
Marilyn Monroe And Ulysses

Marilyn Monroe And Ulysses – For the week that’s in it, an interesting Blooms Day tie in! Eve Arnold was a pioneering photographer who photographed Marilyn Monroe in1955. The photo she took showed Monroe with her feet up in a playground reading a copy of Irish writer James Joyce’s famous... 

The Story of Sweny’s Pharmacy

James Joyce, Lemon Soap and the Philosopher’s Stone: The Story of Sweny’s Pharmacy – In this article, our new journalist Craig O’ Reilly talks about a little historical gem, Sweny’s Pharmacy Had you passed Sweny’s pharmacy on Lombard street back in 2009, you might have been forgiven... 

An Turas Fada Part IV

Walking towards Mikey was Peter Whelan, known as “Peanuts” to those familiar with him. He cut a striking image. He had a shock of blond hair that was always cropped tight, and a perma stubble that at one stage must have been by design, but now is nothing but a testament to self neglect. He stood... 

An Turas Fada Part III

Mikey walked back toward the canal, choosing an area with overgrown greenery that lacked the beauty of most plants but which Mikey found soothing. He found himself giving up searching for a bench and decided to sit on a patch of dry weedgrass. Mikey liked the canal. He seen the mix between nature and... 

An Turas Fada – Part II

An Thuras Fada Part 2 – Tony Kennedy’s re-imagining of Ulysses continues as Mickey continues his long journey For Part One Click Here Mikey heard the bell strike ten as he left the block after ensuring that the coast was clear. Ebullient on painkillers and power, Mikey had something of a... 

An Turas Fada – Part I

An Turas Fada – Tony Kennedy re-adapts the classic tale of The Odyssey in through Irish Joycean tradition.  This is the first chapter of Mikey’s Long Journey Mikey opened one eye first as he slowly emerged from the temporary solace of sleep. His arm reaches towards the old kitchen chair... 

Bloom in the Barn!

  We’re delighted to show you some snaps of Dolphin Barn’s “Bloomsday” festival.  The event was organised by local actor Michael Judd, who in conjunction with the “Back of the Pipes” Residents’ Association and DCC put on an all things Bloom event. Over 100 local people dressed in... 
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