OK hold on to your socks, today I’m not going to moan or give out about anything, instead today I want to talk about something that’s close to my heart. Today I want to talk about one of the best and oldest Festivals on the Irish calendar, “The Liberties Festival” and this year looks to be no small shindig. It runs from Tuesday the 15th to Saturday the 19th of July, and over the last 44 years this really has gone from strength to strength.
Over the five days, the festival will host everything from face painting to the Opera but most importantly it offers all you people out there who rarely come further west than Christ Church a chance to walk the streets and meet the people of what I would like to consider to be real Dubln. So come along and have a look, most the events are free and if there not it’s still only cost you a euro or two, I’ll leave a link for the full festival program below. Vist their site here
So come along, at very least it’s going to put a smile on your face.
Tuesday 15 July
2.00pm | TOUR – Walk and Talk : Vikings of the Liberties with Pat Liddy | Depart Christ Church Cathedral | FREE
Historian Pat Liddy is back to kick off Liberties Festival 2014 with a fascinating Walk and Talk guided tour exploring Viking Dublin and its foundations. Duration approx. 2 hours. Dress for the weather on the day!
2.00pm-4.00pm Daily | WORKSHOP | Drama Camp with Grace Dyas and Shane Byrne of THEATREclub | Timber Yard, Cork Street | FREE | Register in advance at SICCDA, 90 Meath Street / info@siccda.ie / 01 453 6098
6.00pm | EXHIBITION – Festival Launch | The Liberties Inked | NCAD, Thomas Street | FREE
7.30pm | PLAY – Patrick Kavanagh – A Life performed by P J Brady | Arthur’s Pub, Thomas Street | €3 on the door
8pm | Festival TV – Studio Tour and Broadcast | South Earl Street (off Meath Street) | FREE
Wednesday 16 July
10.30am-5.30pm | EXHIBITION | Liberties Inked | NCAD, Thomas Street | FREE
11.00am-4.00pm | SPORTS – SICCDA Afterschools Sports Day | FREE
For children attending local schools.
12.00pm-2.00pm | WORKSHOP – Kids Árd Workshop | FREE | Register in advance at SICCDA, 90 Meath Street / info@siccda.ie / 01 453 6098
Details coming soon.
2.00pm-4.00pm Daily | WORKSHOP | Drama Camp with Grace Dyas and Shane Byrne of THEATREclub | Timber Yard, Cork Street | FREE | Register in advance at SICCDA, 90 Meath Street / info@siccda.ie / 01 453 6098
. Ages 12-18.
2.30pm-4.30pm | WORKSHOP – maSamba Drumming Workshop | Unit 12F Liberties Enterprise Centre, Newmarket – access via Courtyard | FREE – Pre-register by calling 01 416 3901
4.00pm- 5.30pm | WORKSHOP – Liberties In Bloom | South Earl Street off Meath Street | FREE
6.30pm | FILM – Bridegroom and Q&A with Shane Bitney Crone | Wood Quay Venue, DCC Civic Offices | FREE – Booking essential on this link
“[A] simply told but exceptionally moving documentary” – New York Times
7.30pm | Garda -v- Street Traders Football Match | Oliver Bond Complex at Ushers Quay
The annual football match between Kevin Street Garda Station -v- The Street Traders means that the competition is on for the 26th year!
9pm | The Real Big Quiz hosted by Jack Roach | The Clock Pub, Thomas Street |€10 table of four
Thursday 17 July
10.30am-5.30pm | EXHIBITION – The Liberties Inked | NCAD, Thomas Street | FREE
11.00am | SPORTS – Older & Bolder Bowling | Whitefriar Street | FREE Annual seniors bowling competition – always great craic!
12.30pm – 1.30pm | Yoga for Adults presented by YogaHub | St Patrick’s Park | FREE
1.30pm-2.00pm | Yoga for Kids presented by YogaHub | St Patrick’s Park | FREE
1.00pm – 3.00pm | WORKSHOP – Liberty Verses | South Earl Street off Meath Street | FREE An exciting spoken word workshop for young people. Details coming soon.
2.00pm-4.00pm Daily | WORKSHOP | Drama Camp with Grace Dyas and Shane Byrne of THEATREclub | Timber Yard, Cork Street | FREE | Register in advance at SICCDA, 90 Meath Street / info@siccda.ie / 01 453 6098
2.30pm-4.30pm | WORKSHOP – Liberties In Bloom | Robert Emmett CDP, Island Street | FREE | Register in advance at SICCDA, 90 Meath Street / info@siccda.ie / 01 453 6098
2.30pm-4.30pm | WORKSHOP – maSamba Drumming Workshop | Unit 12F Liberties Enterprise Centre, Newmarket – access via Courtyard | FREE – Pre-register by calling 01 416 3901
7.30pm | Opera for a Summer Evening | John’s Lane Church, Thomas Street | 2 Tickets for €10 |
7.45pm | St James’s Hospital Liberties Fun Run | Royal Hospital Kilmainham | FREE to Cheer | Take part for €21 (early registration) / €25 (registration at event)
A fundraising event for St. James’s Hospital. The sixth annual 6K St James’s Hospital Liberties Fun Run will attract up to 1,000 runners, joggers and walkers. Starting and finishing in the beautiful grounds of the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, the course will take you through the historic streets of Dublin’s Liberties.
9.30pm | Blue Rinse Bingo | Dean Swift Pub, Francis Street
Seniors bingo – fun and prizes – and all ages welcome.
Friday 18 July
10.30am-5.30pm | EXHIBITION | The Liberties Inked | NCAD, Thomas Street | FREE
The Liberties Inked offers an opportunity to learn more about the people of The Liberties in a unique and intimate way. Everyone has a story to share about a life experience that changed them. Those featured in the exhibition chose to acknowledge these experiences permanently in ink on their bodies. View portraits by photographer Ger O’Donnell and read the accompanying stories about the tattoos of a diverse group of community members, from local traders to artists to students.
1.00pm-3.00pm | WORKSHOP – Fencing in the Park | St Patrick’s Park, Patrick Street | FREE
A great opportunity to try out a new sport. Fencing develops stamina, enhances aerobic fitness and increases your ‘speed think action’. Suitable for all ages 7+. All equipment provided.
1.30pm | READING – Sean O’Connor reads from his memoir, Growing Up So High: A Liberties Boyhood | Baker’s Bar | Corner of Thomas and Meath Street | FREE
2.00pm-4.00pm Daily | WORKSHOP | Drama Camp with Grace Dyas and Shane Byrne of THEATREclub | Timber Yard, Cork Street | FREE | Register in advance at SICCDA, 90 Meath Street / info@siccda.ie / 01 453 6098
2.30pm-4.30pm | WORKSHOP – maSamba Drumming Workshop | Unit 12F Liberties Enterprise Centre, Newmarket – access via Courtyard | FREE – Pre-register by calling 01 416 3901
6.00pm- 7.30pm | WORKSHOP – Liberties In Bloom | Timber Yard, Cork Street | FREE
7.00pm | MUSIC – The Blue Rinse Ball | Arthurs Pub, Thomas Street | €15 from SICCA, Meath Street
This annual sell-out event is a highlight every year for our older community members with a 4 course meal, a tipple or two of wine, and a night of dancing and entertainment.