This empty plot, or pond at this little but pleasant park beside Collins Barracks is known as the Croppy Acre, not too far from the Huston Station Luas stop. On a nice Spring day or a hot Summers day, this park would be ideal to sit and lunch in. This year 2011, we will have a new feature, old Anna Livea herself! The empty pond has been prepared for her. That big stone you see in the centre of the pond has to be moved so Anna can sit down and rest herself.
As we reported in December’s issue, she was being moved to be restored, and made a quick flying visit to her old home, where the Spire stands today. Anna if you like was having a manicure, before talking up her new residence.
This time round will be different for her, she gave up the fags and the booze and all the junk food. She now has a decent and healthy lifestyle. She attended AA and has been dry ever since. If there is going to be any litter on her bed, it will be that of healthy snack bars, nothing like her old habits of bathing in fag butts and empty beer cans.
Then if that wasn’t bad enough her good name was taken from her! Gone was Anna, to be replaced with “Floozy in the Jacuzzi”, and one that she certainly wasn’t proud of, “the Whore in the Sewer”. Many a morning she awoke to find many a strangers, sleeping off the night before affects, some were lucky they where awoken by the council workers and they legged it before anyone could talk about them. Others weren’t so lucky, falling into her bed only to sober up very quickly!
This time around her residence will be secured by a lock, a gate, and railings that should stop unwanted visitors from dragging her back down.
We hope Anna settles in well.
This article was originally published in:
Fountain News Digital – May 2011 (Issue 4)
We are re-publishing all articles from our past newsletter, Fountain News Digital, and you can view all completed newsletters here. There were nine issues published in total between 2010 and 2012.