Dublin South-Central TDs
There are five TDs elected to serve the Dublin South-Central constituency in Dáil Éireann, our local constituency. In total there were 166 TDs elected to serve the entire country, from the 8th of February 2020, and this is the 32nd Dáil.
Patrick Costello
Green Party
Postal Address: Leinster House Kildare Street Dublin 2 D02 XR20
Email: patrick@patrickcostello.ie
Phone: (01) 618 3566
Mobile: n/a
Website: https://patrickcostello.ie/
Social: Facebook
Brid Smith
People Before Profit
Postal Address: Unit 5, The Iceland Building, Le Fanu Rd, Ballyfermot Dublin 10
Phone: (01) 6161003
Mobile: 087 909 0166
Website: http://www.bridsmith.net/contact/www.ericbyrne.ie
Social: Twitter / Facebook
Joan Collins
People Before Profit
Postal Address: 10A Old County Road (across from Crumlin Shopping Centre), Dublin 12.
Email: joan.collins@oireachtas.ie
Phone: (01) 618 3215 / (01) 454 0085 / (01) 454 0086
Mobile: 086 388 8151
Website: www.joan-collins.org
Social: Twitter / Facebook
Aengus Ó Snodaigh
Sinn Fein
Postal Address: Constituency Office, 347 Ballyfermot Road, Dublin 10.
Email: aengus.osnodaigh@oireachtas.ie
Phone: (01) 618 4084 / (01) 625 9320
Mobile: n/a
Website: www.aengusosnodaigh.ie
Social: Twitter / Facebook
Dublin City Council (DCC) South Central Area Councillors
On the 24th of May 2019 there were a total of 949 County and City Councillors elected to serve across Ireland, with 63 Dublin City Councillors elected in total. We are located within the South West Inner City local election area of the Dublin South-Central constituency. Below we have listed all Councillors within our constituency, but it is often useful to make the South West Inner City councillors your first point of call, as they are directly elected to serve our area. They are Tina MacVeigh, Maire Devine, Darragh Morarity, Michael Pidgeon and Michael Watters. The next local elections are due to be held in May 2014.
Tina MacVeigh
People Before Profit – South-West Inner City
Postal Address: N/A
Email: Tina.macveigh@peoplebeforeprofit.ie
Phone: 31 Bulfin Gardens, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Mobile: +353(0)86 87 15 293
Website: www.tinamacveigh.org
Social: n/a
Michael Watters
Fianna Fail – South-West Inner City
Postal Address: Michael Watters, Richard O’Carroll Room, City Hall, Dublin 2.
Email: michael.watters@dublincity.ie
Phone: n/a
Mobile: 083 8651969
Website: https://www.fiannafail.ie/reps/cllr-michael-watters/
Social: Twitter
Green Party – South-West Inner City
Postal Address: Michael Pidgeon, Richard O’Carroll Room, City Hall, Dublin 2.
Email: michael@pidgeon.ie
Phone: N/A
Mobile: 087 627 9290
Website: http://pidgeon.ie/
Social: Twitter / Facebook
Darragh Moriarty
Labour Party – South-West Inner City
Postal Address: Darragh Moriarty Richard O’Carroll Room, City Hall, Dublin 2.
Email: moriartydarragh1@gmail.com
Phone: N/A
Mobile: 085 8269123
Website: https://www.labour.ie/darraghmoriarty
Social: Twitter / Facebook
Maire Devine
Sinn Féin – South-West Inner City
Postal Address:209 Kylemore Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10.
Email: maire.devine@dublincity.ie
Phone: N/A
Mobile: 087 9694728
Website: n/a Social: Twitter Facebook
Basic details about County Councillors are taken from the Dublin City Council website and basic details about TDs are taken from the Orieachtas website. However, some details were sourced elsewhere (from their personal websites, from their political party’s websites, and through our own research) – data retrieved 25th of June 2014.
If you would like to update any of the details which are presented on this page, please email the updated information to info@frg.ie.
TOP IMAGE: The Dail Chamber, where our TDs legislate for us – image credit: Tommy Kavanagh/Wikipedia
2nd IMAGE: DCC Civic Offices, where our Councillors legislate for us – image credit: Yvonne M/Wikipedia
The South Central Area is one of 5 administrative areas used by Dublin City Council to co-ordinate the delivery of services in the city. The area has a population of approximately 105,000 and is located in the south-west quadrant of Dublin City, south of the Liffey and stretching from Terenure Road to Chapelizod. It has many well established communities and neighbourhoods including the Liberties, Inchicore, Chapelizod, Ballyfermot, Bluebell, Drimnagh, Rialto, Crumlin, Walkinstown and Terenure (source: Dublin City Council).