Happy New Year to everyone in the Parish of St James from the youth workers Paul and Nicola in the ‘Fountain Youth Project’. We have settled back in after a snowy Christmas. In December due to lots of snowfall and schools closing due to the weather we had drop in open every day to get the young people to come in out of the snow and use their ideas and creativity to decorate the youth project into a festive wonderland. They all enjoyed decorating their club with their handmade decorations as they sang along to Christmas songs.
When we came back in the New Year we thought all the Christmas carols were over, however we were delighted to hear the young people from the Boys Primary school singing Christmas tunes at their school Christmas concert which had been cancelled in December due to weather. We were invited to do the sound and music at the concert and it was great to see so many of the young people who are members of the Fountain Youth Project up on the stage showing off their singing, acting and dancing skills.
We are running new programme plan for 2011 and have many groups running to cater for all the needs and interests of the young people in the area. These include:
Tuesdays: At 4.30 we have a drop in session for all young people 12-14 year, so why don’t you come in have a few shots of pool, computers, arts and crafts and much more. New members always welcome.
On Tuesday evening from 7-9.30 a new ‘Young Women’s Group’ is starting for young women In area form 15+, if you are interested in this group feel free to pop into project and talk to us about it. This group will be running weekly and will cover a programme that the young people are interested in and have a say in what the group is about.
Wednesdays: On Wednesday evenings from 6-7 we have our ever popular swimming session in the Guinness’s pool. If interested meet at the club at 5.40 with your gear. It’s open to all members of the project 10-15, if you are not a member just pop in for a registration form.
On Wednesday nights we have a session on from 8.00pm until 10.00 pm for the older young people out in the area. This group the ‘Night owls’ is for 16 years olds and over to come into club chill out with your friends, play pool, have some food and fun.
Thursdays: Starting back very soon is the ‘Jobs/Vocational Guidance’ club so if you are looking for a job/course comes into our jobs club on Thursday mornings from 11.30-1.00 were we can assist you in designing you CV, applying for jobs, courses, and we have full internet access to help seek jobs/courses.
For all 10-12 year old young people out there in the Parish of St James we have a drop in session for yourselves on Thursday evening from 3.30-6.00, so come on in hand out with your friends, play pool, games, computers or you can take part in arts and crafts.
Fridays: All young people aged 10-14 why not end your school week in Fountain Youth Project on a Friday evening from 5-7 for the ‘End of week club’ come in chill out, watch movies, play games and have fun… Also watch out for Fountain Youth Projects youth discos which will be happening once every few weeks and starting soon…
Saturdays: We also welcome back the Saturday morning ‘Breakfast Club’ for all young people in the area who are members of the youth project, come in and enjoy a hot breakfast surrounded by your friends, were you can have fun with games and arts and crafts. This group runs from 11 am -1 pm on a Saturday morning so make sure you wake up early for the group…
We have two trips to the Cavan Centre planned for this year on March 4th-6th we are taking the 10-12 year old regular members of the Fountain Youth Project for a weekend full of fun, adventure and laughs. We are planning another trip for the older members 12-14 year olds in June. The young people will be taking part in a sponsored walk on Saturday 26th of February in Phoenix Park to raise funds for covering the cost of the trip to Cavan any support would be kindly appreciated.
Keep looking out for the youth workers on their street work sessions, walking around the area meeting new and old members so if you see us come up to have chat to us.
Bye for now and keep checking the FRG website and notice board for updates and events happening and add us on Twitter and Facebook.
This article was originally published in:
Fountain News Digital – March 2011 (Issue 3)
We are re-publishing all articles from our past newsletter, Fountain News Digital, and you can view all completed newsletters here. There were nine issues published in total between 2010 and 2012.