D8 Planning Updates – Week Starting 29/09/14 – 10/41/14
There have been a number of important applications and decisions in the last two weeks of planning proposals.
The old Crumlin swimming pool (incidentally where I learned to swim and spent many a happy time) has been closed for the last 6 years with the sale of the Crumlin Shopping Centre property. Planning permission for the site has been sought for the building of a take away, off license and surprisingly, a gym! The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Global Student Accommodation have sought permission for the building of 96 student units (406 bed spaces), social space (a student pavilion), gym, restaurant, a multipurpose event space and the creation of a new square. The large complex is planned for Mill Street with part of the site bordered by Clarence Managan Street and Warrenmount Lane.
No decision has been taken on the proposed distillery for the St James’ Church of Ireland building. The Council have asked for more information on the development from Alltech Breweries.
The proposed apartment blocks for Ushers Island has been refused an extension of permission.
More apartments have been proposed for Pim Street/Newport Street. The 5 story buildings will comprise 12 x 2 bedroom apartments should the permission be granted.
The decision to knock down two flat complexes in Dolphin’s Estate (not far from Dolphin’s Barn) and to build 100 new dwellings (a mix of apartments and houses) has been taken.
And finally, Kilmainham Courthouse (the former district court) has been granted permission by the council to build a visitors centre on site. The change of purpose will form part of the Kilmainham Jail tourist experience.
29/09/14 to 03/10/14
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3093/09/x1 |
Application Type | Extension of Duration of Permission |
Applicant | Crumlin Investments Ltd. |
Location | ‘Crumlin Leisure Centre’, East Of Crumlin Shopping Centre, Crumlin Road, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | EXT.OF DURATION: Planning permission for development at this site currently occupied by ‘Crumlin Leisure Centre’ to the east of the Crumlin Shopping Centre with frontage onto Crumlin Road (total site area 0.204hectares). The development will consist of the demolition of all buildings and structures on site and the construction of a two storey mixed use building (highest point 13m above Crumlin Road level total gross floor area 1,532sqm) to contain an off-licence (274sqm), hot-food take away outlet (187sqm) and 2no. retail units (total area of retail units 424sqm) at ground floor level with health club/gymnasium at first floor level (647sqm). This application also includes parking and service access to the rear of the proposed building with access from Crumlin Road and all associated site development works, boundary treatments and landscaping. |
Registration Date | 30-Sep-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3454/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Arcticom Ltd |
Location | Former Scholars Bar, Donovan Lane, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the conversion of the existing 2 storey Bar into 3 storey within the existing building with the overall height to remain as is and to accommodate 4no. 2 bedroom apartments at ground, first and second floors together with balconies facing South / East with a glass link bridge at first floor to link into new proposed 3 storey building to the North West of the site with roof garden, cafe/bar/restaurant at ground floor and 1 no. 3 bed apartment at first and second floor with 1no 2 bed apartment at third floor together with roof garden and lift, with Balconies facing South / East and North / West all with on site bin storage, cycle racks, communal open space, signage and associated site development works, total number of apartments 7. |
Registration Date | 30-Sep-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3471/14 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Applicant | Richard Carroll, Herberton Leisure Ltd. |
Location | Unit 6, Reuben Plaza, St. James’s Walk, Rialto, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | RETENTION: change of use from retail to gym |
Registration Date | 03-Oct-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3475/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Creedon Group Ltd & Global Student Accomm. |
Location | Lands generally bounded by Mill Street (to north), Sweeney’s Terrace/Clarence Mangan Road(to west), Warrenmount Lane(to east), and the grounds of Warrenmount Convent(to south)and including No.10 Mill Street, (a Protected Structure) and former Mission Hall |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the demolition of all existing structures on site, with the exception of No. 10 Mill Street (Protected Structure), adjoining former Mission Hall structure and contiguous sections of historic brick walls and historic boundary walls to the southern boundary of the site, and the construction of a mixed use Student Accommodation, Office, Retail and Restaurant/ Event Space development totalling 18,796 sq.m gross floor area (GFA) and including the restoration of No. 10 Mill Street (Protected Structure) and the adjoining former Mission Hall. The proposed development will comprise of a total of 96 no. Student Accommodation units (including 36 no. Studio units) providing a total of 406 no. student bedspaces, together with ancillary student accommodation facilities including social space, gym, laundry facilities, management office, (15,093 sq.m GFA in total), including the provision of a single storey pavilion building for student and community uses (65 sq.m); 4 no. retail/ commercial units ranging in size from 35 sq.m to 201 sq.m GFA (539 sq.m GFA in total); new office space (2,137 sq.m GFA); the restoration, adaptation and reuse of No. 10 Mill Street (a Protected Structure) as a restaurant/ café/ multi-purpose event space (507 sq.m) and adjoining former Mission Hall for office use (520 sq.m GFA). The proposed development is arranged in a total of 5 new blocks (A, B, C, D, E) which range in height from 4 no. storeys to 7 no. storeys with setbacks at various levels, and a basement plant area (313 sq.m) under Block C (located centrally within the site). Block A has balconies on north and south elevations at first to third floor levels and west elevation only on fourth and fifth floor levels; Block C has balconies on east and west elevations at first to fifth floor levels. There are ground level terrace/ decked areas associated with Block C (west elevation) and Block E (north and south elevations). The proposed development also provides for the creation of a new urban square; a new street on a north-south axis; landscaping and widening of Warrenmount Lane; creation of a new east-west pedestrian route through the site from the new street to Warrenmount Lane, all associated plant including ESB substation; site lighting; signage; landscaping; boundary treatments and site and development works. The development includes works to a Protected Structure, No. 10 Mill Street, including restoration and adaptation of the existing shell structure; repairs to brick facades and new lime renders; repair of existing and installation of new windows; reinstatement of internal ground, first and second floors, lowering of basement (lower ground) floor level and associated underpinning; construction of a new Part M lift structure to the western facade; construction of a new single-storey entrance structure to the rear (south) facade and rear external steps to basement area; restoration of internal walls, ceilings and associated finishes and installation of new staircase. The western flanking wall with arched entrance will be dismantled and rebuilt, incorporating a larger arched opening to facilitate access. A new partially enclosed garden space is proposed to the rear of no. 10 (Protected Structure), with concrete enclosing wall with integrated planting. The development also includes restoration, adaptation and extension of the former Mission Hall shell structure, which adjoins No. 10 (Protected Structure) to the east. to include three storeys of new office space with new windows; new gable ended metal clad second floor/ roof addition and including repairs to existing external brick and rendered facades. Vehicular access to the site will be provided from Sweeney’s Terrace, providing access to 7 no. podium level car parking spaces, 2 no. loading bays/ set-down areas will be provided on Mill Street serving the proposed development and the permitted Nursing Home (Reg.Ref.:4313/09 and ABP Ref.: PL29S.236752), 193 no. bicycle spaces are provided at various locations throughout the site. Permission is also sought to realign the existing River Poddle overflow culvert. This application also seeks to amend the development permitted under Dublin City Council Reg.Ref. 4313/09 (ABP Ref. PL29S.236752) by the omission of a total of 52 no. surface car parking spaces (reducing car parking provision from 80 no. spaces to 28 no. spaces) and the incorporation of this area into the development now proposed. No further modifications are proposed to the permitted Nursing Home building or other ancillary elements. |
Registration Date | 03-Oct-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2029/10/x1 |
Application Type | Extension of Duration of Permission |
Applicant | Mr. Robert Doyle |
Location | 136, Walkinstown Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | EXT.OF DURATION: the construction of 2 single storey semi-detached single-car garages in the rear gardens of the 2 new houses currently under construction at no. 136 Walkinstown Road, accessed through a new proposed vehicular entrance in the laneway to the rear between nos. 122 and 124 Walkinstown Road. |
Registration Date | 29-Sep-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3450/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Joan Walsh |
Location | 342, Le Fanu Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 |
Proposal | Single-storey ground floor extension to south west, (front), elevation consisting of new porch and box bay extension to existing kitchen, and a dash plaster finish to first floor on front elevation, and all associated site works. |
Registration Date | 30-Sep-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3457/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Micheal McKenna |
Location | 11, Somerville Avenue, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | Planning permission is sought for alterations & extension to existing dwelling to include ground floor extension consisting of sitting/ dining area & first floor dormer extension including 3 no. bedrooms & bathroom & connect to all existing services & associated works. |
Registration Date | 30-Sep-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3489/09/x1 |
Application Type | Extension of Duration of Permission |
Applicant | Mr. Robert Doyle |
Location | 340 & 340A, Kildare Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | EXT.OF DURATION:Alterations including the reduction in height of the rear roof and removal of garage / store in the rear garden to provide additional space and alterations to side wall/gates. |
Registration Date | 29-Sep-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1251/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Ian & Lorraine O Toole |
Location | 46, St Marys Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | New vehicular access with new piers & gates, Permission to dish existing footpath to proposed access and associated site works. |
Registration Date | 29-Sep-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1259/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Anthony & Lorraine Cummins |
Location | 37, Rossmore Road, Dublin 10 |
Proposal | New 2 storey pitched roof extension to rear/side, with internal modifications and new office / play room / storage area to rear garden with associated site works |
Registration Date | 02-Oct-2014 |
LAWS: None
SAWS: None
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3189/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 29-Sep-2014 |
Applicant | Michael Kelly |
Location | 534, South Circular Road, Rialto, Dublin 8 |
Proposal |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3204/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 29-Sep-2014 |
Applicant | Joseph Brophy |
Location | Site of Mews House accessed off an unknown laneway off Tyrconnell Park, to the rear of 48, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | RETENTION: The development will consist / consists of Permission for the conversion of the attic to a study or store area with new velux roof lights to the front and rear and retention of minor changes to the front and side elevations and minor changes to the internal plan of the Mews house. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3206/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 30-Sep-2014 |
Applicant | Tribeach (Dublin) Ltd. |
Location | 86 Jamestown Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Conversion and subdivision of a former industrial unit to 7 no. live work units and alterations to existing commercial units. The proposed works to be carried out include: provision of a further storey and roof terraces along the eastern and western facades above part of the main building; a second storey over a single storey element of the existing north end of the building including a new access stairs; partial demolition of structures along the eastern facade; alterations to the facades; signage along the eastern facade; provosion of 15 no. designated car parking spaces; rain water harvesting with water tanks and heat pumps on the southern roof, and associated site works. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3213/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 01-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | Dr. Pearse Lyons |
Location | 121-124, James’s Street (including the former St.James’s [Church of Ireland] Church at, Nos.121-122 James’s Street, Dublin 8), Dublin 8 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Development of a micro distillery and a visitor centre at a site of c.0.164 ha at Nos. 121-124 James’s Street, Dublin 8. Part of the site (Nos. 121-122 James’s Street) is occupied by the former St. James’s (Church of Ireland) Church, which is a Protected Structure (Ref. 4053), including the front gate entrance gates, railings and gate piers. (The boundary walls to the adjoining graveyard (located outside the application site) are also a Protected Structure. The remainder of the site (Nos. 123-124 James’s Street) is occupied by a two storey building (which is not a Protected Structure).Nos. 121-122 James’s Street, the former St. James’s Church:
-The development will consist of the refurbishment and adaptive reuse of the former church (c. 740 sq.m) (most recently in use as a lighting showroom and warehouse), as a micro distillery and visitor centre (c. 491 sq.m) (including a tasting area; exhibition and merchandise area (including sale of whiskey for consumption off the premises); distillation equipment; plant; ancillary staff and storage facilities. The works include the construction of a glass spire to match the proportions of the original spire (maximum height of 36.3 m above ground level) requiring the removal of non-original lead flashing covering the top of the remaining portion of the spire. Removal of non-original internal fabric of the former church including: internal walls; glazed internal lobby; doors and joinery; floors, ceilings and associated structural steelwork; internal stairs; ducts; pipes and plaster. Removal of non-original material including structural supports and panelling around the gallery and modesty screen, to reveal the remaining original fabric. Restoration of the original gallery structure and modesty screen. Construction of a new cast iron column, to match original existing column on the ground floor to support the gallery above. Removal of non-original concrete ramp to west of the former church, restoration of stone steps and provision of new removable ramp. Removable of modern infill from the stone buttresses and, where required, application of new limestone. Removal of concrete block infill from original windows. Repair or, if required, replace stone tracery and leaded glass. Repair external timber doors where possible and remove modern additions. Restore and clean stone exterior of former church, including: walls, dressings, tracery, finials and internal stone stairs cases. Repair or, if required, replace: roof slates, flashing, ridge pieces and rainwater goods. Application of new lime plaster to internal walls. Internal timber trusses to be cleaned and decorated. Construction of new first floor structure (c. 12 sq.m) in the Vestry roof to accommodate plant. Construction of new stone ground floor above the existing non-original floor slab and a new raised stone floor in the Chancel and South Transept to accommodate services below. Construction of new air handling ducting suspended beneath existing trusses and new c. 600 mm diameter opes in internal walls (between the Chancel and the Vestry) to accommodate same. Construction of 2 no. new c. 600 mm diameter opes in the Vestry roof to accommodate air extract exhausts with cowls (c. 600 mm and 1500 mm above roof level); 1 no. new c. 800 mm diameter ope to north facade for air intake duct; and 2 no. new c. 300 mm diameter opes in southern facade to allow for grain intake and spent grain extract. Demolition of the existing single storey, partially sunken plant enclosure abutting the northeast walls of the former church (c.12 sq.m) and the construction in its place of a 2 level plant enclosure (c. 58 sq.m across two levels) and internal and external access ladders. Construction of a single storey barrel filling room (c. 11 sq.m) abutting the east wall of the Vestry., including new sump. Relocation of electrical meter to the Vestry. Construction of a detached, screened single storey enclosure for coolers (c. 15 sq.m) located to the south-east of the former church. Remove the oil tank located to the northwest of the former church and demolish the associated walls. The development also consists of the removal of non-original fabric across the site including: internal site fencing and gates; signage; tarmac; modern external light fittings and lamp standards; modern dwarf walls around graves. Railings; Front Entrance Gates; Gate Piers; the development will consist of the repair (and where necessary replacement) and painting of the railings at the front of the site. Removal of the modern gate and its replacement with an automated inward opening gate, to match the railings. Removal of modern light fittings from railings. Repair and clean stone wall, plinth, coping and gate piers. Nos. 123-124 James’s Street: – The development will consist of the demolition of the existing two storey building (c. 134 sq.m) (including a ground floor commercial unit and a first floor residential apartment (c. 60 sq.m); and the construction of a part-four, part-five storey visitor centre including: reception, exhibition space, ancillary visitor and staff facilities, and ancillary offices (c. 331 sq.m). The development will also consist of: all hard and soft landscaping, including soakaways, changes to levels, signage; external lighting; seating; and all associated development above and below ground.
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3218/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 02-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | Castle Paints Ltd |
Location | 129 Cromwellsfort Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the construction of a new first floor apartment over existing retail unit and all associated site works and services. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3228/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 01-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | Noel Dempsey |
Location | Unit 13, Goldenbridge Industrial Estate, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Planning permission is sought for the material change of use of the ground floor and first floor from warehouse & office to recreational & leisure use (gym and associated facilities). |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3231/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 03-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | Kieran Murray |
Location | 4, Derry Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | Planning permission sought for alterations and extension to existing dwelling to include first floor bedroom to rear & associated works. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3450/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 01-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | Joan Walsh |
Location | 342, Le Fanu Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 |
Proposal | Single-storey ground floor extension to south west, (front), elevation consisting of new porch and box bay extension to existing kitchen, and a dash plaster finish to first floor on front elevation, and all associated site works. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2116/09/x1 |
Application Type | Extension of Duration of Permission |
Decision Date | 30-Sep-2014 |
Applicant | Mr. Vincent Keary |
Location | 10, Usher’s Island,And 32 Island Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | EXT: The development consists of the demolition of the existing single storey light industrial shed and the construction of a residential block to the north and the south of the site, with a communal garden in the centre at first floor level. The overall development will comprise of a toatl 11 no. apartments (2 no. 3/4 Bed duplexes of 160 sq.m and 150 sq.m respectively, 5 no. 2/3 bed apartments of 113 sq.m each and 4 no. 2/3 bed apartments of 104 sq.m each) a shared storage area of 53 sq.m projecting balconies to the south and internal garden elevations of the apartments with wintergardens to the north elevation, a central lift and stair core, rainwater collection and concealed solar panels to the upper roof of the south block, bicycle parking (12 spaces), refuse collection areas and ground floor car parking (5 no. spaces) with vehicular entrance/ egrees onto Island Street. The building will be a total of seven storeys high (23.5 m) to Usher’s Island, including set back of one storey and eight storeys onto Usher’s Island (25.5 m) including set back of two storeys. The parapet height to Usher’s Island will be 20.4m and 19.3m to Island Street. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2348/14 |
Appeal Decision | GRANT PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 24-Sep-2014 |
Applicant | Laura James |
Location | 53, Carrow Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Removal of the railings to front garden which were replaced with double opening gates for a driveway width 3.4m. Existing pedestrian gate remained in place and for one small velux to front of house.***Amendment to Week 39/14***
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2759/14 |
Appeal Decision | APPEAL WITHDRAWN |
Appeal Decision Date | 25-Sep-2014 |
Applicant | Aidan Ryan & Elizabeth Morrin |
Location | 1, Rathdown Villas, Terenure, Dublin 6W |
Proposal | First floor extension (8.5 sq.m) to the rear |
***Amendment to Week 39/14*** |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3672/13 |
Appeal Decision | GRANT PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 22-Sep-2014 |
Applicant | Crocusglen Ltd. |
Location | 726 & rear of 730-734, South Circular Road, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The proposed development consists of the construction of 8 no. 3 & 4 bed houses, comprised of 1 no. 2 storey detached house, 2 no. 2 storey semi-detached houses & 5 no. 2-3 storey terraced houses. The proposed development also seeks permission for the demolition of the existing outbuildings on site and part of rear extension to No. 726 South Circular Road (floor area to be demolished is 34 sqm). The proposed development also includes for a new vehicular access entrance off South Circular Road, all associated site development works, bin storage, surface car parking and open space all on a site area of 0.201ha.***Amendment to Week 39/14*** |
06/10/14 to 10/10/14
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2744/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Yuriy Kychan |
Location | 17, 18, & 19, Newport Street, at Corner Of Newport Street And Pim Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the demolition of existing house and commercial sheds and construction of a mixed-use building ranging from 4 to 5 stories with: 12×2 bedroom apartments with 16 private balconies and 1 shared roof garden; 1 cafe / commercial / retail unit at ground floor level; ground level car park with 7 parking spaces accessed from Pim St.; Ancillary site-works including bicycle parking, bin storage, pedestrian entrances on Newport St. and service connections. |
Registration Date | 07-Oct-2014 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2906/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Vodafone Ireland Limited |
Location | Templeogue Synge Street GAA Grounds, Dolphin Park, Crumlin Road, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | For an amendment to the previously granted application, planning reference 4062/10. This amendment will consist of a change in height of the proposed monopole to 18 metres from 15 metres and the relocation of the monopole to the south eastern aspect of the site. The 18 metre monopole will carry telecommunications apparatus along with ground based equipment cabinets and security fencing. The development will form part of Vodafone Ireland’s GSM, 3G and 4G network. |
Registration Date | 10-Oct-2014 |
Additional Information Received | |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3494/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Henry John Ward |
Location | 15, Crumlin Village, Crumlin, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | Permission is sought for removal of existing rear extensions, removal of the original external chimney stack and internal alteration and refurbishment of the original single storey bungalow, construction of a single storey hipped roof extension (82.86m2) to the rear of the original bungalow, the construction of a separate single storey detached one-bedroom Family Apartment (39.44m2), to the rear of the site with an attached side garage / storage area (15.67m2), widening of the existing site entrance, together with associated external landscaping and drainage works. |
Registration Date | 08-Oct-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3495/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Johnny O’Loughlin |
Location | 13, Crumlin Village, Crumlin, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | Construction of two new semi-detached single storey hipped roof bungalow dwelling houses (Area 99.35sqm each) complete with two new 3.6m wide front vehicular entrances (replacing existing single entrance) in the existing front boundary wall and lowering and splaying of footpaths and kerbs together with associated external landscaping and drainage works in the open side space. |
Registration Date | 08-Oct-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3497/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | John Prior, Russtrade Ltd |
Location | 29, Thomas Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Planning permission for new shop-front to existing shop unit including all necessary ancillary works. |
Registration Date | 08-Oct-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3503/14 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Applicant | Richard Carroll, Herberton Leisure Ltd. |
Location | Unit 6, Reuben Plaza, St. James’s Walk, Rialto, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | RETENTION:change of use from retail to gym. |
Registration Date | 09-Oct-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3511/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Patrick Tracey |
Location | 6 & 7, Canal Terrace, Bluebell, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | The development will consist of 4 no. 2 and half-storey with 1 no. front dormer window & 3 velux rooflights to rear, 3 bedroom semidetached dwelling units, the demolition of existing sheds and storage unit, modification of existing vehicular entrance off Canal Terrace, 14 no. car parking spaces and all ancillary site works. |
Registration Date | 10-Oct-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3490/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Peter and Fionnuala Waldron |
Location | 23, Inchicore Terrace North, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The demolition of existing rear extension and the construction of a two-storey extension to the rear with associated works. |
Registration Date | 07-Oct-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3492/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Ciarán Lynam |
Location | 27, Ring Terrace, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The development consists of a two-storey extension to side providing 2 bedrooms, with shower and w.c.’s and single storey kitchen/ dining extension to the rere to replace an existing structure. |
Registration Date | 07-Oct-2014 |
Area | Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3510/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Conor Murphy |
Location | 113, Benmadigan Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | Planning permission for development at 113, Benmadigan Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12. Removal of front wall, pillar, grass and flowerbeds and paving area. Public footpath to be dropped to road level. |
Registration Date | 10-Oct-2014 |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2890/14 |
Application Type | LAW |
Decision | City Council – Approved |
Decision Date | 06-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | Housing Development, Dublin City Council |
Location | The Dolphin Estate, South Circular Road, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | LAW: Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given of the proposed demolition of 2 no. blocks and the development of a total of 100 no. dwelling units (including new houses, new apartments, and amalgamated / refurbished units) in buildings ranging between 1 to 4 storeys in height, on a c.1.08 hectare site located towards the south-east corner of the Dolphin Estate close to Dolphins Barn and the Grand Canal – to facilitate the proposed regeneration of the lands and the upgrading of the existing housing stock.The proposed development consists of: The demolition of 2 no. blocks adjacent to the Grand Canal containing 24 no. existing dwelling units (no’s. 117-128 and 177-188 inclusive); the refurbishment of 3 no. blocks perpendicular to the Grand Canal containing 72 no. existing dwelling units (no’s. 93-116, 129-152 and 153-176 inclusive) including the amalgamation of some units to provide 63 no. upgraded dwelling units; the construction of 2 no. blocks to the north of the blocks proposed for refurbishment and upgrading containing 14 no. new dwelling units and 8 no. new dwelling units respectively; the construction of 9 no. houses and the construction of 1 no. new block adjacent to the Grand Canal containing 6 no. new dwelling units; and associated works including, hard and soft landscaping, childrens play facilities, surface car and cycle parking, new routes including access to the Grand Canal, boundary treatment, CCTV security, and public lighting.
Plans and particulars of the proposed development may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy for a period of six weeks from Wednesday 18th June 2014 to Wednesday 30th July 2014, at the offices of Dublin City Council, Public Counter, Planning Department, Block 4, Ground Floor, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8, Monday to Friday from 9.00hrs. to 16.30hrs. A submission or observation in relation to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and substainable development of the area in which the development would be situated, may be made, in writing, to: The Executive Manager, Planning Department, Dublin City Council, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 before 16.30hrs on Thursday 14th August 2014. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3232/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 06-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | Bernard & Iris Higgins |
Location | 43 St Laurence Road, Chapelizod, Dublin 20 |
Proposal | Permission is sought for demolition of existing commercial building of 100m2, and construction of a two storey dwelling with 4 bedrooms, garage, overall area 228m2, and ancillary works. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3237/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 07-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | Stephen Langton |
Location | 247, Sundrive Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | For construction of a single storey extension to the rear; alterations to elevations and internal layout; 6 no. velux window to the rear; conversion of attic space and insertion of dormer window to the rear and all associated site development works. To include for demolition of existing single storey rear extension and shed. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3256/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 08-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland |
Location | Kilmainham Courthouse, Inchicore Road, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of a change of use of the former Kilmainham Courthouse (a Protected Structure) and Outbuildings from Courthouse and associated uses to cultural and visitor facility use associated with Kilmainham Gaol (a Protected Structure and National Monument) and the refurbishment of Kilmainham Courthouse and Outbuildings and all ancillary works.Work to the main Courthouse building will include the construction of:
– a new lift to link all levels from ground to second floor, – new sanitary facilities, – a new internal mezzanine bridge to link the east and west wings, – the provision of a public café and bookstore and other internal modifications. Works to the Outbuildings will include the construction of: – new sanitary facilities, – boiler house and café store. External works will include: – the modification of the front railings to provide two new side gates, – realignment of the stone entrance to the front to form a new landing, – installation of a new external stairway to the rear of the Courthouse and associated new hard and soft landscaping.
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3261/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 10-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | Michael and Charlotte Joyce |
Location | 138, Walkinstown Avenue, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | Demolition of the existing house & construction of three number 2-bedroom, 2-storey townhouses and a single storey medical or similar related unit, all with associated site-works with a low level front boundary wall and separate driveways. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3272/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 10-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | DHQ Property Investments Ltd |
Location | 105, Crumlin Road, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | For the construction of a new 3-bedroomed, 2-storey detached dwelling on site to rear of existing property, along with new vehicular entrance from Old County Road serving new dwelling. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3406/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 10-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | David Berber, Whitefrairs Creche & Montessori |
Location | Units 1 & 2, Newmarket Hall, St. Lukes Avenue, Cork Street, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the Dishing of the public footpath and creation of vehicular access to the front of property and provide off street car parking. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 3471/14 |
Application Type | Retention Permission |
Decision Date | 07-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | Richard Carroll, Herberton Leisure Ltd. |
Location | Unit 6, Reuben Plaza, St. James’s Walk, Rialto, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | RETENTION: Retention of change of use from retail to gym |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | WEB1219/14 |
Application Type | Permission |
Decision Date | 07-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | Niamh Reilly |
Location | 21, Gurteen Park, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 |
Proposal | Conversion of existing attic space to play / office / storage area with dormer window extension to rear roof, 2 No.of Rooflights to front roof pitch, New Tiled Pitched roof over existing storm porch to front of dwelling, with internal modifications and associated site works. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2137/14 |
Appeal Decision | REFUSE PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 07-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | Forecourt Promotions |
Location | UNIT 5, Long Mile Road Business Park, Long Mile Road, Dublin 12 |
Proposal | The development will consist of the following: 1. Change of use of the existing warehouse unit from Industrial/ warehouse use to retail at ground floor level only (517 s.q.m in total) 2. Amendments to the existing East facade including new cladding, signage and access. |
Area |
Area 2 – South Central |
Application Number | 2459/14 |
Appeal Decision | GRANT PERMISSION |
Appeal Decision Date | 09-Oct-2014 |
Applicant | Darren Davis |
Location | 4, O’Leary Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 |
Proposal | Permission for the provision of 1no. off-street car-parking space in front garden with alterations to existing railing and the construction of a single-storey extension of 20sq.m to the rear. |