According to the Thomas Street Business Association (TBSA), Thomas Street and James’ Street are to get a new swanky look! Work on the Thomas Street Quality Bus Corridor Enhancement Scheme – funded by the National Transport Agency and Dublin City Council – is to begin over the coming weeks, and elements of the street will be cleaned up in the process. The contractor is Wills Bros Ltd.
• general improvements to road and footpath pavements
• full reconstruction of the road pavement between Francis Street and Bridgefoot Street
• extension of the existing bus lanes, both inbound and outbound
• improve cycle facilities
• improved junctions
• new traffic signal and pedestrian crossings
• upgrade of the public lighting
• improved street furniture and the removal of clutter
• drainage and services works
The project is expected to take 9 months to complete, with work moving along the street and disruption outside individual premises expected to be for a short duration. There will be some traffic and parking disruption during the project. Disturbances are not expected to businesses during the Christmas period.
I left a comment on the Dublin Bus FB page to see if they have been notified of any proposed traffic disruptions during this work, and they say this… “we have not been informed of any disruption to our services due to the above work. If we do receive notification we will post it online and on our social media accounts”. Comment is here: