Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)(a) Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused. (b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. |
Article 31(g), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)(a) In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”
(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. |
Planning Information Sessions
Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.
The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.
All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.
Area | Contact Number |
Meeting Location |
Central Area
South Central Area South East Area North West Area North Central Area
2225200 2225127 2225727 222 8870 |
Sean McDermott Street
Crumlin Area Office Contact Area Office for location Finglas Area Office Bunratty Area Office |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3663/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | KF Internet Software Ltd. T/A, The National Wax Museum Plus |
Location | 1-5, D’olier Street, & Nos. 22-25 Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | RETENTION & PERMISSION:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for retention of development (change of use and erection of signage) and permission for development (erection of new signage).
The development comprises retention of a change of use from retail use to exhibition/ gallery/ museum/ shop use at ground (138 sq.m) and first floor (402 sq.m) levels and retention for exhibition/ gallery/ museum and associated uses at basement level (416 sq.m) to accompany existing licensed premises use, retention of signage (6 sq.m) and 2 no. logo signs (1 sq.m) at Nos. 23-25 Westmoreland Street. Permission for development of the erection of new signage (6 sq.m) and 2 no. logo signs (1 sq.m) at Nos. 1-5 D’Olier Street is also made. No. 22 Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2 is a Protected Structure and internal alterations associated with the building are proposed at basement, ground and first floor levels including removal of modern staircase and modern lift from basement level to ground floor level. |
Registration Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3867/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Bridlegrand Shamrock Chambers Limited |
Location | 59, 60 & 61, Dame Street, and 1 & 2 Eustace Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for development at this site 59, 60, 61 Dame Street and 1 & 2 Eustace Street (a Protected Structure), Dublin 2 for a 39 no. bedroom hotel, (approximately 1,976 sqm, including plant of approximately 145 sqm), extending to a height of six storeys over basement (overall height approximately 20.18m (approximately 27.225 AOD)). The proposed development comprises the change of use of the existing restaurant, shop and office building to provide hotel use. The development will consist of: (1) Internal modifications, reconfigurations, refurbishment and change of use of the property from retail/restaurant/office use to provide a hotel and all associated ancillary facilities as follows: i. Basement level – male, female and disabled toilets, plant room, comms room, bar store and M&E room. ii. Ground Floor – hotel reception (approximately 45 sqm) accessed from the corner of Eustace Street and Dame Street. Bar/Restaurant area (approximately 150 sqm); kitchen, storage and circulation space. iii. First to fourth floors – hotel accommodation including bedrooms, ensuites, storage areas and circulation space. iv. Fifth floor – hotel accommodation including bedrooms, ensuites and circulation space within a new roof extension. (2) A minor extension of the second, third and fourth floors within the void to the rear of the building to provide approximately 15sqm additional floor area at each floor for circulation. (3) A new roof extension (approximately 185 sqm) at fifth floor to provide six bedrooms (to a height of approx. 26.375m OD). The proposed roof extension will comprise a proprietary aluminium framed curtain walling system and glass. (4) External works to comprise the provision of a new ground and first floor facade onto Dame Street including a new double height shop-front. (5) Alterations to the existing lift (PROTECTED STRUCTURE) to facilitate the provision of a new lift car as well as the extension of the existing lift to basement level and the proposed fifth floor level. The existing lift and machinery will be retained on site. The proposed extension of the lift shaft will be approximately 27.225m AOD. (6) The repair and renewal of brickwork where required. (7) The replacement of existing windows as necessary only and doors and reinstatement or opening of new windows and doors at Eustace Street, Dame Street and the corner facade. (8) The proposed development will also comprise signage areas on Dame Street (approx. 15.08sqm), the corner of Dame Street and Eustace Street (approx. 1.98 sqm) and Eustace Street (approx. 3.65 sqm). (9) Drainage works and all site development works. |
Registration Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3996/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Ralvale Ltd |
Location | 24 Baggot Street Upper, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE; Change of use of the ground floor of 24 Baggot Street Upper, Dublin 4 from sandwich bar/takeaway to retail delicatessen and part off-licence, including minor internal alterations, a proposed new shop front facade and new fascia signage. |
Registration Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4421/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Sheelagh Conway |
Location | Site to tthe rear of 53, Strand Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 The site is accessed via an un-named Laneway off Gilford Avenue |
Proposal | Construction of a two storey mews dwelling ( and all associated site works and services)comprising the following accommodation ;
1. Ground floor level: garage , entrance hall, utility, artist’s studio, double bedroom en-suite 2.First floor level: living , kitchen, dining, double bedroom en-suite and terraced areas, to front and rear. 3. Roof: 5 velux windows and 3 roof lights. The site is accessed via a laneway off Gilford Avenue. |
Registration Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4423/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Joanne O’Reilly |
Location | 41, Farney Park, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the modification of planning condition no.3 to the previous grant permission PA 4001/09 and PL 29S.235635 and will involve the increase in the permissible number of children attending the existing Montessori school from 12 to 16 persons. No additional construction work is proposed. |
Registration Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4428/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Brian Dolan, ESB Comercial Properties |
Location | Nos. 29 and 30, Fitzwilliam Street Lower, and 55 to 62 Mount Stret Upper, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE; DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL: ESB Commercial Properties Ltd. intends to apply for planning permission for development at a site at Nos. 55-62 Mount Street Upper and Nos. 29 and 30 Fitzwilliam Street Lower – all Protected Structures. The development relates to proposed modifications to part of the wider redevelopment of the site at No’s 13-30 Fitzwilliam Street Lower, Dublin 2 comprising most of a city block bounded by Fitzwilliam Street Lower, Mount Street Upper, James’s Street East and Baggot Street Lower permitted under An Bord Pleanála Reference PL29S.244492 (Dublin City Council Reference 3052/14) currently under construction.
A change of use is proposed to the basement level of No. 55, comprising the decommissioning of the existing ESB substation and the redevelopment of this space (c.64 sq m) for office use to integrate with existing permitted office use. Associated internal changes include provision of internal partitions; external works include provision of a new window to the front (north-east) elevation and the removal of the existing external stairs to Mount Street Upper. Other minor modifications associated with the change of use are the provision of internal links to No. 56 at basement level. Additional minor works (internal reconfiguration) are proposed to the permitted office space at basement level, along with modifications to the 2 no. rooflights at Nos. 56 and 57.
The proposed works to Nos. 58-61 (inclusive – accommodating 8 no. residential units) comprise modest enlargement of the rear returns to provide additional internal area (total combined additional internal floor area c.18 sq m); and the provision of 8 no. Juliet Balconies to the living areas at ground and first floor levels (rear) including alterations to fenestration and design modifications to permitted balconies at 2nd floor level. A new enclosing boundary wall and single storey store is provided at lower ground level to the rear of No.61.
The proposed works at Nos. 30 and 62 include the omission of the permitted annex with roof terrace, and demolition of existing lift shaft structure to the rear; reconfiguration of the internal layouts of the apartment units at ground, 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor and the provision of balconies at ground, 1st and 2nd floors with alterations to fenestration onto same; external part-covered rear access; minor modifications at roof level (omission of dormer; provision of additional 2 no. roof lights); and alterations to permitted fenestration to rear elevation of No. 30.
It is proposed to improve the fire safety standard of the building at No.29 (the Museum of Georgian Living) incorporating improvement of the fire resistance of the building fabric; improvements to the fire protection of escape routes including upgrading of doors, lighting, services installation, signage, fire detection and alarm systems, and alterations to the rear fenestration. These fire safety improvements will remove the need for a connection between No. 29 and No.30. The proposed development, however, provides for an alternative layout, which includes a glazed annex connection between No.29 and No.30 at 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor levels.
The development will also include new letterboxes, keypads and amendments to the existing gates and stairs at street level at House Nos. 57 and 61; minor associated amendments to hard and soft landscaping and all other associated site development works above and below ground including alteration work to the external cellars, and integration of ESB metres under the pavement along Mount Street Upper. |
Registration Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4433/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | McConnell Investments Ltd |
Location | 147-148 Lansdwne Park, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Rear of 60 Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Construction of a 187.5sq.m partial two storey / partial three storey detached three bedroom dwelling in lieu of existing surface car park, b)Private landscaped courtyard garden to the front and rear of the proposed dwelling with the provision of new private setback terraces at first floor and second floor levels, c) Construction of a boundary wall to Lansdowne Park with an entrance driveway gate to provide access to 1 no. off street car parking space to the dwelling , a pedestrian gate to the dwelling, an entrance driveway and pedestrian gate to a 3.9m vehicular access driveway to north side of the site to access the e4no. relocated car parking spaces which will service 60 Northumberland Road the existing office building ( a Protected Structure) d) All soft and hardscaping works associated with the relocated car parking spaces, and e) All associated site works f) Note that there are no works proposed to the Protected Structure as part of this application. |
Registration Date | 05-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4456/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Nadine Cosgrave |
Location | 9, Leeson Park, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE; Change of use from office use back to single residential dwelling including internal associated development and refurbishment works and the removal of the existing commercial car park; (2) the development of 1 no. 3 bed 3 storey dwelling unit and 2 no. 2 bed 3 storey dwelling units ( all with associated parking , rear gardens, balconies and / or terraced open space ) located to the rear . The existing vehicular access will be maintained to serve the dwellings to the rear (3) landscape works and boundary treatments including new entrance gates and relocated gate piers; (4) all ancillary and associated site development works. |
Registration Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4457/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Green REIT ( Dawson Streets) DAC |
Location | 13-17, Dawson Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | The development consists of shop front details, including signage and associated lighting, at the ground floor level of the building on the subject site ( currently under construction) as permitted under Reg. Ref. : 2338/15 and ABP Ref. PL29S244917. |
Registration Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4468/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Lorraine O’Meara, Caffe Nero Ireland |
Location | 27, South Great Georges Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission is sought for change of use from hairdressing salon to use as a coffeehouse at ground floor and basement. Works will include the internal renovation and refitting of the shop, improvements to fire safety and compartmentation, and new facilities for the disabled. The shopfronts and large signage panels on South Greta Georges Street and Fade Street are to be replaced by new timber shopfronts and smaller signage fascia panels, with traditional retractable awnings. |
Registration Date | 08-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1605/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Applicant | Susan Finn |
Location | 106, Corrib Road, Terenure, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | RETENTION: Permission for single-storey extension to side, and planning permission for single-storey extension to rear leaving less than 25m2 of private open space to rear, substituting private open space to the front and side, and conversion to a granny flat. |
Registration Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2950/12/X1 |
Application Type | Extension of Duration of Permission |
Applicant | Ronan Desmond |
Location | 11, Rathdown Park, Terenure, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | EXT.OF DURATION: Permission for an increase in the width of the existing front gateway, dishing of the public footpath and all associated alterations to the driveway. |
Registration Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4420/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Brian Clarke & Gina Dowling |
Location | 28, Marlborough Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the demolition of the existing single storey extension to the rear and the construction of a part single storey flat roof extension with a roof lantern / part three storey pitched roof extension; a dormer projection at the upper second floor level landing; alterations to the rear elevation including realignment of existing windows at ground and first floor level; minor internal alterations and all associated works to facilitate the development. |
Registration Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4422/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Jeannie O’Brien & Daniel Snow |
Location | 20, Saint Enda’s Road, Terenure, Dublin 6, D06 NW18 |
Proposal | The demolition and development work will consist of the demolition of an existing 23m2 two storey side extension and 19m2 single storey rear extension, and the construction of a new two storey 66m2 (36m2 at GF & 30m2 at FF) extension to the rear and side of property. Two roof lights are proposed in the new extension roof. The works include the widening of the existing vehicular access point at the front of the house from 2.2M to 2.9M, to match the existing pier and wall detail. |
Registration Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4424/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Christian Currivan |
Location | 55, Nutley Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Alterations to existing 2 storey dwelling to include, demolition of existing rear conservatory and site garages, proposed new front and rear single storey extensions and a new two storey extension to side, new loft conversion with dormer to rear, general reconfiguration of interior rooms, changes of facade materials and all associated site works. |
Registration Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4438/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Robert Renehan |
Proposal | Permission for two storey extension to rear |
Registration Date | 05-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4445/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Aoife McGloin |
Location | 5, Howard Street, Dublin 4, D04 YX51 |
Proposal | Permission for a two storey extension with a balcony to the rear, and with roof light to front of my house. |
Registration Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4449/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Sharbee & Oonagh Morrin |
Location | 70, Baggot Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission sought for internal alterations and new extension comprising two bedrooms and a bathroom, all of area c 57 sq.m, at second floor (roof) level to existing 2-bedroom town house of area 85 c. sq.m. |
Registration Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4451/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Liam Cormack |
Location | 78, Melvin Road, Terenure, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | Permission sought for a two storey extension to rear/side, internal and external alterations to existing two bed two storey semi-detached dwelling, resulting in the creation of a two storey 4 bedroomed family dwelling. |
Registration Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4453/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Mr & Mrs Walter Beatty |
Location | Fairfield House, 18, Fairfield Park, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The application consists of alterations to existing first floor rooms to create 2 new en-suite bathrooms and associated plumbing works. |
Registration Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4454/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Simon O’Donnell |
Location | 7, Church Gardens, Church Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Permission to construct a single storey extension at rear. |
Registration Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4459/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Nick Corcoran & Brendan O’Sullivan |
Location | 81, Strand Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the following residential works: (1) demolition of the existing single and two storey extensions at lower and upper ground levels to the rear, (2) new two storey extension at lower and upper ground levels to the rear, (3) new basement level accommodation, (4) new single storey sunken garden studio / bedroom to the rear of the garden with gallery connecting to the main house, (5) modifications and refurbishment to internal layouts, (6) all associated site works. |
Registration Date | 08-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4462/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Martina Matinelli |
Location | 55, Gulistan Cottages, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Construction of new dormer attic extension to rear of existing dwelling to accommodate new bedroom and bathroom and all associated works. |
Registration Date | 08-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4467/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Stephen Thompson |
Location | 52, Dartmouth Square, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE; The development consists of Internal alterations and refurbishment works including rewiring and plumbing; refurbishment of all existing windows and doors; removal of existing partitions and doors on basement, ground floor and first floor level; construction of new partitions and doors at basement and first floor level; demolition of two storey return to rear of existing house, and construction of new extension at ground and first floor level to rear of existing house. |
Registration Date | 08-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4469/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Lee Dillon & Eoin Corrigan |
Location | 38, Mountpleasant Square, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | RETENTION & PERMISSION;PROTECTED STRUCTURE; The development will consist of the following (1) Retention of removal of modern timber framed dilapidated conservatory owing to concerns over its condition, (2) construction of new single storey extension ( 13.09 sq.m) to the rear, (3) alterations to light well and associated retaining walls, ( 4) alterations to paving layout and rear garden layout, (5) landscaping and all associated ancillary works and site works. |
Registration Date | 08-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4472/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Brendan Colbert & Cathy Rogers |
Location | 9 Ashfield Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Permission is sought for the demolition of existing single storey extension to the rear of the two-storey terraced dwelling and the construction of a new part two-storey and single storey rear extension. New works include one additional bedroom on the first floor and a new living/dining or garden room at ground floor level and a garden store. There are associated external and internal refurbishment works to the house and external hard and soft landscaping and associated drainage o the rear of the house. |
Registration Date | 08-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4475/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Anthony & Natalia O’Carroll |
Location | 89, Anglesea Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Demolition of existing outhouses and the erection of a two storey double garage with a pitched roof non-habitable utility room above fronting onto the laneway at the rear of 89 Anglesea Road, Dublin 4, a protected structure. |
Registration Date | 08-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1604/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Oaklands Estates ULC |
Location | 2, Serpentine Mews, Serpentine Park, Dublin 4, D04 K740 |
Proposal | Construction of a two storey extension plus ancillary works to the rear of 2 Serpentine Mews, Serpentine Park, facing on to road Homelee, Sandymount, Dublin 4, D04 K7V0. |
Registration Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1608/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Charlie Fawsitt |
Location | 5, Sandymount Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Construction of a two storey extension to the rear of the existing semi detached residence to include a dining room extension (25m2) with associated terrace (5m2) at first floor level with lift access lobby and garden storage (5m2 combined) at ground floor level. |
Registration Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1612/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Ronan Plant and Denise Plant |
Location | 17, Suir Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Construction of a first floor extension to rear, alterations to front porch and elevation, alterations to existing garden shed, internal alterations and all associated site works. |
Registration Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1616/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Applicant | David Kelly |
Location | 35, Dodderview Cottages, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Extended flue and small obscured glass window to the rear of the cottage |
Registration Date | 08-Dec-2017 |
LAWS: *** NONE ***
SAWS: *** NONE***
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0430/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Catarina Martins |
Location | 18, Castlewood Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | EXPP: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: 1. Landscaping works to front garden. 2. Existing windows to be retrofit with double-glazed units. 3. Damaged plaster reveals around windows and front door to be repaired. 4. Existing (non-original) floor finish in kitchen/dining/TV room to be replaced. 5. Existing kitchen to be replaced. 6. Downstairs WC to be retiled, upstairs bathroom to be retiled and WC replaced. 7. Existing glass and stainless steel guardrail in TV room to be replaced. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0432/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Grant Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Eva Gil & Paddy O’Gorman |
Location | 30, Ranelagh Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | EXPP: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Removal and replacement of non-historic roofing materials with new Blue Bangor slates. Removal and replacement of degraded copper/lead valley sheeting. Repairs to timber roof structure. Repairs to roof access dormer. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0449/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Grant Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Brendan Galvin |
Location | 37, Oakley Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | EXPP:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: 1.Use of garage as a ‘garden room’, for music, games & leisure, and as a home study/ office.
2. External and internal works as follows: a) Replacement of existing roof covering with new, new rooflight; b) Replacement of existing timber windows and door with new timber double-glazed units; c) Fitting of glass blocks to new diamond-shaped opening in north facing wall; d) Dry lining and insulation to external walls; e) New stud partition to form wc and shower room; connecting to drain; f) Replacement of existing concrete floor with new insulated slab on DPM and g) Provision of new plumbing and electrical service installations. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0450/17 |
Application Type | Social Housing Exemption Certificate |
Decision | Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert |
Decision Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Shane & Miriam Finnegan |
Location | Rear of 8, Kenilworth Square North, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | SHEC:PROTECTED STRUCTURE:The development will consist of: The construction of a two storey mews house at the rear; access via existing archway entrance from Kenilworth Lane which is to be retained; 1 no. off street car parking space off Kenilworth Lane; roof to have 2 no. velux windows and PV panels; proposed rear garden and courtyard front garden; all associated landscaping and ancillary site works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0451/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Grant Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 08-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Thomas Nolan |
Location | 112A, Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | EXPP:PROTECTED STUCTURE: Works to refurbish the ground floor retail/café to allow for inclusion of a w.c. and lobby. Reinstatement of a timber staircase to the basement in existing opening. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0455/17 |
Application Type | Social Housing Exemption Certificate |
Decision | Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert |
Decision Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Palmgrey Ltd |
Location | K.C.R. Public House, 326, Kimmage Road Lower, Terenure, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | SHEC: Refurbishment and extension of the first floor (75sqm), currently vacant to a 2 bed apartment (85sqm), with access from Kimmage Road Lower. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0458/17 |
Application Type | Social Housing Exemption Certificate |
Decision | Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert |
Decision Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Peter MacNamara |
Location | 1C, Greenmount Industrial Estate, Harolds Cross, Dublin 12. |
Proposal | SHEC: First floor development of one three bed apartment over existing warehouse/industrial unit. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0459/17 |
Application Type | Social Housing Exemption Certificate |
Decision | Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert |
Decision Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Node Dublin Ltd. |
Location | Stable Lane, Rear of Alexander Court, 25, Pembroke Street Upper, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | SHEC: Demolition of garages and construction of a three-storey apartment block consisting of 1 no. three bedroom apartment over 1 no. one bedroom apartment. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3112/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Barrow Street Management Ltd. |
Location | 15, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, D04 DE93, (formerly Dublin Sanitary Disposals Limited) |
Proposal | Development of an enterprise centre on a site of 0.09 hectares approximately.
The development will consist of the: demolition of the existing part two-storey, part single-storey light industrial warehouse building (1,431 sq.m gross floor area) and its replacement by construction of a four-storey over two-level basement enterprise centre building (with set-back second and third floor levels) 3,785 sq.m gross floor area (including two basement levels of 1,428 sq.m gross floor area) accommodating: shared workspace over Basement -1 to Third Floor Levels; reception; café/ collaborative work-space; a roof terrace to the west elevation on the roof of the First Floor Level; landscaped courtyards at Basement -1 Level to the south of the building and at Ground Floor Level to the north of the building. The development will also consist of the provision of : privacy screens to the northern and southern elevations; a bicycle lift accessed via Barrow Street; bicycle parking (38 no. spaces); shower rooms; tenant storage. plant rooms at Basement -2 Level and a plant enclosure at roof level including lift over-run; waste compound/ store; SuDS measures including attenuation tank and green roofs; flood defence systems and associated storage; all hard and soft landscaping; elevational treatments; lighting; signage; and all other associated site excavation, infrastructural and site development works above and below ground including changes in level, boundary treatments and associated site servicing (foul and surface water drainage and water supply). |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3285/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Somerset Holdings Limited |
Location | ‘Somerset’, 19 Anglesea Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Demolition of existing two-and-a-half storey dwelling and construction of a new three storey detached dwelling with associated site development and boundary works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3434/17 |
Application Type | LAW |
Decision | City Council – Approved |
Decision Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Parks & Landscape Services DCC |
Location | Temple Bar Square and the adjoining streets of Crown Alley, Upper Fownes Street (south of Temple Bar) and a section of Temple Bar from Fownes Street to Crown Alley, Dublin 2. |
Proposal | LAW: PROTECTED STRUCTURE Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)
Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) – Part 8 Applicant: Dublin City Council, Culture, Recreation and Economic Services. Location: Temple Bar Square and the adjoining streets of Crown Alley, Upper Fownes Street (south of Temple Bar) and a section of Temple Bar from Fownes Street to Crown Alley, Dublin 2. Proposal: Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given of Temple Bar Square Refurbishment Plan. This is a public realm refurbishment project comprising upgrade of square and adjacent streets to allow for more public and cultural activities. The proposals include the removal of the existing street furniture, trees, outdoor seating terraces and replacement with new street furniture, new tree planting, seating and public lighting. The proposals include all necessary service, utility and associated site works. The square is to be extended as a single surface across the adjoining streets of Temple Bar, Crown Alley and Fownes Street to the adjoining buildings. It is also proposed to fully pedestrianise Temple Bar Square and Crown Alley and exclude regular vehicular traffic from these areas. The measures taken will lead to a significant improvement in disability access to the project area and support the principle of universal access for all. The project proposal was developed in collaboration with residents, business owners and stakeholders as part of an open participative process. The proposed works relate to the public realm adjacent to the following Protected Structures; Ref 2084, 1a Crown Alley, Dublin 2, Warehouse facade; Ref 2085, 2 Crown Alley, Dublin 2, Business premises; Ref 2086, 3 Crown Alley, Dublin 2, Business premises; Ref 2087, 4 Crown Alley, Dublin 2, Business premises; Ref 2088, 7 Crown Alley, Dublin 2, Early 20th Century Telephone Exchange Building; Ref 2089, 9-11 Crown Alley, Dublin 2, Buildings; Ref 2090, 14 Crown Alley, Dublin 2, Building; Ref 2091, 14a Crown Alley, Dublin 2, Building; Ref 7995, 12 Temple Bar, Dublin 2, Licensed Premises; Ref 7996, 13 Temple Bar, Dublin 2, Building; Ref 8000, 23 Temple Bar, Dublin 2, Building; Ref 8001, 24/25 Temple Bar, Dublin 2, Licensed Premises; Ref 8002, 41-42 Temple Bar, Dublin 2, Buildings, including 7 Fownes Street Upper; Ref 8003, 48 Temple Bar, Dublin 2, Licensed Premises; Building; Ref 8374, 47 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2, Commercial Premises (adjoining Merchant’s Hall).
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3443/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 05-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Cairn Homes Properties Limited |
Location | Block A, B and C, Marianella, 75, Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Planning permission for amendments to Block A, B and C previously permitted under Reg. Ref. 2186/09 / An Bord Pleanala Ref. PL29S.234927 at Marianella, 75 Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6. The proposed development comprises of:
• Block A Amendments to permitted apartments in Block A comprising of penthouse extension on the eastern elevation (c. 71 sq.m) to create 2 no. three bed units in lieu of 2 no. previously permitted two bed units ( No. 67 and 68); – Elevational amendments to north, south, and east elevations of Block A. – Amendments to 3 no. permitted 4 bed town houses to form 3 no. 3 bed town houses; – Revised unit mix in Block A comprising of 4 no. 1 bed units, 48 no. 2 bed units and 19 no. 3 bed units. • Block B Extension of c. 217 sq.m to 2 no. previously permitted 2 no. bed penthouse units on east elevation of Block B (Unit No. 111 and 112) to provide for 2 no. 3 bed units and 1 no. 2 bed unit. – Elevational amendments to north, south and east elevations of Block B. – Amendments to 3 no. permitted 4 bed town houses to form 3 no. 3 bed town houses; – Increase of Units in Block B from 52 no. to 53 no. units comprising of 1 no. 1 bed unit, 34 no. 2 bed units and 18 no. 3 bed units. • Block C Omission of 2 no. 1 bed units (No. 161 and No. 176) in Block C and extension to 4 no. previously permitted 2 bed units (No. 160, 162, 175 and 177) to create 4 no. 3 bed units in lieu. – Alterations to the roof profile of the western elevation of Block C to provide for high level windows to the penthouse units; – Amendments to all elevations of Block C; – Decrease in units in Block C from 54 no. units to 52 no. units comprising of 9 no. 1 bed units, 30 no. 2 bed units and 13 no. 3 bed units; – The overall number of units on site will decrease from 208 no. to 207 no. units comprising of 31 no. 1 bed, 114 no. 2 bed. 50 no. 3 bed and 12 no. 5 bed units. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3460/11/X1 |
Application Type | Extension of Duration of Permission |
Decision Date | 08-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Brogan Group UK Ltd T/A, Brogan Scaffolding Ireland |
Location | 40, Harrington Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE – Planning permission for development at 40, Harrington Street, which extends to Grantham Place, with vehicular access to the rear from Grantham Place. The development comprises the provision of a total of 5 units and will consist of the change of use from office to residential of the basement (80sqm) and entrance level (78sqm), the demolition of the existing two storeyed extension to the rear (comprising a total of 34.5sqm), the erection of a four storeyed extension to the rear (comprising a total of 75sqm) so as to facilitate the provision of a 2-bedroomed apartment (83sqm) at basement level, a 1-bedroomed apartment (60sqm) at entrance level, a 1-bed plus study apartment (70sqm) at first floor level and a 1-bed plus study apartment (70sqm) at second floor level together with internal alterations comprising the removal of non-loadbearing internal partitions and the provision of non-loadbearing internal partitions as part of a general refurbishment programme to include dry rot treatment, re-pointing front brickwork and the re-instatement of the front railings and landscaping of front garden space. The development will also consists of the removal of the existing external metal escape stairs to the rear of number 40 serving two storeys and the provision of a new metal external escape stairs to serve all four storeys. The fifth unit will consist of the re-design of the 2-bedroomed mews dwelling to the rear of number 40, accessed via Grantham Place, previously granted planning permission (4124/06), to provide 3-bedrooms and living accommodation (comprising a total of 100sqm) in 2-storeyed format with one off-street car parking space and all ancillary works associated with the overall development. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3564/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Anville Properties Limited |
Location | Coach Houses 14 & 15, Rear of 14-15 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE – Planning permission for development at the Coach Houses, two protected structures (RPS No7772 & 7773), which the subject property is located within the curtilage of, and which is accessed from the laneway between No’s 20 & 21 Dawson Street, Dublin 2. The proposed development will consist of the following: Change of use of the coach houses (no. 14 and 15) to use as a licensed restaurant with a GFA of 258 sqm
– Refurbishment and alterations to the coach houses to facilitate the restaurant use, including temporary removal, repair and reinstatement of original features, formation of internal openings between the coach houses, replacement of floors, provision of stairs and other internal structures / alterations, and new roof structure with existing salvaged roof slates and ridge tiles reused, dovecot ventilation structure and glazed opening to stairs also at roof level. – refurbishment / renewal / replacement of existing windows and doors, the creation of 1 no. new door opening at ground floor level and 1 no. new window opening at first floor level on the north elevation. The insertion of glazing in the roof gable of no. 14 and the insertion of conservation style rooflights on the southern slope of the roof. -Removal of limewash and render on the southern facade and repointing of brickwork on all facades. – The development also provides for outdoor seating areas, a bin store and all other associated site development works and services. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3823/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Future Properties Wicklow Ltd. |
Location | Units 3 & 4 (ground floor level), Castle House, 73-83, South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | The development will consist of:
-Amalgamation of the 2 no. existing restaurant units at ground floor level measuring 85 sq.m (Unit 3) and 101 sq.m (Unit 4) to provide 1 no. single restaurant unit measuring 191 sq.m; -Provision of a new shopfront (eastern elevation); -Modifications to the southern and western elevations; -Internal works including the demolition of attic space; -And all associated works above and below ground. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4029/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Mr Gerry Horgan |
Location | Gerry’s Restaurant, 6, Montague Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Permission is sought for new window to eastern gable of Gerry’s Restaurant at No. 6 Montague Street, Dublin 2 and the erection of 2 no. retractable fabric awnings incorporated in new shop front to southern and eastern elevations and all associated site works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4030/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Gary Traynor & Rose Anne Kenny |
Location | Rear 20, Dartry Road, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission is sought for the erection of a single storey garage to rear of 20 Dartry Road, Dublin 6, D06 X4P1 (A Protected Structure), with existing vehicular access from lane retained. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4038/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Leopold Square Ltd. |
Location | St. Pancras Works, Mount Tallant Avenue, Terenure, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission sought at the 1.29 hectares (3.44 acres) site for development consisting of amendments and additions to a previously permitted development Reg.Ref. 2710/14, 4296/15 and PL29S.244337 comprising:
a) The replacement of the permitted 3-storey dwelling no. 36 (type A1) with a new 3-storey, 3-bedroom house type B1; b) The provision of 1 no. additional end-of-terrace 3-storey 3-bedroom type B1 dwelling unit; c) Amendments to the rear boundary of permitted dwelling no. 35; including all rooflights and related infrastructural works, car parking and landscaping. The site is accessed by an existing gateway from Mount Tallant Avenue, including piers and railings on a plinth wall which is a Protected Structure. No works are proposed to the Protected Structure as part of this planning application. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4040/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Kavcre St. Clare’s Limited |
Location | Former Saint Clare’s Convent, and nos. 115-119, Harold’s Cross Road, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Amendments to previously permitted development Reg.Ref. 2186/15 (An Bord Pleanála Ref.: PL29S.245164) as amended by Reg.Ref. 2825/17 on a site of c. 1.7 ha.
The application site includes a Protected Structure RPS Ref.No.: 3583. The proposed amendments consist of the following: – Alterations to proposed Blocks E, F, G (Reg.Ref. 2825/17) to increase the height of the Blocks from 4 no. storeys (13 m) to 5 no. storeys (16 m), the additional storey in Block F will be set back on the eastern elevation at 4th floor level (5 no. storey); – The additional storeys on Blocks E, F and G will provide for 30 no. units (13 no. in Block E, 5 no. in Block F and 12 no. in Block G) and will comprise of 5 no. 1 beds, 18 no. 2 beds and 7 no. 3 beds. – Replacement of 2 no. 3 bed units at ground floor level of Block G with a crèche c. 254 sq.m. An outdoor play area of c. 150 sq.m will also be provided in association with the crèche; – Elevational amendments to Blocks E, F, G including private balconies/ terraces as a result of the additional storey; – Reconfiguration of permitted basement to provide for 160 no. car parking spaces and 226 no. cycle spaces; – Revisions to landscape masterplan layout to provide additional hard and soft landscaping; – Minor alterations to roof plans to provide for flues and lift shafts at roof level and all necessary site works to facilitate the development. The proposed amendments will result in an overall increase of 28 no. additional units, increasing the total number of units permitted under Reg. Ref.: 2186/15 (An Bord Pleanála Ref.: PL29S.245164) as amended by Reg.Ref.: 2825/17 from 172 no. to 200 no. units. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4041/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Laura Finn, Crekav Trading GP Limited |
Location | A site known as Lot 1, Kimmage Road Lower & Mount Argus Road, Mount Argus, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE; The site is located within the former attendant grounds of Mount Argus Church bounded generally by Kimmage Road Lower to the southeast, the private access road to Mount Argus Church and Monastery to the southwest, Mount Argus Church ( Protected Structure Ref, No. 4260) and Monastery to the northwest , and Mount Argus Road to the north.
The proposed development will consist of the reconfiguration of 23 no. units to provide for 40 no. units within Blocks A,B,C,D,E,G & H under the constructed apartment scheme granted in Reg. Ref.2966/10 & PL29S.237974 and Reg. Ref. 2870/17. This is proposed for a Private Rental Scheme and will provide for an overall increase in 17 no. apartments. The proposed reconfiguration will provide for 3 no. studios, 56 no. 1 bed units, 122 no. 2 bed units & 16 no. 3 bed units and will include elevational changes and modifications to balconies on all elevations. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4042/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Peter Casey, Beechwood Dental |
Location | Beechwood Dental, 9, Dunville Avenue, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Construction of an extension at first floor level of the existing single storey to the front of the building, construction of a two storey extension attached to the west gable of the building ( currently within the curtilage of No. 11 Dunville Avenue ) and alterations to the granite wall and railings of No. 11Dunville Avenue ( all by consent of the proprietor of No. 11 Dunville Avenue). Formation of a connection to the extension at first floor level, 4 number roof lights, minor works to the interior and all associated site works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4043/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | RGRE J&R Fitzwilliam Ltd as the partner, J&R Fitzwilliam Partnership |
Location | 65, Fitzwilliam Square North, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for development at 65 Fitzwilliam Square North, Dublin 2, D02 KW40 and associated mews building fronting onto Pembroke Lane. The subject site contains a protected structure Ref. No. 2860 and is located within an Architectural Conservation Area. The proposed development includes: 1. Extension comprising a total net Gross Floor Area (GFA) increase of 268 sq.m of the office space. The extension includes: a) Provision of new basement level generally under the rear garden level extending under the mews building to Pembroke Lane b) New two storey extension to mews building over new basement (referred to above) to provide a new parking area (2 no. car parking spaces) at ground level (Pembroke Lane; currently a courtyard) and office above (first floor). This element of the extension provides for a revised elevational treatment with parking entrance to Pembroke Lane with a terrace at first floor level; c) Reconfiguration and associated works to the internal layout of No. 65 and the mews building; 2. New rear garden level over new basement level and landscaping including traversable skylights to office below (as described above), with patio and open terrace. The new garden level provides access to the ground level of the mews building and to the basement and ground levels of the rear return of No. 65 via stairs; 3. Provision of new external lift structure to rear return of No. 65 providing access from basement level to the lower second floor; a small lean-to will be demolished to facilitate the lift; 4. All associated internal and external repair, cleaning and conservation works as set out in the application documentation and all other associated site development and infrastructure works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4048/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Fiona Mc Hugh |
Location | 26, Mountpleasant Square, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | RETENTION:PROTECTED STRUCTURE; Modifications to planning permission 2690/04 consist of
A. The retention of a return on lower basement and mid floor level forming a W/C and bathroom. B. The retention of the mid floor bedroom, instead of bathroom as granted under 2690/04 C. The construction of a shower room in the attic conversion permitted under planning reference 2690/04 D. The upgrading of the existing regency doors to the stairwell to provide a protected corridor to comply the requirements of Part B of the building regulations. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4049/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Martin Coyne |
Location | 4, Cowper Mews End, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Proposed attic conversion with zinc clad projecting dormer and one velux rooflight to the rear roof. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4052/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Carroll’s Irish Gifts |
Location | Unit 1, 2 & 5 Ballast House, 18-21, Westmoreland Street, Aston Quay, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Planning permission is being sought for the replacement of 3 no. glazed shopfronts. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4054/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Mark Adams & Emer Hartnett |
Location | 4, Limekiln Lane, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | Demolition of existing single storey extension to rear and the construction of new single storey extension to rear in lieu, comprising a new bedroom, bathroom and kitchen accommodation, with an external courtyard garden space, together with alterations to existing front facade comprising the removal of existing render finishes to expose original brick facade, at existing single storey terraced dwelling. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4059/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Persian Properties Unlimited, T/A O’Callaghan Hotels |
Location | Davenport Hotel, 8-10, Merrion Street Lower, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the following works: Change existing full length window in reception area to a new fire escape door from the reception area on the side of the building into the side courtyard of the hotel. The Davenport Hotel is listed as a Protected Structure for the facade of the former Merrion Hall. The works proposed under this application are to the courtyard side of the hotel block built in early 1990s. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4063/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Johnston and Robert Haire |
Location | 57, Waterloo Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for
a) For the change of use from office to single dwelling residential usage. b) The re-pointing of the front facade in a traditional tuck lime joint. c) The refurbishment reglazing of the existing up and down sash windows with slim line double glazed units. d) The complete reinstatement of the existing main roof and flashings in natural slate and copper respectively and a new inspection rooflight e) The complete refurbishment and reconfiguration of the previously reconfigured existing rear return, to the rear of the property including new fenestration, partitions, new structural opes, external walling and cladding, additional floor area, rooflights at all levels. f) An external terrace at the entrance floor and associated screening to the rear of the property. g) The removal, reuse and reorientation of the existing external return granite staircase and associated railings to the interior of the rear return. h) New structural opes, partitions, folding screens, kitchen, utility and bathroom at the basement floor level to the main house. i) The removal of the existing internal non-original staircase to the basement and the provision of a new WC at ground floor level along with associated internal amendments and new opes. j) New opes, partitions and bathrooms at the second floor level to the main house. k) The provision of new traditional vehicular entrance gates into the existing ope and new traditional pedestrian entrance gate and ope to the front of the property. l) The provision of a ‘brise soleil’ privacy screen at ground floor level to the rear of the property, set back from all boundaries. m) All associated siteworks and architectural landscaping to the front and rear of the property.
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4077/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Treasa Drislane |
Location | 6, Nutley Avenue, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The development will consist of: 1) alterations to the front and side elevations of the house and to the surface of the front garden area. 2) the removal of the existing flat-roofed extensions at the rear and the construction of one and two-storey extensions to the rear and side of the house. 3) the construction of a dormer to the attic at the rear at roof level. 4) various site works associated with the above including the construction of a garden wall in the rear garden. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4083/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Sharon Hogan |
Location | 6, Peter’s Place, Charlemont Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Full planning permission for a two storey extension to the side of existing dwelling and all associated site works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4086/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Dervla Browne |
Location | 38 Lansdowne Park, Dublin 4. |
Proposal | 2 storey rear extension including a first floor balcony and attic conversion with insertion of 40 new roof windows to rear slope, all to a mid terraced 2 storey house at 38 Lansdowne Park. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4088/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Emer Finnan & Eoin O’Lideadha |
Location | 22, Sandymount Avenue, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Development consisting of alterations and refurbishment of existing 3 storey house including the provision of a part single storey part two storey extension to the side and rear of the house facing Churchill Terrace, comprising new kitchen dining area on ground floor with new master bedroom overhead, new rooflight to front, widening of existing vehicular entrance & provision of replacement boundary walls & fencing, vehicular gateway onto Churchill Terrace, new single storey garden store & bin enclosure, landscaping & all drainage works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4176/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Decision Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Trebleside DAC |
Location | Opium, 26, Wexford Street, Dublin 2 and 13/14 Liberty Lane, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Replacement of a bitumen covered roof shelter to the garden with a glazed roof shelter, together with minor elevational and layout changes altering previous permission Reg.Ref. 3377/11 to existing bar. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4225/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Temple Lane Recording Studios Ltd |
Location | Temple Bar Music Centre, Curved Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: RETENTION: The development will consist of retention of 2 no. digital illuminated signs (1.55sq.m each) located at first floor balcony level above the entrance to the Temple Bar Music Centre on the south elevation fronting Curved Street. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4373/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Node Dublin Ltd. |
Location | Stable Lane, rear of Alexander Court, Pembroke Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Demolition of garages and construction of a three-storey apartment block consisting of 1 no. three bedroom apartment over 1 no. one bedroom apartment. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4379/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Paul MacCarthy, Zendesk International Limited |
Location | 55, Charlemont Place, Dublin 2 (Site formerly known as the ‘Dairy Science Laboratory’), Charlemont Place (also known as Harcourt Terrace Lane), Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Permission for the erection of 2 no. high level illuminated backlit signs 4.4m wide x 0.85m high and 4.5m wide x 3.2m high, 1 no. illuminated backlit sign 2.7m wide x 0.5m high over the entrance door and 1 no. sculptural ‘Z’ sign 2.0m wide x 1.8m high in the entrance forecourt. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4381/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Ivan and Anne Durcan |
Location | 14, Park Drive, Milltown, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Permission for the renovation of and an extension to a single-family home. This development consists of the demolition of existing side/rear extensions and existing roof/chimney, the refurbishment and remodelling of the existing house and attic including the replacement of existing windows, new roof with increased pitch and width, and the construction of a new single storey side extension and rear extension. The proposed attic space will have a proposed dormer projection to the rear with access from a new internal staircase. A new chimney and fireplace is to be constructed to the side of the property. Associated works will include external services, drainage and landscaping as required to meet both the requirements of the Local Authority and the implicit requirements of the development described in this proposed planning application. Amendments to the existing gate are proposed including a sliding gate with pedestrian swing gate and new piers to match the existing. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1527/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 06-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Yali Sun & Kieran Feerick |
Location | 40 & 42, Kenilworth Park, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | Permission is sought to change the existing flat roofs to pitched roofs on both houses with new gables at either side, construct attic rooms, adjust chimney height, roof windows to the front and rear, construct a pitch roof and rise the walls on the existing two storey rear part of the houses and internal modifications in these mid & end of terrace two storey houses. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1589/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 04-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Oaklands Estates ULC |
Location | 2, Serpentine Mews, Serpentine Park, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Construction of a two storey extension plus ancillary works to the rear. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2972/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | James and Mark Nolan |
Location | Site at Greenlea Grove, beside ESB substation Terenure, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | Permission for development at Greenlea Grove, Terenure, Dublin 6W. Beside E.S.B. Station) The development will consist of the erection of a dormered type studio / hobby workshop (non-commercial) for leisure use only and the provision of one car parking space which is to be contained within the boundaries of the site. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3223/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Andrew McDowell |
Location | 22, Carlisle Street, SCR, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Variation to the permitted development (Dublin City Council ref. 3279/08) whereby permission is sought to continue to protect the basement from ingress of water by means of a pumping station discharging to the public sewer. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3232/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Robert & Siobhan Woodnutt |
Location | 17, Crown Alley /3-4 Cope Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Change of use from retail to licensed restaurant/ café bar at basement and ground floor level; external works to include the replacement of external windows and doors along Crown Alley and Cope Street to include bifold windows and doors and the upgrading of the ground floor facade with integrated seating along Cope Street. Basement level fit out works to include the provision of a kitchen, toilets and staff facilities. Ground floor level fit out works to include the provision of a bar, seating areas and unisex disabled WC. All with associated signage, lighting and site works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3412/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Praiano Ventures Ltd. |
Location | A 0.0439 hectare site at 53, Percy Place, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The proposed development will consist of the demolition of the existing derelict two storey building and the construction of a four storey over single basement apartment development to include 8 apartments, comprising of 1 no. one bed apartment and 7 no. 2 bedroom apartments. Balconies are proposed to the north-west elevations at first to third floors. The proposed basement is accessed via a car lift and vehicular entrance from Percy Place and comprises of 8 no. car parking spaces, storage space for the apartments, refuse storage area, bicycle storage for 14 no. bicycles, plant area and associated circulation space. The total gross floor area of the proposed development is circa 1,189.25 sq.m. The proposed development includes all associated and ancillary works, including landscaping to the front (north-west) of the proposed new building. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3496/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Louis Burke and Emer O’Shaughnessy |
Location | 52, Moyne Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for internal modifications, refurbishment and extensions to 52 Moyne road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 which is a Protected Structure. The internal modifications include the removal of the chimney stack to the kitchen area, the rearrangement of the partition layout at both ground & first floor level and the relocation of the stair flight to the high level bathroom. The refurbishment will include new roof slates, a new conservation standard replacement roof light and new lead to the valley. The conservatory and single storey extension to the rear is to be demolished to facilitate the construction of a new 50sq.m. single storey kitchen & breakfast room extension and a 10.5sq.m. Bathroom extension over accessed from the staircase half landing between ground and first floor level. The proposals also include the removal of the existing shed structures to the rear to facilitate the construction of a new 30sq.m. single storey garage/store accessed from the service laneway. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3810/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Michael Holland |
Location | 65/67, Pembroke Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | A new front boundary wall including the relocation of the previously approved vehicular and pedestrian entrances (DCC planning Ref.No.: 3334/15). A two storey detached structure (44.41 sq.m) comprising a garden store and study located in the northwest corner of no. 65 Pembroke Lane, together with a single storey detached store (6.4 sq.m) located behind the front boundary wall, site clearance and ancillary site and landscaping works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3819/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Kirkenvale Ltd. |
Location | Ground and First Floor ONLY, 16, Clare Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE; Change of use of existing Retail Store to Café located at Ground and First Floor ONLY and the application includes for internal alterations which include provision of new ground floor WC’s including a wheelchair accessible WC, storage area office, servery counter and food display, minor repair, drainage provisions and general internal redecoration. The application also includes for minor repair and full re-decoration of the front facade and historic canopy, lighting upgrade and for modifications to the existing signage. The works are being carried out within a conservation area. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3850/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Fitzwilliam KS Ltd. |
Location | 60, Kenilworth Square, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Construction of two 3-storey, 3-bedroom mews houses with roof terrace (2x 129 sq.m), each on a 133 sq.m (approx.) site. Each site is a subdivision of the rear garden of 60 Kenilworth Square, Rathgar, Dublin 6 (a Protected Structure), accessed off Garville Lane, with 1 carpark space per house. The development includes the sub-division of the existing site (675 sq.m) to allow for the construction of 2 mews, at the rear, on a site of (265 sq.m). |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3864/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Orwell House Limited |
Location | Orwell Nursing Home, (formally known as Rathgar House, a Protected Structure), 112, Orwell Road, 108-110 Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | RETENTION & PERMISSION:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Retention permission for the following works, all on the eastern side of Block C (formally Rathgar House) of the Nursing Home:
1. A fire escape only door constructed from a ground floor window opening in the eastern elevation of Block C. 2. Safety handrails on the roof of the existing single storey extension to form an escape route from the fire escape door. 3. A fire escape staircase constructed linking the lower ground level to the escape route from the fire escape door. 4. Ground mounted air handling units and input flue to service the adjoining kitchen at lower ground level providing ventilation to catering kitchen of Block C. 5. The Air Handling Extract Flue to the Eastern elevation of Block C at ground floor level. Planning permission is sought for: 1. An extension of the existing pedestrian ramp with handrails and gates between the front (north) of Block C and the lower ground level. 2. A new sound baffle enclosure around the existing lower ground floor level air handling units. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3952/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Siobhan Jennings |
Location | 23C, Rosendale, York Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | To demolish a single-storey flat roofed garage attached to the side and to construct a single-storey flat roofed side & front extension. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1503/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Paul Colleran and Claire O Hara |
Location | 1A, Lea Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The development will consist of:
•Demolition of the existing side and rear single storey extensions. •Construction of new single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling. •New two storey extension to side of the existing dwelling including part single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling (forward of existing building line). •All associated internal and external alterations, site, drainage and landscaping works. •Alterations to the front boundary wall.
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3114/17 |
Appeal Decision | GRANT PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 08-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Padraig Cronin and Margueritte Larkin |
Location | 75, Palmerston Road, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of repair and repointing works to facade of main house (a part three, part four-storey, mid-terrace dwelling with three-storey rear return)
-Removal of single storey non-original extension to rear at lower ground floor level (17.4sqm). -Removal of non-original internal walls at lower ground floor level. -Construction of new replacement single storey extension to rear at lower ground floor level (20.4sqm). -Formation of new opening in rear wall at first floor level, together with new opening in rear roof slope above, all to facilitate the construction of a flat-roof rear extension at this level, being an additional storey to the existing rear return (14.4sqm). -Construction of new single storey ancillary recreational building to rear including modifications to existing semi-detached out building (24.8sqm) and relocation of access door to rear lane. -All associated ancillary conservation, landscaping and site development works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3476/17 |
Appeal Decision | REFUSE PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 07-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Gerard Gannon |
Location | Rear of 64, Grosvenor Road, with access from Spire View Lane, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Construction of a two-storey, two-bedroom mews house with garage and roof garden and associated boundary walls and site works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4202/16 |
Appeal Decision | GRANT PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 05-Dec-2017 |
Applicant | Brown Table Solutions Ltd. |
Location | Loreto Hall, 77, Saint Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE – The development will consist the change of use of the property from institutional office, administration and ancillary residential accommodation associated with the Loreto Sisters Religious order to 95 no. bedroom hotel with ancillary hotel services, to comprise 8 no. hotel bedrooms, hotel reception, lounge and kitchen in the existing building fronting St. Stephen’s Green with an additional 3no. hotel bedrooms in a new two storey hotel penthouse level to that building (total height of building including hotel penthouse level will be 24.1 metres above ground level); hotel restaurant and spa centre in existing chapel building at the centre of the site; and 84 no. hotel bedrooms in a new 9 storey, over basement, building to the rear (building height of 24.8 metres above ground level). Works will comprise (i) refurbishment, internal and external alterations to the existing four storey, over basement, institutional building fronting St. Stephen’s Green, to accommodate hotel kitchen and staff facilities at lower ground floor (basement); hotel entrance lobby and reception rooms at ground floor, hotel bar and function room at first floor; 8 no. hotel bedrooms over second and third floor levels; and construction of a new two storey, three bedroom hotel penthouse level set back from the northern (front) building elevation, with a south facing terrace. External alterations comprise replacement windows to match original window frame detail; installation of a new internal fire escape stairs on front (north-western side) of the building from lower ground to fourth floor level, with associated access doors at each level and to be screened from St. Stephen’s Green by feature length treated glazed structure; blocking up of 1 no. window in hotel kitchen at lower ground floor level (basement); new glazed link to chapel building (proposed hotel spa and restaurant) between lower ground and ground floor level. Internal alterations comprise the removal of substantial non original engineering works; installation of a new lift core from lower ground (basement) to fourth floor, to be located within existing stair core and provision of associated access doors at each level; partial wall removal for dry goods store and for WC at lower ground floor (basement); widening of opening and removal of door to opening in entrance lobby at ground floor; minor alterations and new partitioning at second and third floors; (ii) refurbishment, internal and external alterations to the existing single-storey, over basement, convent chapel building located at the centre of the site, along with demolition of non-original single storey, lower ground floor level, side extension and construction of replacement single storey, over basement, side extension, all to accommodate hotel spa treatment centre at lower ground floor (basement) and 265sqm (88 no. seat) hotel restaurant at ground floor. External alterations comprise the removal of 3no. windows on the eastern elevation of the existing building at ground floor level to allow connectivity within proposed hotel restaurant; reconstruction of outer walls at lower ground level, and glazed roof to western side of chapel building. Internal alterations comprise the reconfiguration of internal layout at lower ground floor level, including removal of internal walls, and installation of a new stairs between lower ground (basement) and ground floor; (iii) demolition of non-original part two, part three-storey, over basement, convent dormitory building, at the rear (south) side of the site and construction of a new detached 9 storey, over basement, building, to comprise plant and stores at basement level and 84 no. hotel bedrooms at ground to seventh floor levels; (iv) 2 no. internal landscaped courtyards; bicycle parking at ground floor level; suDS drainage, and all associated works necessary to facilitate the development |