Irish water has returned to Dublin city 8 for the first time in half a year. Meter installers hit Altram Court in Inchicore on Thursday morning. The meter crew, Kelly’s contractors, appear to have completed much of their work, holes were dug and barriers erected, but were held in for an hour later in the afternoon.
This is the first time Irish Water has appeared in the local area since last April, when 13 protesters were arrested including United Left TD Joan Collins at Parnell Road in Crumlin. Following the arrests, accusations of heavy handed policing were made and about a 150 protesters marched on both Sundrive Road and Crumlin Garda stations.
These incidents have led to rumours of friction between Garda divisions because the arresting officers were mobilised from outside the local area. Sources close to Fountain News have indicated that local Gardai were angry at not being informed of the presence of their colleagues and they subsequently refused cover for Irish Water meter installations.
It is unclear, as of yet, if Thursdays return of Irish Water to the Dublin 8 area is an isolated event or part of a wider push in the area.