Planning permission has been sought for the demolishing of 2 tower blocks as part of the Dolphin’s Barn redevelopment and the building of 100 new housing units. This is of course big news for the area. In other big residential property news, planning permission for the massive development at Clancy Barracks near Island bridge has been granted and will proceed full steam ahead.
The Clancy development is interesting as the previous developments in the area were caught in the height the crash and left dormant for a long period of time. This would suggest the developers believe that there is money to be made in Dublin, and specifically, Dublin 8, once again. This comes of course, with its own caveats lest history be repeated but it does mean that there will be some short term employment in the construction sector. It is lamentable that other regions outside Dublin have not benefited from this ever so slight change in economic performance or perhaps it is indicative of people giving up on their Waterford or Kerry homes to move to the big smoke in pursuit of work.
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2503/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Diageo Ireland |
Location | Guinness Brewery Lands To The North Of, James’s Street, Bounded By, Victoria Quay To The North, Walting Street To The East, Steeven’s Lane To The West &, James’s Street To The South, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | For the construction of 12 no. external tank structures to a maximum height of approx. 27.15m (32.590O.D) including enclosing single storey support building containing associated plant as an extension to the existing Cold Block (Fermentation and Beer Processing) tanking storage facility constructed as part of the scope of the newly constructed Brewhouse Development (planning ref: 3730/11) within the Guinness Brewery Lands. The development includes the demolition of an existing two storey over basement administrative building (Logistics Building) and associated site works. The subject site contains two Protected Structures – granite piers and Victoria Quay House but neither structure is affected by this application, the application relates to development which is for the purpose of an activity falling within the scope of Diageo’s existing Integrated Prevention Pollution Control (PPC) Licence for this site. |
Registration Date | 20-Jun-2014 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2510/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Sanjeev Behal |
Location | 76, Meath Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Reconstruction/ renovation and extension to existing retail unit at no. 76 Meath Street, Dublin 8. The development will consist of ground and first floor extension and refurbishment incorporating retail space and ancillary space (i) a new shop front with associated signage, (ii) all associated site and drainage work. The gross area shall be 193 sq.m. |
Registration Date | 16-Jun-2014 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2906/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Vodafone Ireland Limited |
Location | Templeogue Synge Street GAA Grounds, Dolphin Park, Crumlin Road, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | For an amendment to the previously granted application, planning reference 4062/10. This amendment will consist of a change in height of the proposed monopole to 18 metres from 15 metres and the relocation of the monopole to the south eastern aspect of the site. The 18 metre monopole will carry telecommunications apparatus along with ground based equipment cabinets and security fencing. The development will form part of Vodafone Ireland’s GSM, 3G and 4G network. |
Registration Date | 19-Jun-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2907/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Mr. Tom Horan |
Location | Site To Rear, 1, Lough Conn Terrace, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 |
Proposal | For 2 terraced two storey dwellings with off street car parking, incorporating vehicular access to rear garden of 1A Lough Conn Terrace from Rossmore Road and vehicular access to front garden of no. 1B Lough Conn Terrace and associated site works on site to side. |
Registration Date | 19-Jun-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3734/13 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | The Trustees of Terenure Rugby Club |
Location | Terenure College Rugby Football Club, Lakelands, Greenlea Grove, Terenure, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | Permission for (i) the provision of an all-weather pitch of 9060 sq.m, and associated security fencing, new floodlighting to replace existing lighting, and drainage at the existing training pitch, (ii) the installation of new floodlighting at the existing main playing pitch, and (iii) the construction of a single storey extension of 110 sq.m to the existing changing facilities at the Clubhouse, (iv) single storey associated plant room of 7sq.m all at a 2.73 hectare site. |
Registration Date | 20-Jun-2014 |
Additional Information Received |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2885/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Ian & Michelle Enright |
Location | 156, Mangerton Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | Planning permission to make amendments to development previously approved under planning reference 3781/13. The extent of the amendments comprise of the reduction in the overall width and floor area of the new two storey extension previously proposed and approved to the side of an existing dwelling, together with associated modifications to the external elevations. |
Registration Date | 17-Jun-2014
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1176/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Margaret Lynch |
Location | 36, Ferns Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | The development will consist of new single storey extension with 1no. rooflight to rear of existing side extension, and 1no. rooflight to existing side extension. |
Registration Date | 16-Jun-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1180/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Tony Ryan |
Location | 238, Mourne Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | The development will consist of a new vehicular driveway 3.6M wide, alterations to boundary wall and all associated siteworks. |
Registration Date | 17-Jun-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2890/14 |
Application Type | LAW |
Applicant | Housing Development, Dublin City Council |
Location | The Dolphin Estate, South Circular Road, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | LAW: Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given of the proposed demolition of 2 no. blocks and the development of a total of 100 no. dwelling units (including new houses, new apartments, and amalgamated / refurbished units) in buildings ranging between 1 to 4 storeys in height, on a c.1.08 hectare site located towards the south-east corner of the Dolphin Estate close to Dolphins Barn and the Grand Canal – to facilitate the proposed regeneration of the lands and the upgrading of the existing housing stock.The proposed development consists of: The demolition of 2 no. blocks adjacent to the Grand Canal containing 24 no. existing dwelling units (no’s. 117-128 and 177-188 inclusive); the refurbishment of 3 no. blocks perpendicular to the Grand Canal containing 72 no. existing dwelling units (no’s. 93-116, 129-152 and 153-176 inclusive) including the amalgamation of some units to provide 63 no. upgraded dwelling units; the construction of 2 no. blocks to the north of the blocks proposed for refurbishment and upgrading containing 14 no. new dwelling units and 8 no. new dwelling units respectively; the construction of 9 no. houses and the construction of 1 no. new block adjacent to the Grand Canal containing 6 no. new dwelling units; and associated works including, hard and soft landscaping, childrens play facilities, surface car and cycle parking, new routes including access to the Grand Canal, boundary treatment, CCTV security, and public lighting.
Plans and particulars of the proposed development may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy for a period of six weeks from Wednesday 18th June 2014 to Wednesday 30th July 2014, at the offices of Dublin City Council, Public Counter, Planning Department, Block 4, Ground Floor, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8, Monday to Friday from 9.00hrs. to 16.30hrs. A submission or observation in relation to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and substainable development of the area in which the development would be situated, may be made, in writing, to: The Executive Manager, Planning Department, Dublin City Council, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 before 16.30hrs on Thursday 14th August 2014. |
Registration Date | 18-Jun-2014 |
SAWS: None
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 0153/14 |
Application Type | Social Housing Exemption Certificate |
Decision | Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert |
Decision Date | 16-Jun-2014 |
Applicant | Mr Sam Smith |
Location | 112, Cork Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Proposed development consisting of 3 no. apartments comprising no. 1 – 1 bedroom unit & no. 2 – 3 bedroom units. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2571/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 16-Jun-2014 |
Applicant | D.Beatty |
Location | 22, North Terrace, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The development consists of the removal of the existing sunroom and toilet to the rear of the dwelling and the construction of a single storey extension within the same footprint. The development also consists of internal alterations and the raising of the roof level at first floor level over existing bedrooms to the rear of the dwelling. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2572/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 16-Jun-2014 |
Applicant | Bernadette Connolly |
Location | 13, Heuston Square, Inchicore Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the construction of a two storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, modification of the Northern elevation of the existing dwelling and all ancillary site works and services. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2575/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 17-Jun-2014 |
Applicant | Claire Gallanders |
Location | 189, Sundrive Road, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the demolition of existing single storey garage to the east and a new 1 bed two storey detached dwelling to the East of the existing dwelling with new vehicular access to the existing and proposed dwelling and all with associated site development works. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2581/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 17-Jun-2014 |
Applicant | Andrea Byrne & Daragh Davenport |
Location | 66, Rafter’s Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | Construction of 2 storey, part single storey extension to rear and side of the existing dwelling, including internal alterations to the existing layout, together with revised carparking layout and all associated site works. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2584/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 17-Jun-2014 |
Applicant | Shrewsbury Square Ltd |
Location | Faulkner Industries Ltd & ‘Beann’, Chapelizod Hill Road, Chapelizod, Dublin 20 |
Proposal | The development will consist of modifications to permitted development of 33 new dwellings and alterations to an existing dwelling ‘Beann’, Reg Ref 2803/13. The proposed modifications comprise alterations to individual house designs of 8 permitted dwellings to include revised bedroom allocations and corresponding elevations and ancillary details. The overall number of bedspaces proposed is 148 (147 bedspaces permitted). The permitted development reg ref 2803/13 remains as permitted in respect of site layout and overall design. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2593/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 18-Jun-2014 |
Applicant | KW Real Estate PLC |
Location | Clancy Quay, Clancy Barracks, South Circular Road, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: For planning permission at this site (c.2.1ha) at Clancy Quay (the former Clancy Barracks), South Circular Road, Islandbridge, Dublin 8. The site is generally bounded by existing Clancy Quay Phase 1 development and the River Liffey to the North, CIE lands to the east and south, underdeveloped Clancy Quay Phase 3 lands and St. John’s Road West to the south, and South Circular Road to the west. ”Clancy Barracks: 19th Century Buildings” are listed in the Record of Protected Structures (reg. No 1851). There are 10 no. former barracks buildings existing within the site (Late 20th Century – B9. Early 20th Century- B1, B2. 19th Century- B5, B6, B7, B8, C2 Late 18th Century- B3, C3). and other features of architectural interest. The proposed development comprises the development of 164 no. dwellings including 2no. ‘work from home’ units, in 13no. blocks ranging in height generally from 2 to 6 storeys, with a total gross floor area of c.17,766 sq.m. Proposed development involves; the conservation, rehabilitation refurbishment (including partial demolition and removal of certain elements) and change of use of existing buildings B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B8, c2 and C3 from uses ancillary to former military barracks to residential use, to accommodate in Block B1 a total of 7 no. dwellings (in form of 2 no. 2-bed apartments, 1 no. 2-bed house, 2no. 3-bed apartments, 2no. 3-bed houses), in Block B2 a total of 13no. dwellings (in the form of 2no. 2-bed apartments, 2no. 3-bed apartments, 9no. 3-bed houses), in Block B3 a total of 8no. dwellings (in the form of 3 no. 1-bed houses, 3no. 2-bed houses, 2no 3-bed houses), in Block B5 a total of 2no. 1-bed houses, in Block B6 a total of 11 no. dwellings (in the form of 2no. 1-bed apartments, 6no 2-bed apartments, 3no. 2-bed houses), in Block B77 a total of 11no. dwellings (in the form of 2no. 1-bed apartments, 6no. 2-bed apartments, 3 no. 2-bed houses), in block B8 a total of 11no. dwellings (in the form of 2no. 1-bed apartments, 6no. 2-bed apartments, 3no. 2-bed houses), in Block C2 total of 1no. 2-bed house and 1no. 3-bed house, in Block C3 total of 12no dwellings (in the form of 5no. 2-bed houses, 6no. 3-bed houses, 1no. 4-bed houses); the construction of new buildings including; 2-storey courtyard houses, (total 12no. dwellings in the form of 6 no. 2-bed houses, 6 no. 3-bed houses) with solar panels at roof level, 4-storey Block B9 (total 24no. dwellings in the form of 6no. 1-bed apartments, 14no. 2-bed apartments, 4 no. 3-bed apartments), 6-storey Block L1 (total 18no. dwellings in the form of 8no. 1-bed apartments, two of which are ground floor ‘work from home’ units and 10no. 2-bed apartments), 6-storey Block L2 (total 33no. dwellings in the form of 13no. 1-bed apartments, 20 no. 2-bed apartments); balconies and/or terraces are proposed on all existing and new buildings (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, C2, C3, L1, L2 and courtyard buildings). And all ancillary and associated site development works including the demolition of existing 2-storey Block B9 (c. 1,900sq.m gfa, former Barracks office building dating to 1987), existing 1-storey structures adjoining the east and west ends of block C3 (c.20.5sq.m and 21 sqm respectively), and existing 1-storey structure adjoining Block B3 (c.30sq.m); the integration of indentified existing artefacts within the general site layout arrangement; vehicular access via the existing site entrance on South Circular Road; the use of 140no. existing basement car parking spaces accessed via the existing ramp to the basement car park under Phase 1; access via existing lift and stairs in existing Phase 1 Block Z (estuary) and Block K2 (Garrison) to and from existing basement car park; construction of 37 no. new surface car parking spaces within the Phase 2 site and associated internal road access; 82no. bicycle stands (accommodating 164 bicycles); 7 no. refuse storage compounds; ancillary plant and services including provision of 2no. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants, one integrated into in each of Blocks L1/L2 and Block P9, 1no. ESB sub-station (c. 24sqm), drainage, lighting hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatment works.
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2601/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 18-Jun-2014 |
Applicant | Pól Ó Súilleabháin and Yolanda de Castro |
Location | 102, Stannaway Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | 2 storey rear extension to the 2 storey mid terrace family dwelling, including internal alterations, rooflights, related site works and provision of a vehicular access gate and driveway from the front of the dwelling onto Stannaway Road. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2610/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 16-Jun-2014 |
Applicant | Edward Kilty |
Location | 58, Parkmore Drive, Terenure, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | Construction of a dormer extension to the roof at the side of existing semi-detached house containing a stair to the loft. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2841/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 16-Jun-2014 |
Applicant | Teresa Corcoran |
Location | 84, Naas Road, Bluebell, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Permission for a fully serviced conversion of the attic space and retention of planning permission for an extension to the rear of the dwelling and conversion of the garage for use as a habitable space and associated works. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2843/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 17-Jun-2014 |
Applicant | David Brock |
Location | 21, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Permission for a change of use from office to residential (office use previously granted under Ref. No. 2895/13) & to carry out a renovation & extension to existing 1st floor. Alterations include the demolition of existing 1st floor single storey rear flat roof extension to rear & to construct (a) new living, kitchen, dining area with private roof garden at 1st floor level & (b) to form a 2nd storey over existing flat roof on the front main building to form a ridge line similar to adjoining buildings. This 2nd storey will incorporate a Master bedroom with en-suite & all associated site development works. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1170/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 16-Jun-2014 |
Applicant | Tony Ryan |
Location | 238, Mourne Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | The development will consist of a new vehicular driveway 3.6M wide, alterations to boundary wall and all associated site works. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2459/14 |
Appeal Type | Written Evidence |
Applicant | Darren Davis |
Location | 4, O’Leary Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Permission for the provision of 1no. off-street car-parking space in front garden with alterations to existing railing and the construction of a single-storey extension of 20sq.m to the rear. |