The Fountain Youth crew headed down to Dun Laoghaire yesterday to enjoy the beautiful weather we have been having. On this excursion word has it that they got to take a trip on a speedboat!
If you would like to know more about our Youth Project, you can find more info here; Senior Youths, Junior Youths.
They also run their own facebook page too, so make sure you make friends with them to keep up to date on all of their upcoming activities. Here are some pre-speedboating pics from Dun Laoghaire…
If you would like to know more about our Fountain Youth Project on Basin Street, you can find more info here; Senior Youths, Junior Youths. The Fountain Youth Project also runs its own facebook page too, so make sure you make friends with them to keep up to date with all of their upcoming activities.
IMAGES: All images taken during FRG activities – image credit: Fountain Youth Project/