
Giving Chase

Giving Chase As reactions to being abandoned go, I came across a crackerjack of a one, a few weeks back. It concerned an incident involving a Mrs Susan Brown, 65, from Fontmell Magna, Dorset. She had been on a four-week cruise of the West Indies with her husband. With a few days left of the cruise,... 

Life Saving

Life Saving Earlier last week this correspondent sent out his usual bi-monthly email to various publishers, dispatching the latest story wrote, for their perusal. Your Correspondent can deduce from their response (none) & the previous three-or-so-years of similar correspondences that they don’t... 

Carnival By Myles Na Gopaleen

  Carnival By Myles Na Gopaleen Keats and Chapman once lived near a church. There was a heavy debt on it. The pastor made many efforts to clear the debt by promoting raffles and the like, but was making little headway. He then heard of the popularity of these carnivals where you have roundabouts... 

A Silver Lining

A Silver Lining Be careful dear readers, of being turned off by people who mislead you; benefits can be lost. Your correspondent discovered this after reading about an Indian bride who walked out of her wedding ceremony because her groom had misled her about his level of education. The story goes that... 

Hard To Swallow

  Hard To Swallow   Up until recently, the best defence this correspondent had encountered was the Arsenal back-five of season 1990-1991. In thirty-eight games played, they conceded just eighteen goals; put in context, Liverpool the team that finished second conceded forty goals. However,... 
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