The latest installment of the local newletter, published by the Digital Hub, has now been released. Issue 3 of THE HUB & THOMAS STREET NEWS is now available to download and read.
It includes news related to the Digital Hub, Thomas Street and the surrounding areas, bringing together stories about businesses and organisations who are based in our area.
This issue highlights the excellent work that is being done by the Thomas Street Business Association, including launching a new website for Thomas Street, organising a clean up of the area, and the implementation of the Thomas Street Volunteer Ambassador Programme.
There is also news about the Digital Hub’s own involvement in two important strategies that were published in June and July – a Digital Masterplan for Dublin and a National Digital Strategy for Ireland.
Download/Read ISSUE 3 of THE HUB & THOMAS STREET NEWS (August 2013)
You can view more info about this newsletter on the Digital Hub website.