Planning Information Sessions
Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.
The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.
All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.
Area | Contact Number |
Meeting Location |
Central Area
South Central Area South East Area North West Area North Central Area
2225200 2225127 2225727 222 8870 |
Sean McDermott Street
Crumlin Area Office Contact Area Office for location Finglas Area Office Bunratty Area Office |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3608/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Bayvan Limited |
Location | The Tara Towers Hotel, Merrion Road, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | At the site of the Tara Towers Hotel and ancillary car park on Merrion Road and Bellevue Avenue, Dublin 4.
The proposed development of the hotel site comprises the demolition of all existing buildings and structures on site and the construction of a new mixed-use building that ranges in height between 1 and 9-storey over basement level to provide a replacement hotel of approximately 6,634.7 sq.m of hotel (140 bedrooms) fronting onto Merrion Road, together with 57 no. residential units (comprising 9 x 1 bedroom; 38 x 2 bedroom and 10 x 3 bedroom units comprising) at first to 6th floor level, to the side (south) and rear (west) of the hotel block fronting Bellevue Avenue. Proposed roof terraces serving the residential units at 1st to 8th floor (rooftop) levels. The basement and ground level car park provides 138 car parking spaces, 76 bicycle parking spaces together with ancillary plant, storage and waste storage areas with ESB sub-station and switch room at ground floor level. A new ramped vehicular access/ egress is provided off Bellevue Avenue serving the ground and basement level car park. The existing vehicular access off Bellevue Avenue close to the junction with Merrion Road shall be retained to provide a secondary vehicular access/ egress for passenger service vehicles and delivery vehicles. The existing vehicular access onto Merrion Road shall be closed and a new gate-controlled vehicular egress point onto Merrion Road at the north-eastern corner of the site is proposed for such servicing vehicles. The proposed development on the car park site comprises site clearance works and the construction of a new pocket park (public open space) of approximately 177 sq.m at the western end of the site with frontage onto Bellevue Avenue. To the east thereof is a terraced row of 5 no. 3-bedroom, part single, part 2-, part 3-storey town houses with integrated single garages, accessed of the southern side of Bellevue Avenue with ancillary private roof terraces at 2nd floor level. Attached to the town houses at the eastern end of the site is a proposed 4-storey apartment block comprising of 8 no. apartments (5 x 1 bed units and 3 x 2 bed units) with balconies at 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor levels to the front and rear of the block. A total of 8 no. ancillary cycle storage spaces are provided at ground level within the communal amenity space to the rear of the block at ground level. A combination of hard and soft landscaping measures are proposed to the communal and ancillary amenity spaces and areas of public realm. |
Registration Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3637/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Ciara Slattery, Balark Trading GP Limited |
Location | College House, Nos. 2-3 Townsend Street, Dublin 2, D02 F990 & the former Screen Cinema, Nos. 16-19 Hawkins Street, Dublin 2, D02 DP65 |
Proposal | Permission for the development of a mixed-use office scheme at this site of 0.288 hectares, approximately, at College House, Nos. 2-3 Townsend Street, Dublin 2, D02 F990 & the former Screen Cinema, Nos. 16-19 Hawkins Street, Dublin 2, D02 DP65. The development will consist of the: demolition of the existing nine storey over part-basement College House Building ( 8,501 sq.m gross floor area ) including its associated multi-storey car park and ancillary structures; demolition of the existing three storey cinema building (1,363 sq.m gross floor area ); and their replacement by construction of a ten – storey over two-level basement commercial building ( with set-back Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth floor levels) (25,224 sq.m gross floor area ( including two basement levels of 5,022 sq.m gross floor area) accommodating: office space over Ground to Ninth Floor Levels (18,705 sq.m): a café/retail/restaurant unit at Ground Floor Level ( 248 sq.m); a c. 500 No. seater entertainment venue at Basement -1 and Basement – 2 Levels (2,100 sq.m ) including an associated bar, restaurant and box office located in a part double – height space at Ground Floor Level and First Floor Level (1,249 sq.m), a double height void at Ground Floor Level providing an external pedestrian route through the urban block; a plant enclosure at roof level including lift over – runs; and ancillary floor areas over all Floor Levels (ancillary space includes areas such as circulation cores (lifts and stairs), toilets, plant areas throughout the building, switch rooms etc.).
The development will also consist of the provision of: a new civic space to the south of the site at the junction of Hawkins Street and Townsend Street including a podium/ water feature, a cast iron feature Grille, tree planting, seating and bicycle stand (20 No. spaces); a central courtyard including a planter with intergraded seating; the repositioning of a post box on Townsend Street; the repositioning of bus stops and associated shelter on Townsend Street; 2 No. car lifts accessed via Townsend Street; car parking at Basement -2 Level (8 No. spaces including 2 No. mobility-impaired spaces); a bicycle lift accessed via Townsend Street; bicycle parking/ store at Basement -2 Level 1 (230 No. spaces); landscaped roof terraces to the east and south elevation on the roof of the fifth floor Level, to the west and north elevation on the roof of the Sixth floor Level and to the west and south elevation on the roof of the Seventh Floor Level ; Shower rooms and changing areas; storage; waste compounds / stores; suds’ measures including attenuation tank and green roofs; a comms room an ESB substation; a kitchen; elevational treatments; lighting signage; all hard and soft landscaping and all other associated site excavation, infrastructural and site development works above and below ground including changes in level, boundary treatments and associated site servicing ( foul and surface water drainage and water supply). |
Registration Date | 21-Nov-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3672/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Heights Hospitality Operations Ltd |
Location | Temple Bar Inn, Nos. 40-47 Fleet Street and Parliament Row, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | Planning permission for the development of an extension to the rear of a c.0.16ha site located at the Temple Bar Inn, Nos. 40-17 Fleet Street and Parliament Row, Dublin 2. The development will consist of a 6-storey hotel extension (3,086m2 gross floor area) above an existing ground floor level to create a 7-storey structure to the rear of a previously permitted hotel (Planning Reg. Ref. 4073/15). Some internal alterations to the existing structure are necessitated at 1st to 4th floor levels, which combined with the proposed extension, will result in a 190 bedroom hotel. The development will include: revised lift and circulation arrangements at basement and ground floor levels of the existing hotel; a new internal courtyard between the existing hotel and proposed extension extending from 1st floor to roof level; a north facing viewing terrace at fifth floor level over the existing hotel; terraces at sixth floor level of the proposed hotel extension on the southern and western elevations; screened plant and a sedum roof at roof level of the proposed hotel extension; amendments to the facade of the existing ground floor structure fronting onto Parliament Row; changes in levels; piped services; and all associated site development and excavation works above and below ground. |
Registration Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3778/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Ampbay Ltd. |
Location | 7-10 Exchange Street Upper,1 Essex Gate,Dublin 8 27-32 Parliament Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE; Dublin City Council – Ampbay Ltd. intends to apply for permission for development on a site of c. 0.0997 ha for the refurbishment and extension of: Paramount Hotel, with an address at Nos. 7-8, 9, 10 Exchange Street Upper and No. 1 Essex Gate, Dublin 8, Nos. 27-28 Parliament Street, Dublin 2/No. 2 Essex Gate, Dublin 8, Nos. 29-30 Parliament Street, Dublin 2; and Nos. 31 and 32 Parliament Street, Dublin 2. No. 9 Exchange Street Upper, No. 10 Exchange Street Upper, No. 1 Essex Gate, No. 2 Essex Gate, Nos. 27-28 Parliament Street, and No. 31 Parliament Street are designated Protected Structures.
The proposed development will consist of: alterations to the front façade of Nos. 29-30 Parliament Street including removal of the existing two storey recessed entrance and replacement with a brick façade, fenestration alterations, amendments to the internal layout (including the provision of inter alia two additional bedrooms), and removal of existing plant rooms at roof level to accommodate the provision of a new setback Sixth Floor Level to accommodate inter alia two new bedrooms with terraces all along the eastern elevation; internal alterations (which includes for the provision of inter alia two additional bedrooms) at Nos. 27-28 Parliament Street/No. 2 Essex Gate and Nos. 9 and 10 Exchange Street Upper/No. 1 Essex Gate, including the provision of an ancillary restaurant at Ground Floor Level at Nos. 9 and 10 Exchange Street Upper and No. 1 Essex Gate, removal of the roofs and chimney stacks and the provision of a new setback Fourth Floor Level and a further setback Fifth Floor Level at Nos. 27-28 Parliament Street/No. 2 Essex Gate and Nos. 9 and 10 Exchange Street Upper/No. 1 Essex Gate collectively facilitating 15 No. new bedrooms and ancillary hotel facilities; and remodelling of the existing façade, internal alterations and the provision of an extension to the rear to collectively accommodate two additional bedrooms at Ground to Fourth Floor Levels and the provision of a new Fifth Floor Level (including the provision of inter alia four new bedrooms), a setback Sixth Floor Level (including the provision of inter alia three new bedrooms) (with the provision of a terrace along the north-western elevation) and a further setback Seventh Floor Level (including the provision of inter alia one new bedroom) (with the provision of a terrace along the northern, southern and western elevations) all at Nos. 7-8 Exchange Street Upper. The development will also consist of the change-of-use to hotel of both No. 32 Parliament Street (which accommodates restaurant use at Basement and Ground Floor Levels and vacant residential use at First to Fourth Floor Levels) and No. 31 Parliament Street (which accommodates office use from Basement to Fourth Floor Levels) and the collective amalgamation of both properties with Paramount Hotel at all existing floor levels (Basement to Fourth Floor Levels) and at proposed new Fifth and Sixth Floor Levels to accommodate ancillary hotel facilities at Basement Level, a new main hotel entrance, the provision of a foyer and reception at Ground Floor Level, a meeting room at First Floor Level, and 22 No. new bedrooms from First to Fourth Floor Levels. In addition, proposed internal alterations to Nos. 31 and 32 Parliament Street will comprise the removal of the existing staircases and walls, and the provision of new walls to both properties and adjustments to the floor levels of No. 32 Parliament Street to match those in No. 31 Parliament Street. Furthermore, the development will also comprise external alterations to Nos. 31 and 32 Parliament Street including the demolition of the single storey rear extensions to both properties (64 sq m); the reconstruction of the existing front façade and restoration and repair of the existing rear façade of No. 32 Parliament Street; construction of a new rear façade to No. 31 Parliament Street; and the partial removal of the roof and chimney stacks on both properties to facilitate the provision a new setback floor behind the existing roof hips at Fifth Floor Level and a further new setback floor at Sixth Floor Level to collectively accommodate eight new bedrooms including the provision of terraces all along the eastern elevation. The development will also consist of: demolition of an existing flat roof over the central area of the existing hotel and creation of a new courtyard with a fully glazed roof extending across the rear of all properties; construction of glazed link from Nos. 7-8 Exchange Street Upper to Nos. 29-30 Parliament Street at First to Sixth Floor Levels; enlargement of an existing layby setdown area on Parliament Street with associated amendments to existing hard and soft landscaping, subject to the agreement of Dublin City Council; internal alterations at Basement Level and Ground Floor Levels in all properties; the provision of 10 No. signage zones (ranging in size from 0.89 sq m to 3.05 sq m) on the frontages of Parliament Street, Essex Gate and Exchange Street Upper, including halo illuminated signage on No. 32 Parliament Street only; associated alterations to the existing hotel’s services (mechanical and electrical, water supply, sewage disposal and surface water disposal) including the provision of SUDS measures (attenuation tank); and all associated site development works above and below ground. Paramount Hotel currently accommodates 66 No. bedrooms, ancillary bar and related hotel facilitates with an existing total gross floor area of 3,619 sq m. Nos. 31 and 32 Parliament Street measure 463 sq m and 466 sq m, respectively. The proposed development includes the demolition of 240 sq m floor area, the renovation of 4,308 sq m and the provision of 1,478 sq m new floor area, resulting in a 127 No. bedroom hotel with a total gross floor area of 5,768 sq m, with ancillary bar at Basement Level; ancillary bar, restaurant, reception and foyer at Ground Floor Level; 127 No. bedrooms at First to Seventh Floor Level; and ancillary hotel facilities and ancillary space (ancillary space includes areas such as circulation cores (lifts and stairs), from Basement to Seventh Floor Level.
Registration Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3811/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Monkstown FC/Pembroke CC Sports Ground |
Location | Wilfield Road and Park Avenue, Sydney Parade, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Replacement of 8 no. 13 m columns and associated lighting with 3 no. 18 m columns to the South East side of Pitch No. 2, complete with LED sports lighting to bring Pitch No. 2 to match standard and improve light spill & energy efficiency, together with all ancillary site works. |
Registration Date | 24-Nov-2017 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4307/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Hibernian Commercial Ltd |
Location | 37, Herbert Lane, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: (A) Increase in building ridge height, as Granted under 4184/16, so as to match exactly the adjoining property at No.35 Herbert Lane. (B) Alterations to internal layout, as granted under 4184/16, to include removal of external balcony area. (C) External alterations are also proposed to existing front and rear elevations to accommodate proposed doors, windows and access to patio as granted under 4184/17 & 3289/17. |
Registration Date | 20-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4308/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Raglan Hall Management Ltd |
Location | Raglan Hall, 30, Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The proposed development will consist of the insertion of a new pedestrian access gate into the Raglan Lane side of the existing boundary wall and the construction of an access ramp within the soft landscaping of the grounds at Raglan Hall, including all associated works. The works the subject of this application affect a Protected Structure. |
Registration Date | 20-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4331/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Clohisey Cahill Madden Partnership |
Location | 134-135 Milltown Road, Milltown Dublin 6 |
Proposal | 4 No. two bedroom single storey apartments at first floor over existing ground floor retail unit, roof lights , screened private terraces to rear, disabled access stairs to front and associated works . |
Registration Date | 22-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4336/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Aoibhinn Finlay & Marc Caron |
Location | Rear of 3, Pearse Square, fronting onto Byrne’s Lane, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: To construct a two-storey, two bedroom mews house incorporating a roof garden with boundary walls and all associated site works. |
Registration Date | 22-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4339/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Lorraine O’Meara, Caffe Nero Ireland |
Location | 27, South Great Georges Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission is sought for change of use from hairdressing salon to use as a coffeehouse at ground floor and basement. Works will include the internal renovation and refitting of the shop, improvements to fire safety and compartmentation, and new facilities for the disabled. The shopfronts and large signage panels on South Great Georges Street and Fade Street are to be replaced by new timber shopfronts and smaller signage fascia panels, with traditional retractable awnings. |
Registration Date | 22-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4347/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Fintan Clancy, The Clancy Co-Ownership |
Location | 3-9, Rathmines Road Upper, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Development on this site comprising a change of use from existing retail use to previously permitted restaurant use located at ground floor level of the existing building, all located at the ground floor. |
Registration Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4349/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Vincent Gough |
Location | 7, Larkfield Gardens, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | Permission to construct a 2-storey detached pitched roofed dwelling, with two new vehicular entrances [to serve existing & proposed dwellings]. |
Registration Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4352/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Damian, M F Properties |
Location | Scotch House, corner of Burgh Quay and HAwkins Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | A lift over run extending c. 300mm above the roof level and set back c.7.5m from the eastern boundary of the site and c.15.4m from the northern boundary of the site.
The proposed lift over run will occupy an area of c. 103 sq. m. of the office / café development previously permitted under Dublin City Council Reg. Ref. 3084/15, An Board Pleanála Reg. Ref.PL29S.246121 ( ‘The parent permission’). |
Registration Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4362/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Applicant | David O’Brien |
Location | 63, William Street South, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Planning permission is sought for the retention of the retractable steel glazed screen enclosing the street furniture to the front of 63 South William Street, Dublin 2. |
Registration Date | 24-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1586/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Barbara O’Riordan |
Location | 22, Belmont Gardens, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Works to include widening of existing entrance gate to 3600mm. All of the above along with landscaping works and all associated site works. |
Registration Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4266/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Derek & Martin McCormack |
Location | Site at Chelmsford Lane, (To rear of 9 & 10 Sallymount Avenue), Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Demolition of existing workshop buildings (250 sq.m) and the erection of 4 no. three storey houses (2 no. x 125 sq.m and 2 no. x 155 sq.m) with off street car parking and associated works. |
Registration Date | 14-Nov-2017
***Amendment to Week 46/17*** |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4275/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | West Hotel Trading Company |
Location | The Westbury Hotel, Balfe St., Harry St., and Clarendon St., Dublin 1 |
Proposal | The development will consist of change of use for 5 no. existing bedrooms to a gymnasium to include a covered enclosure of the balcony area adjoining and to provide for a covered enclosure of the balcony area adjoining to 3 no. existing bedrooms, all of which are located at the 2nd floor level of the site. |
Registration Date | 15-Nov-2017
***Amendment to Week 46/17*** |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4295/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Dee Dunne |
Location | 39, Anna Villa, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of a one storey extension to the rear at lower ground level and alterations to the interior including reinstating the two existing flats at first floor and upper ground floor level into a single family dwelling. Permission is required also for the inclusion of a one bedroom granny flat at lower ground level. |
Registration Date | 16-Nov-2017
***Amendment to Week 46/17*** |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4305/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Fenderside DAC |
Location | Site located at Hatch Street Upper (to the north), Harcourt Street (to the west) and a public plaza to the west, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Development at a 0.1350 hectare site. The site includes the former Tripod bar and venue and consists of the northern element of the platform building of the former Harcourt Street Railway Station. A part of a protected structure is situated within the application site (RPS Ref.3514: former station roof and facade).
The development consists of the following: i) Change of use of three areas within the vaulted foundation spaces at ground level to retail/ restaurant use (598 sq.m Gross Floor Area); ii) Change of use of the front of the building (to Hatch Street) at ground level and the first floor/ podium level and second floor/ mezzanine level of the northern element of the platform building (existing second floor/mezzanine floor to be removed and new floor provided) to office use (1,747 sq.m resultant Gross Floor Area in office use); iii) Removal of non-original features and interventions in accordance with good conservation practice; iv) Provision of glazed entrance to north elevation, replacement roof lights incorporated into a repaired and replaced roof as appropriate, glazed arched facades to vaulted foundations on east and west elevations, similar to works previously carried out at the southern element of the platform building; v) Upgrade of the existing service yard to provide a new public realm space, including the removal of the existing boundary railing and gates, and provision of new paving, steps landscaping and 22 bicycle parking spaces; vi) All conservation repair, replacement and refurbishment works in accordance with the submitted documentation; vii) All ancillary and associated site development works. |
Registration Date | 17-Nov-2017
***Amendment to Week 46/17*** |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4315/17 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Applicant | Redmond Murphy & Paula Cronin |
Location | 38, Wilfield Park, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | RETENTION: The development consists of alterations to previously approved planning Reg. Ref. 3804/16 which consists of:- 1) A hipped roof to the two storey extension instead of a gable roof to the rear to match in height and finish with the neighbouring roof 2) Front pitched roof to include the bay has been removed and reinstated to match in with the neighbouring property, 3) Reduction in the floor area of the single storey extension at the rear and side. |
Registration Date | 21-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4319/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Carmel Kenny |
Location | 18, Nutley Avenue, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The development will consist of single storey extension and renovation to rear, with minor alterations to space on ground floor internally and externally. Permission also sought to widen vehicle entrance and dish the footpath and all ancillary site works. |
Registration Date | 21-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4326/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Niall & Julie O’Doherty |
Location | 2, Merton Drive, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 R2X8 |
Proposal | Permission for the demolition of the existing porch, single storey extension, garage, shed and boiler house and one of the existing chimney breasts, construction of a single and two storey extension to the rear and side of the existing house, awning structure to the rear of the existing house, conversion of the attic space to 2 no. double bedrooms each with an en-suite, 2 no. new dormer windows and 3 no. new rooflights to the rear slope of the main house, one new rooflight to the proposed single storey extension, associated elevational changes, widening of the existing vehicular entrance to the front and all associated site works. |
Registration Date | 21-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4329/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Henry & Mary Crowley |
Location | 5, Arranmore Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Two-storey extension and dormer extension to the rear of our house, new garage at the rear of our site and associated site works. |
Registration Date | 22-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4333/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Robert Renehan |
Location | 42, Martin Street, Portabello, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Permission for two storey extension to rear. |
Registration Date | 22-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4341/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Neil O’Leary & Aislinn O’Farrell |
Location | 21, Palmerston Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the construction of a part single-storey/ part two-storey extension to the rear containing 2 no. rooflights and modifications to the existing house to include: general repair and redecoration works, new rooflight to centre roof pitch, repair works to roof, repointing of front brick facade and chimneys, refurbishment of existing windows and doors to include replacement of non-original glass with slim double glazing, replacement of basement door under front steps with new door; modifications at basement level to include new openings to the rear wall, new openings in the central wall, removal of modern partitions and stairs, lowering of floor level, new walls, new doors and glazed screens, new stairs; modifications at ground floor level to include removal of window to landing to allow connection to proposed extension and replacement of the non-original double doors between the two reception rooms; modifications at first floor level to include removal of modern partitions and doors, new door openings to central wall, new partitions and doors; including associated site and drainage works, all at no. 21 Parlmerston Road (Protected Structure), a part 3-storey/ part 4 storey semi-detached dwelling. |
Registration Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4345/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Cathy Carroll |
Location | 83, Eglinton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Demolition of an existing single storey rear extension and construction of a new 88 sq.m single storey kitchen/ dining extension to rear of existing house together with the construction of a new 14 sq.m single storey domestic structure to rear garden. |
Registration Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4354/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Owen and Cora Pagan |
Location | 85, Waterloo Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: A new vehicular access opening and space to park a car in the front garden including a new gate to be made by re-use of the existing cast iron railing, conservation works to the existing railing, pedestrian gate and plinth wall and associated landscape works. The house is a Protected Structure. |
Registration Date | 24-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4355/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Cora Lavin |
Location | 31, Albany Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | A domestic extension and alterations to existing semi-detached dwelling. The extension and alterations are comprised of: the removal of existing garage to side; single storey extension to front and side; elevational changes; modifications to existing house; widening of existing entrance gateway; and all ancillary works. |
Registration Date | 24-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1584/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Kerril Curran |
Location | 29, Fortfield Terrace, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 N2Y5 |
Proposal | The development will consist of converting an existing attic to habitable space by the provision of 3 No. roof lights to the front facing elevations and the construction of a flat roofed extension to the rear, including return. Ancillary works required include the provision of external insulation to the rear elevations. |
Registration Date | 22-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1585/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Mr Simon Hope |
Location | 1, Larch Grove, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 C8N0 |
Proposal | Planning permission is sought for the demolition of the existing single storey extension and one of the existing chimney breasts, construction of a single and two storey extension to the rear and side of the existing house, 2 no. new rooflights to the side slope of the existing roof and 6no. new rooflights to the proposed extensions, associated elevational changes, construction of a 1.1m high wheelie bin enclosure to the front of the property, and all associated site works |
Registration Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1586/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Barbara O’Riordan |
Location | 22, Belmont Gardens, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Works to include widening of existing entrance gate to 3600mm. All of the above along with landscaping works and all associated site works. |
Registration Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4304/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | David & Karen Ledwidge |
Location | Linden Lodge, 23, Park Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of (A) Demolition of existing conservatory to rear and shed to side; (B) Refurbishment to existing house including new M&E services installation throughout; Door and window refurbishment; Replacement of existing modern / PVC windows; New insulated concrete slab and damp-proofing to lower ground floor level only to replace existing un-insulated slab; Non-intrusive insulation in select areas; Redecoration throughout; (C) Minor alterations including re-arrangement of unoriginal kitchen and living spaces to rear; New internal partitions in select areas to tie in with proposed new layout; (D) New extensions including new two storey extensions to side and rear with zinc and slate roofs respectively and with dormer windows and roof lights; Single storey extensions to rear including new full length glazed bays and zinc canopy roofs; ( E) Widening of front entrance gates to facilitate safe access and egress; (F) All associated landscaping, drainage and miscellaneous works including a new side entrance gate. |
Registration Date | 17-Nov-2017
***Amendment to Week 46/17*** |
LAWS: ***NONE***
SAWS: ***NONE***
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0359/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Grant Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 21-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Paddy Dunning |
Location | Temple Bar Music Centre, Curved Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | EXPP: The purpose of this request for a declaration is to confirm our understanding that no act of development would occur in respect of the following:
– Operation of a guided tour of a venue does not result in a material change of use of a venue. In effect, we are principally seeking to confirm that the ‘ancillary’ and ‘occasional and intermittent’ use of the premises for the purposes of the operation of guided tour does not result in a material change of use of the venue. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0404/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Refuse Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 20-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Indeed Ireland Operations Ltd. |
Location | 124-127, Saint Stephen’s Green West, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | EXPP: Whether the provision of an illuminated advertisement inside premises at No. 124-127 St. Stephen’s Green West, Dublin 2, is or is not development or is or is not exempted development. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0405/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Grant Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 20-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Gavin Buckley |
Location | 22, South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | EXPP:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Proposed replacement of existing window with hardwood French doors, new decking and associated works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0406/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Grant Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 22-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Tara & David Logan |
Location | 3, Saint Kevin’s Gardens, Dartry, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | EXPP: 39 sq.m extension – Class 1. Is this exempted development? The house has never been extended. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0409/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Refuse Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 22-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | The Dublin Business Alliance |
Location | 30/31, Pearse Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | EXPP: We are not seeking a declaration in respect of any works. We wish to seek a declaration under Section 5 in respect of the following question:
Whether the use of the premises of the National Drug Treatment Centre, at Nos. 30-31 Pearse Street, Dublin 2, as a supervised injecting facility is or is not development and if it is development, whether it is exempted development. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0410/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Refuse Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 21-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | The Dublin Business Alliance |
Location | 9/10, Fitzwilliam Street Lower, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | EXPP:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: We are not seeking a declaration in respect of any works. We wish to seek a declaration under Section 5 in respect of the following question:
Whether the use of the premises at Nos. 9-10 Fitzwilliam Street Lower, Dublin 2, as a supervised injecting facility is or is not development and if it is development, whether it is exempted development. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0412/17 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Royal Dublin Society |
Location | RDS, Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | EXPP:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: A number of very minor alterations which do not affect any feature which contributes to the special character of the RDS:
Demolitions: 1. Break through new opening between the existing male bathroom and the existing yard extending an existing modern window to form a door. 2. Break through a new opening between the existing kitchen and the adjoining room to the west. 3. Remove the existing sanitary ware and partitions in the existing male and female bathrooms. 4. Break through a new door opening between the front and back rooms, currently used as a female toilet. 5. Break through a new door between the library archive room and a proposed new office in the area that is currently used as the female washroom 6. Remove kitchen fittings in the east room of the existing kitchen.
Proposals: 7. Provide new kitchen fittings in the area currently used as a gent’s toilets including catering staff changing and locker facilities. 8. Rationalise the existing female washroom. The new layout will accommodate a unisex universally accessible bathroom and male and female toilets serving the member’s club. 9. Provide a new office or storage area in part of the existing female washroom to be accessed from the library archive. 10. Block the existing door opening, and redecorate the east room of the current kitchen which will be used to accommodate small meetings.
Alterations to important architectural spaces which may be more contentious: 1. Insert a new door into the library bookshelves. This door will improve the accessibility and safety of the archive and offices behind but is not to be a fire door and will not require push bars, signage etc. It will match the detail and material of the existing bookshelves. See drawing 1411SE5 20 for details. 2. Insert a passenger lift in the northwest corner of the main hall to improve accessibility of the member’s bar and the meeting rooms at first floor. See drawing 1411SE5 21 for details. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0433/17 |
Application Type | Social Housing Exemption Certificate |
Decision | Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert |
Decision Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Naill Austin & Jeanne Heery |
Location | Rear of 34, Terenure Road East, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | SHEC: Demolition of derelict shed and construction of a new 4 bedroomed mews family home with off street car parking. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0434/17 |
Application Type | Social Housing Exemption Certificate |
Decision | Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert |
Decision Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Derek & Martin McCormack |
Location | Site at Chelmsford Lane (Rear of 9 & 10, Sallymount Avenue), Ranelagh, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | SHEC: Erection of 4 three-storey houses (2 no. x 125 sq.m and 2 no. 155 sq.m) and associated works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 0441/17 |
Application Type | Social Housing Exemption Certificate |
Decision | Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert |
Decision Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Fergus & Gabrielle Jordan |
Location | Abingdon, 1A, Saint Alban’s Park, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | SHEC: Planning permission for a new detached two storey house of 148.5 square metres on a site of 390 square metres within the grounds of ‘Abingdon’ 1A St Albans Park, Sandymount, Dublin 4. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3932/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 20-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Patrick and Karen Doran |
Location | Fintragh, 11, Shrewsbury Road, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Planning permission for minor alterations to previously approved development (Reg. Ref. 3049/17) to include the following: (i) Revised layout to approved basement level (including amendment of room sizes/wall positions, reconfiguration of stairs and relocation of external sunken courtyard) resulting in an increase in approved floor area by 49sq.m; (ii) reduction in width of ground floor study by 0.5m resulting in a decrease in approved floor area of 2.2m.; (iii) internal alterations to approved ground, 1st and 2nd floor layouts including: relocation of main stairs, provision of en-suite bathrooms to Bedroom No.s 2 and 3, omission of approved projecting chimney/bay feature and provision of internal chimney to master bedroom; additional removal of internal walls; and, reduction in floor area at 2nd floor level by 10sq.m; (iv) provision of brick finish in lieu of sandstone to chimneys; removal of existing chimney (serving previously approved reception hall); reduction in width to approved chimney in rear elevation (serving Master Bedroom only); provision of new chimney serving living room; (v) omission of roof feature over master en-suite and provision of new copper dome to front elevation; (vi) provision of lift enclosure finished in brick and lead cladding to rear elevation; (vii) alteration of existing brick ground floor bay window to provide a chamfered brick and sandstone bay window feature (to match to approved bay brick and sandstone window to formal dining room); (viii) minor alterations to fenestration on all elevations, including omission of previously approved window at 1st floor level on southern elevation; omission of 2 no. previously approved windows at 1st floor level and provision of 2 no. French doors from Master Bedroom to previously approved balcony on eastern elevation; omission of 4 no. ground-floor and 1 no. 1st floor window(s) on northern elevation, enlargement of ground-floor window and reduction in size of 2nd floor dormer window on northern elevation; (ix) alteration of approved materials to provide additional brick at 1st floor level to west (front) and north and south (side) elevations, provision of sandstone capping to approved living room octagon; provision of timber boarding and roughcast render in lieu of tile/render to west (front) and south (side) elevations; and, (x) Relocation of approved vehicular entrance gates 1.5m to the south. The proposed alterations result in an overall increase in floor area from 1,000sq.m previously approved to 1,036.8sq.m. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3934/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 20-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Dublin Chamber of Commerce |
Location | The Dublin Chamber Of Commerce, 7, Clare Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission is sought for the removal of existing signage and replacement with new signage to the front elevation of the building. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3935/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 21-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Barry Scott |
Location | 17, Leeson Street Upper, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Replacement of 10 no. windows to front and rear elevations, repair to 2 no. windows to gable, and replacement gate and stepped access from Leeson Street to the lower ground open well, with the construction of a bin store. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3938/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 21-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Agnes McCourt |
Location | 80, Donnybrook Manor, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Planning permission for the construction of a single storey extension to the side of existing detached house. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3942/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 22-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Oisín & Caolain Smith |
Location | 6 & 7, Walworth Road, Portobello, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Development consisting of:
i)Demolition of 2 no. two-storey existing structurally unsound terraced dwellings at Nos. 6 & 7 Walworth Road and construction of 2 no. replacement two-storey terraced dwellings similar in form, appearance and character to existing dwellings; ii) Provision of private open space to rear of each dwelling; iii) Demolition of existing garage to rear of No. 7 Walworth Road and iv) All associated site development works necessary to facilitate the development. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3943/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 22-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Insignia Investments Limited |
Location | Lands at The Barn, Riversdale Avenue, Bushy Park Road, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Permission for development at a site of c.0.12ha on lands at The Barn, Riversdale Avenue, Bushy Park Road, Dublin 6. The development will consist of the following: Construction of 3 no. 2-storey dwelling houses comprising 1 no. detached house (c.210sq.m) and 2 no. semi-detached houses (c.213sq.m each). All associated site development works, services provision, access, car parking, landscaping and boundary treatment works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3944/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 20-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Olema Consultants |
Location | 72-74, Harcourt Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of a glazed awning in frames, supported by moulded brackets over the entrance to the hotel development permitted by Dublin City Council under planning Reg. Ref. 2189/16 and as modified under planning Reg. Ref. 3682/16. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3950/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Thomas A. Menton |
Location | Site to the rear of 38 and 40, Rathdown Park, Terenure, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | Development consisting of a new 2-storey 2-bedroom detached dwelling with new vehicular entrance and driveway. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3952/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 22-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Siobhan Jennings |
Location | 23C, Rosendale, York Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | To demolish a single-storey flat roofed garage attached to the side and to construct a single-storey flat roofed side & front extension. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3958/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Canal Basin Holdings Limited |
Location | Vacant site at corner of Richmond Street South, Dublin 2 and Lennox Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | A variation is sought to an existing Planning Permission (Reg. Ref. 3015/15). The permission granted involved a mixed use development of a 4 storey-over basement building comprising 1 retail unit at Ground Floor level with retail storage and gym at Basement level and office accommodation at Levels 1-3. The development also provided for 8 car parking spaces to the rear and 28 bicycle parking spaces in the basement. The proposed amendments to the permitted development consist of: 1. Redesigned external elevations to upper floors and to include more appropriate retail frontage at ground floor level; 2. Moving of bicycle parking from basement to the rear yard accessed from Harrington Court and to provide a revised layout to the previously approved 8 no. car parking spaces. 3. A rationalisation of internal spaces including cores & circulation space. As a result of the proposed amendments, the over all floor area is to increase from 3,739 sq.m as approved under the previous Permission (Reg. Ref. 3015/15) to 3,815 sq.m (an increase of 76 sq.m). |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3959/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 22-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Martin Ferris |
Location | 21, Heytesbury Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Planning permission for a single storey, ground floor, entrance porch extension (10.5sqm) to the front elevation. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3961/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Cairn Homes Properties Ltd. |
Location | Block D, Marianella, 75, Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | Amendments to Block D previously permitted under Reg.Ref. 2186/09 / An Bord Pleanala Ref. PL29S.234927. The development comprises of:
– Internal reconfiguration of Block D to provide for a revised layout of previously permitted 17 no. 1 bed units and 2 no. 2 bed units; – Reduction of permitted crèche from 482.8 sq.m to 479.4 sq.m gross floor area; – Revisions to all elevations (north, south, east and west) including provision of private terraces/ balconies to serve each unit; – Increase in gross floor area of Block D from 2,166.8 sq.m to 2,199 sq.m. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3967/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | New Haven Leisure Ltd. |
Location | 8, Dawson Street, and Dawson Lane, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: a) Essential repairs and maintenance of existing building fabric; b) Fire safety upgrades of key elements including certain windows; and c) The removal of non-original partitions at first and second floor levels and reinstatement of former internal doorway at first floor level.
The application should be considered in conjunction with previously approved planning application 3389/12 and subsequent amended application 2783/17. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4199/16Sub02 |
Application Type | Compliance Submission |
Decision Date | 21-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Declan & Aisling Buckley |
Location | 11, Herbert Park, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: To extend and alter this property (A Protected Structure, RPS No. 3687). The proposed development will consist of:
a) The construction of a rear and side single-storey extension at ground floor level and an extension at second floor level which will result in an increase in floor area of: 47.1 sq.m at ground floor level and 5.3 sq.m at second floor level. Total floor area increase of the house 52.4 sq.m. The rear extensions will incorporate a flat roof to the single storey ground floor extension and a new raised pitched roof to the rear at second floor level. b) The erection of an 18 sq.m single storey detached flat roof garden room structure to the rear garden of the property. c) Refurbishment and re-roofing of the existing side garage. d) The widening of an existing vehicular access by 1m at the front of the property onto Herbert Park. e) Associated internal and external alterations and refurbishments including elevational improvements. f) Associated demolitions and alterations. g) Associated drainage, landscaping and boundary treatment works within the curtilage of the site. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 4224/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 21-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Robert Renehan |
Location | 42, Martin Street, Portobello, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Permission for two storey extension to rear. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | DSDZ4260/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Fulminis Ltd. |
Location | 1 Hanover Quay, to the corner of Hanover Quay and Forbes Street, Dublin 2 |
Proposal | The subdivision of an 846 sq.m gross floor area existing restaurant and public house into two separate units; one of which will incorporate a restaurant and public house (738 sq.m), the other of which will incorporate a café/ restaurant and ancillary takeaway use (116 sq.m). Other alterations include elevational amendments, and the provision of illuminated signage to both units and the relocation of the air condenser units for the restaurant to the roof.
The application relates to a proposed development within a Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme area. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1510/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 22-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Colm O’Connell |
Location | 22, Saint Kevin’s Parade, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The construction of a new flat roof dormer window to the rear, and the construction of a new flue to the rear to accommodate new stove at ground floor level. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1511/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Shane & Sarah Sweeney |
Location | 71, Strand Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the demolition of an existing single storey lean to extension to the rear of 5m² and removal of existing front porch of 1m², and the construction of the following – a first floor extension of 62m² comprising 2 no. bedrooms and an ensuite, the introduction of three windows to the first floor extension facing east to Strand Road, pitched roofs over the first floor extension and rear portion of the existing house, double height glazed screen to rear west facing elevation to the dining room, internal alterations and refurbishment works, solar panels to rear pitched roof, all associated site development works on a site of 420m² area. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1513/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 24-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Sabina and Brian O’Daly |
Location | 9, Gilford Park, Sandymount, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission is sought for development consisting of the demolition of existing single storey garage to side, existing single storey extension to side and rear, and existing chimney, and the provision of new two storey extension to side and front, new single storey extension to rear, 2 new dormer windows to rear with associated attic conversion, new rooflights to side and front, all to existing two storey semi detached dwelling with sundry associated works including widening of existing vehicular entrance. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | WEB1560/17 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Brenda Ryan |
Location | 12, Ovoca Road, Dublin 8, D08 H2W5 |
Proposal | Permission for development at this site No. 12 Ovoca Road, Portobello, Dublin 8. The development consists of demolition of an existing lean-to single storey rear domestic extension & construction of a single storey flat green roof rear domestic extension to provide additional living accommodation at ground floor with renovation and alterations to the existing house including the provision of a rooflight to the front and all associated site works. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3153/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Seabren Developments Limited |
Location | 63, Terenure Road North and lands to rear of 65 Terenure Road North, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | The development will consist of the demolition of existing multi-residential unit single storey and part dormer dwelling, separate detached unit and outbuilding at 63 Terenure Road North and clearance of lands to rear of no. 65 Terenure Road North; and the construction of 4 no. three storey dwellings, consisting of a pair of semi detached 3 bedroom three storey dwellings bounding and to be accessed from Terenure Road North; and a pair of semi-detached 3 bedroom three storey dwellings to the rear of no. 63 and 65 Terenure Road North and to be accessed from Eagle Hill Avenue. The development will be served by 6 no. car parking spaces. The houses fronting Terenure Road North will be served by 2 no. car parking spaces to the front. The houses to be accessed off Eagle Hill Avenue will be served by 3 no. car parking spaces plus an additional space to serve the houses along Terenure Road North. The development will include all associated landscape and site development works including new footpath along Eagle Hill Avenue. |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 3069/17 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Michael and Ann Kevany |
Location | 36, Raglan Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Proposal | Permission for development consisting of demolition of existing garage and associated brick party wall and later limestone boundary wall to the gable only of no 34 Raglan Lane, site clearance and construction of a 265 sqm 3 storey building consisting of a basement, flat roof detached mews house with one off street courtyard car parking space from Raglan Lane, a rear landscaped garden and enclosed rear first floor terrace including a 1.5m solid fence facing west and 1.5m opaque screen facing north, new pedestrian gate and new vehicular automated access gate onto Raglan Lane along with all associated site works including landscaping and services formerly within the curtilage of a protected structure. |
***Amendment to Week 46/17*** |
Area | Area 1 – South East |
Application Number | 2679/17 |
Appeal Decision | REFUSE PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 23-Nov-2017 |
Applicant | Ronan Murphy & Clare Meaney |
Location | 11, Belgrave Square East, Rathmines, Dublin 6 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE – The development will consist of the provision of one on-site car parking space and a motorised sliding vehicle gate allowing access off Belgrave Square East and associated site works. |