Another year has come to an end. I take this opportunity to thank our editor, Eoghan Brunkard, without his constant chasing of contributors, there would be no paper, Damien Hughes for his hard work in forming the website, the compilation and laying out of the paper. I thank members of the Board of Directors, particularly the hard work and loyalty and enthusiasm of the Chairperson, Helen Meehan and the various committees which run all aspects of the Fountain Resource Group Ltd.
I am very grateful to all our funding agents;
FAS, two Community Employment Schemes and three supervisor, which run in the Crèche, Youth Project, Junior Youth, Information Office, Breakfast Club, Parenting and the paper.
The Drug’s Task Force, providing counselling services and the organisation of youth, parenting and education in the prevention of the misuse of drugs. They also provide some capital.
City of Dublin Youth Service’s Board, who provide funding for two professional youth workers and the various youth programmes etc.
Pobal funding, providing funding for professional crèche workers, running costs and capital expenditure.
The Department of Education, providing funding for the Breakfast Club.
The School Completion Programme, providing funding for summer activities for young people.
Dublin City Council, for the use of premises for Crèche and Youth Project.
Focus Ireland, for the use of the Basin Centre for junior youth service, parenting and breakfast club.
The Catholic Church, for the free use of the bottom floor of St. James’ Presbytery for our main offices and for educational classes and for the use of the Parochial Hall for the Information Office.
Ath-Bhliain faoi nhaise daoibh go leir.
Tom Brunkard,
Thanks so much for the kind words & well wishes Tom!
I hope 2011 brings many more great things for FRG, because there is substantial reliance on your numerous services from many often-disregarded sections of the community!
Keep up the great work & Happy New Year Tom, Eoghan, Derek et al, from Damien