All of us here at the FRG Newswire have had a nice break over the Christmas holidays, and with new vigor, we are now ready to start reporting on local issues and events again. We would like to wish all our readers a happy and prosperous New Year!
We hope 2014 is full of happy times, excitement, productivity and whatever else you wish for!
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has wrote for us in 2013, and of course, those who have helped to spread the word about the newswire. The support has been incredible, leading to a huge rise in visitor numbers, which you will be able to view in our yearly report. It will be published on this website over the coming days.
Finally, we would like to thank all those local businesses who have supported us by purchasing advertisements on this website. All proceeds have been used to fill funding gaps within our local community services in the Dublin 8 locality.
Our New Years Resolutions!
Over the holidays we have actually been quite busy planning improvements to our newswire services…
NEW OFFICE – We are about to move into a new dedicated office for the Newswire. At the moment we share offices with the main FRG administration staff, in St James’ Presbytery, but we are currently renovating a space within the building which houses our Local Information Office and Senior Citizens services, and we will be moving in there over the coming weeks. Our new office will be right on James’s Street, you can view a location map here.
VIDEO INTERVIEWS – Within our new office there is an area which is being setup to be specifically used to record video interviews. We are looking into setting ourselves up with the correct recording equipment and editing software, and the plan is to start publishing video interviews at some point in February.
FASTER WEBSITE – There are some back-end applications, and adjustments to our servers, that are being tweaked right now to make the website load faster. The website is pretty fast as it stands (relatively speaking), but this is an area that does no harm to keep improving on. We have also been working with technology that will help certain elements of the website load faster in your browsers too. This will all be rolled out over the next 2 weeks, after testing is complete.
MORE WRITERS – We hope to expand our team of writers in 2014, with the possibility of adding full or part-time staff in the latter half of the year. This is something we are working on, but in the meantime, if you would like to write articles for the Newswire, please do drop us an email to, and mark it for my attention (Damien Hughes, Editor). You can also send us any tips for possible stories to the same address.