It was all fun and games recently at the Fountain Resource Group Wee-Tots and the Crèche sports day. The sun didn’t make an appearance but then neither did the rain. All the children who attended the event were awarded with their own prize medal and a cert. The day was also attended by all the children’s parents who stood at the end of the playground area somewhere talking photographs while others clapped and cheered their little winners on.
First out to impress where the younger children who did their very best to show their skill’s as they set about on the obstacle course. The children started their race with a slide on both sides of the course where each child, then had to run in a zig & zag style around little orange cones. These brave athletes then on their hands and knees crawled through a dark scary tunnel. The kids’ tribulations were not over yet as their sense of balance was then tested by walking on a plank. At the end of the race they had to stand on a little toy, that released a rocket in to the sky, this meant when the rocket went up they finished their race. When the younger ones were finished they went inside to be given their medal and their cert with a packed lunch.
Out next came the juniors who had more energy than the sky rocket. They first had a race using a cloth made up car that they pulled up over their shoulders and raced up and down like the real thing. One little man, Tommy, in car number 71, even managed a pit stop to the side of the yard to have a brief chat to his mammy before roaring off to win the race! The next event was the great leveller the egg and spoon race, and this was quickly followed by another old classic, the sack race where the kids jumped from one start line to the other. It was a great day altogether and judging by the amount of local people including parents who showed up either to support their children or just to help out, it really meant something for the community.
In between all the fun I got to speak with some of the workers who on a daily basis work with these children and I asked them, what working with the Fountain meant to them.
Breada Massey, a local woman from the Dublin 8 area is working in the kitchen of the Wee Tots and she loves it. She also informed me it gives her great satisfaction to see the local children grow and gain confidence. Another worker, Tara Campbell, who is a childcare worker for the last three months with the FRG and she too loves it. Tara, who is from Kilmainham, says she believes that the services that the Fountain provides are excellent and it gives the children a great start in life. Another worker Trisha Royal, who has been working with the Fountain now for some time, knows only too well what the services mean to the local people. She says the organisation works hard for local people in the area.
A great day for all involved and thanks to our crèche and playschool staff, job well done.