the existing terraced dwelling house, c. 6 sq.m. at lower ground level and c. 6 sq.m. at upper
ground level.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB2131/23
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 09/01/2024
Applicant Lorcan Breen
6 | P a g e
Location 58, Windmill Avenue, Dublin 12
Additional Information
Proposal: The development consists of (1) demolition of rear extension, (2) Construction of new
two Storey Extension to the rear of the dwelling house, (3) construction of a single storey porch to
the front of the dwelling house, (4) alterations to the front façade, (5) Carry out all ancillary and
associated works on site.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB2147/23
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11/01/2024
Applicant Marie McLoughlin
Location 39, Kickham Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8, D08 W0X5
Additional Information
Proposal: Construction of: one, two-bedroom house complete with driveway to front and courtyard
garden to side, adjacent to 39 Kickham Rd, Inchicore, plus a new driveway and door to the front of
No. 39 Kickham Rd, with a new velux rooflight to rear of No. 39 – including modifications to existing
on-site drainage.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB2149/23
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11/01/2024
Applicant Kate Whelan
Location 194, Mourne Road, Drmnagh, Dublin 12, D12 TN26
Additional Information
Proposal: Dropped kerb with new vehicular access Removal of front wall. Front porch.
Area 2
Appeals Notified
Area 2
Appeals Decided
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3826/22
Appeal Decision Date 11/01/2024
Applicant Clarman Developments Limited
Location Sweeney’s Terrace, Dublin 8, including No.4 Sweeney’s
7 | P a g e
Terrace (a habitable house to the rear of No. 1
Sweeney’s Terrace)., The site is generally bound by a
Student Accommodation and Residential Scheme permitted
under An, Bord Pleanala Ref. ABP-303436-19
Additional Information Additional Information Received
Proposal: The proposed development will consist of the demolition of all structures on site, except
No. 4 Sweeney’s Terrace, and construction of a mixed use, primarily residential development
comprising: A part 3, part 4 storey apartment block of 25 no. units (4 no. studio units, 8 no. 1 bed
units, and 13 no. 2 bed units) over a partial basement level with ground floor terraces and upper
floor balconies on the eastern, southern and western elevations. The proposed apartment block
incorporates a dedicated bin storage area, substation and switch room at ground floor level,
together with gated and controlled access to 2 no, external amenity areas comprising a communal
courtyard to the east and a landscaped open space area along the partially culverted River Poddle
to the south; and, A change of use of No. 4 Sweeney’s Terrace from residential to office use,
incorporating an extension at ground and first floor level to increase the Gross Floor Area (GFA)
from approximately 81 sqm to 88sqm GFA, together with associated internal reconfiguration and
modifications to elevations, A total of 69 no. bicycle parking spaces are proposed, consisting of 65
no. spaces for the apartment block (40 no. resident spaces, 3 no. cargo bike spaces and 22 no.
visitor spaces) and 4 no. external bicycle parking spaces for the office use at No. 4 Sweeney’s
Terrace. 3 no. vehicle parking spaces are provided, consisting of 2 no. spaces to serve the
apartment block ( 1 no. parking/set down to the north-west and 1 no. car-sharing space to the
north-east) and the use of 1 no. existing space to the west of No. 4 Sweeney’s Terrace to serve the
proposed office use. The proposed development incorporates all associated site and development
works, landscaping, boundary treatments and public lighting, together with remedial works to an
exposed area of the River Poddle channel in the south-western part of the site (to match previously
approved works on an adjoining site to the east under An Bord Pleanala Reg. Ref. ABP-303436-
19) and the culverting of a small exposed area of the River Poddle adjoining the south-western
boundary. Public access to the landscaped open space to the south of the proposed apartment
block along the partially culverted River Poddle will be limited to daylight hours.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 4941/22
Appeal Decision Date 11/01/2024
Applicant Orlaghcon Ltd
Location Rear of 8/9, Drumfinn Park, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10,
D10 WA25
Additional Information
Proposal: The development will consist of the following: (i) Demolition of existing ancillary out
buildings and laneway access to rear gardens of existing buildings on site; (ii) construction of 3 no.
two storey mews dwellings comprising kitchen/dining/living area, WC and car parking garage for 1
no. vehicle in an undercroft parking area accessed via existing laneway at ground floor level, and 2
no, ensuite bedrooms with balcony attached to northern bedroom at first floor level.; (iii) Provision
of private open space (45 sq.m) to rear of dwelling: (iv) construction of new boundary walls to
separate mews dwellings from Nos. 8 & 9 Drumfinn Park; and (v) all associated ancillary works
necessary to facilitate the development.
8 | P a g e
Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)
(a) Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted
permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.
(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications
and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately
under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the
preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.
Article 31(g), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)
(a) In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of
the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these
(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications
and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately
under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the
preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.
Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current
planning applications.
The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in
understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is
not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions
in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.
All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion
should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic
Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and
to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your
9 | P a g e
Dublin City Council
10 | P a g e
Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)
(a) Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted
permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.
(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications
and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately
under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the
preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.
Article 31(g), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)
(a) In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of
the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these
(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications
and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately
under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the
preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.
Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current
planning applications.
The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in
understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is
not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions
in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.
All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion
should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic
Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and
to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 0011/24
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Applicant Jason Rooney
Location 27, Lough Conn Avenue, Dublin 10. D10 RT99.
Registration Date 12/01/2024
Additional Information
Proposal: SHEC: 2 bed gome with study.
Dublin City Council
13 | P a g e
Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)
(a) Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted
permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.
(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications
and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately
under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the
preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.
Article 31(g), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)
(a) In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of
the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these
(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications
and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately
under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the
preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.
Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current
planning applications.
The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in
understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is
not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions
in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.
All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion
should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic
Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and
to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 0004/24
Application Type Section 5
Applicant National College of Art and Design
Location National College of Art and Design, 100 Thomas Street,
Usher’s Quay, Dublin 8, D08 K521.
Registration Date 08/01/2024
Additional Information
Proposal: EXPP: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Enabling works including (1) removal of collapsed
timbers, (2) vegetation and rubble clearance and (3) consolidation of masonry (including temporary
flaunching of wall tops.