
Darkness into Light

  Darkness Into Light (DIL) is Pieta House’s flagship annual fundraising and awareness event. It started with approximately 400 people in the now iconic yellow DIL T-shirts walking the 5km course in Dublin’s Phoenix Park in 2009. This year, we will have roughly 150 DIL venues across Ireland... 

Tree of Hope Ceremony in Pimlico Tomorrow

  Tree of Hope Ceremony in Pimlico Tomorrow Pimlico Green will be the location for the Tree of Hope Ceremony in memory of all those who lost their lives as a result of suicide.   The ceremony will start at 2 pm on Saturday 24th of January (tomorrow). The “Tree of Hope” strives to provide... 

A Trouble Shared is a Life Spared

It’s so sad to think that in a lot of cases of people committing suicide the signs are not recognised until after the person has taken their own life. Inquiries then take place but all too late and someone always says “I could see this was going to happen because of how the person was acting”,... 
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