Are you dreading another argument?
Another day in conflict?
There is a solution…
Mediation Southside can help find effective, sustainable solutions to community, workplace and family, disputes.
What is mediation?
Mediation is a voluntary process of conflict resolution that allows the parties in a dispute the opportunity to address their issues in a safe, confidential and private environment.
Is my situation suitable for mediation?
There are many different areas of dispute where mediation is effective. Mediators work in diverse areas of conflict resolution and preventative mediation.
What sort of disputes can Mediation Southside help with?
Our free confidential mediation service is available to anyone living in the Liberties and surrounding areas. It is run by a number of volunteers and professionally qualified, independent, neutral Mediators who support the parties in identifying their issues and needs and in exploring how those needs can be addressed and how they might come to agreement. The Mediator does not judge or give decisions on the rights or wrongs of the actions of the parties, the mediator’s role is limited to providing assistance to the parties to enable them to find their own solutions and reach agreement.
Mediation Southside provides a confidential and safe environment for the parties to air their issues and concerns. The content of the mediation is confidential to the parties and the Mediator and can only be shared with a third party with the express permission of all parties.
Mediation can be a time-saving and cost effective alternative to taking legal action to resolve disputes.
Our mediation service helps people involved in;
• Community Mediation: Disputes between neighbors
• Community/ group disputes
• Parental / Separating Couples Mediation: Access & Maintenance
• Conflict within families: Family disputes
• Workplace – bullying, harassment, conflict between employees and/or employee(s) and employers
Mediation Southside will shortly pilot a peer mediation programme in some local schools.
If you would like to learn more about mediation in general and / or information on Mediation Southside community mediation service, or if you are involved in a dispute and wish to consider mediation as an option to resolve your problem, please contact Taragh on 01-453-6098.
Mediation Southside is a project supported by SICCDA
Call Mediation Southside on (01) 453 6098