This week’s Planning Decisions
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2295/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Katarzyna Czarkowska |
Location | Quadrant House, Chapelizod Road, Chapelizod, Dublin 20 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the change of use from existing office use to crèche use including fenestration alterations to the front elevation, new signage, provision of new entrance ramp to the main front entrance and new fire escape ramp to the side entrance with new door in existing wall, construction of new boundary walls to sides, new secure play area to the front of the building with associated fence and gate, revised parking layout, and all associated internal alterations and site works. The development will use the existing pedestrian and vehicular entrance from Chapelizod Road.
Registration Date | 07-May-2014 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2626/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Colm Hennebry & Catriona Fennelly |
Location | 68, Kimmage Road Lower, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | The development will consist of:
1. A new vehicular access with off street parking existing onto Lower Kimmage Road. 2. Conversion of existing dwelling from six apartment units to a single dwelling unit. General internal upgrade plus part remodelling of walls to suit new layout. 3. Construction of a new single storey flat roof extension to the rear of existing dwelling to consist of a kitchen, dning room & lounge. 4. Conversion of existing main dwelling attic space for use as a study / playroom, with 2 No. velux windows, 1 No. dormer window and select solar panels all to rear roof. All drainage, structural & associated site works to be implemented. |
Registration Date | 06-May-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2631/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | J. Murphy Developments Ltd. |
Location | St. Pancras Works, Mount Tallant Avenue, Terenure, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | Development consisting of the demolition of all existing buildings and the construction of 63 No. dwellings, 1 No. single storey detached retail unit with integral bin/bike store at the back of the footpath on Harolds Cross Road, all with a total gross floor area of 9,243sqm, the relocation of an existing ESB sub-station, form a pedestrian access gate from Mount Tallant Avenue and all ancillary site development works including landscaping and 35 No. surface car parking spaces. The 63 No. dwellings consists of 36 No. houses and 27 No. apartments arranged as follows; 3 No. terraces of 4 No. 4 bed 2.5 storey houses, 1 No. terrace of 5 storey houses, 1 No. terrace of 5 No. 4 bed 2.5 storey houses, 1 No. terrace of 6 No. 4 bed 2.5 storey houses, 2 No. terraces of 2 No. 2.5 storey 4 bed houses and 4 No. 3 bed 2.5 storey houses and 1 No. detached 4 bed 2.5 storey house, 1 No. 4 storey block of apartments containing 3 No. 1 bed apartments, 23 No. 2 bed apartments and 1 No. 3 bed apartment all with balconies on the south west or north west elevations. The site is accessed by an existing gateway from Mount Tallant Avenue, including piers and a railings on a plinth wall which is a Protected Structure. No works are proposed to the Protected Structure as part of this planning application. |
Registration Date | 07-May-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3692/13 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Castle Paints |
Location | Units 1 – 6, 129, Cromwellsfort Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the change of use 6 retail units into one single retail unit to accommodate a local convenience paint and home decor shop, alteration to the existing shopfronts and new signage.The development also includes revisions to the parking layout, pavement and associated landscaping totem signage and bollards.
Registration Date | 07-May-2014 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2213/09/x1 |
Application Type | Extension of Duration of Permission |
Applicant | Thomas Meade, Pathview Management Company |
Location | 11, New Ireland Court, New Ireland Road, Rialto, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | EXT.OF DURATION: Construction of two 2.36m x 2.28m rooflights and two 1.3m x 0.75m rooflights at attic level to the front elevation New Ireland Court. |
Registration Date | 08-May-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2623/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Shaun Cleary |
Location | 47, Brookfield Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Flat roof dormer extension to rear of main house at attic level, dormer to be clad with salvage Bangor slates and have 2no. hardwood sash windows.
Registration Date | 06-May-2014 |
LAWS: ***NONE***
SAWS: ***NONE***
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 0088/14 |
Application Type | Section 5 |
Decision | Refuse Exemption Certificate |
Decision Date | 06-May-2014 |
Applicant | Giles & Rebecca Hoey |
Location | 83, Brandon Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | Demolition of existing single storey garage to side, conservatory and sheds to rear comprising 24.9m2 with provision of new single storey extension to side and rear comprising 39.6m2.
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2058/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 09-May-2014 |
Applicant | Sandra Kelleher, Shannons Hope |
Location | 9, 10 &, 11, Sandford Gardens, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Change of use from retail to coffee shop and helpline call centre. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2249/14 |
Application Type | LAW |
Decision Date | 08-May-2014 |
Applicant | Culture,Recreation & Amenity Department |
Location | Bluebell Football Pitch, Bluebell Road, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | Construction of an artificial, all weather football pitch at Bluebell Football Pitch, Bluebell Road, Dublin 12. Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given of the proposed development by Dublin City Council. The site is located in Bluebell Road, Dublin 12.
The proposed works will be carried out to prepare the site to level the formation to construct the pitch. The ground improvement works which are proposed will involve the trimming of topsoil with cut and fill to achieve the appropriate levels. It is anticipated that there will be no offsite disposal of site materials and that the 300mm depth of topsoil will be stripped and re used on site for regrading of existing grass pitches. The installation of a drainage system will take place on made up ground. Works to the site will involve the stripping of top soil surface; re grading sub soil and fill using on site materials; installation of a drainage system; import and installation of unbound stone; installation of kerbing; installation of a synthetic surface; installation of fencing; installation of floodlighting, re spreading of top soil and landscape reinstatement. This proposal is to provide a synthetic all weather football pitch for public use. The plans and particulars of the proposed development may be inspected and purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the public counter of Dublin City Council Planning Department, Ground Floor, Block 4 East, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 between 09:00hrs and 16:30hrs Monday to Friday for a period of not less than 6 weeks from Friday 21st February to Monday 7th April 2014. Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated made in writing before 16:30hrs on Wednesday 23rd April 2014 to The Executive Manager, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2250/14 |
Application Type | LAW |
Decision Date | 09-May-2014 |
Applicant | Culture, Recreation & Amenity Department |
Location | Brickfields Park, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | Construction of an artificial, all weather football pitch in Brickfields Park, Drimnagh, Dublin 12. Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given of the proposed development by Dublin City Council. The site is located in Brickfields Park, Drimnagh, Dublin 12, with the nearest access Slievenamon Road.
The proposed works will be carried out to prepare the site to level the formation to construct the pitch. The ground improvement works which are proposed will involve the trimming of topsoil with cut and fill to achieve the appropriate levels. It is anticipated that there will be no offsite disposal of site materials and that the 300mm depth of topsoil will be stripped and re used on site for regrading of existing grass pitches. The installation of a drainage system will take place on made up ground. Works to the site will involve the stripping of top soil surface; re grading sub soil and fill using on site materials; installation of a drainage system; import and installation of unbound stone; installation of kerbing; installation of a synthetic surface; installation of fencing; installation of floodlighting, re spreading of top soil and landscape reinstatement. This proposal is to provide a synthetic all weather football pitch for public use. The plans and particulars of the proposed development may be inspected and purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the public counter of Dublin City Council Planning Department, Ground Floor, Block 4 East, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 between 09:00hrs and 16:30hrs Monday to Friday for a period of not less than 6 weeks from Friday 21st February to Monday 7th April 2014. Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated made in writing before 16:30hrs on Wednesday 23rd April 2014 to The Executive Manager, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2346/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 06-May-2014 |
Applicant | Karina & Seamus Rogers |
Location | 38, Hazelbrook Road, Terenure, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | The works will include the following: A) Rear facing single storey domestic extension (51m2, 3.7m high). B) Rear facing first floor domestic extension (8m2). C) Convert existing attached garage to domestic use (15m2). The above extensions will be fully integrated into the existing dwelling. D) Construct new adjoined domestic garage to the side of the house (39m2, 4.95m high). E) Replace existing flat roof area to side of house with hip roof to match existing, widen vehicular access from 2.7m to 3.6m. The above works will incorporate ancillary drainage, paving, rooflights and removal of a chimney.
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2348/14 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Decision Date | 06-May-2014 |
Applicant | Laura James |
Location | 53, Carrow Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Removal of the railings to front garden which were replaced with double opening gates for a driveway width 3.4m. Existing pedestrian gate remained in place and for one small velux to front of house.
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2349/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 06-May-2014 |
Applicant | John Morgan |
Location | 51, Sarsfield Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Change of use from existing retail to crèche, demolition of existing rear extension, construction of new rear extension at ground level, alterations to existing shopfront, associated internal layout alterations and all associated site works.
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2381/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 07-May-2014 |
Applicant | Mangancross Ltd |
Location | 20, Clanbrassil Street Upper, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development works consist of; the following works to a three storey building; a) Internal repairs, renovations and refurbishment works consisting of strengthening floors and external walls; new heating and electrical installations, b) Repair works to unapproved interventions, c) Roof and chimney repairs/alterations, d) Installation of a fixed rooflight to side (South) elevation, e) Installation of 2No. Replacement external doors and f) all associated site works.
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2387/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 07-May-2014 |
Applicant | Dominick & Bernadette Purcell |
Location | 64 Rathdown Park, Terenure, Dublin 6w |
Proposal | The development will consist of the conversion of garage, construction of new rear extensions at ground and first-floor levels, and associated internal alterations.
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2626/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 09-May-2014 |
Applicant | Colm Hennebry & Catriona Fennelly |
Location | 68, Kimmage Road Lower, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | The development will consist of:
1. A new vehicular access with off street parking exiting onto Lower Kimmage Road. 2. Conversion of existing dwelling from six apartment units to a single dwelling unit. General internal upgrade plus part remodelling of walls to suit new layout. 3. Construction of a new single storey flat roof extension to the rear of existing dwelling to consist of a kitchen, dning room & lounge. 4. Conversion of existing main dwelling attic space for use as a study / playroom, with 2 No. velux windows, 1 No. dormer window and select solar panels all to rear roof. All drainage, structural & associated site works to be implemented. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1047/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 06-May-2014 |
Applicant | Paulo Teixeira |
Location | Apt. 26, 3rd Floor, Building 3, Kilmainham Square, Inchicore Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Change of Use from 1 bed live/work unit to 2 bed residential apartment, to include minor alterations to existing Office window (West façade). |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1050/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 09-May-2014 |
Applicant | Kevin Fenton |
Location | 7, Huxley Crescent, Cork Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | A single storey extension (84sq. m) to the rear, internal modifications to the existing dwelling and all ancillary site development works with minor modification to previously granted planning application (ref:3017/08).
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3792/13 |
Appeal Decision | REFUSE PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 29-Apr-2014 |
Applicant | Vieira Limited |
Location | Former Mount Argus Monastery, Kimmage Road Lower, & Mount Argus Avenue, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The site is bounded generally by Mount Argus Church to the east, existing new monastery building (Reg. Ref. 3427/06) to the south, and existing residential development at Mount Argus Avenue to the west, Mount Argus Crescent to the north and north west, and Church Park Avenue to the North East. The proposed development generally comprises the change of use, alterations and extension of an existing former monastery and detached outbuilding (c.4,085sq.m gfa) to develop 42 residential units in total mix of 33 apartments within the existing monastery building and 9 houses located along the Northern and Eastern boundary of the site. The proposed development generally comprise: 6 no. semi-detached, 4 bedroom houses, along the Northern site boundary accessed from within the site and 2 no. semi-detached and 1 no. detached 4 bedroom houses located along the Eastern boundary accessed from Church Park Avenue, total 9 houses, all with associated front and rear gardens and off street car parking. All houses are two storey with bedroom and associated dormer window at attic level. The provision of 33 apartments within the existing Monastery building (a protected structure ref no 4342) comprises of: (a) Internal alterations and conversion of the Southern wing to include 3 no 2 bedroom with mezzanine study apartments and 1 no 1 bedroom with mezzanine study apartment, all located at ground floor level and 3 no bedroom duplex apartments and 1 no. 2 bedroom duplex apartment all located at first and second floor levels. (b) Internal alterations and conversion of the 1930’s Northern wing to include 1 no 2 bedroom apartment and 4 no 1 bedroom apartments all located at ground floor level and 1 no 3 bedroom duplex apartments and 5 no 2 bedroom duplex apartments all located at 1st and 2nd floor levels. New zinc clad dormer windows on the Northern and Southern roof pitches and some new openings in the facades at ground level. (c) Internal alterations and conversion of the Western Wing to include 3 no 2 bedroom apartments located at ground floor level and 3 no 2 bedroom apartments located at 1st floor level and 3 no 2 bedroom apartments 1 no 2 bedroom plus mezzanine living space apartment located at 2nd floor level. Conservation grade roof lights to roof and a new opening in the courtyard facade. (d) Internal alterations and conversion of the Eastern wing to include 3 no 1 bedroom duplex apartments and 1 no 2 bedroom duplex apartment together with some new openings in the courtyard facade. (e) The preservation, restoration and minor alterations and refurbishment of all facades, the roof, windows, chimneys and existing bell tower; (f) modifications and alterations to the internal building layout including new raised floors levels with associated alterations to existing door openings, (g) partial demolition (c.98sq.m) and the preservation and restoration of the remaining detached outbuilding (c 76sqm) located to the northwest of the former monastery building, for use as Storage Bin storage, and covered bicycle parking for 30 bicycles. (h) demolition of existing boiler house (c 30sq.m) and the replacement of the lift and shaft (c 12sq.m) in the southwest corner of the existing courtyard with a new lift. All works to conservation architect’s details. Total gross floor area of new and existing buildings is c 6,658sq.m. All ancillary and associated site development works to include a new vehicular and pedestrian entrance from Mount Argus Avenue, 33 no surface car parking spaces; landscaping and associated site works and boundary treatments.
***Amendment to Week 18/14 Entered in Week 18/14 in error***