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Weekly Dublin 8 Planning Updates – Week Starting 17/06/14

Dublin Planning

This weeks planning contains the permission for the new Department of Social Protection Building in Cork Street.






Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2116/09/x1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Applicant Mr. Vincent Keary
Location 10, Usher’s Island, And 32 Island Street, Dublin 8
Proposal EXT: The development consists of the demolition of the existing single storey light industrial shed and the construction of a residential block to the north and the south of the site, with a communal garden in the centre at first floor level. The overall development will comprise of a toatl 11 no. apartments (2 no. 3/4 Bed duplexes of 160 sq.m and 150 sq.m respectively, 5 no. 2/3 bed apartments of 113 sq.m each and 4 no. 2/3 bed apartments of 104 sq.m each) a shared storage area of 53 sq.m projecting balconies to the south and internal garden elevations of the apartments with wintergardens to the north elevation, a central lift and stair core, rainwater collection and concealed solar panels to the upper roof of the south block, bicycle parking (12 spaces), refuse collection areas and ground floor car parking (5 no. spaces) with vehicular entrance/ egrees onto Island Street. The building will be a total of seven storeys high (23.5 m) to Usher’s Island, including set back of one storey and eight storeys onto Usher’s Is;and (25.5 m) including set back of two storeys. The parapet height to Usher’s Island will be 20.4m and 19.3m to Island Street.
Registration Date 12-Jun-2014
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2479/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Christine Wall
Location Site to rear of 352, Kimmage Road Lower, Kimmage, Dublin 6w
Proposal Construction of a 2 storey 3 bed flat roofed dwelling with roof lights (area 177m2 approx) and associated site works. Vehicular access to proposed dwelling via existing laneway to side and rear of 352 Kimmage Road Lower. 
Registration Date 10-Jun-2014
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2843/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant David Brock
Location 21, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Proposal Permission for a change of use from office to residential (office use previously granted under Ref. No. 2895/13) & to carry out a renovation & extension to existing 1st floor. Alterations include the demolition of existing 1st floor single storey rear flat roof extension to rear & to construct (a) new living, kitchen, dining area with private roof garden at 1st floor level & (b) to form a 2nd storey over existing flat roof on the front main building to form a ridge line similar to adjoining buildings. This 2nd storey will incorporate a Master bedroom with en-suite & all associated site development works. 
Registration Date 10-Jun-2014
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2845/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant M&J Gleeson Property Development Ltd.
Location Gilbey’s Warehouse Complex, Keeper Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal Formation of a single door opening, measuring 4m wide x 4.7m high, with a roller shutter, to northern elevation (rear) of the warehouse.
Registration Date 10-Jun-2014
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2850/14
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Jackie Cosgrave
Location 11 Old Naas Road Cottages, Old Naas Road, Bluebell, Dublin, 12
Proposal RETENTION permission for development at 11 Old Naas Road Cottages, Old Naas Road, Bluebell, Dublin 12 (site area c.0.069 hectares). The development to be retained comprises of the subdivision of the existing dwelling and single storey rear extension (c.40 sq.m) of 11 Old Naas Road Cottages to provide for two no. one bedroom residential units (no. 11 and 11a) accessed via existing entrance/ egress onto Old Naas Road. Retention permission is also sought for 4 no. car parking spaces, landscaping and ancillary site works. 
Registration Date 11-Jun-2014





Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2835/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Kevin O’Hare & Harriet Wheelock
Location 8, Herberton Drive, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal The development consists of: a) Demolition of existing single storey side and rear extension and the construction of a new attached side and rear single storey extension, b) internal refurbishment of existing dwelling, c) the provision of new window to 1st floor side landing, d) the installation of solar collector panels to front south facing roof, e) provision of off-street parking to front garden including dishing of public footpath and installation of new driveway gate to front boundary wall, f) partial demolition of existing rear shed and all ancillary works. 
Registration Date 10-Jun-2014 
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2841/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Teresa Corcoran
Location 84, Naas Road, Bluebell, Dublin 12
Proposal RETENTION: Permission for a fully serviced conversion of the attic space and retention of planning permission for an extension to the rear of the dwelling and conversion of the garage for use as a habitable space and associated works. 
Registration Date 10-Jun-2014
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2848/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Mags O’Reilly
Location 50, Cloyne Road, Dublin 12
Proposal The development will consist of front porch and side wash wet room and extended lounge to front, all single storey. 
Registration Date 11-Jun-2014
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2866/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Mr. & Mrs. C. Goodhind
Location 4, Ballyfermot Parade, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Proposal Double storey extension to gable end of property and associated site works.
Registration Date 13-Jun-2014
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1072/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Kieran Croke
Location 61, Tyrconnell Park, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Proposal -Demolition of single storey flat roofed shed to the side of the existing house.-Construction of a new shed to the side and rear of the dwelling with pitched roof and rooflights.

-New canopy roof to the front elevation.

-New pitched roof to replace existing flat roof over previous extension.

-Conversion of existing garage to living space with associated elevational alterations.

– Widening of the existing vehicular driveway to 3.5M wide, alterations to front boundary and all associated siteworks.


Registration Date 11-Jun-2014
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1170/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Tony Ryan
Location 238, Mourne Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12
Proposal The development will consist of a new vehicular driveway 3.6M wide, alterations to boundary wall and all associated site works.
Registration Date 12-Jun-2014



LAWS:                          ***NONE***


SAWS:                          ***NONE***





 Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2269/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Jun-2014
Applicant Lourdes Celtic Football Club
Location Lourdes Celtic Football Club, Old County Glen, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal The proposed development will consist of an increase to the internal first floor area of the existing clubhouse with alterations and renovation to the existing layout including the addition of an internal staircase and a Gym facility with accompanying changing rooms. 




 Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2341/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 12-Jun-2014
Applicant Mr Brendan Heneghan
Location 88, Parkmore Drive, Terenure, Dublin 6W
Proposal Modifications to existing 2 storey semi detached house which include the following: A). The construction of a new extension at first floor level over the existing flat roofed garage and B). The extension of the main existing hipped roof structure to incorporate the extension and C). The insertion of 1 no. rooflight window (velux or similar) to the existing rear pitch of the roof and D). The widening of the existing site entrance gateway by approx. 500mm and rebuilding of gate-pier. 




 Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2561/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 09-Jun-2014
Applicant Commissioners of Public Works Ireland
Location ‘The Guild Building’, Junction of Cork Street and Ardee Street, Dublin 8
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of; Alterations to previous approved permission for The Guild Building, (formerly identified as ‘Block A in original development, Register Reference 3401/05), comprising a Change of Use from Retail/Office at ground floor (490sqm) and Office use at first floor (740sqm) to Office use on both floors. The development will consist of an Intreo centre where integrated employment and support services are provided to visiting members of the public.The proposal also includes minor amendments to main entrance door from Cork Street and new external signage to Cork Street and Ardee Street elevations. The proposal is within the curtilage of a protected structure (Ref. 255)






 Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2566/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Jun-2014
Applicant Sean Kelly
Location 3, Hazelbrook Court, Terenure, Dublin 6w
Proposal Installation of new velux type rooflight into the existing roof. 



 Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2578/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Jun-2014
Applicant Carmel Kearns
Location 72, Belgrove Lawn, Chapelizod, Dublin 20
Proposal Single storey extension to the rear of existing two storey semi-detached dwelling. The development incorporates an extended dining / living room adjacent to existing kitchen.



 Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2616/09/x1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Decision Date 11-Jun-2014
Applicant Rachael Chidlow & Paul Keogh
Location 47, St Albans Road, Dublin 8
Proposal EXT OF DURATION: The proposed alterations and extensions comprise; demolition of existing extensions to the rear; construction of new single storey extension (42sq.m) with flat roof and 4no. rooflights to the rear; construction of new garden/boundary walls to the rear; and sundry internal alterations and renovations.



 Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2706/09/x1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Decision Date 11-Jun-2014
Applicant Paul Conway
Location 698, Lucan Road, Chapelizod, Dublin 20
Proposal EXT: Permission sought to demolish existing single storey extension at rear, erect new single storey extension at rear, permission sought for retention of existing 4no. velux rooflights and one new velux rooflight to side of existing dwelling.



 Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2776/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 09-Jun-2014
Applicant Vodafone Ireland Limited
Location Templeogue Synge Street GAA Grounds, Dolphin Park, Crumlin Road, Dublin 12
Proposal Amendment to previously granted application, planning reference 4062/10. This amendment will consist of a change in height of the proposed monopole to 18 metres from 15 metres and the relocation of the monopole to the south eastern aspect of the site. The 18 metre monopole will carry telecommunications apparatus along with ground based equipment cabinets and security fencing. The development will form part of Vodafone Ireland’s GSM, 3G and 4G network. 



 Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2806/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 12-Jun-2014
Applicant Paddy and Ann McManus
Location 103, 105 and 107, Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Proposal Demolition of existing fire damaged/derelict 2 storey over basement public house (The Horse and Jockey) and the construction of a 4 storey over basement mixed use development comprising (a) accommodation for 44 students with single bed studios and shared kitchen/living/dining accommodation all over 5 storeys, (b) replacement bar and lounge at ground floor level, (c) bar store, male & female toilets at basement level to serve bar/lounge, (d) bicycle store and bin store at basement level to serve student accommodation block and (e) the relocation of a public overflow sewer from no 107 Emmet Road to adjoining open space at 103 Emmet Road. 



 Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3571/13
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Jun-2014
Applicant The Health Service Executive
Location The Existing HSE Health Centre, Mother McCauley Community Centre, Curlew Road, Dublin 12
Proposal The development will consist of: The relocation of existing services by the erection of a new Primary Care Centre of 2746sqm, of 1-3 storeys to accommodate 3 GP Suites for a total of 10 GPs and 3 nurses and associated stores and reception/ office areas; public health nurse services, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech/ language therapy suites; 6 visiting clinician interview rooms, 3 large group/ family/ family therapy rooms, 5 older person services consulting rooms and retention of existing addiction services and dispensary. Supporting ancillary related services including reception and waiting areas, public atrium and circulation stairs and lifts, ancillary stores, toilets and changing rooms. Service areas include integrated plant and refuse/ waste/ cleaning areas. Also includes the Primary Care Centre operational and administrative offices, associated stores, meeting rooms and canteen. The relocation of existing services by the erection of a new Community Centre of 939sqm, of 1-2 storeys including dining room and social room, training room, hairdressing room and creche facilities for 20 pre-school children. Supporting facilities include kitchen, toilets, store, offices and changing rooms. The service area incorporates plant and waste stores and a new ESB substation and switch room to serve the entire site. The relocation of existing services by the erection of a new Alzheimer Day Care Centre of 267sqm, of one storey, with dining, sitting and activities rooms and associated offices, toilets and stores. The site works include changing six existing vehicle entrances on Curlew Road to two new ones, with one exit route to the west of the site, new community garden area associated with the community centre and day care centre site landscaping works to include boundary treatment, paths and planting. parking on site provides for 76 cars and 28 bicylcles. The demolition of the existing HSE Health Centre, demolition of the existing Mother McCauley Community Centre and demolition of the existing Alzheimer Day Care Centre. Site entrance signage will be erected at the eastern side of Curlew Road.




 Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1094/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 09-Jun-2014
Applicant Donore Harriers Sports Centre
Location Donore Harriers Sports Centre, Chapelizod Road, Dublin 20
Proposal The development will consist of the construction of an advertising structure and associated signage 2.5×1.75 Metres area and lighting to the street frontage at Chapelizod Road. The signage is to advertise the activities of Donore Harriers Sports Centre.



 Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1156/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Jun-2014
Applicant Kevin O’Hare & Harriet Wheelock
Location 8, Herberton Drive, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal The development consists of:a.demolition of existing single storey side and rear extension and the construction of a new attached side and rear single storey extension,

b.internal refurbishment of existing dwelling,

c.the provision of new window to 1st floor side landing,

d.the installation of solar collector panels to front south facing roof,

e.provision of off-street parking to front garden including dishing of public footpath and installation of new driveway gate to front boundary wall,

f.partial demolition of existing rear shed and all ancillary works.




 Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1158/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Jun-2014
Applicant Kevin O’Hare & Harriet Wheelock
Location 8, Herberton Drive, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal The development consists of:a.demolition of existing single storey side and rear extension and the construction of a new attached side and rear single storey extension,

b.internal refurbishment of existing dwelling,

c.the provision of new window to 1st floor side landing,

d.the installation of solar collector panels to front south facing roof,

e.provision of off-street parking to front garden including dishing of public footpath and installation of new driveway gate to front boundary wall,

f.partial demolition of existing rear shed and all ancillary works.







 Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2137/14
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Forecourt Promotions
Location UNIT 5, Long Mile Road Business Park, Long Mile Road, Dublin 12
Proposal The development will consist of the following: 1. Change of use of the existing warehouse unit from Industrial/ warehouse use to retail at ground floor level only (517 s.q.m in total) 2. Amendments to the existing East facade including new cladding, signage and access. 




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