While most of you’s were tucking into your pancakes on Pancake Tuesday the 12th of February, I went along to St Andrews Centre in Rialto for a public meeting on suicide. I was a little late so I sat at the back, but there was a full house so I was very pleased for the organisers. Not only was there a full house, but there was also a mixed age group present from young teenagers to OAP’s. At last, I thought to myself, word on this very tragic subject has taken hold.
At the very front of the hall was a table and people sat facing us. They were ordinary people who were also representing various organisations and charities who work with people on this subject on a daily basis. The area where I was seated was a mix of ordinary people from all walks of life, and different nationalities. Among the public seated area was a very well known Sinn Fein TD, Aengus O’Snodaiah, who always shows great moral support for this subject, and is mostly at every public meeting there is on this subject.
Before I sat down I picked up a booklet on Suicide Awareness, put together by Aengus, and full of useful relevant information, if one should need it. There was a small blue see through bag which held these contents; a set of marbles in case you lose your own, an elastic band so you can stretch yourself to your limits, a coin so you are never broke, an eraser so you can wipe out your mistakes in life, and a red rose so you will always have love. The contents in the bag were small, but put them into use and they may prove very useful in your time of need. It was a lovely idea that was put together after a woman who went and got help after been in a very low mood. She came up with this great idea and it’s now widely used.
The meeting started of with an intro from each person who sat at the table and a bit about themselves and how they ended up where they are to-day. When each person finished they asked would anyone in the hall like to ask or share a question. I came prepared. I put up by hand and I asked could I share some numbers with them. I shared statistics which related to the shocking numbers of people affected by suicide here in Ireland. Much higher than the numbers of people who die on our roads in fact! It’s shocking is in it?
Aengus gave a speech, and to be fair he seems to be the only TD to attend such meetings, he even has a booklet which he produced to give out. We need more TD’s in with us. We need to get the government involved more. Although on Wednesday 23rd January the Government announced that they will be addressing this subject quicker. Hopefully that is not just another false promise.