St. James’s Hospital have applied for planning permission to erect signs at the James’s Street entrance, and at the Rialto entrance near the rear of the hospital.
These signs are to display information about the development of the planned National Children’s Hospital, and appear to be an effort by the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board to keep the public informed.
There is set to be a double sign added at the James’s Street entrance, both of which will be 1.3m x 4m, and at the Rialto entrance there will be a single sign which measures 2m x 6m. Both of these structures will be placed within the hospital grounds.
So, there may actually be some physical evidence appearing very soon, for the very first time, of an impending new hospital right here in Dublin 8.
On a related note, St. James’s Hospital has been granted permission to make changes to a two-storey building, aswell as building a brand new two storey building beside it. This development is to take place at the southern end of the hospital grounds, alongside James’s Walk.
Those buildings will contain examination and consulting rooms, and they will be linked via a pedestrian corridor with Building 5. You can view that planning application within the following article: Weekly Dublin 8 Planning Updates – Week 45, 2013.
IMAGE: Map of the proposed Irish National Children’s and Maternity Hospital @ St James’s in Dublin 8 – image credit: John Cooper Architects, London.