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Calling All Young People!


yes youth

The Youth Empowered Service (YES) at St. Patrick’s Mental Health Services with Walk In My Shoes are looking for young people to volunteer their services. YES is looking for young people who are passionate about helping and promoting positive mental health services for young people. Young people between the ages of 16-30 years old with an interest or understanding of what mental health services are about is wanted for one Saturday a month.

YES is an Advocacy Service for Willow Grove Adolescent Unit in St. Patrick’s Mental Health Services. YES supports young people who are in hospital and is there to help them with their rights, issues that affect them while at hospital and provide them with advocacy.

A recruitment event is being held on the 5th March 2016 at St. Patrick’s Hospital from 11.00am to 1.00pm. If you are interested in going and you have any questions you can contact the organisers at

As a Panel Member you will also have a voice to make a difference in someone’s life with mental health difficulties and it will benefit your own personal development, adding new skills that will allow you to improve the equality of a young person’s stay while they are availing of mental health services. Volunteering only one day a week will also help you meet new people and make new friends.

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