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Dublin 8 Planning Updates – Week Starting 11/07/14 to 18/07/14

new row

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In this week’s planning proposals, permission is being sought for a small apartment development on New Row in Blackpitts.  There was one social housing exemption certificate granted this week.




Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3056/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant The Board of Management
Location St. Catherine’s Junior National School, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8
Proposal Two classroom prefab with toilet accommodation and associated site works.
Registration Date 14-Jul-2014

Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3062/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Alan Delaney, Bank Of Ireland
Location Bank Of Ireland, 85 James Street / Watling Street, Dublin 8
Proposal Alter the south elevation (front) and west elevation (side) of existing bank building, to comprise of the replacement of existing signage with new signage, and to replace the existing sign to south ssite boundary with new sign, and all associated site works.
Registration Date 15-Jul-2014

Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3075/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Marc Godart
Location Reuben House, Reuben Street, Dolphins Barn, Dublin 8
Proposal Permission at an existing 725sqm, 5 storey-over-ground-floor commercial building, for the change of use from commercial to residential use, with provision of 5 x 2-bedroom apartments. Breakdown of units is 4 x 93 sqm apartments, 1 x 81sqm apartment with one unit to each floor over ground floor. The 37sqm ground-floor retail unit south of the entrance is to accommodate bicycle parking & refuse with metal gates to replace the glazed doors. The 41sqm ground-floor unit to the north is to remain as a commercial unit.

Open space for each apartment is to be provided by non-projecting balconies to the south end of the front elevation (4 x 14sqm balconies & 1 x 21.4sqm balcony): At the north end of the front elevation 4 x 2.4m panels of curtain-walling to each floor are to be removed and replaced with aluminium-framed bi-folding glazed doors with metal guardrails to the balconies: 4 x panels of curtain-walling, to each floor, to the north of the entrance are to be removed and replaced with aluminium-framed casement windows. 5 parking spaces to be provided in existing allocated parking spaces in the basement of Reuben Square Development.
Registration Date 17-Jul-2014

Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 4927/08/x1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Applicant John Griffin
Location 29-31, Cromwellsfort Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12
Proposal EXT OF DURATION: Planning permission is being sought for the following development.
a) The demolition of two detached single storey houses, and
b) i) The construction of four terraced, two bedroom dormer houses with each house having vehicular access from Cromwellsfort Road and pedestrian access from the laneway to the rear. (ii) Ancillary works associated with the proposed dwellings.


Registration Date 18-Jul-2014

Area Area 2 – South Central (Nov 09)
Application Number 3099/09/x1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Applicant The Sherling Co- Ownership
Location Rear of 26, 27, 28 & 29, New Row South, Dublin 8 (Junction of New Row South, Blackpitts and Fumbally Lane)
Proposal EXT OF DURATION:PROTECTED STRUCTURE-Full planning permission for the development of a 0.2217 hectare (0.5478 acres) site. The proposed development accommodates 24no. car parking spaces and 50no. bicycle parking spaces. The development with an overall gross floor area of 6,229.83sqm will consist of:

1) The restoration, refurbishment and extension to the rear of no. 26 and no. 27 New Row South, a former distillery building and protected structure (referred to as the Laundry Building in the Dublin City Council Record of Protected Structures (Reference no. 5928)) and its development to accommodate 2,523.54sqm of office floorspace. The existing building will retain its three storey height along the New Row South elevation and four stories to the rear. The proposed development will result in internal and external modifications to the protected structure including modifications to the fenestration on the elevations and the roof space. A surface car parking area to accommodate 9no. car parking spaces and 27no. bicycle spaces will be located to the rear of the protected structure with access from New Row South. The refurbished protected structure will be interlinked to the proposed new commercial & residential development via a glazed entrance foyer, with a height of 10.16metres & a gross floor area of 43.3sqm.
2) The demolition of no. 28 and no. 29 New Row South, an existing industrial building, (located at the junction of New Row South, Blackpitts and Fumbally Lane) and the construction of a 6 storey & roof top plant area with an overall height of 21.5metres, with the upper two levels of residential accommodation set back, over basement residential building with commercial use at ground floor level with a total gross floor area of 3,706.29sqm. Accommodation will comprise of: (i) A total of 24no. units including 4no. one bedroom apartments, 13no. two bedroom apartments and 7no. three bedroom apartments; (ii) Each residential unit will be served by a private balcony winter garden or terrace area on all elevations;

(iii) The provision of 3no. commercial/retail units & an entrance foyer (to accommodate use classes 1 & 2) with a gross floor area of 663.48sqm comprising of a commercial/retail unit no. 1 with a gross floor area of 101.84sqm at ground floor level fronting onto New Row South, commercial/retail unit no. 2 with a gross floor area of 100.19sqm at ground floor level at the junction of Blackpitts & Fumbally Lane, a commercial/retail unit no. 3 with a gross floor area of 418.12sqm located at ground floor & mezzanine level fronting onto Blackpitts & a commercial entrance foyer at ground floor level with a gross floor area of 43.3sqm fronting onto New Row South; (iv) The development of a gym & swimming pool with a gross floor area of 487.22sqm at basement level. accessible from Blackpitts, with storage for the residential units & associated plant areas to serve the proposed development at basement level; (v) The provision of a large communal private open space area to serve the residential units with a gross floor area of 534sqm at first floor level of the proposed development; (vi) The provision of 15no. car parking spaces and 23no. bicycle parking spaces with vehicular access from Fumbally Lane and New Row South; (vii) The provision of a service and plant area at roof level & (viii) All site development works, landscaping and all other ancillary works.


Registration Date 18-Jul-2014




Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3066/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Oleg & Malgorzata Bocancea
Location 32, Glenaulin, Chapelizod, Dublin 20
Proposal Two storey extension to the rear of previously approved two storey extension to side & single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling house – Planning Reg. Ref. 3532/13 & associated alterations to the previously approved single storey extension to the rear & all associated site works to the existing dwelling house.


Registration Date 16-Jul-2014

Area Area 2 – South Central






Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 0198/14
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 18-Jul-2014
Applicant Tomas Adomaitis
Location 5a, Rafters Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12
Proposal Dormer Bungalow
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2096/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 18-Jul-2014
Applicant General Cemetery Company of Dublin
Location Church of Ireland, Mount Argus Road, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6W
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for alterations to railings and boundary walls at Church of Ireland, Harold’s Cross Road, Dublin 6w. The Church of Ireland and Mount Jerome Gate Lodge together with their gates, piers and railings are Protected Structures.

Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2435/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 18-Jul-2014
Applicant Duibh Linn Property Management Ltd
Location 58-60, Saint Agnes Park, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal For 2 storey and single storey rear extension (140m2) and internal alterations to layout to provide for change of use from office (now vacant) to childcare (210m2) and office use (75m2) at ground floor, 2 entrance order tramadol online overnight shipping doors at ground floor to front elevation with 2 x internal stairs to first floor to 2 x 2 bed apartments (92m2) at first floor with 15m2 rear balconies each, 2 solar panels to front roof, new shopfront and signage and associated works.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2503/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 17-Jul-2014
Applicant Diageo Ireland
Location Guinness Brewery Lands To The North Of, James’s Street, Bounded By, Victoria Quay To The North, Walting Street To The East, Steeven’s Lane To The West &, James’s Street To The South, Dublin 8
Proposal For the construction of 12 no. external tank structures to a maximum height of approx. 27.15m (32.590O.D) including enclosing single storey support building containing associated plant as an extension to the existing Cold Block (Fermentation and Beer Processing) tanking storage facility constructed as part of the scope of the newly constructed Brewhouse Development (planning ref: 3730/11) within the Guinness Brewery Lands. The development includes the demolition of an existing two storey over basement administrative building (Logistics Building) and associated site works. The subject site contains two Protected Structures – granite piers and Victoria Quay House but neither structure is affected by this application, the application relates to development which is for the purpose of an activity falling within the scope of Diageo’s existing Integrated Prevention Pollution Control (PPC) Licence for this site.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2688/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 14-Jul-2014
Applicant Feargal Fitzpatrick & Henrietta McKervey
Location 12, Merton Park, South Circular Road, Dublin 8
Proposal For the proposed demolition of existing single storey extension to rear, single storey garage to side, single storey porch extension to front and chimney stack to side of main roof and proposed construction of a new partial single storey, partial two storey extension to the rear and side and associated internal modifications to existing dwelling with external landscaping and replacement of existing front boundary wall (comprising of brick and metal railings) with new metal railings in keeping with existing streetscape to incorporate the widening of existing vehicular access to off street parking and a new pedestrian gate.


Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2695/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 14-Jul-2014
Applicant Anam Property Limited
Location 1A, Thomas Davis Street West, Dublin 8
Proposal For removal of shed and construction of three storey detached dwelling (2 storey over basement) and associated works.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2710/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 16-Jul-2014
Applicant J. Murphy Developments Ltd
Location St. Pancras Works, Mount Tallant Avenue, Terenure, Dublin 6w
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: For development consisting the demolition of all existing buildings and the construction of 63 no dwellings, 1 no. single storey detached retail unit with integral bin/bike store at the back of the footpath on Harold’s Cross Road, all with a total gross floor area of 9,243sq.m the re-location of an existing ESB sub-station, from a pedestrian access gate from Mount Tallant Avenue and all ancillary site development works including landscaping and 35 no surface car parking spaces. The 63 no dwellings consist of 36 no. houses and 27 no. apartments arranged as follows: 3 no. terraces of 4 no 4 bed 2 1/2 storey houses, 1 no terrace of 5 no 4 bed 2 1/2 storey houses, 1 no terrace of 6 no 4 bed 2 1/2 storey houses, 2 no terraces of 2 no 2 1/2 storey 4 bed houses and 4 no 3 bed 2 1/2 storey houses and 1 no detached 4 bed 2 1/2 storey house, 1 no 4 storey block of apartments containing 3 no 1 bed apartments, 23 no 2 bed apartments and 1 no 3 bed apartment all with balconies on the south west or north west elevations. The site is accessed by an existing gateway from Mount Tallant Avenue, including piers and a railings on a plinth wall which is a Protected Structure. No works are proposed to the protected structures part of this planning application.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3056/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 17-Jul-2014
Applicant The Board of Management
Location St. Catherine’s Junior National School, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8
Proposal Two classroom prefab with toilet accommodation and associated site works.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3734/13
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 17-Jul-2014
Applicant The Trustees of Terenure Rugby Club
Location Terenure College Rugby Football Club, Lakelands, Greenlea Grove, Terenure, Dublin 6W
Proposal Permission for (i) the provision of an all-weather pitch of 9060 sq.m, and associated security fencing, new floodlighting to replace existing lighting, and drainage at the existing training pitch, (ii) the installation of new floodlighting at the existing main playing pitch, and (iii) the construction of a single storey extension of 110 sq.m to the existing changing facilities at the Clubhouse, (iv) single storey associated plant room of 7sq.m all at a 2.73 hectare site.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1147/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 16-Jul-2014
Applicant Glen Murphy
Location 22, Rossmore Road, Dublin 10
Proposal The construction of a dormer extension to the rear of the existing roof and for an attic conversion to provide space for a study.


Area Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 2575/14

Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Claire Gallanders
Location 189, Sundrive Road, Dublin 12
Proposal The development will consist of the demolition of existing single storey garage to the east and a new 1 bed two storey detached dwelling to the East of the existing dwelling with new vehicular access to the existing and proposed dwelling and all with associated site development works.
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3571/13
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant The Health Service Executive
Location The Existing HSE Health Centre, Mother McCauley Community Centre, Curlew Road, Dublin 12
Proposal The development will consist of: The relocation of existing services by the erection of a new Primary Care Centre of 2746sqm, of 1-3 storeys to accommodate 3 GP Suites for a total of 10 GPs and 3 nurses and associated stores and reception/ office areas; public health nurse services, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech/ language therapy suites; 6 visiting clinician interview rooms, 3 large group/ family/ family therapy rooms, 5 older person services consulting rooms and retention of existing addiction services and dispensary. Supporting ancillary related services including reception and waiting areas, public atrium and circulation stairs and lifts, ancillary stores, toilets and changing rooms. Service areas include integrated plant and refuse/ waste/ cleaning areas.

Also includes the Primary Care Centre operational and administrative offices, associated stores, meeting rooms and canteen. The relocation of existing services by the erection of a new Community Centre of 939sqm, of 1-2 storeys including dining room and social room, training room, hairdressing room and creche facilities for 20 pre-school children. Supporting facilities include kitchen, toilets, store, offices and changing rooms.

The service area incorporates plant and waste stores and a new ESB substation and switch room to serve the entire site. The relocation of existing services by the erection of a new Alzheimer Day Care Centre of 267sqm, of one storey, with dining, sitting and activities rooms and associated offices, toilets and stores. The site works include changing six existing vehicle entrances on Curlew Road to two new ones, with one exit route to the west of the site, new community garden area associated with the community centre and day care centre site landscaping works to include boundary treatment, paths and planting. parking on site provides for 76 cars and 28 bicylcles. The demolition of the existing HSE Health Centre, demolition of the existing Mother McCauley Community Centre and demolition of the existing Alzheimer Day Care Centre. Site entrance signage will be erected at the eastern side of Curlew Road.




Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1293/13
Appeal Decision Date 10-Jul-2014
Applicant Paula Keohan
Location 164, Quinn Avenue, Mount Brown, Kilmainham, Dublin 8
Proposal Planning Permission is sought by Paula Keohan for the removal of an existing single storey extension and provision of a new two storey extension to the rear of 164 Quinn Avenue, Mount Brown, Kilmainham, Dublin 8.





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