Newswire » Local News » D8 Planning Updates – Week Starting 01/09/14 – 12/09/14

D8 Planning Updates – Week Starting 01/09/14 – 12/09/14


D8 Planning Updates – Week Starting 01/09/14 – 12/09/14

Below are the planning proposals for the last two weeks, most notable are large scale apartment developments in Blackpitts.


AREA 2 01/09/14 – 07/09/14




Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3322/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Bord Gais Eireann
Location Cork Street, Dolphin’s Barn, Dublin 8
Proposal Permission to install a ventilation stack in the edge of the footpath at Cork Street, Dolphin’s Barn, Dublin 8. (The proposed site is located near the junction of Cork Street and Ormond Street).


Registration Date 02-Sep-2014
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3352/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Chris Finneran
Location 23, Dolphin’s Barn Street, Dublin 8
Proposal The development will consist of the partial demolition of an existing 2-storey building (previous use of retail on ground floor and residential over). It is proposed to develop same with a 3-storey building comprising 1 retail unit on ground floor, 2 no. 2&3 bed duplex apartments, 1 no. 3 bed townhouse, all with individual roof gardens. Development will also comprise of the provision of individual bin & bike stores at ground level and all associated site works and services connections.


Registration Date 05-Sep-2014
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1238/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Gavin Walsh
Location 7, Croftwood Crescent, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Proposal Construction of a new end of terrace two storey dwelling. This will include all boundary walls, services, connection, vehicular access to the side and all associated site works.
Registration Date 05-Sep-2014




Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3334/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Joan Walsh
Location 342, Le Fanu Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Proposal Single storey ground floor extension to south west, (front), elevation consisting of new porch and box bay extension to existing kitchen, and a dash plaster finish to first floor on front elevation, and all associated site works.


Registration Date 03-Sep-2014
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3346/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Johnny O’Loughlin
Location 13, Crumlin Village, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal Provision of new 3.6m wide front vehicular access and lowering and splaying of footpath and kerb adjacent to road at new entrance.


Registration Date 05-Sep-2014



LAWS:                                   ***NONE***


SAWS:                                    ***NONE***






Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 0229/14
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 01-Sep-2014
Applicant Joe & Chris O Reilly
Location 1, Bow Lane West, Dublin 8
Proposal Construcction of three new 4 bedroom apartments and a 50 m2 café unit at 1 Bow Lane West.





Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 0237/14
Application Type Section 5
Decision Grant  Exemption Certificate
Decision Date 04-Sep-2014
Applicant Balazs Stumps-Biro
Location 127, Francis Street, Dublin, 8.
Proposal EXPP: This ground floor own door unit was previously used as a doctors surgery. it is now proposed to use the unit as a dental practice.





Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 0247/14
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 03-Sep-2014
Applicant DHQ Property Investments Ltd
Location 105, Crumlin Road, Dublin 12
Proposal SHEC: Construction of a new 3-bedroomed, 2-storey detached dwelling on site to rear of existing property, along with new vehicular entrance from Old County Road serving new dwelling.







Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 2584/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 02-Sep-2014
Applicant Shrewsbury Square Ltd
Location Faulkner Industries Ltd & ‘Beann’, Chapelizod Hill Road, Chapelizod, Dublin 20
Proposal The development will consist of modifications to permitted development of 33 new dwellings and alterations to an existing dwelling ‘Beann’, Reg Ref 2803/13. The proposed modifications comprise alterations to individual house designs of 8 permitted dwellings to include revised bedroom allocations and corresponding elevations and ancillary details. The overall number of bedspaces proposed is 148 (147 bedspaces permitted). The permitted development reg ref 2803/13 remains as permitted in respect of site layout and overall design.





Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3026/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 01-Sep-2014
Applicant John Maher
Location The Granary, Pim Street, Newport Street and Longs Place, Dublin 8
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: In space formerly designated for office use,- for 3 own hall door apartments accessed from street level (2×3-bed & 1x 2-bed) with minor alterations to the facades.







Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3046/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 03-Sep-2014
Applicant Tomas Adomaitis
Location 5a, Rafters Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12
Proposal Permission is sought for change of house type from that granted permission (reference no. 3253/09) to dormer bungalow.







Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3066/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 01-Sep-2014
Applicant Oleg & Malgorzata Bocancea
Location 32, Glenaulin, Chapelizod, Dublin 20
Proposal Two storey extension to the rear of previously approved two storey extension to side & single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling house – Planning Reg. Ref. 3532/13 & associated alterations to the previously approved single storey extension to the rear & all associated site works to the existing dwelling house.







Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3109/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 03-Sep-2014
Applicant Helen Walsh & Justin Wassung
Location 47, Dufferin Avenue, Dublin 8
Proposal The proposed development will consist of: (a) A single storey ground floor extension to the rear; (b) conversion of the existing  attic area into a new master bedroom including a new dormer window to the rear elevation, with an en-suite and walk-in wardrobe above the existing return to the rear of the dwelling; and (c) all associated enabling site development and landscaping works.




APPEALS NOTIFIED:                   ***NONE***










AREA 2 08/09/14 – 12/09/14




Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3356/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Declan Barber & Joe Cully
Location 64a, St. Agnes Road, Dublin 12
Proposal Two storey extension at the rear and to sub-divide the enlarged ground floor space into two retail units, with ancillary accommodation. Permission is also sought to change the use of the first floor accommodation, from its existing commercial usage to a simplex apartment, with hall/WC/storage in the new first floor extension, and two bedrooms, kitchen/living area and bathroom on existing first floor. Private open space will occupy the roof of the ground floor extension with an access staircase at the rear. Permission is also sought to form a new vehicular access gate, from the existing right of way on the South West boundary of the site, to a parking space in the yard at the rear for the exclusive use of the first floor resident. Finally – permission is sought to raise the level of the pavement outside the retail units to provide a wheelchair access ramp with handrail and balustrade.


Registration Date 08-Sep-2014
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3359/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Marketside Ltd.
Location Lucan Road, (between 688 Lucan Road & 1 Chapelizod Court), Chapelizod, Dublin 20
Proposal Demolition of the north east boundary wall to Lucan Road and construction of 19 no. residential dwelling units comprising of a terrace of 7 no. houses, all three storey with three bedrooms with private front & rear gardens with on site car parking located to the rear of the site; 6 no. two storey three bedroom duplex units with north east facing balconies & terraces over 6 no. single storey two bedroom apartments with north east & south west terraces configured in 1 no. residential block to the front of the site onto Lucan Road; creation of a new vehicular site access off Lucan Road with surface car parking for 12 cars, bin store, bicycle parking, retaining boundary walls & railings & all associated external site works and landscaping.


Registration Date 08-Sep-2014
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3363/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Rosie and Jim Gourment Foods
Location Unit B, Muirfield Industrial Estate, Muirfield Drive, Naas Road, Dublin 12
Proposal The development will consist of new mezzanine level plant area within existing factory unit, together with addition of new high level roller shutter to mezzanine, roof mounted plant & new roof mounted signage.


Registration Date 09-Sep-2014
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3366/14
Application Type Permission
Applicant Derrywood Developments Ltd.
Location 379-383, South Circular Road, Rialto, Dublin 8
Proposal Demolition of nos.379 and 383 South Circular Road, Rialto, Dublin 8 and the construction of a new 3-storey Primary Care Centre over a basement car park. The proposed development consists of GP Clinics and Pharmacy at ground floor level and HSE Primary Care Team Clinics and Offices at first and second floor levels. 15 no. car parking spaces and ancillary plant areas are proposed at basement level.
Registration Date 09-Sep-2014





Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3365/14
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Ciaran McGovern
Location 33, Downpatrick Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal RETENTION: The works consist of an existing detached pigeon loft in the side/rear garden and all associated site works.
Registration Date 09-Sep-2014



LAWS: None


SAWS: None






Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 0244/14
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 08-Sep-2014
Applicant Michael & Charlotte Joyce
Location 138, Walkinstown Avenue, Dublin 12
Proposal SHEC: Demolition of the existing house & construction of 3 No. 2 bedroom two storey townhouses & a single storey medical or similar related unit with associated siteworks with a two level front boundary wall & separate driveways.





Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 0267/14
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 12-Sep-2014
Applicant Declan Barber & Joe Cully
Location 64A, St. Agnes Road, Dublin 12
Proposal SHEC: 2-storey extension at rear with 2 retail units on ground floor and simplex apartment on first floor.





Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 0268/14
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 12-Sep-2014
Applicant Gavin Walsh
Location Side of, 7, Croftwood Crescent, Cherry Orchard, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Proposal SHEC:End of terrace house





Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 2248/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 09-Sep-2014
Applicant BOHAI Ltd
Location Ground and First Floor Unit ‘La Rochelle’ Building, Corner of High Street & Lamb Alley, Christchurch, Dublin 8
Proposal Change of use of  existing Restaurant Coffee Shop to Tourist Hostel, at Ground & First Floor with repositioned main entrance and internal modifications. (The site is located in a conservation area).







Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 2274/09/x1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Decision Date 08-Sep-2014
Applicant Le Ballon Rouge Ltd.
Location Site Known As Clayton Love Distribution Premises, Jamestown Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Proposal EXT: The development will comprise of the demolition of the existing office building (600.7sqm), warehouse buildings (2,623.1sqm 354.6sqm and 128.3 sqm) and yard buildings (341 sqm), and the construction of a mixed use residential and commercial development in 5 no blocks ranging in height from 3 to 8 storeys over basement, as follows:

Block A will be six storeys and comprise 32 no apartments (6 no one bedroom units, 20 no two bedroom units, 2 no. two bedroom duplex units and 4 no three bedroom units) all with balconies and communal open space.

Block B will range in height from three to five storeys and comprise 17 no. apartments (1 no one bedroom unit, 1 no open bedroom plus study unit, 14 no two bedroom units, and 1 no three bedroom unit) all with balconies, roof terraces and communal open space.

Block C will be three storeys and comprise 3 no. four bedroom terraced houses with private gardens.

Block D will range in height from six to eight storeys and comprise 5,362sqm of offices (gross floor area) with roof gardens.

Block E will range in height from three to five storeys and comprise 1,856 sqm of offices (gross floor area) with roof gardens. In total, the proposed development will provide for 49 no. apartments and 3 no. houses and 7,218 sqm of offices.

Planning permission is also sought for a total of 80 no. car parking spaces and 76 no. bicycle parking spaces at basement level; 10 no. surface car parking spaces located along the Jamestown Road frontage and 48 surface bicycle parking spaces; and all associated infrastructure and site development works including landscaping and boundary treatments and ESB substation (14sqm) access to the proposed development will be from an entrance on eastern side of Jamestown Road.






Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 2509/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 09-Sep-2014
Applicant The Trustees Of The Iveagh Trust
Location Canon Troy Court, 1,1A & 2, Chapelizod Hill Road, Dublin 20
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE:  The development includes (1) The demolition of 3 terraced houses Nos. 1,1A & 2 Chapelizod Hill Road and the demolition of a two storey block of Flats containing 8 flats and located near the South-East boundary of the site and is part of the Canon Troy Court Flat complex. (2) The renovation, conversion, alteration and extension of 2 no. two storey buildings containing flats. These two buildings are part of the Canon Troy Court Complex and one building is located near the South-West boundary with Kylemore Road and one building is located near the South-East boundary with Ballyfermot College of Further Education. These two existing buildings to have two additional floors added and also a four storey extension to be constructed extending along the South-East and North-East boundaries of the site and the two buildings to be joined with an extension at first floor level and all to form one single four storey building containing 74 one bedroom apartments for the elderly. All apartments to have balconies above ground floor level and all balconies are located on South-West and South-East elevations of the building and deck access to all apartments above ground floor and all decks located on North-East and North-West elevations of the building, 2 no. Passenger Lifts, a Laundry Room, Guest Room, Nurse’s Office, Estate Office, Community Room and 3 no. access stairs. The total area of the building is 4,622m2 and the height is 13,600m, (3) Alterations to and widening of the existing vehicular and pedestrian entrance access road, path gates and railings to the combined sites on Chapelizod Hill Road. (4) A new pedestrian entrance with gate to the Complex from Kylemore Road and alterations to the site boundary walls on Kylemore Road and at the corner of Chapelizod Hill Road to demolish site boundary walls and replace with a railing of 2.4M high. (5) Site works to provide 30 no parking spaces, planting and pedestrian pathways and associated site works. (6) A services building containing water storage tanks and plant located near the East boundary of the site (area 26m2 height 5,300M2).







Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 2685/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 08-Sep-2014
Applicant Sam Mansfield
Location Former Kylemore Road Service Station, Kylemore Road, Dublin 12
Proposal The development will consist of the construction of a single storey service station building (c. 100m2 retail sales area), forecourt and canopy (c. 5.4m in height), an illuminated totem sign (c.5.5m in height), ancillary non illuminated signage, 4 no. fuel dispensing pump stands, 3 no underground storage tanks, a service area, 11 no. customer parking spaces and 6 no. bicycle parking spaces. Permission is also sought for 1 no. single storey motor service unit (c. 97.5m2 area), all associated site development, landscaping and boundary treatment works including the re-instatement of 2 no. access/egress points onto Kylemore Road. The development will have an overall GFA of 256m2.







Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3062/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 08-Sep-2014
Applicant Alan Delaney, Bank Of Ireland
Location Bank Of Ireland, 85 James Street / Watling Street, Dublin 8
Proposal Alter the south elevation (front) and west elevation (side) of existing bank building, to comprise of the replacement of existing signage with new signage, and to replace the existing sign to south ssite boundary with new sign, and all associated site works.





Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3075/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 10-Sep-2014
Applicant Marc Godart
Location Reuben House, Reuben Street, Dolphins Barn, Dublin 8
Proposal Permission at an existing 725sqm, 5 storey-over-ground-floor commercial building, for the change of use from commercial to residential use, with provision of 5 x 2-bedroom apartments. Breakdown of units is 4 x 93 sqm apartments, 1 x 81sqm apartment with one unit to each floor over ground floor. The 37sqm ground-floor retail unit south of the entrance is to accommodate bicycle parking & refuse with metal gates to replace the glazed doors. The 41sqm ground-floor unit to the north is to remain as a commercial unit. Open space for each apartment is to be provided by non-projecting balconies to the south end of the front elevation (4 x 14sqm balconies & 1 x 21.4sqm balcony): At the north end of the front elevation 4 x 2.4m panels of curtain-walling to each floor are to be removed and replaced with aluminium-framed bi-folding glazed doors with metal guardrails to the balconies: 4 x panels of curtain-walling, to each floor, to the north of the entrance are to be removed and replaced  with aluminium-framed casement windows. 5 parking spaces to be provided in existing allocated parking spaces in the basement of Reuben Square Development.





Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3087/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 12-Sep-2014
Applicant The Board Of Management
Location St. Catherines Junior National School, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8
Proposal For a two classroom prefab with toilet accommodation and associated site works.





Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3334/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 08-Sep-2014
Applicant Joan Walsh
Location 342, Le Fanu Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Proposal Single storey ground floor extension to south west, (front), elevation consisting of new porch and box bay extension to existing kitchen, and a dash plaster finish to first floor on front elevation, and all associated site works.







Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 4927/08/x1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Decision Date 11-Sep-2014
Applicant John Griffin
Location 29-31, Cromwellsfort Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12
Proposal EXT OF DURATION: Planning permission is being sought for the following development.

  1. a) The demolition of two detached single storey houses, and
  2. b) i) The construction of four terraced, two bedroom dormer houses with each house having vehicular access from Cromwellsfort Road and pedestrian access from the laneway to the rear. (ii) Ancillary works associated with the proposed dwellings.





Area 2 – South Central

Application Number WEB1200/14
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 11-Sep-2014
Applicant Trevor Clowry & Niamh O’ Conghaile
Location 52 Lismore Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal A new 2-storey extension to side / rear with single storey extension to rear all to existing dwelling with internal modifications to existing layout, New vehicular access with new piers & gates, Permission to dish footpath to proposed access with associated site works.



Area 2 – South Central (Nov 09)

Application Number 3099/09/x1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Decision Date 09-Sep-2014
Applicant The Sherling Co- Ownership
Location Rear of 26, 27, 28 & 29, New Row South, Dublin 8 (Junction of New Row South, Blackpitts and Fumbally Lane)
Proposal EXT OF DURATION:PROTECTED STRUCTURE-Full planning permission for the development of a 0.2217 hectare (0.5478 acres) site. The proposed development accommodates 24no. car parking spaces and 50no. bicycle parking spaces. The development with an overall gross floor area of 6,229.83sqm will consist of:

1) The restoration, refurbishment and extension to the rear of no. 26 and no. 27 New Row South, a former distillery building and protected structure (referred to as the Laundry Building in the Dublin City Council Record of Protected Structures (Reference no. 5928)) and its development to accommodate 2,523.54sqm of office floorspace. The existing building will retain its three storey height along the New Row South elevation and four stories to the rear. The proposed development will result in internal and external modifications to the protected structure including modifications to the fenestration on the elevations and the roof space. A surface car parking area to accommodate 9no. car parking spaces and 27no. bicycle spaces will be located to the rear of the protected structure with access from New Row South. The refurbished protected structure will be interlinked to the proposed new commercial & residential development via a glazed entrance foyer, with a height of 10.16metres & a gross floor area of 43.3sqm.

2) The demolition of no. 28 and no. 29 New Row South, an existing industrial building, (located at the junction of New Row South, Blackpitts and Fumbally Lane) and the construction of a 6 storey & roof top plant area with an overall height of 21.5metres, with the upper two levels of residential accommodation set back, over basement residential building with commercial use at ground floor level with a total gross floor area of 3,706.29sqm. Accommodation will comprise of: (i) A total of 24no. units including 4no. one bedroom apartments, 13no. two bedroom apartments and 7no. three bedroom apartments; (ii) Each residential unit will be served by a private balcony winter garden or terrace area on all elevations; (iii) The provision of 3no. commercial/retail units & an entrance foyer (to accommodate use classes 1 & 2) with a gross floor area of 663.48sqm comprising of a commercial/retail unit no. 1 with a gross floor area of 101.84sqm at ground floor level fronting onto New Row South, commercial/retail unit no. 2 with a gross floor area of 100.19sqm at ground floor level at the junction of Blackpitts & Fumbally Lane, a commercial/retail unit no. 3 with a gross floor area of 418.12sqm located at ground floor & mezzanine level fronting onto Blackpitts & a commercial entrance foyer at ground floor level with a gross floor area of 43.3sqm fronting onto New Row South; (iv) The development of a gym & swimming pool with a gross floor area of 487.22sqm at basement level. accessible from Blackpitts, with storage for the residential units & associated plant areas to serve the proposed development at basement level; (v) The provision of a large communal private open space area to serve the residential units with a gross floor area of 534sqm at first floor level of the proposed development; (vi) The provision of 15no. car parking spaces and 23no. bicycle parking spaces with vehicular access from Fumbally Lane and New Row South; (vii) The provision of a service and plant area at roof level & (viii) All site development works, landscaping and all other ancillary works.







Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 2950/14
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Margaret Kelly & Stephen Rice
Location 77, Aughavannagh Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal The development consists of a 2 storey pitched roof extension to side & rear of dwelling & the relocation of front door & ground floor window to front of dwelling.








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