The legendary Smithfield Horse Fair will return to Dublin’s streets twice a year, according to new bye-laws which have been introduced. It will take place on the first Sunday of March and September each year, and the first fair under these new bye-laws will happen on March the 3rd.
Here is the full statement from Dublin City Council…..
New Bye-laws to regulate Dublin’s Smithfield Horse Fair were passed by Dublin City Council at its meeting of 14th January 2013.
The new laws will ensure the orderly running and management of the horse fair at Smithfield, the safety of all persons attending and the welfare of animals at the fair which will be held in March and September each year.
On Sunday the 3rd March 2013 from 9.00 am to 1.30pm, we will be holding the first Smithfield Horse Fair under the new bye-laws.
We hope that the citizens of Dublin will see the fair as a positive attraction for the City. We would encourage you to attend the first fair where there will be an exhibition on the history of Smithfield and a screening of photographs explaining the historical significance of the Smithfield area.
Horse owners can now use the application form below to apply to Dublin City Council for a casual trading licence to bring a horse to the March Smithfield Horse Fair. Licences cost €10 per horse.
You can view the statement on the Dublin City Council site here.
This is just abuse poor horses!